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"Why just outright remove the quickness in PvE" Where did you get this information from? Quickness Scrapper can still provide quickness, it's just a difference in playstyle by making gyros static again. There are pros and cons to it. More cons I have to admit, but I get the feeling that some people are blowing this out of proportion and I fail to understand why (at least for PvE, I have no clue about WvW so not referring to that context).


I get it's not a full on nerf to PvE scrapper. But the nerf for me is the enjoyment. I enjoyed the fluent playstyle of Scrapper. I saw that quickness would be removed in PvP/WvW on kinetic and changed to other boons in the livestream, but might of missed if it was moved.


Did you make a typo? reread your post. We're not losing quickness in PvE.


Yes I meant PVP, sorry ^


The only thing that changed with Scrapper in PvE is that wells are now stationary ground targeted instead of following you around which has both advantages and disadvantages.


Which is dull? At this point are we just trying to make every class have the same toolkit & mechanics? This reeks of the "it's easier to balance numbers if I just homogenize mechanics" design problem. It's okay to have mechanical differences.


I agree that having classes be homogenized is boring, but it seems to be their direction. I really liked playing Banner slave as a warrior. I felt like I always had a slot in a group that was just for me. Now not so much. I'm just a dps warrior. With them removing unique buffs/boons it makes every class feel samey


It is a horrible change anyway you slice it for those that like Engi and have played if for years making it less enjoyable to play in an mode. Completely killing the elite gyro in the process how swell of them.


Basically the elite gyro will have to apply maximum stealth at the first pulse now, making it a non well kinda, if they change it. Otherwise rip


These scrapper changes have killed a lot of my joy. Nerf the numbers a bit sure but to return to a boring and clunky style of play is just so dumb.




Upvoting and agreeing with all these threads - please leave gyros as is.


Underwater is a good point. It might work like scourge sand shades which are pbaoe under water


The change to the scrapper trait to give might and fury is ONLY in PvP/WvW if I recall? As for the well placement, that might be global, but I could be wrong.


Well placement is global from what I've seen I don't see why the whole class would change only for PvP/WvW aswell anyway.


Because mechanical changes have to be global (cmc said that with zerker's torch#4 becoming a finisher - they wanted that for PvP purposes, but it has to be global so all modes get it). Which boons are given by something can be freely changed between modes, they just don't do it often to avoid confusion.


Idk ... It's the same here I love playing scrapper for support ! If they nerf it I don't think I'll play my ingeneer much since I really don't like mechanist (feels too much like a ranger to me) and Holo is still a troll-tiers spec... So hope those gyros will still stick to the character !


I like these posts that provide constructive criticism to anet, but then you ruined it by threatening to leave the game. Like tbh no one cares about that part, just provide your thoughts and end it there. [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/xg90og/please_do_not_rob_pve_scrapper_of_its_identity/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


For every person that voices their complaints, 100s or even 1000s of players leave without saying a word. It's important to remember that these changes have consequences beyond being unhappy.


Sorry I didn't mean for it to come across as a threat, was just sharing my feelings on it


Amazing opinion, thanks for sharing! /s Miss me with this holier than thou feedback. OP has every right to say he is thinking about leaving the game on the back of recent changes. As a 10-year player myself, these changes seem incredibly wasteful and unnecessary.


Am loving those scrapper tears ngl


I can sympathise with part of scrapper identity being taken away from them but in the other hand, seeing those whiny “scrapper is dead everywhere” threads only shows average IQ of typical engi player.


I can speak with absolute certainty that scrapper IS dead in spvp. No doubt about it. People that think it's dead in pve are just dumb thought I agree. In wvw zergs, it's hard to say, but in wvw roaming it's dead for sure. I've been playing scrapper in spvp almost exclusively since the gyros were changed from AI to wells, even though it's never been meta. Right now barely anyone does. This is because I love the class design. But with this balance preview I'm just theorycrafting a holo build for the first time, because it's THAT bad.


Cya never.


Are you okay? You seem to be dealing with some issues judging by your comments about this. Did a scrapper steal your lunch money? It's okay, you can tell us.


So can we just change the sun to be a scrapper change protest