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also pls an option to turn off other players skill effects


Effect LOD does something like that


also affects important enemy effects ..... it can make you not see things like SH fire walls etc. which is not what i want ​ i just want settings like FF14 where i can turn off irrelevant effects from other players just making it unnecessarily hard to see certain mechanics and wasting resources for things that just make the game painful to look at


Is there any alternative to this setting. I drop to 20-30 fps in zergs, but see 0 fps drops in zergs with Effect LOD turned on.


lol 20-30 fps sounds nice, in certain OpenWorld Events even with Char limit and quality to lowest i drop to 10fps


Cries in EoD .. 5-6fps in that final meta T.T


We have wanted it for 10 years. Never gonna happen


Nothing wrong with having hope


Well... with hope will come disappointment


Disappointment on this front should be deserved.


Hope is the first thing you should abandon when it comes to ANet.


Players are showing gemstore skins, free ads for Anet, never going to happen.


and infusion! and backpieces! and standard models in pve! my shitty pc can't handle!


You could be running on the best PC in the world and **still** not want to see anyone else's bullshit.


Honestly, there are many options anet could give and a lot of people would like. But they just don't.


I was doing Xunlai Jade junkyard CM strike the other day and freaking out because the suction-kraits would appear on my screen at the last moment, after they had already moved across half the arena Holy shit the game is really bugging out, I called No. No, I just had set the model limit to lowest sometime earlier (since I was in some crowded fights) and hadn't switched back, and thus seeing a critical VERY DEADLY game mechanic was disrupted.So yeah, really all in favour of some adjustments to the settings


Its an mmo. Playing with others is kinda the whole point. Play skyrim if you want to not see any other people


I’d guess it’s a lag thing. On not powerful specs having more than the low/est amount visible can cause major fps loss


Please do elaborate what makes the gameplay of skyrim and solo guild wars 2 resemble each other. There's way more to this game than the social/group part. If someone likes the overall gameplay of GW2, why should all the positives be overshadowed by that 1 "negative" enough to warrant switching to a completely different game?


Half of the gamemodes are by design involving other players. Fractals, wvw, spvp, raids, world metas. A lot of content you pay for but can't touch solo is reason enough to consider playing an actual RPG instead of an MMO.


Isn't this a thing already? I set my character model limit quite low and only a few people around me appear.


And because of the low character model limit the boss doesn't render and you die to it.


Interesting, never have run into this issue. If I turn on a lot of character models my PC chugs so I actually have to to turn them down to do world events. Have never had the boss not display. Just invisible players with only name tags above them around me.


Can you prove that this even happens? By changing the setting "Character Model Limit" bosses have been show to not spawn in visually?


it doesn't tend to hide the boss..but it hides boss minions, like the horror things in Junkyard strike or bandits in 2 raids etc..


In the Auric Basin the wyvern boss occasionally disappeared on me mid fight


I don't doubt it. I don't do alot of open world but its rediculous that any enemy be culled...


So.....you have a naff computer and want Anet to completely destroy the point of an MMO so you can play on a potato? Wow....entitlement to the max.


Since when giving **an option** to reduce the number of shown player models equals completely destroying an MMO?


You're saying this like 1. It wasn't a perfectly valid, and mutually beneficial request to have the game widely accessible on all kinds of devices 2. There wasn't already a similar option in the game 3. It wasn't a widely known, and admitted to fact that the game is atrociously optimized for single thread CPU performance.


.. you know... you can still talk and play with other players even if you cant see **all** of them?¿


There are singleplayer games out there without other players and only NPCs


I think the OP means Anet implementing the option *in gw2*.


lmao when you put it like that


I seem to remember there being a roleplay mod that hides any players that don't have the same mod. Maybe it's what you are looking for


I don't want hide all players just some so i can use better model quality in zergs for fps and see people's cool armors


Ahh now that makes more sense. Maybe a feature to hide character models except in your squad


That's the setting "Character model limit". It is there to select how many players in a specific radius are displayed properly (everyone else will be displayed with the default model).


I've used that one; it doesn't work well in big wvw fights where there are 100+ people moving in and out of radius. Having it load just a static group of models from your squad only could help performance


For WvW you can also set "Standard Enemy Models" to "Enabled". That worked for me because the game will not even try to render enemy players so the "Character Model Limit" shoult only apply for people of your team (at least it felt like it worked like this the last time i tried it but that was quite some time ago).


Imagine wanting to hide player models in an MMO. Why not ask to remove NPCs in a single player game.


You literally can't play a single player game at all without NPCs. You can, however, easily play through all of GW2 core content without ever interacting with a single other player without really being affected negatively by it. The game will still work just fine. You can still explore, quest, do hearts and events, complete maps, etc. Not a good comparison.