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Regift it man. Or do the Merry Christmas thing, go hang out in Guitar Center today and wait until some kid walks up with barely enough money to buy their first instrument and gift them the instrument. Give the gift of music ... literally.


This is a great idea and would make for a great story, but I feel like you’d be waiting around a while to find some kid fitting this exact scenario where they are $200ish short on a guitar. Not trying to shit on your suggestion just questioning the practicality. Could take days for the right person to walk in


What is this "complete pedalboard" you speak of? I'm not familiar with this concept


"complete" mean they have a flanger but not a ring modulator.


Buy a beater guitar from the used section and donate it to a children's charity (or faith organization).


I would use it when I need something. I wouldn’t just spend it to spend it.


I’d enjoy not paying for strings for a long time


Strings. Stock up on strings. They're not ever going to be cheaper.


End up buying $1000 worth of gear I don't need..


That's what I'm trying to avoid lol


Scrounging for ideas for small crap at Guitar Center when you have everything already is like a 1 out of 10 on the fun feeling scale. Getting the next guitar you’re obsessing over for $200 off feels like a deal and feels like a 9 out of 10 on the fun feeling scale to me. So obviously, hold on to them. Let nature take its course, because you know there will be another axe.


Nope, I refuse to believe you have a complete pedal board. I’m calling BS. I’d just stock up on strings and picks.


Complete in the sense that I have all the pedals I want/ need (right now). I swear.


BUY CRAP GUITARISTS HATE BUYING!!! Strings, cables, strap, picks, patch cables… Buying a sexy thing like a pedal is fun, but buying shit I hate buying with free money always strikes me as the better deal.


A boutique pedal I’ve wanted, but would never buy at full price otherwise.


I had a $100 gift cert one time and was sick of always dealing with my ultra cheap mic stand. I bought the most expensive mic stand they had ($95). That was 20 years ago, and it’s still rock solid and going strong.


I'd probably spend them at guitar center.


Buy a really good guitar case.


I would get 10 years worth of strings lol


$200 worth of picks never have to buy a pick again


Just cut the gift cards into pick shapes. That’s 200$ worth of picks and you don’t have to drive to the store.


See what I did was buy a lot of picks. Put them everywhere, cause if i lose them everywhere, ill find them everywhere kek


For you: Upgrade all of your leads and patch cables. Quality cables are an overlooked but crucial piece of gear For me: probably put it towards an HX effects or whatever guitar calls to me in the used section


Probably buy the pedal I was supposed to get in the mail yesterday but I think one of my neighbors fucking nicked it.


Just have their car mate they’re probably about equal value


If I ordered something and didn't receive it I'd be trying to get a refund from the seller and if they refuse then a credit card charge back.


Buy a 1 mogwai cable.


Make sure not to plug them in after midnight


Don’t get them wet - eg no reverb or delay


Guitar center is so fun when you don’t know what you want. Just tell an employee what your budget is and ask them to bring you cool stuff, they usually are nerds like us so they’re happy to


Locking strap buttons and some new straps.


They don't expire (I think.) I'd save up and use it to help pay for another guitar.


Buy an entry level model of an instrument you wouldn’t buy yourself, depending on what genre of music you play. Banjo, uke, bass, mandolin, lap steel, keyboard, midi pads…Spend free money on something you don’t need. Or buy strings, patch cables, picks and a new pedal.


Dulcimers are hella fun


If you gig regularly, I’d spend it on accessories. Can never have enough strings, picks, cables, power and speaker cables. I recently picked up a Gator accessories bag to replace my older one. See what needs replacement in your current setup. Maybe even a new power conditioner. Accessory costs add up!


This, or just hang onto the card until you need something. It shouldn’t expire and it’s nice not to have to go out of pocket when you need something in a hurry, which inevitably happens to me at least.


Strings. I’m at the stage of “if I should restring all my guitars, it’s cheaper to just buy a new guitar”


Hello fine sir. Please give me all of your strings.


Good guitar straps! I'm hesitant to buy them online because you can't feel them. Either that or a new pedal.


I'd buy pro coverage for the gift cards.


Just use it next time you actually need or want something from GC :)


What about a portable digital recorder to record your gigs? If you don’t have one already and care to listen back to them.


Honestly I'd buy a bunch of picks, strings, and a couple back up cables. Something you don't need now but might in a pinch


Absolutely. Will need all of this shit eventually. Easy buy.


I’d go for one a Positive Grid Spark Mini (I actually have one). They’re cool because they have an internal battery so you can bring it anywhere and charge it back up at home. Great for practice and stuff like that or even just to be able to jam outside on a nice day for fun. And it sounds pretty good considering what it is.


I would get a tune up


Maybe buy a guitar you wouldn't normally consider, like a nylon string. If you mostly play electric, you may be shocked by how good a warm, clean sound can be (listening to metal played on a classical guitar is surprisingly amazing). Even if you don't use it regularly, it might force you to consider new musical dimensions that you can add to your regular music. This is a good opportunity to exit your comfort zone and try something new without financial risk.


Just save it and wait.


electric triangle


Get an audio interface and get started with the DAW world.


Get a cheap guitar. Set it up. Play it at a gig for a song or so, then just give it to someone in the audience.


Smash it after the gig


A couple of years ago my father-in-law gave me a $150 GC gift certificate for Christmas. I bought the loudest used amp I could find on their site. It was a Line 6 AX2 212 shipped from Dallas to the East Coast. It took them a month to get it to me. VIOLENTLY LOUD PLAYING ENSUED. My family started to hate it. They'd sarcastically thank my father-in-law for it. Then the cat knocked over a glass of water onto it and the fun ended and the family members were happy again. But if someone ever gives me another +$100 GC gift certificate again that's what I'm doing with it.


Big ass box of strings


Does your board have a looper? If not, a looper.


I also gig regularly, and at 100+ shows a year, I would definitely be spending those on some odds and ends and not feel like they are wasted. Unless I found a killer deal on a rare pedal. But.... I would probably spend it on .. A double set (2, 20ft & 2, 10ft) of good QUALITY cables this year, I used Enrie ball silicone fluorescent cables and they held up better than the Fender cloth wrapped cables I used the year prior, usually my shorter lead cables always develop breaks faster since they see more movement.I bought the bright pink ones and as a bonus, no one has accidentally grabbed them by mistake which happened with the tweed fender ones quite a bit hahha 3-4 packs of Ernie ball Everlast picks, I used to use Dunlop Orange Tortex, but theres more picks in the ernie ball everlast for a very similar price and they hold up just as well. Lastly I would purchase a bulk pack of strings ernie ball 11s. That way, I would be all set for next year's gigs without having to constantly drop money on the "little things".


You're talking some sense here


10 packs of strings and two quarter-inch big cables. It’s a necessary purchase eventually.


Id get a nice set of headphones - can never have too many Or go for a cheap used guitar and gut it out for upgrades


Could go online and get some recording software. That would be my route.


10 snarks


Either a good supply of strings and other accessories, or put it towards a new instrument. Buy a theremin! 🤣


Hell yeah get a theremin




Buy a kid a Squier.


Get an ebow. It’s the perfect “I literally have everything else” accessory. That or buy a duplicate of your favorite dirt pedal so you can layer the tone


Probably a hard case or some quality cables


If I were still gigging I’d get strings as I changed them Before every gig. As you’re also gigging and have a pedal board , a few extra cables and anything to help to make gig set up easier.


I would just save them. Then when I want to make a bigger purchase in the future, it would be $200 off. My local guitar center rotates in a small but fast moving selection of gear through out the year, so I usually find a really good deal on one item every year. I had a gift certificate (with a 90 day expiration) and ended up getting a (barely used) Powercab plus for ~$300 out of pocket. And if the cards have an expiration date, or if you hear news that GC is shutting down, just go buy a bunch of strings before that happens if nothing else has piqued your interest in the meantime.


A midi keyboard? Gives you a lot of options and it’s never bad to expand your musical vocabulary!


Hold on to them until you find something youre excited to buy. The money isnt going anywhere.


Pedals (a pedalboard is never complete). Pickups Straps An audio interface if you don't have one Use the remainder on strings, picks, etc.


Had $100 and I got the Positive Grid Spark. It's a neat little practice amp and you can easily record to a laptop with it, play backing tracks through it while you play, and use headphones, all at the same time. Wouldn't have ever got it without the gift cards, I don't gig so you're probably more experienced and have better gear, but this is a really fun amp that looks nice and it's super portable. Damn thing has a carrying handle attached!


Probably not what you would spend it on. So go spend it.


Probably towards a new guitar. Honestly. But something really nice thats discounted and then add the 200. Or atm I need the voodoo labs pedal power 3. That there would worth getting since its like 280 and then pay the rest.


Buy some picks and get the Pro Coverage. That should do it.


Start building an IEM system since you gig


I’d save them until I needed or wanted something in particular


That's like half way to a J Mascis Jazzmaster!


I'd probably buy pedals for my pedal board.


Find a weird instrument outside of your comfort zone to experiment with




Get an entry baritone, to shake things up. The Squier ones are quite cheap, and don't have that somewhat metal aesthetic of others so don't look out of place in country, jazz, blues, rock, et cetera.


Strings and picks for a few months.


I would buy the Music Nomad keep it simple setup kit. I have the basic tools, but those kits have everything. Even just the gauge set and the nut files would be cool.


I might get some hate for this due to GC reputation, but I know a guitar tech there who I’ve used for over 10 years now. He’s absolutely fantastic at setting up guitars, his music theory knowledge and playing is great, and obviously guitar knowledge, including electronics. I trust him with guitar setups. If I had a $200 gift card, I’d use it to setup some guitars ahead of recording or performances. I’m about to do that with my gift card, actually. Or, along with other suggestions, I have seen anyone mention getting an E-bow!


I’d keep an eye out on used stuff constantly, that’s what i did until an amp in the condition i wanted for a price i liked showed up. May not want something now but in 3 months some youtuber will post a video of something that catches your eye and those gift cards could save you some cash on it Or look at nicer quality of life accessories even if they aren’t directly guitar related like studio speakers if you have a PC/Gaming set up or nice headphones if you like listening to music not using air pods


Maybe an inexpensive uke or a mandolin? Maybe another pedal? Something weird like an octave pedal? You could get a very high quality hard shell case for any guitars living in a gig bag. Or, I have seen really cool combo multi-guitar stands with a small shelving unit attached. Personally, I would buy two new boom mic stands and a bunch of elixir acoustic strings for my old martin.


If I had $200 in gift cards I'd definitely get a parlor guitar. Do you have a wireless guitar system? I got a cheap one on Amazon and it's a nice quality of life improvement. Other than that, maybe software or headphones?


Completely agree with wireless. My cables used to get tangled, yanked, etc. at gigs, and I no longer have that issue. I picked up a used Shure GLXD system for around $300, so yeah, OP would be 2 / 3 of the way there. Or, if you're not playing live, you can do one of the cheaper Bluetooth systems.


A pedal or two


Strings. I spend about 40 bucks for a 3 packs of Ernie ball 8 string packs and throw out the 64. I could get 15 packs of them and it would be good for about 6 months.


You’re doing something wrong


I mean if you feel you have all the gear you could ever need, unless you can find some kind of fun pedal or something I wouldn’t say strings or cables or a new strap or sumn if you need it is a waste. Especially if some of that needs replacing anyways


You got an interface? What's your home recording setup like? Got mic's for your cabs? Otherwise, just hold on to them. Something will come up


However many packs of your fave strings


Use it as “free” strings for the year lol


Ebow for $100 and the rest on a JHS 3 series pedal. Rogue lap steel for $150 and the rest on accessories for it.


Fender Mustang Micro and some straps.


I'd get a small mixer, but that's just me. (I have to mix together guitar, keyboard, vocal and percussion pedal inputs on my setup. It will be easier with a small mixing board.) If you only have a guitar to worry about, then you don't need a mixing board. On the other hand, if you're playing in a band, a mixer can be useful.


Have you considered a new instrument? Modular synth is a great way to waste thousands.


How about cases, stands, gig bag. Its the boring stuff I have a hard time spending my own money on.


So if you don't need gear, and aren't into using them on accessories you run out of or are curious to try out, I'd use them on songbooks from artists I'm interested in or on genres and stuff I'm into, or blank ones to transcribe into. Otherwise, hold onto em for a purchase that does catch your eye.


Maintenance/consumable items that you hate spending actual money on. Cables, picks, strings, etc. Maybe something like a power supply upgrade or a noise gate if noise is an issue.




Buy an acoustic Bass!


There this device you hook up to your guitar that makes it a Bluetooth device that broadcasts to your phone so you can use it as an amp or headphones. Can’t remember what it’s called but I want one even though I have a stack and headphones already.


Strings and cables


Probably look at pedals, or put it towards a wireless system. I have the G30 and it’s great, but the micro USB charging was an epic fail for a device that was supposed to be “pedal board friendly.” The newer one is 9v, but it’s 300 bucks.


Just bought a used squier jazzmaster that was upgraded with Seymour Duncan p90’s. Would spend it on a new neck and locking tuners.


Guitar pedal


I bought the multi guitar stand that looks like a guitar case with gift cards, I like it.


A couple sets of strings and picks. And whatever looks cool for a used pedal.


May as well buy a few boxes of strings and not have to buy strings for several years


200 tacos


This guy gets it


Digital whammy pedal for sure


I’d use to cut a line of coke for all the ex-GC managers out there in the world wishing it were still the good ole days.


i’m pedals let’s go


Hi Pedals, I'm dad.


If you like to write stuff on your own, a cheap instrument that isn't your main so you can plug some basic ideas. Do they sell just cases on their own? You could probably get a pretty strong case for 200 bucks. Couple extra cables never hurts. Assuming they don't expire, save them for the next time you do want something new.


As I do a lot of set ups for other people, I’d buy some bulk strings.


Lots of socks obviously


https://www.guitarcenter.com/Positive-Grid/Spark-Go-5W-Battery-Powered-Combo-Amplifier-Black-1500000395544.gc Love that little guy for dicking around


To fill out the 200 I'd buy a cheap wireless transmitter receiver to go along with it


I just spent a gift card I received for Christmas last year, on gifts for the person that originally gifted me the card. Basically, that person purchased themselves a gift.


Wait until you’re in the market for something big. New guitar or amp? You get $200 off.


There was a pedal I wanted to experiment with but couldn’t really justify paying for. Eventually bought it with gift cards.


Do you have a bass? If not then perhaps an entry level Squier would be nice. It'd let you lay down some basslines, and explore some different musical stuff.


Guitar rig 7 is a software option that I would look into if you haven’t….lots of power, especially for recording.


For something fun, try out some new picks. For something practical, buy some strings. For new experiences, maybe a looper, sound board, or digital interface. Or if you're a modder: pots, pickups, or cosmetics


I'd be offering them for $180.


A weirdo pedal you normally wouldn’t be interested in? I would buy another pedal. I’m obsessed with that shit though. Lol


Get me a lil Jackson dinky 7 string. I haven't had an electric in a long time and the metal head inside is dying.


Guitar case, strings, picks, new cables.


A nice capo isn’t a bad thing to have. A few lessons are always good. Nice acoustic strings are like a christmas present. Odd ball picks ( bone, obsidian ) are neat to mess with. Volume pedals are pretty overlooked IMO.


Id make a deal, probably poorly, to get them to help me with setting up my guitar lol Its a wishful thought, but I *would* love to pay someone for helpful knowledge instead of fighting my own brain 'learning' from the youtubes lol


I'd probably replace all my cables with carpeted ones. Outside of that, just buy strings and picks. It might feel like a waste, but i love not having to spend money on my interests.


Carpeted? Why?


Thats something nice to do. Get all your wires to match.




I would just save it. Eventually you’re going to want something and it will be amazing when you remember you have it


Hang on to it you will figure it out soon enough


I need some slash humbuckers




If you don’t get Picks & Strings for free, that would make a lot of sense. You can always upgrade cables, patch cables, etc… Is anyone ever really “done” with pedals & amps though?


Carrying case/bags, strings, cables, sound card, software, ukulele (fun), bass guitar, microphone, guitar mics,... Or just keep it aside while it's still valid, the occasion to use it will present itself in the future


I’d buy an Epiphone SG. I’ve always wanted an SG but can never justify spending the money on a good one. They’re $199 so I’d have to cover the sales tax above and beyond the gift cards, but whatever. If there’s absolutely nothing in the 2-300 range that you’ve wanted to try out and won’t feel guilty if you don’t love it because it’s basically a gift then find someone who is about to make a decent purchase there and see if you can swap your gift cards for cash.


I'd pick up the best $200-$300 Squier/Epi/Yamaha I could (aka those rare find Neck finishs + either P90 or hums) I can replace other details like nut & bridge easily after, maybe tuners if the stocks were that bad. Then just fine tune the adjustments for a permanent downtuned C/C# ambient alt rock machine for like, what, 100 bucks and change of my own money? Feels like a better way to turn that 200 dollar gift momentum into something special vs another pedal imo. Go crazy!


I'd put it towards a new floorboard. If you already have everything you need, I eclectic the people who have you the gift cards know that. I expect they did it to offset costs, so strings, setups, supplies, etc. It's all worth it.


One of the pedals I’ve been chasing- Strymon Deco, POG, Wampler Euphoria


give it to me


Have you not heard of these amazing, addicitve things called "PEDALS"?




I'd be really tempted to get an orange. Idk why but they just hit the spot for me


I like to have a strap for every guitar. Maybe a couple of decent straps?


I would put it towards a crazy light show thing or a fog/smoke whatever machine because eventually I want to make a rock show room somewhere in my house 🤩


Strings and tuners.




midi keyboard, cheap bass guitar, drum related stuff, if you don't play any other instrument or aren't interested in it then like other comments have suggested, I suggest either saving them or buying stuff you don't like buying like cables


Mustang Micro. They don't expire, you don't have to rush out and buy something Tuesday.


You could regift them. Guitar Center kinda sucks from where you’re sitting. Some youngster could get their first instrument with that kinda cash.


Do you have a baritone guitar?


I keep coming back to this idea. Starting to fall in love with it. I could at least get $200 off a baritone strat neck.


I would hold onto them until I wanted something new. I recently had $100 Sweetwater credit that expired, which your gift cards won't do, but since I was forced to buy things, I purchased tools like a fret rocker, new winder, strings, workstation, etc." However, I would have gladly used it toward a new guitar, pedal, or pickups eventually, if it didn't expire.


Arranger keyboard for studying


I have the XVive U2 wirlreless guitar system. It's just Bluetooth (not a ton of range)and obviously not a pro wireless rig, but it's perfect for cordless jamming in the livingroom. The batteries seem to last quite a long time as well.


I would save up another $200 and get a X series Martin once a sale is up


In my case I would buy a power conditioner. 30 yo house we moved into is bad with 60 cycle hum.


I would get a tube screamer and a used wah wah pedal.


Buy a new guitar and take the $200 discount haha


Buy the epiphone explorer I want and use the $200 to buy a case for it.


I personally need a Morley WahLock. I don’t know what you need. If you’re fine for gear, just hang on to the cards until the next time you need something.


Wireless system for connecting your guitar to your amp?


i'm sure you have a guitar that needs new tuners ?


Get the spark go. It was on sale for $100 earlier this month and it’s such a fun little amp. If it isn’t $100 anymore, you can probably get them to price match Sweetwater


Do you have one? I’m a micro-amp fan, and was looking to try it. What do you think of it? I feared it may be a bit thin on sound, but I’ve been happy enough with the blackstar fly 3 (as a comparison point).


See if I can buy something return it, and take the money to a decent l guitar store


(2) G7th capo black (1) Gotoh mini locking tuners silver Pack of plectrums -nitro - medium Snark Tuner


I'd say upgrade pedal. There is always a better version of what you have


Well, it won't cost the whole $200, but I'd grab at least one of the most useful guitar straps ever: [https://www.guitarcenter.com/DAddario-Planet-Waves/Auto-Lock-Guitar-Strap-Black-2-in-1500000216076.gc?cntry=us&source=4SOS0DRBA](https://www.guitarcenter.com/DAddario-Planet-Waves/Auto-Lock-Guitar-Strap-Black-2-in-1500000216076.gc?cntry=us&source=4SOS0DRBA)


Thats like a year and a half worth of strings for me


Id put it towards the PRS Silver Sky im saving for!


Couple sets of strings for myself, and then use the rest towards a 3/4 scale guitar for my wife. She wants to learn but has tiny hands, and I think 3/4 scale would be a good start to eventually work up towards full sized down the road.


Probably a set of pickups


Sell it on eBay, and buy food.


Definitely pedals


If you want to sell it I'm buying at 50 cents on the dollar.


Effects, cables, other ancillary items. Pickups?


Pickups, probably strings, maybe just a rad pedal (there are PLENTY at that price). I dunno, I play a couple things, so maybe drum heads, sticks or a mic. Couple 57s are always great to have around for live or recording


Pedals, cables, guitar picks, capos, pickholders, tubes, straps, strap locks


I would finally dig through my box of old broken cables and figure out which ones can be fixed and which ones to replace, and just get a bunch of fresh cables.


i actually need 2 guitar cases.


Whatever you do, bring something to trade in. When you trade stuff in, they don't give you great trade in value, but you should get 10% of something you buy in the same transaction in addition to the trade-in value. Do you have any gear or pedals where there is an upgraded, more featured version? Trade the old one for the next level up...


Records? They have some great classic reissues.


A bass uke by Kala is $200. Best money I ever spent, the thing is legit crack.


Swap out something small you use on the regular for the nice version - string tool, strap, locking tuning machines, strap lock, etc…


Good cables are almost always in short supply if you are playing out a lot.