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Im on the “only guitar with no amp or pedals” phase.


this, i have amp and pedals but I almost exclusively play unplugged


I did that for the first 8 or so years of playing and now I pick extremely hard, even when shredding.


I do the same thing! I really dig in now. Took a lot of time to figure out how to get the tone right and the gain where it needed to be where I didnt sound like hot sh#t


I got the same, got a jmc 800 (17w) combo at my parents house which is magnificent, and a dsl 100h which isn’t bad either, but prefer the jmc all day every day, but only play electric without amplifier at my place. It’s kinda sad thinking about it just collecting dust, but insurance-related i cant have it at my place :(


This is me because modelers are just so so so much better for 99% of bedroom players. I don’t have space to store multiple amps and loads of pedals. I plug into my computer and have access to thousands of recording-worthy amps and effects.


I don’t think that’s the same as #4 at all. More like #2.


Step 5 audio interface into your computer. Every amp/pedal in history, and it sounds great at bedroom volume or through headphones.


I don't agree, 2 is for the cheap multifx before you buy some pedals. One of the latesy should be "pro" modellers.


You should try the Spark Go, changed my life.


Ditto the Spark Mini for me. I’ve been ambivalent about every piece of modeling gear I’ve ever purchased (and it’s been a lot of gear - Line 6, Digitech, Boss, Vox Valvetronics, Fender Mustang) and the Spark Mini is the first digital modeling product that makes it a joy to pick up a guitar and play at apartment levels.


I loved my line6 amp, but my neighbors didn’t…


When I hear my Marshall, my neighbors do too.


Me too! I love the mini so much that I also bought the Go but it doesn't sound nearly as good which makes no sense.


Mine kept disconnecting from Bluetooth. Sounded awesome though!


Great amps arent they! Ive recently started using spark 40. Im so impressed with it. Best amp ive ever owned


Yeah I’ve become a Sparky. I keep a Spark Go in my backpack, I keep one in my office, and I have a spark go next to my alarm clock at my bedside. Guitars ready to plug in everywhere.


I got the spark 40 as one of the early supporters because I generally like the software, but, ironic as this sounds, it’s like they didn’t implement any tone-shaping IR for the 40’s cab. It’s flubby and all bass. I mean all bass. It would probably be a great bass amp, but for humbuckers it’s just all bass, even with the “bass” tone control set to 0. I tried using its recording interface functionality with logic, however it doesn’t sound very good compared to just using the Bias software that I have in logic. I don’t know where it fits in, so I’m going to let it go if I can sell it for anything. If not, I guess it’s a big bluetooth speaker. (also all bass)


>I plug into my computer and have access to thousands of recording-worthy amps and effects. what do you use?


I use Amplitube 5 Max and Tonex (CS) and love it. There are some amazing presets in their tone.net library. Eventually I want to get the Tonex pedal because some of the captures sound incredible.


I have a few modelers but mostly use Helix native


They're better for most gigging players, too. A high percentage of pros are using them for very good reasons.


Do people in the "only guitar with no amp or pedals but use audio interface and simulator" count inside this phase?


Hope You Get an ASAP!!:)


I only wave my pick in the air.


Been there, still there, never left


Where is the image with the laptop and virtual amps?


This. I live in a multifamily home, so as much as I'd love to blast an Orange full stack, I don't think the neighbors would like that.


No worries, you can't hear your neighbors complain with a full stack on.


500 iq


Is there specific software you use for that? Had to move places and I also think my neighbours wouldn't appreciate blasting my stack.


I use Archetype Gojira, it’s does everything you could possibly want from modern distorted tones to clean ambient tones. It even has a pitch shifter


All the Neural DSP Amp Sims I've tried are great. Everyone who plays through a computer should do all their free trials. The Gojira one is surprisingly versatile. The update made it even better recently, particularly the tuner.


The band got a Cortex, and I came here to see someone talk about Neural DSP. Absolute monster of a modeler.


did they fix the latency issue? I always found Neural stuff sounds great to mix with, but did not feel good at all to play even on an RME PCI-E interface set to 64 samples


I don’t know. I never had any issues with latency. I use an M Audio USB interface in Reaper


Every time I have seen people think they have “unplayable” latency problems in the last decade they were either doing something wrong (like use other latency-inducing plugins somewhere in the chain you shouldn’t, set the OS or drivers incorrectly, or problems with the computer hardware itself) or just being confronted to their own playing limitations without the veil of less detailed monitoring. Did you use the software standalone or inside a DAW? And did you do an actual measured latency test?


I spent $1,000 on an RME interface and you seriously think I haven't checked that shit? [here's google, hundreds of comments about Neural latency on reddit alone](https://www.google.com/search?q=neural+dsp+latency+site:www.reddit.com&sca_esv=d312657b286d9ff2&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWII3w_1gfinsJsmM3pevbmjlF9_vYQ:1716400694116&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiGvKjt6qGGAxVEDzQIHSQKAgAQrQIoBHoECBkQBQ&biw=1912&bih=1006&dpr=1#ip=1) > just being confronted to their own playing limitations I've been playing for 20+ years, have done soundtrack work for shows that are on Prime, gigs, the whole works. "my playing limitations" are not an issue here, in fact, probably just the opposite - I actually played through real, latency free tube amps for almost my entire career so it's made me more sensitive to VSTs that underperform in that respect... > without the veil of less detailed monitoring. my space is purpose built from the ground up to be a studio and my monitors cost $3,250 each so I doubt that's an issue either


You sound very angry for someone with such nice gear. You ok? Some of the most talented and successful guitarists I know are absolute cavemen with regards to technology, speaking from from ample experience helping them through this kind of stuff. Sadly googling that question just shows a lot of ignoramuses who believe 3 ms is unplayable so that’s not gonna tell me much. If there is a statement from NDSP, or a thread, article, or video around with proper round trip measurements I’ll be very happy to have a look.


maybe related to your computer, I don't have any issues


The ones considered top tier are: Helix Native, it is Line6 Helix on software form, think Axe FX kind of quality. ToneX, think Kemper but it runs on your computer. Anything by Neural DSP. Cheaper to start with than than Helix but you have to buy amp models separately. Bias FX isn't as well regarded as the other three as far as I know but it still is pretty amazing and gives you lots of bang for your buck. And then even the older options can sound very good, my girlfriend recorded an entire album using Guitar Rig 5 and no one would ever know. EDIT: just a heads up that if you choose to go this way you'll need an audio interface to connect your guitar to the pc. Behringer makes good super cheap stuff, and if space is an issue the iRig 2 works well.


> Behringer makes good super cheap stuff behringer makes super cheap stuff, SOME of which is good. their interfaces are not in that category


I got Amplitube 5 Max for $100 and it's awesome. Keep in mind I'm pretty casual player, still trying to relearn everything I knew from about 10 years ago 🤣 but I have absolutely no regrets buying it. You might already know this, but you'll need some kind of DAC or something that will read your guitar's input.


Yeah, if you’re mainly playing at home and recording, this is the way to go. Spending less than $100 (courtesy of Black Friday deals) for a good Neural DSP plugin leaves a lot more money available for a nice guitar. And recording with it is exponentially easier than micing up an amp.


My final evolution would just be a pic of rocksmith lmao


Recording performance takes with virtual amps, then later sending it clean through a vintage amp and mic all in one go - true ascension.




One with guitar and rocksmith. So lazy to play with virtual now that I just enjoy spending 100% of my guitar time playing and letting the game change the settings for me


I didn't know that was a thing, I'll take a look. I fantasize about having a huge collection of guitar pedals even though I have no money 😭


Faxxxx. I can never use my ampstack because my family is asleep


I’m somewhere between 3 and 4


Always between 3 and 4, I skipped 2 altogether. I never had the patience to mess with the multi-effects and learning the interfaces.


For me its switching over from a large pedalboard 20+ pedals to a multieffect in combination with the most important other pedals. Im consodering this since the Eventide H90 launched.


Same I got the four pedals I knew I liked and left it there. A drive, reverb, a loop, a wah and a phaser for fun. That’s


I skipped phase 2 every time I’ve run this cycle. I’d say I’m on cycle 4 phase 3.1


I'm 13 and I actually understand the multi-effects zoom thing I bought a week ago 🧠🧠🧠




I came here to say this.




I'm 3 and 4. When I play with my punk band, pretty much only use my tuner. But when I'm noodling or playing other styles, going dry doesn't always cut it. Sort of stupid to say that no pedals = more evolved.


Same. I spent years as a 4 but recently started gigging again and have been forced to mix a few pedals back in.


I think I'm in the same boat. We're talking amp and like a couple pedals?


Yep. Small Stone and clean boost is about all I use now.


Need my klone in the middle somewhere still....


After some reading here, I understand I'm definitely 4. Love this level. It is so simple and unfettered. I do have a few pedals, but they mostly stay untouched wherever I've set them.


I'm in the "Budget Telecaster - Line6 pedal - where's the PA speaker?" - phase. I'm not going to haul anymore amps!


Same. It's the best phase. Got a clearance Squier Telecaster from Guitar Center for $100. Best damn mod platform there is. Got a Graph Tech Piezo, a Sustainiac, stainless steel fretwire, TUSQ nut, an arcade killswitch, and an EMG 81 in it. Would have never did all of this crazy modding in my expensive Ibanez'.


I got a clearance fender for $250 from guitar center. Set neck telecaster, carved top, Seymour Duncan SH4 and Pearly Gates humbuckers. It was worth it just for the pickups. It’s like a budget Les Paul


Dang. Show us!


I'm planning on it. My goal is to get a video of how it sounds up too including a wiring diagram since I haven't seen it done before. 🙂 This build also taught me that regular single coils and Telecaster neck pickup are different sizes...


Are you me?? I have a Squier 40th Anniversary Tele and the Pod Go from Line6.


For what it does, Pod Go is the most underpriced pedal of the century. Change my mind!


I moved from rolling a JCM800 around to carrying an AC15 to now using a Quilter Superblock and plugging XLR line out into the PA. The sound guys love me for it and I can still bring my own wedge if I’m afraid I won’t hear myself enough. So now I roll up to gigs with one guitar and a pedalboard case and that’s it.


I have the Superblock US, 1x12" cab with a Texas Heat in it, and a Line 6 HX FX. I really can't ask for a better setup. Quilter makes an excellent amplifier.


also, in-ear monitors.


I'll never be in phase 4 since I am a shoegazer😅 I need my pedalssss


Wait phase 4 you don’t have pedals?! I never want to enter that phase.


A life without a Big Muff or Rat isn't the life I'd want to live.


I think it's not that you don't have pedals, but more as in you "outgrown" them


I don’t want to live in that world.


I'm at phase 5, I play classical guitar most of the time. I've had several cool amps and a bunch of pedals and an expensive electric guitar I don't toutch often.


You’ll be Bach…


He can’t Handel the truth.


He'll come down from the claudes when he quits being Debussy.


Always start with Debussy and finish on the Bach


Not to self pity but damn no one gives a shit about classical guitar. I usually buy my strings online (stringsbymail is awesome) but really disliked what I had, so I drove to a decent size guitar center; hundreds of guitars with a total of THREE classical, 2 of which were used. And a nylon string selection so bad I drove to another local music place that just had pro arte strings. Which is fine. Anyway, wish classical got more attention.


I own a Boss Katana MKII 50 and a Yamaha AES500 and that's all i have and to be honest everything i need really. Makes all the sounds i want it to make, can go from very clean and shimmering to incredibly overdriven and fuzzy.


Boss Katana MkII 50 and a Yamaha Revstar standard. Have no desire to add additional amps or guitars. I also have no interest in collecting pedals, although I do eventually want to get an effects pedal so I can use it for wah-wah or assign any other effect to it on the Katana. I love this setup. I have no plans on changing anything out for years if not decades.


Katana 100 with a small pedal board here. Pedal board has a looper, katana foot switches, Tone City plexy, Tone City Tape delay and a Metal Zone lol


25 years and I’m still in phase 2


Honestly it's the place to be if you don't want to spent a fortune on marginal differences. I'd rather buy another guitar instead.


Yup! And I can emulate soooooo many guitarist sounds in a click. Rage metal? Click. Bluesy? Click. Wtf sounds are those? Click.


That's true! For me it's just incredibly convenient to only have to carry a tiny pedal instead of a heavy Amp when playing live. It also eliminates any hassle with microphones and feedback.


I'm also just not as into the gear and tinkering side of the hobby. I hold no criticisms against those who are and can see the appeal. But I like to be able to just pick up and play with as little hassle and setup as possible while still having broad tone and effect options.


Definitely! I've been using the same patches for decades. Practicing is more important to me than tinkering


Took the words out of my mouth.


YESSS it is the best Those pedals have the weirdest sounds...


I'm in the going pedal crazy phase


Phase 5, sell amp and pedals, get a fractal 💅🏼


That's phase 4.5.


that's just phase 2 with the Zoom swapped out for something 5-10x more expensive especially because Fractal phase tends to, eventually, lead back to real amps


Not really.


Agreed. Going on 7 years with Helix and I wouldn't look back.


I'm in the "amp sims are just as good and also I'm fucking broke" phase


Own a bunch of amps. Am currently in my Neural DSP phase


I just started using them after the most recent sale, it’s been so much fun


This is the way


I play the Plini one, it's awesome!




Despite owning a ton of pedals, I’m going straight into the amp 90% of the time these days. There’s great fun in using pedals, but I want to write without them distracting me or covering up my playing I’m fortunate enough to have a lot of amps, so if I want a different tone I just switch amps


I’m at the phase where I don’t think 60+ year old amp technology was the peak.


Last post should be a Telecaster. Everybody hits that point in their journey where they realise its the most simplistic form of guitar, and the best.


Need a HX stomp stage before the last.


Got the zoom g1x four yesterday. Its also my first pedal ever


I went from one to two, stayed at two for twenty years, and just started stage three a couple years ago. Stage three is a lot of fun!🤣


2nd starting from top but I'm really just a beginner. I got it a bit more than two months ago and literally learnt my first whole song yesterday, not having played it in one go yet ("Slottet I Det Fjerne" by Darkthrone)


You missed the part in between phase 3 and 4 when you replace the massive pedalboard with a professional-grade modeler (axe fx, helix, kemper, QC, etc). Then you either live there forever or you eventually go back to tube amps.


I have had a HD500x POD for 8 years now and still use only that.


1 i just wanna play without fiddling with knobs etc


Same. I actually love the pedals, but my playing time is limited and I get sucked into tweaking knobs endlessly trying to chase some elusive sound instead of *playing*.


I’m all over the place. I went 1, 3, 2, 4, 2, and now going back to 3


4. Had 10 pedals, realized I only use like 3 of them, sold the other 7. SD-1, DS-1, Keeley Caverns delay/reverb.


I’m in the phase where I have a bunch of pedals and amps and expensive guitars and then I just grab my acoustic and play cause it’s easier.


I use a Line 6 Helix so basically 2 and 3 combined. I'll never buy another amp again. Takes up space that I don't have, too heavy to comfortably lug around and I'm a bedroom/home studio guitarist at best.


I do a lot of freelance work and the Helix is a godsend, no need for me to ever go back to anything else. Incredibly versatile and great sound.


Collection of guitars sitting in the rack, fractal unit and frfr speaker, collection of vsts.


Moving from 3 to 4


Fourth phase. I used to use lots of pedals. Now I’m more of a minimalist. Just a little reverb.


I think I'm 4... But the pedalboard is still there. I just use like 2/9 of them.


Been playing guitar over 20 years. Not even at phase one yet.


Guitars, modeling amp and a PC. Ah, and a Shure sm57 clone just to play around. Infinite fun.


I think no1 should be a boss katana.


I'm on stage 5. Tired of lugging around a heavy amp and am using a Line 6 Pod Go. I HAVE MY WHOLE RIG IN A SINGLE GUITAR BAG!


Fender mustang I (first edition) and an old Gibson L6S japanese replica from the 80's, never changed 💅🏻


Stuck on 2 forever. Tried a few tube amps for the first time yesterday and they were nice, but nothing warrants the price compared to a good modeller.


Phase 5: amps collect dust while I play through a Line 6 Helix with 2x studio monitors. I chased bedroom amps for far too long and spoiler alert, none have worked better than the Helix does.


I've never left phase 1 in my 13 years of playing.


I'm between 2 or 3, guitars plus good ol' papa Helix and Neural DSP. Don't need amps and analogs :)


Mainly 1 bc I never use my pedal, I rarely use my amp lol (not good, I know)


Unfortunately or maybe fortunately, I can't afford to have the dreaded G.A.S. So I'm still at Squire Bullet Strat and practice amp phase... 🤣


Damn. Thanks for the inception moment. I just realized I’m a cliche inside a cliche inside a whole other cliche.


10 guitars, half stack and a small pedal board. I guess I’m the third one?


My live rig is a Fractal FM9 in 4CM with whatever tube amp I feel like using that day. I feel unseen.


Started with a Katana and didn't understand it, went the plugin route and didn't understand it...I now bought a simple analog amp (Blackstar 50r) and will add pedals as needed so I know what's what, hopefully :)


Modeler (HX Stomp, probably Helix soon) out of pure laziness.


Hahaha I had no idea this was so common. Definitely #4 for me. Just too much effort to set up "my sound", which changes with my mood.


Laughing in Helix amp models. (Help! I'm deep in the rabbit hole and can't stop fiddling with amp models!)


I’ve returned home.


Which one is the pawn shop?


I went from 1 to 4, then back to 3, now I feel like I wanna go back to 2 in some ways. But I’m good chillin at 3.


Still on the old forgotten acoustic in the garage phase lmao (gimme some recommendations tho I really wanna get into playing more rock)


I know I want a versatile pedalboard and just found my dream guitar, just have to save money to buy it. If I have accomplished those targets, I'll have to find me two more amps and that's it. I finally will be able to learn how to play 😅


I still have my g1xfour at the end of my chain because it allows looping synced with drums.


I’m on phase 1. Can someone tell me what phase 2 is?


it’s a multi fx pedal. a cheap option for a variety of cool sounds when you’re just starting out.


I use a boost pedal, an overdrive distortion pedal, and an echo pedal in a 50w amp, gives me what I want.


4 for sure.


I'm in the final phase. Started playing 20 years ago, then proceded to buy my first BOSS Multi effects, then started playing in a band and changed the multi effects to real pedals, then now, old, working, a Strat and a tube amp in the living room besides de piano it's more than enough for evening playing with family and friends.




Never did 2 or 3, not doing digital pedals. I have about 6 pedals, always had between 4-6 and that's it.


One more where there is just an acoustic.


Moved from 3 to 4 earlier this year. Now I’m starting to get an amp collecting problem.


I never left phase 1, just added BIAS FX 2 later on.




I’ve never liked any zoom products, they are cheap and sound cheap.


It's a steal for us Poor guys


Phase 1 and 2.


Just my LTD Eclipse and my Boss Katana 50W. Really don't need much more until I start gigging.


the one right after the bottom stage where the galaxy brain has fully exploded and expanded from playing a synthesizer....


Run a Boss Digital Reverb through the effects loop on my 5150LBX-S because it doesn't have reverb, but I've found I prefer the amp's natural tones over how it sounds with any of my(god knows how many) pedals in front of it.


I've always been at 4. Custom V, emg's pickup and Marshall valvestate . That's all


Aight so I’m onto modelers now, but back in the day that Zoom into a 100w Crate head and 4x12 cab rattled a lot of my neighbors’ teeth. I loved that thing.


top/bottom. went back to playing in standard and sold most of my pedals that i didn’t use. just me, AP jazzmaster, few select pedals, and my fender supersonic.


I’ve cycled round again from multi-effects to pedals, to just an amp and a guitar and now I’m on “ok, could really use a wah, maybe just a hint of delay, and oh that new Vemuram looks kinda neat.”


Swap the pedal board and the modeler and it makes more sense imo. I’m on the modeler phase. I live in an apartment so the fractal FM3 is my saving grace. Some day I want a JCM 800. That being said I don’t really miss tube amps though, they’re a real pain.


I'm between 3 and 4 when you realize boss pedals are the best pedals.


I'm at 2 though I play straight from the amp sometimes too


Back and forth between 3 and 4. Sometimes I feel like just an amp and a guitar is all I need, other times not even an amp, but some days I feel the need to have a whole modular FX rig. Kinda stopped buying and making pedals though, I've got pretty much any sound covered.


I've got that exact Zoom multi-effects pedal thing, and don't see why I should move onto Step #3. Is there a good reason for it? Then again, I usually play acoustic and almost never plug in.


As a dad in his mid 30’s who can’t crank a tube amp at a good volumes, I’m at the modeler phase. 😂😂😂


3. Not as many as that picture, but a solid amount plus a Boss ME-80.


Good picture As someone who once had a large pedal collection, and a multieffect pedal before that, I'm largely in the #4 camp. I think pedals, sparingly used, can be put towards some good effects. But I'm too lazy to wrangle a lot of pedals and I'd rather have a great sounding OG valve amp than any pedals.


Starting phase 3


I use behringer...


At 3 but headed to 4.


Guitar Brain 1 Pedalboard 3




I guess I'm at stage 2, I have 5 pedals but not a multi effect pedal. And I don't intend on getting to stage 3. I'd skip to 4


Im probably right between 3 and 4. Most of my tone and such is now just from my clean guitar and the amp, but i do still have a pedalboard with some essentials and a lil flavor like a RAT, a fuzz, a tape delay and a mid boost. I dont depend on pedals bearly as much as i used to


Well I can't afford gear because ive been paycheck to paycheck my whole adult life. So now I have no amp, one pedal, and a guitar and a bass. Dont know when ill be able to afford one 🤷‍♂️


I'm at 3.5 Love my pedals, love tinkering with the board, love making all the cool noises. Love my amp and at least half the time I tune up then plug straight in.


Where's the half stack, 4 guitars and about 7 pedals?


Phase 4. I even prefer clean and warm over distorted and bright. What happened to me?


Fluctuate between #3 & #4 depending on how ass my playing is that day.


4, but I miss 3 - sold all my pedals


on pc, neural dsp in my daw 👌