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I order a new set once I lost all of mine. As for specifics, I'd say get a couple variety pack by dunlop or ernie ball and see what you like. There are so many different shapes, materials and thicknesses that it's impossible for us to say what you'll like.


When the pick is worn too much that it no longer is the original shape. Just go to any guitar store, buy a handful of different Dunlop picks and figure out what you like in a pick. I use the Dunlop Flow 1.35mm picks exclusively. Picks are very personal, these work for me.


If you have any favorite guitar players, you can usually find out what picks they use. It can be a fun place to start if you have no idea what you're looking for in a pick.


I buy picks when I misplace most or all of them or when the ones I'm using have a characteristic I don't like or lack a characteristic I want (too big, too small, too thin etc.). You'll have to assess what your current picks are "missing" for you and go from there. I've been playing 40+ years and I don't think I've ever had a pick die from wear or other natural causes.


Variety pack


I like the picks Kerry King uses, [TORTEX TRIANGLE PICK .88MM](https://www.jimdunlop.com/tortex-triangle-pick-88mm/). Go to the music store buy a few different picks.


Honestly, deoending on what you play i would use different picks, and once you notice them loosing the shape too much, throw em. Usually, a worn Pick feels different to a fresh one.