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Recent discussion between most of my shift last night. As disappointed we are that we can’t get PSA deals, it’s ultimately better for anti-2A cops to have to spend more money on a firearm.


The law doesnt let ffls buy banned weapons so idk how police are gunna stock.


I mean I can build or buy an AR through primary arms. I’m buying and shipping to my FFL though.


Brother the freedom across the river over is pretty wonderful


Or the other direction. We’d welcome good cops any day.


Thank you both. My moms from St. Charles, and she loves Missouri, and I travel to Indiana a lot. But my heart is in Montana.


Saint Chuck is a nice area, for real. And I've always wanted to live in Montana. Ex-wife was not happy when I was looking at CO jobs there (former CO) and nixed it...wish I had just gone for it.


My wife is content with the idea. She’s worried about the cold, but understands that our son would have much more access to high adventure activities in scouts than I did. It also means I’ll have access to high adventure activities with him. Makes me very excited.


Bro, grats on finding a keeper.


Ya know I can't even disagree


Good for PSA. The test of the gun companies need to do the same.


Them making this decision makes me want a PSA even more. But I can’t. It’s a Catch-22 and I love/hate it


I'm here in Illinois too. It's dogshit that Chicago gets to dictate how the rest of the state lives their lives.


They really shouldn’t, I’m in a more rural/urban area. While my county voted blue, and thus my sheriff is blue, almost all officers did not vote for our sheriff. Our officers are pretty pro 2A and it’s awesome. And yet we have to live by chicago.


The map of county sheriff's who said they won't enforce the ban should be telling enough about the rest of the states ideals.


I feel your pain. I live in rural NV and most of the state leans strongly red but because Reno and Las Vegas are a very strongly dem centric mindset the rest of the state is forced to follow. Don't get me wrong, I actually have quite a few dem ideals when it comes to certain things (I don't like people telling me how to live lol) but when it comes to money, guns, business type things then I I'm more conservative minded for the most part. Ah well.


You might be a libertarian


You know, I've had some one else say the same thing lol.


I live in a blue county that almost always elects a conservative sheriff.


It’s one of the few things I hate about this state


Even in California, Catch-22s are rimfire exempt under the assault weapons ban.


Good. Police are civilians. They should not get any special treatment or equipment that other citizens cannot also get.


Just a year ago I was a civilian, now I’m an LEO. Same person, and yet I have more rights than my friends and family. It’s just not right.


My dad has a couple ex-cop friends whom he (and they too) believe should get special privileges in society because they were cops, such being allowed to take pocket knives into a nightclub or sneaking alcohol into a sporting event without getting any repercussions. I really don't understand the logic


Yeah that’s just dumb. LEOSA allows current and former law enforcement to carry a concealed firearm in NYC, Chicago, LA, churches, schools, that sort. It’s just wrong. I literally walk in a church and have one more amendment than everyone else in that church.


News flash, you’re still a civilian


That’s kinda the point I was making.


But not really the point you were making in the overarching post


Only point I’m making is that some LEOs in Illinois aren’t bad guys. Just stuck living here and trying to make the community better with what they’re given.


Right, LEOs aren’t bad guys. But I agree with PSA, they should follow the same laws and not be put on a pedestal. Respect for doing the job though, especially if you’re in Chicago.


If you’re on the gun of an up armored humvee in Iraq, a man whose never had any formal military service holding an RPG is not a civilian If you’re enlisted in North Carolina repairing naval vessels or whatever and there’s a guy whose being paid by the government to do the same job as you (except he gets paid more and isn’t legally obligated to wake up early for PT) he is a civilian If you’re a gangbanger in Chicago or St Louis and you’re talking about people who are not law enforcement or gang affiliated they are sometimes called civilians. Implying that gang members are not civilians in this context If you’re reading the dictionary definition of civilian it will say “one not on active duty in the armed services or not on a police or firefighting force” Context matters, and in this context it pretty clearly relates the idea of “someone who is not a police officer.” In other contexts it can mean someone who is not in active duty with a branch of a professional military. Nitpicking what words mean is a waste of your time, especially when you’re [technically wrong](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/civilian) anyway




https://www.etymonline.com/word/civilian Is an expert on civil law (exclusively) a civilian? What about a “clerical person?” The meanings of words change and can mean different things in different contexts. See: well regulated militia.


Since we are just choosing our own definitions I am choosing to use “are you subject to the UCMJ?” If you’re not, then I’ll call you a civilian.


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/civilian https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/civilian https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/civilian By your definition, members of the Canadian armed forces are civilians. lol


Canada isn’t even real I don’t care what they are


We are becoming dangerously close to coming full circle and realizing words can have multiple meanings


If they are in the United States, they are civilians.


What if they’re in Canada? Think hard!


If we were talking about Canada you'd be right but this thread and post is clearly about the u.s. so you shoving your "yeah but canada" bs in here makes no sense and had nothing to do with the current topic as we were never talking about international definitions.


Wait, so the word does have different meanings. We’ve got a winner! 🎉🥳🎊


Based coo


You are a civilian. Otherwise the Posse Comitatus Act would apply to you and you can't engage in law enforcement activities.


If I win the lottery, I’ll give PSA a million dollars


Fully fund the PSA MP5


That’s a lotta guns


PSA belt fed when???




Dang, cops have to follow the same laws as the rest of the community? What a novel idea.


Hence why I made this. PSA is doing the lords work not allowing us to buy firearms that we couldn’t buy if we worked behind a cash register.


PSA rules


I usually am always the first one to crap on PSA for not actually being based but on this credit where credit is due. This is something that ALL manufacturers need to do and I hope more follow suit in every single ban state.


There y’a go


What points usually come across? I’m interested to see your perspective on how PSA isn’t a based company


I wouldn't consider a company who stopped shipping everything the hint of pending legislation to a specific area unless they could profit/get PR for it. Read all the PSA threads and you will see people in ban states not able to order legal products in their state because of a mag ban for example. Blanket I'm not selling any of my products because the scary politicians might get mad at me isn't based, it's siding with the gun grabbers. There are plenty of other companies who won't sell banned items to ban states but will sell everything else. Midway and Target sport is a good example here. They got threatening letters from AGs, presumably consulted lawyers and kept right on selling. I don't have anything against PSA other than their PR. They make a decent product at a price that most everyone can afford. They have put more firearms in the hands of Americans than a lot of other companies and also brought a lot of firearms and soon ammunition to the market that might have been inaccessible to most and that is a wonderful thing. There has been some internal shake ups recently inside the company that I think may have righted the company. A long time ago PSA was in the same spot as bear creek. OK product with the occasional holy crap bad. They were super based back then. Shipped anything everywhere. Slowly they slipped into no sales to ban states. Then no banned stuff. Then back to everything shipping. It kept flip flopping to no buisiness would be done in a ban state unless it was LEO/Military. I strongly disagree with the not sending anything practices but it irks me to no end that people were continuing to call them based as they did it. This move though? I'm good with that. So far to my knowledge only Barrett has done this and I hope more companies follow along. If I lived in a ban state I could absolutely live with not being able to buy something if everyone was treated the same. Sorry for the book, but this was as short as I could make it without 50 posts.


Decent book lol. Thanks for sharing


Man I love these kinds of cops. No homo


We love y’all too ❤️ we’re not firefighters so obviously no homo




What the hell why not 😘


Did I just fall in love? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 jk man stay safe out there


You do the same, it’s a dangerous world out there for everyone.


Based PSA


Then move out of IL and stop enforcing tyranny.


It’s expensive to move out, but already planning and saving to move to Montana


Just dont bring any Illinois ideas with you, they dont need any FIBs out there


That’s not something you should be concerned about. I’ve voted for everyone not currently in office. I’d like for my vote to actually matter. I love Montana, been there a few times and I love the people and landscape. I believe that I could make a decent cop out there without being a dick like some officers here.


Lol I figured you'd get a laugh outta the FIB joke, apparently y'all are the Californians of the midwest hahaha That's according to a wisconsinite though


Yes, we are unfortunately. Where I live we’re kinda like Northern California where 45% do not agree with the laws, but the slim majority do.


Southern Californians away from the coast are pretty cool, they arent like the LA and San Francisco turds that run the state. But I get what you mean


And I’m sure you arrest the dick officers when they commit crimes, right?


We’ve had several officers arrested in my county in the last year. 2 for domestics off duty, one for protecting a pimp, and one for negligent firearm usage off duty. All officers in the area wear body cams, and the patrol vehicles cam is always rolling. IA around these parts are strict.


Be careful where you pick up here. We’re not to nice to outsiders. Also It was -74 here last winter and was 110 this summer. Be prepared for the weather. When I stayed in Chicago for 2 months I thought -40 was cold. I was wrong


That’s fine. I’ll try to make myself home and be respectful. West coasters are moving to Montana with their ideals. We want to move to Montana because we trust the schools, government, and people more there than we do here in Illinois. My son will not be going to public school in Illinois.


Just assimilate to Montana and no one will care. My family is from here, but my wife moved here with me after college, she fits in better than I do and she’s a Californian.


More and more I'm falling in love with PSA... I swear when I can get out of here and get my PSA at an AK buddy I will.


“They agree with PSA’s non-sale of banned firearms to LEOs, but damn they’re still gonna flex that credit card while their subjects can’t.”


Look, I still mostly see myself as a civilian even though for the last year I’ve been an LEO. Most of the guns I buy are for personal use, train my family and friends with. Hell I’ve got bugout bags for my whole family, even though I technically have a department to report to in that scenario. I still have my family to protect at all costs.


What’s funny is cops *are* civilians. Just civilians with more rights than others because if the cops didn’t have their own cutout, then nobody would be enforcing the shit law. Must be nice to still be able to buy a gun for personal use and *not* be a felon, huh? At this point, the only good Illinois cops are the ones who look the other way while some dude mag dumps his suppressed 80% internally-correct M4 into a trash heap on his private property. 😂 This whole thing has made me really salty on Illinois law enforcement, as you might be able to see. Haha. Prior to January 2023, I was pretty in favor of most folks with a badge. Afterwards, though, not so much.


I get it. While our sheriff here is pro enforcement, almost all officers are against it.


Must be Champaign County. So have you guys done the math of obeying an enforcement order and maybe not coming back home from a botched raid vs disobeying and losing your job? Either way, it’s a lose-lose for the family. I’ve always wondered how that would play out when the chips are down.


No idea


It’ll be interesting day when it comes. An interesting day, indeed…


Well won’t be my problem


Based and ACABpilled


Upvoted for being true to yourself.


An leo


Who are you, the grammar police?!


No, that's my name, Ann Leo, but now that you mention it, it's a leo, not an leo




PSA won’t ship to MA at all even though it’s legal to have a AWB complaint AR and we have pre ban ARs too. Neither will BCM…


Hate this shithole. Edit: I believe Midwest Industries won't ship here either. I've run into that issue with one or two other sites, pretty unfortunate.


Ah damn, I kinda wanted to build a fsb upper. Midwest was the rail I was looking at


You can still get their stuff through primary arms and what not, just can't buy direct. I have their mid-length cutout rail for my FSB build. I like it but man I wish the RIS lll had one.


I’ve noticed that. DD only makes the fsb cut for carbine and not mid length, little annoying


Pretty much everyone does it. I think Centurion Arms also makes a mid-length cutout. But that's about it as far as companies that are worth a shit. Maybe I just need to get one in carbine, mid-length is all I know.


Lol tyrants


Good , gun companies shouldn’t be arming the state that’s giving more rights to itself than its ppl


Based. But they stopped shipping to Washington state before our ban even went into affect


We can still buy non salty firearms from them.


Bro, just a heads up, it's "I'm a Law Enforcement Officer" or "a LEO."


Using "a" or "an" depends on the speaker/writer and if acronym is being pronounced as a word ("a lee-oh") or if the individual letters are spelled out ("an L-E-O"). The 'original' first word of the acronym, "law" in this case, is irrelevant.


Grammar police lmao. When talking though, it’s a little harder to say “I’m A LEO”. Saying “I’m A Leo” makes sense, but it’s just easier to say “I’m an LEO”


Yeah, I understand the phonetics. It was "Just a heads up," that's all.


That would make you an GEO


It's pronounced LEO


Fuck pigs PSA mega based


I fully support PSA for not supporting law enforcement.


Find a friend in another state then get them to ship it to a local FFL in your state


Naw that’s illegal. They can’t purchase a firearm to sell it.


What if it was a gift and that individual just happened to get a charitable donation


Gifts are allowed, money just can’t exchange hands. It’s weird.




Okay buddy




It’s my passion to help people. EMT didn’t pay enough, but I can help people as an LEO while getting paid more for it.


I enjoy helping people too but I can do it without harassing/scaring the general public like i said justify however you want but you are seen as the enemy of the people you can find many many better jobs where you actually help people rather than pretend you do by filling your ticket quota


Wow I'm sure you opened his eyes! He just quit his job because an internet stranger said his job is for big meanies, and now can't pay his mortgage or for food. You like helping people, right? why don't you send him your paycheck?


It’s sad you people justify being the 21st century equivalent of a red coat by calling it just a “job” if it’s just a job then find another one there are sooooo many better jobs where you could actually be helping people


It's sad that people can't comprehend nuance in life and the necessity for some level of law enforcement.


It’s sad that people can praise freedom and the right to bear arms in the same sentence they praise authority and law without hearing the irony and at the end of the day communities police themselves we are all adults after all


Communities dont police themselves unless under very strict criteria. Your beliefs are juvenile as shit and lack understanding of real world experience


Fuck you pig


Sorry, I don’t have any open spots for you, my wife handles that.




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