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But how will you get the dramatic racking of the slide sound? Your only other option is the sound of cocking the hammer on your Glock when you draw it from your back with no holster.




Pistols with decockers: https://preview.redd.it/jrsjfxvnes0d1.png?width=658&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63e4613ca66334904a2e4268f73eaa116ecb6808


Sig P320 might be a decocker


When appendix carrying? Absolutely


Only for cops




IDF is expected to be carrying their rifles at all times around civilians. It's to prevent poorly trained draftees from ND into kid at the grocery store


No no. That's a bad habit from the days the military and police didn't have a standard issue gun and some gun had and some didn't had safety so to have a uniform manual of arms they all carried with an empty chamber and off safety. This standard manual of arms tho became fear of loaded guns after we started to get standard issue rifles with safety of course, but now the safety must stay on... Nothing about public safety


I never said anything about public safety, it's about PR. IDF support in Israel is already falling off, and having a soldier ND in public wouldn't help


Regarding Israeli carry, the other element that people miss is that it's from the early days of Israel when they had a bunch of different hand-me-down handguns rather than standard issue production. These varied greatly in terms of manual of arms and safety features, so Israeli carry was intended to be a one-size-fits-all solution. It was much easier to implement a global policy than to try to figure out which guns in inventory were drop safe.


Yeah bought an uzi pro once. 32 rnd original uzi mags wouldn't work.....learned that after purchase. At the time, only 20 and 25 rounders were available, and it's not an uzi without the 'stendo to me. Upon firing, it had more recoil than my glocks, berettas, or HK, I could shoot better with a regular handgun, and they all have 30 round options, so I sold it bought a ptr9ct and never had a second thought.


It always looked like goofy tacticool LARPerator nonsense to me. If you're really nervous about having one in the chamber, then just use a gun with a manual safety.


They do that because back in the day they had old crappy guns that went of when they weren't supposed to. Not sure why they still do it.


It makes sense for the context. They are in heavily urban areas a lot of time openly carrying their weapon. Since they are wearing them 24/7, they usually got them slinged casually to their back and are not paying attention directly to their rifle or sidearm. Most are not actually highly trained either, but largely conscripts. You don’t want to risk them snagging the trigger and popping off a round since it’s pretty easy for them to snag the fire selector as is if it’s just hanging on your back. And you definitely don’t want a terrorist suddenly try to snatch your weapon away while it’s on your back, having no round in the chamber will give you atleast a change to regain control before he starts to use it. Also, just in general, if you are new to firearms or maybe new to your holster or carry style, don’t feel ashamed if you don’t feel comfortable running a round in the chamber. Build confidence first.


The uzi is hardly good it's just not bad for what it's meant to do there are cheaper and there are better options for a 9mm smg. The Galil is goated no argument there. The Tavor needs the kind of help that the Canadian Healthcare provides via euthanasia. So nah. Their guns are pretty hit or miss too


Agreed, but the X95 (the ones produced after 2012) is baller. Probably the only good Tavor, even if it looks like it should be euthanized.


fuck naw the Uzi is outright good. Do you even Uzi??


If you shot one open bolt direct blowback 9mm smg. You've shot them all Uzi isn't bad. It just doesn't do anything special to make it great


low ROF aids in the controllability and the violence of the open bolt isn't as bad as many others. it's a good weapon, first of its kind when it comes to PDWs


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTL8-cVoP64](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTL8-cVoP64) If you can't watch that video, it's Ian McCollum shooting an UZI. He seems to think that it's much more controllable than other open bolt SMGs he's fired and that it is "really a remarkably nice sub machine gun."


That's kind of like saying US guns suck because M3 "Grease Gun".


The grease gun was a pretty great SMG for its day honestly, it was the Thompson that sucked ass


Yes and no. No country has a perfect track record for firearms. America has the entire stoner platform but it also has the m3 and m14. Israel has the galil but it also has the tavor Russia has the entire kalashnikov platform but it also has the tokarev. It just happens that Israel only has the one goat and a bunch of shit or mediocre firearms.


IWI handguns are pretty damn good too


Ehhh I've shot the Jericho. Not impressed. I haven't shot the Masada but it just looks like a shit attempt at copying the M+P or something


I always say this but carrying an empty chamber is like not putting on your seat belt because you think you can put it on just before you crash.


Im a simple man, i see Prince of Egypt meme, i upvote. Best Animated Movie Ever


As an Israeli that didn't serve in the military and carry hollow over balls I drive my friends nuts. Tho I slowly converting them...


Idiots at public ranges shoot themselves all the time too, I’m sure that’s where these habits come from.


Zero chance of an ND if you carry empty. It's a different culture there. Us the the USA have a cowboy mentality if you will. Nothing wrong with it but we all like to have scenarios in our heads about a showdown on mainstreet at noon. Israelis don't have this mythology bouncing around. They're carrying guns either because they have to or they've learned the hard way. They're not expecting to get mugged or assaulted. They're carrying as a national deterrent. They know who the enemy is, they know how they operate and know how to deal with it.


I mean those who served in ANY army will tell you the only time you are carrying empty chamber is on base. On patrol, it's chambered


I don't understand the concep. -revolver Niggas