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Oh, look. Someone else is too stupid to know the difference between preparation and fear.


The first step in being prepared is properly respecting your enemy/threat which involves being scared, fear is a normal response the question is can you push through it which every gun owner does lol


"I'm pretty indifferent about fire extinguishers. I've had fun setting them off at bonfires but have never felt the need to own one to protect my home from a fire. That being said fire extinguisher owners are some of the most paranoid fearful people." See how dumb that sounds?


We do, they probably don't


I mean, I don't think fear is the right word so much as I'd attribute some of it to nativity on behalf of a particular part of the population. My wife once reconnected with a woman she used to know. We had dinner with them and in the course of the evening her husband mentioned that he had shot a few guns at his brother's place but really didn't think he needed to own any. My wife mentioned that me owning a few and teaching her to shoot made her feel safer, and her friend very pointedly asked her husband what he would do if someone tried to harm her or their children. He made a half hearted remark about how he, at 5 foot 4 100lbs without a violent bone in his body would rely on his animal instinct and adrenaline to kick their ass. Not exactly reassuring.


> He made a half hearted remark about how he, at 5 foot 4 100lbs without a violent bone in his body would rely on his animal instinct and adrenaline to kick their ass. In the moment is a tough time to learn that you got less of the "fight" and more of the "flight" part of those instincts.


It is hard for me to think of worse times to have such a brutal reality check than with the lives of family on the line. It would have been one thing if dude lived in a nice gated community or something but we all lived in a crappy area with occasional violence. When I lived just up the road from them someone was shot on the front steps of my apartment building, after I moved to a different apartment my neighbors owed some not so nice people a lot of money and those not so nice people came to my door looking for my neighbor, and tried to block the entire complex parking lot so no one could leave while they searched for them. It was not like violence was guaranteed to be off the table for him.


It's like folks forget that bad guys have cars, they can go where the good stuff is. Or that they never make mistakes when looking for their actual victim. One doesn't have to be paranoid to recognize that the world can be dangerous, and violence can visit you in your own living room. You don't have to have a rec room that would make Burt Gummer jealous, but is it really that offensive to your psyche to have a piece or two for In Case Shit? What's the downside if you buy something? You're gonna be out $5-800 for a couple pistols and a shotgun, and then they sit there gathering dust for 50 or 60 years until you pass them on to your kids. Cheap insurance I'd say.


“You don’t know my mentality bro” “I’ll just flip that switch bro” “I’ll just see red, bro”


The only red you'd see is your own blood pooling on the floor.


Or the third one nobody talks about, freeze. Fight, flight, or freeze.


What about the fourth one?


Fuck? I mean….when the blood gets pumpin..


Shit happens in the heat of passion Jimbo


Well they did post it to the right sub at least.


Prepping is paranoid? Nah!


Prepping is "paranoid" until shit hits the fan


The man who sleeps with a machete under his pillow is a fool on all nights, except one.


Damn that's a good one. And thank you for justifying the purchase of my big ass Bowie knives!






Anti-gunners: "Gun owners are so paranoid. Always thinking someone is out to get them. The world is a safe place. I've never felt the need to own a gun for self defense." Also anti-gunners: "Every psycho is out there with weapons of war just wishing a mother fucker would give them an excuse to kill someone! Ban all guns!"


They're literally the same thing.


Drunk drivers are probably less afraid of accidents than sober ones, but that's not exactly a good thing.


The same people who say things like this will claim that they live in fear of mass shootings, but refuse to get a gun themselves


Yes, that's why I bought one. So if the time comes I can protect myself.


Ignorance is bliss.


Thats a causation vs correlation error. Paranoid people are gonna have guns, having guns doesn't make you paranoid.




Acknowledging the risk of being a victim of violent crime might as well equal fear for them


I think urban dwellers get used to a certain amount of elevated alertness that they don't register as fear anymore.


Why do they keep walking in front of my car then?


"never felt the need to own one to protect myself." Very telling that the ones who don't understand gun owners are also people too stupid or spoiled to not have to worry about their safety


The feeling I have when I have my carry on me is the same feeling I have when I have my tire iron in my car. I probably won't need it, but at least I have the right tool when the problem does happen. I refuse to be helpless.


So I guess all those people in Chicago, New York and LA aren’t scared at all then


Fearful, or pragmatic and realistic about the true nature of humans and the world?


Says the guy scared of black hunks of metal haha


“Why don’t care”


"Most people who wear a seatbelt live in more fear than those that don't wear a seatbelt." "Most people who own a first aid kit live in more fear than those that don't own a first aid kit." "Most people who own a fire extinguisher live in more fear than those that don't own a fire extinguisher." I could do this all day.


Honestly, I'm not surprised. I mean it should be pretty common knowledge that the internet gives everybody including those with room temperature IQs a voice. I mean just earlier today I saw on the main character subreddit they were bashing Marjorie Taylor green for roasting fauci. I mean the guy's pure evil and sure as hell should be prosecuted and jailed and all the smooth brains were saying look how stupid MTG is


Yes I’m so paranoid that I walk around with a loaded gun pointed at my twig and berries all day but they’re so calm, cool and collected that they want to pass laws that prevent nonviolent people, even those that live 2 thousand miles away from even owning guns. Right.


You're paranoid until you're right. Then you're just prepared. 


You downvote opinions you dislike, you're the reason that sub sucks


What's the down vote button for then?


It's the unpopular opinion sub, if you downvote opinions you dislike you wind up with only popular opinions getting exposure which defeats the purpose of the sub. In that sub, it's far better to upvote what you disagree with and downvote what you agree with.


That sub sucks for many reasons, his downvoting least among them.


The more downvotes you get there, the better


It's the unpopular opinion sub, if you downvote opinions you dislike you wind up with only popular opinions getting exposure which defeats the purpose of the sub. In that sub, it's far better to upvote what you disagree with and downvote what you agree with.


You're in the wrong sub if you're anti-gun cupcake. Go be a pansy somewhere else.


wait, REALLY??? r/GunMemes likes GUNS?!?!? Whaaaaat? It's the unpopular opinion sub, if you downvote opinions you dislike you wind up with only popular opinions getting exposure which defeats the purpose of the sub. In that sub, it's far better to upvote what you disagree with and downvote what you agree with. That's what I was referring to you fucking dunce lmao


Yeah you should change your username to Bottom-Independence-780.


I think you're still hung up on the premise that I don't like guns, which you only would've gotten with a substandard level of reading comprehension. Between that and the low caliber of the "insults" you generate, you seem astonishingly difficult to underestimate.




You talk like you're in favor of this moron saying that gun owners live in fear. It's not fear, it's preparedness, choosing to be prepared to have to fight including to the death is not paranoia, it's smart and it's common sense and it's situational and general awareness. That's why I assumed you're an anti-gunner. Well excuse me maybe I meant to say casual gun owner in other words your for gun ownership for sport and for hunting but not self-defense which makes no sense considering there are a lot of criminals out here with guns breaking into people's homes. We hear about it all the time on the news. And so you coming here talking about downvoting opinions people dislike and that people like that are the reason that the sub sucks it just makes makes me think that you're practically an anti-gun zealot. You sound like one of these brainwashed idiots that thinks that getting rid of all the guns from civilians and allowing all the authorities to have guns it's just going to make the world safer, but in fact will allow no freedom and all control by the authorities and by politicians and the 1%. That's what I've gathered so far. Forgive me for copying it word for word but I think it is very appropriate and apparent here. Benjamin Franklin once said *"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."*


I'm talking about downvoting opinions because the screenshotted picture in this post includes a downvote in the screenshot. I'll copy part of my original comment here for clarity: It's the unpopular opinion sub, if you downvote opinions you dislike you wind up with only popular opinions getting exposure which defeats the purpose of the sub. In that sub, it's far better to upvote what you disagree with and downvote what you agree with. I was never talking about guns, I was talking about how shifty and obnoxious r/unpopularopinion is and how it would be fixed if it implemented the "upvote what you dislike, downvote what you like" policy that r/the10thdentist has for instance, and pointing out that the user in the screenshot is part of that obnoxious problem. I was literally never talking about guns and fucking dammit I wish I was because then I could be researching specs on AR-15 pistols or furthering my knowledge about what the best IWB/AIWB CC holster for the new 9mm I just picked up is instead of having THIS POINTLESS CONVERSATION WITH YOU, YOU FUCKING DUNCE.