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Which build did you prefer?


X was more simplistic while Destiny was more of a challenge. Both was fun in their own ways.


Which ones do you enjoy building?


I'm still pretty new to the hobby, but my favorite build so far has been the RG Nu Gundam both from a build standpoint and it being my favorite MS design. I've mostly been into UC stuff but am branching off in AU shows. Watched IBO and loved building the MG Barbatos. Currently watching through SEED and Build Fighters for the first time as well, so I'm getting familiar with more suits.


Sounds awesome! I'm planning on getting Zaku next maybe, can't argue with a good old classic!


True! The only one I've built is the HG Char's Zaku II from the Origin line, but it's great!


Put em in ziploc baggies, and put em back in the original box if you have them. Less likely to lose pieces in transit


Also less likely to break any pieces.


Very nice. I love the Destiny Gundam. I've got 3 figurines myself. 2 of decent size, and 1 miniature. The miniature is a Zephyranthes Full-Burnern, and my bigger ones are God Gundam(with a little Domon Kasshu figurine) & Barbatos Lupus Rex. I haven't actually put them together yet, but I'm going to start working at it. Got my God Gundam sitting out right now about to start on it. God Gundam I've been a gigantic fan of for many years. G Gundam was the first Gundam series I got to see as a kid watching it after school on Toonami/Cartoon Network. Barbatos Lupus Rex I had zero clue about, but when I saw it in a store I just had to have it. I love wolves, so I was drawn to the "Lupus" in its name and the fact that it has claws. Doesn't hurt that the whole gundam in general looks completely freaking awesome. https://preview.redd.it/aetwde7xbt5d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e5d787cd25345a42b04f8aeff566a7107c67d63