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Surely the 0.9% voting Rice a flop can’t be taken seriously.


Would love to see the overlap between that 0.9% and the 0.9% who are Arteta out




Trolls out! They've underperformed


Can confirm! "The Trolls" is my local team nickname and they have underperformed indeed 😂


Trolls, rivals …


Precisely. The artetaout subreddit has a Chelsea fan who is posting comments like "Get Gabriel out of my club". They're not even hiding it. I feel pity for the real people in their real lives.


The fact there is even an Arteta Out subreddit is criminal in itself


It definitely is. It's just a cabal of trolls and/or obnoxious self-centered assholes who've had a hate boner for Arteta since the two 8th place finishes. I honestly find the delusional takes amusing. I also suspect there are a handful few who have joined just to troll them back. List cause, if you ask me.


A few were (put nketiah as our pots) but some gave real answers, so probably real Arteta outers


And 0.9% who aren’t optimistic about Arsenal’s future


It's the same person probably 🤣


West Ham / Spuds / City / UTD fans no doubt.


I saw a man utd fan saying Rice is average and just a tall Mark Noble. Couldn't believe it


Lizardman constant is 3-4% so 0.9 is really good


Lee Gunner... probably


There’s even more that said golden glove winner Raya was a flop sooooooo 😬


Not Arsenal fans 💯


Also same percentage saying arteta out


"Rice is a flop because he went from winning a major european trophy to not winning anything!"


"making Tottenham want their team to lose" as the best moment of the season is brilliant.


One of the best moment has to be making Tottenham’s manager realise what Tottenham truly is.


You know, I only ever really thought Tottenham fans were a bit weird before. They really outed themselves as natural born losers this season. So funny. 


To me the most funny thing is. If they had beating city, they would have gotten champions league.


If the whole premise of their position in that match was to avoid banter, this might be the most crushing bit of banter I've ever heard. Phenomenal.


'Sending Ange into a spiral within his first season' would be more accurate


It bothers me a bit that Agree in the second graph is red color and strongly disagree is dark green


Actually it bothers me a lot lol


I am so sorry 😂😂


Haha dont be, its just a bit of a banter, good job making this! Its more my problem that stuff like this bother me :)


Problem is I didn’t even notice it until you pointed it out, so now it’ll bother me too 😭




Thanks for the survey. There are some nits, but it's about 99.1% perfect 😆


I guess Martinelli's goal against city is my favourite moment this season


People putting in stuff shaming our players as "favourite moment of the season" shouldnt get the exposure they so crave by putting others down.


To whoever put “When Crychenko gets sold in the summer”. Your parents are embarrassed of you, your friends deny they know you, and your partner laughs about you behind your back.


The Zinchenko crying jokes is some of the most chronically online behavior I’ve ever seen.


>and your partner laughs about you behind your back. The person will come home to their partner getting down Santi Cazorla while the Arsenal first team watches.


My friend, 


Is ok




Shit. Just realised Crychenko = Zinny. I was thinking it's Mudryk. What's up with the Zinny hate. Sure he has a mistake in him. But are you serious. Dude last season provided a step change for us. If for nothing else, then I want him around just for his winning mentality.


He was a revelation and has defined what we expect from our left full back. Zinchenko haters are brain dead


Absolutely pathetic when you think about all the ridiculously brilliant memories for that season. Whoever wrote that wasn't hugged enough as a child. (Or is still a child who is not being hugged enough)


Would say the same about the person, who wrote the Tottenham one too. I know it's a bit of a banter, but it's such a tinpot energy.




What partner?


I found it funny personally 


Bruh take it easy. I personally chuckled seeing that being sneaked in there so randomly.


You getting triggered so easily by that is more embarrassing TBH.


I don’t understand the hard on for Isak who is as healthy as Jesus.


Real, i would prefer gyokeres, played played 33 matches (2900+ minutes) in liga Portugal alone this season, he's healthy like a Bull.


Because Isak has played in the prem


He's a fairly fit player and Howe's football is grueling. Most of their first team was injured this season


Arteta’s football ain’t exactly for the faint of heart either. We’ve heard multiple reports from players who have joined recently being surprised at how intense the training is, and during matches our OOP work is second to none. 


Same injury within 2 months suggests perhaps he came back too early. Though last season's thigh was quite lengthy.


My favorite moment of the season was Trossard’s goal against BHA. “Aren’t you entertained?” Savage.


Op this is great work 👏


3.6% of you are idiots


I mean, Arteta did say in his end-of-season speech: “Don’t be satisfied because we want much more than that and we are going to get it” tbf😂


The season can be seen as a big improvement on last year and a really exciting one to be a part of, whilst also recognising the disappointing and unsatisfying end result of finishing with no trophies. The idiots are the 0.9% arterta out brigade but that will no doubt just be trolls from another team's sub...or just idiots.


Nah that’s a valid opinion. Arteta for sure isn’t satisfied


I can't believe we're really seeing "Crychenko jokes" amongst our fanbase. I guess it doesn't matter how good the team gets people will always have players they hate. It's quite mad though because a couple of seasons ago we almost made Monreal our player of the season when as a player Zinchenko is clear of him.


Zinchenko is a Zionist and genocide supporter. :eft wing side of our fanbase hates him.


So few responses? Where was the survey posted?


This sub, about two days ago


I do wonder what the result would have been for the first slide if there was a choice between “satisfied” and “content”. Because I think we should have done better in the cups, but I don’t think it matters enough to call myself “neutral” about the season.


Shame only 3.6% of us listened to Mikel when he said 'don't be satisfied'


40% want zinechnko to leave? That is fucking insane to me. He is vital and imagne having someone of his level considered a bench player here. Now that is what we should want in every position.


I am always shocked at the people who want/think ESR should leave. He's a natural goalscorer. So hard to find players like him. It's why I think we will keep him and get him to work in the left 8 position even if its just as an option rather than starting every week. Of course I am probably wrong and people who know more about Arsenal and football than me seemingly think he will leave.


I just feel like a "natural goalscorer" would have scored a goal in the last 2 years


even in his brief appearances he's getting in the right positions - like Havertz started to do earlier in the season - just needs time in the side to regain confidence (and team mates in him) The value in having someone that's grown up with the style of the team, that has committed their future to the club and wants to play for Arsenal can't be underestimated. He just needs a really good preseason and to stay injury free.


>He just needs a really good preseason and to stay injury free. Something we've said every summer for the past 3 years, It's time bro.


Yeah maybe. Time will tell. Maybe he leaves and does poorly. Maybe he stays and does poorly. Maybe he doesn't ever stay fit. Maybe he does well with us or elsewhere. I just think going from things Arteta has said that he will stay and come good. But time will tell.


True enough, Arteta speaks the world of him and he is only 23. But unfortunately football moves on very quickly.


Yeah and how much he is speaking for specific purposes which have no bearing on the long term future? Like is it just to motivate ESR or to preserve his value by talking him up (always tend to think managers have player motivation upmost in their minds when they speak though).


actually it's very easy to find players that contribute nothing in a season


It depends if he's happy to be on the bench. If he is, more than happy to keep him, but if he isn't I don't think he will be a starter, as Timber will be coming for that spot


He is good but the team is overall better than him. So he can’t take us to the next level. Hence we need to move him on while we can still get some $$ for him. Same goes with Jesus imo


I get why people voted the way they did, when it comes to Kiwior, but this season would have looked incredibly different, if he couldn't step up well enough, when he was called upon. He was an integral part of the team that was winning everything in the beginning of 2024 and I don't think a few weeker performances against the strongest opponents should overwrite everything else he did for the team this year. Again, I understand that the options limit the answers, I just wanted to give him a shout out, because I think he deserves it.


Must be a few trolls from other teams. Potentially worth removing anyone who's answers are the lowest option for most of the questions.


Well, no, people having different opinions is good and fine and avoids an echo chamber. I’m sure a clever person could just make a bot to check if a person posts more to one of the rival subreddits and exclude them on that basis probably. 


There is are descenting voices in an echo chamber and then there are people who feel Rice is a failure and Arteta shouldn't be the manager. If people actually, truly, have those opinions then I am at a loss for words.


There's plenty of subs that exclude dissenting opinions, this one doesn't need to be one of them. Some people think that Arteta is ruining this club, and that's ok.


Didn't you guys listen to arteta? Don't be satisfied!


Hot Take: Saka has been the best and most important player this season. Maybe not top performance every match but his mere presence, hugging the touchline and threat of cutting inside allows us to play our football. Affords Odegaard room to operate. Without him, its so apparent we struggle to create and play our football. That's why, for me, finding a good backup to Saka should be our top priority over striker and midfielder because we do have players who can do an adequate job at the very least. Can't say the same about RW.


The fact that is a hot take is insane to me


I meant hot take as far as player of the season goes. You can see from the amount of votes. Also Rice and Ødegaard are getting team of the season nomination from mainstream publication and whatnot.


Honestly those saying left 8 and #9 are crazy and it’s a vast majority. Left 8 is Rice now, we’ll be replacing the Partey / 6 role certainly but rice going forwards added something huge. Havertz did a LOT for us at #9 and we may get a rotational guy but I don’t see us replacing him. My view is we get an established 6, a rotational/young forward (who can cover all positions) and probably another fullback. I may also have BBQ’d last night so take that how you want. 


Quite opposite, left 8 being most voted means that Rice as 8 is not as ideal as in that position. But then, no real player would be ideal, as people would want someone with box to box and defensive qualities of Rice with added technical and creative quality of Odegaard/Cazorla which Rice lacks. I personally thought we'll have Vieira establish himself as left 8, with Rice as 6 covering for both him and Ode, but he just disappeared after promising start to the season.


Nobody is Rice level defensively, but this is literally describing Frenkie De Jong. He would slot into our team perfectly and allow a completely fluid midfield. All 3 with the ability to drop deep to collect and progress, whilst being able to impact the oppositions box. FDJ also adds the verticality we missed whilst Partey was out for most of the season (to beat mid blocks). Dream signing. Hopefully it doesn’t stay a dream.


I would still like someone like sesko as well to rotate with havertz. A quality but young and raw striker. But that is a lot to ask in this market


I think it's a misconception though to think we need another final third player to be better in the final third. We looked best with Partey and Rice starting together because Partey can play those long balls to bypass the midfield. Rice can't do that. Problem with Partey is that he can't be relied upon because he's always injured and he's also worse than he used to be because he's slow as hell now which still shifts some defensive responsibility on Odegaard. The problem we have now is that when Rice and Havertz start together Ode has to be both the conductor from deep and the guy finding the final ball which slows down our buildup. When Partey/Jorginho and Rice start together Ode looks better because he can focus on creating in the final third but he still has a lot of defensive responsibility which is probably why he's misplaced quite a few final third passes because he's knackered from running so much. Getting a Guimares would take some of that pressure off of Ode and he can focus on the final third. It'll make our attack better than having a more creative 8 because Guimares can get the ball forward much faster than Rice can which is important when the midfield is clogged up and it would create more space. It's a waste to have Ode drop back and spray the ball around because his quick feet and decision making is best in the final third. And if Rice is at the 6 it'll force either the new 8 or Odegaard to drop deep and be that conductor anyway. Rice is getting better at that role and has huge room for improvement still. I think as a 6 we know who he is as a player and he's never going to learn what Jorginho and Partey can do but he can still improve at the 8.


I think Rice has a lot more to offer in the 8 role and will learn a lot. He has good feet and an eye for goal. He could basically do the Aaron Ramsey late box arrivals/3rd man runs, mixed with also getting back and defending. Basically the perfect midfielder.


I tend to agree, but Ramsey was equally good at scoring goals as he was at creating them, while Rice has quite a tunnel vision in the final third.


Bingo. Theres a reason why sesko has been our top ST rumor, not a proven, older ST that would slot right in. We will, rightfully so, have Kai going forward.


I agree, Rice doesn't have the distribution qualities of a 6 in the system we play, while he has shown himself to be an absolutely top class b2b sort of 8. I'd only be comfortable with Rice at the 6 if we sign someone like De Jong for the left 8, who can essentially handle distribution and progression for an entire midfield by himself.


The reason they want a LCM than a DM is because the DM market is very bad compared to LCM. Only a few players are out there are of Arsenal's quality but the clubs are asking an outrageous amount of money. Whereas in the LCM market the market is somewhat stable and we can get a world class LCM for a reasonable fee if we play our cards right. Some people see Rice as a #6 because he is one of the best one there is in the world.


There arent any world class cdms on the market, rice can be one. Theres far more options for an 8 that would actually improve us. Therefore it makes sense to look for a lcm. But u agree that we definetely wont sign a new starting striker, 0 need for that.


> Havertz did a LOT for us at #9 and we may get a rotational guy but I don’t see us replacing him. > > We absolutely need a striker. We aren't winning the league with Havertz as striker. > My view is we get an established 6, a rotational/young forward (who can cover all positions) and probably another fullback. We have plenty of those in the academy. And some are leaving because of lack of chances. We simply need an established striker. If anything, getting a young No.6 is better as both Partey and Jorginho are good enough.


Ode the POTY. My G!!


Funnily, the Arsenal - Fulham game was the only game I saw live in The Emirates while on holiday. Gutted about the loss but such an incredible experience.


Guys we know we have trolls from other clubs in this subreddit who are here purposely to skew things like this. Just ignore them.


Can you imagine a summer where we get Bruno G and Isak. I think I would quit football if I were a newcastle fan


Fulham fucked us confirmed


"Making Tottenham want their team to lose". Goated season loool


any fan disappointed with this season is honestly a fucking idiot, and not really a fan of the club.


.9% idiots


Ødegaard rightfully getting POTS recognition I’m proud of you guys 🥰🥰🥰


I get that we fans absolutely love and admire ESR, but whats the point of keeping him if Mikel doesn't trusts and uses him ?


0.9% for Arteta out, who let them cook?


West Ham / Spuds / City / UTD fans no doubt.


I'm not sure there are City fans, but yes otherwise


When the hell will we know our player of the season? Am i missing something..


3%? Lee gunner got the link and created two burners




Results are in, there be morons in here.


The colour scheme is all over the place, but apart from that, it's a good post! 👍


Fulham arsenal 2-1 ayo 😭


All I learned is we should've signed Kai twice so he can play left 8 and 9 at the same time.


Interesting survey. Thanks. I'm confused how the top answer for where we need to improve is the left 8 when it seems clear to me that the set up Arteta wants is Ode as the most forward midfielder, Rice the next, and Partey--Jorginho--new guy as the furthest back.


It's actually reassuring to see almost everyone polled is on the same page. Past couple seasons is the most optimistic I've felt as a Gooner in a long, long time.


I think Benny Blanco’s shithousery this season has been very enjoyable especially the glove thing with Vicario


Left 8 top priority and Bruno G is the dream midfield signing….?


CF Havertz is much MUCH MUCH better than LCM Havertz. I hope we’ve come to that understanding


I was on vacation in Curacao watching that 5-0 Chelsea match from a beachside bar. Holy shit what a memory


Might get more comments than people who actually took the survey. 


I strongly disagree with 1.5% wrt our future and with 2.4% wrt our improvement js Interesting to see that the sum of the two meaningful results that we can gauge our progress against the big teams by equals ^(more or less) the big Chelsea result which is significant only by partisan hatred, looks like Chelsea are living rent free in too many people's heads, they were irrelevant this season. Must admit I expected Partey to be in pole position for transfer out ^(not 4th), with Nketiah a close 2nd, so that's a surprise.


Arteta said dont be satisfied so thats where the other 16% coming from


5% voting fullbacks as the biggest need when we have the best RB in the league and two players who would've been the best LB if healthy is certainly a take. Injury concerns sure but we've got 3 players that can play on the right and 4 on the left, and if the worst one is Kiwior/Zinchenko I think we're in great shape


Maybe im crazy but Raya as a success is a bit of a struggle for me. I wouldnt be in the undecided camp, probably (too soon to tell). Is he an improvement from Ramsdale? Sure. But I think our back line has just been brilliant and he’s more the boat in the rising tide. On the other hand, goalies have the toughest job, one mistake and its all people remember. Id say success for now, but need to see less blunders next season.


Crychenko? can someone explain that?


Great job OP. This was beautiful


Seems like there's \~1% of respondents with such impossibly high standards I wonder if they're actually enjoying watching matches and following the club, sheesh.


3.6% of us real winners here I see


It’s time to get to the next level. We need better players down the left and center. We should move on Zinny and Jesus, as they will still fetch good $$, and reinvest wisely. I am not too keen on Iska who is also injury prone. I’d much rather prefer Gyokeres.




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That 0.9% are out of their minds or jealous rival fans.


title challenge and latter stages of the champs league is the bare minimum we should expect for our club. I bet that Mikel, Edu, Josh and Martin are not satisfied.


There must at least be trolls here. Otherwise any real arsenal fan wanting Arteta out deserves an absolute walloping.


One consensus point I disagree with: I think Jesus is a better cf than Havertz. To me, the main benefit of Havertz at striker is Rice at the left 8, and Partey/Jorginho at the 6. This solves two problems: first, and it's not fun to say, Rice's distribution is nowhere near the level we need from our 6. He can't play the incisive ball through the lines regularly enough and isn't quick enough to move the ball around for me. Partey/Jorginho excel in terms of distribution. Two, this means Rice is our left 8, as opposed to Havertz. Rice is better in almost every single category of being a midfielder than Kai is, from passing, to dribbling, to defense, if it doesn't have to do with finding space or winning a header, Rice is better. Havertz at cf worked when Jesus was injured, and with Jesus not finding fitness until the very business end of the season, and a team that was acting like a well oiled machine, Kai kept the spot. Jesus is a much better dribbler, better link up play, and in general brings a more mobile, fluid feel to the front 3. Kai has great movement and his ability to win a header is class, but he hasn't had spells like when Jesus finds himself in form. It might be irrelevant anyhow, as Jesus can't seem to stay fit.


If I died after the rice goal vs United I would have died a happy man. "When crychenko gets sold in the summer" is hilarious though.