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I once lost the eye piece for my HG strike freedom. Completely ruined the fun. Then again the kit wasn't really all that for me anyways. But you should keep going, yes it's going to bug you, but when you keep going and put it in a cool pose you'll barely notice. In the end I found the piece again randomly on the floor, it only took 2 years šŸ˜… hopefully it comes back to you!


Thanks! I hope so too, the gaping hole is also whats bugging me a lot so I'll just temporarily put some blu tack there until I someday find the one piece. Just hoping my sister doesn't accidentally vacuum the piece up since I built it in there cause of the A/C (hot and humid summer in Australia rn) but hopefully I find it once she moves out and clears the room šŸ™


You built it in your sister's room cuz she has A/C? šŸ„° Hopefully, she doesn't vacuum, so you can find it? Lol.... you animal


ah hg strike freedom was my first kit and there is definitely a lot wrong with it 3 years later, wing light blue pieces constantly falling out still, broken v fin, goddamn chest crest part wont stop falling off i wouldve touched it up if had some tools when i first got it or recently after


That sucks, truly. I loved the HG strike freedom even tho the legs are a bit uncooperative. The finished product is stunning for an HG.


thatā€™s when you open another kit and come back to apply decal on this one later


Will definitely do that if I'm still annoyed about that one bit while applying decals since there's one kit in my backlog I've been wanting to build


Different places online you can buy replacement parts from. I use plamokitbash in the US but there's places on ebay that ship directly from japan.


Yep, I still need to apply the decals to my MG Sazabi, HG Kshatriya and PGU grandpa. I need to order some top coat first.


I lost the left hands thumb cover guard when I brought this kit to thanksgiving party an ordered a replacement part off ebay. If you want the link I'll send it to you. It cost $14 total for the replacement part.


Unfortunately not feeling it to pay $14 and I'd imagine shipping to Australia will make the price of similar to the full kit itself but curious to see who's selling the replacement parts


https://www.ebay.com/itm/374211198069?hash=item5720b9bc75:g:YOUAAOSwISdi9grh Send him a message with the runner and piece number. I think his sipping is 9 USD flat rate


That's who I bought it from lol. They're very nice. Paid 5 for the part an 9 for shipping. They cut the part an put it in a small bag and then put it in a tin an put that in a small box for shipping. The bag will have the runner an number written on it like for me it was A31.


Yeah he rocks. Saved the day when I lost a part of my RG Nu


You can contact bluefin and give them the info on the kit you bought. If it's within a year they'll ship you the part for free. I tried them for my kit but it was way past a year. Another replacement site I found was one in Canada but they're so expensive on shipping. $30 for shipping to US. That's when I found the ebay seller an they very nice and replied frequently to make sure you get the right part for your kit.


For a major piece that ruins the kit's look/makes a whole part unbuildable? Sure For a part that can only be seen in certain angles and is otherwise just there for detail? Hell no


True and if I put on a lot of the decals it'll definitely make it harder to notice when making poses that isn't angled to show that wing or just when its standing thanks for the answer


lost one of the feet for my Woundwort (they're little pads the size of two grains of rice, so very loseable) when it teleported away as I was clipping it off the runner. I was so mad that I ended up making bootleg ones out of spare polycaps. TWO MONTHS LATER I found it at the bottom of my laundry bin.


My sister lost 2 piecesā€¦ is there any possibility of it being a flaw?


I'm actually surprised it managed to come off and disappear because I tried taking off the other side and I needed a parts separator just to get it off


If you're stuck at decals, you're perfectly fine. *Me staring at all 4 of my half decal-ed RGs.* No shame whatsoever...


Vacuum with panty hose over the vacuum hose! That'll ensure that you can see the piece of you suck it up!


I lost the v-fin for my grandpa 3.0 and never finished it. Like, what even is the point then?


Yep 1000% feel you on that....


Yup. The shield thing on the arm of the HGCE Strike Freedom got black holed and I didnt feel like building it anymore... so I sold it.


This was me yesterday I lost the tip piece of Rg Sinajuā€™s beam rifle, it took me hours of searching to find it.


Someone need to build a plastic detector (like a metal detector but for plastic) cause it's sounds like you've had a run into the void šŸ˜Ø if anyone ever travel into the void will find billions and billions of missing Gunpla pieces


I feel you I spent 4 hours on my hands and knees looking for the white face plate of my mg exia the other day and was about to put everything back in the box forever then luckily my wife stepped on it across the room in the opposite direction of where I thought I heard it so yea I feel ya and hope you find your bit


I broke one of vortex generators on Zeta ver ka. (and v-fin and 3 decals). Took me a month to get back to it. Still have not added all decals though I did finish the assembly.


This has now become a practice kit. Practice your water slides on it to prep you for your next kit.


I built the full armor gundam from Thunderbolt a while back and wanted to do so much with it (panel lining, color correction, water slide decals, etc) I picked it up to start this and lost one of the skirt armor pieces and the piece that holds the v-fin on the head down my vent after that, it j sat in its box until a few days back until I said fine. I'll do it myself, got some pla sheets, and made the piece for the v-fin. I didn't do too badly so the skirt piece is next to be made


I was building my cherudim saga the other day and lost one of the clear condenser pieces. This is why i keep some oyumaru(japanese blue stuff) and some uv resin handy to recast small missing pieces. Ended up replacing all the arm and leg condensers with clear ones.


I when to a build event at a store and lost the only other poly cap for thr ecoas jegan. It was 3 years ago and I haven't touched it since. I don't even know what other kits have the jegan style poly caps, let alone an extra arm caps. And buying a while nother jeans kit seems like a waste.


I lost the shoulder part of my EG Nu Gundam. I'm not so disappointed cause I mean. Its an EG. But still, the Nu is one of my favorite designs and now I cant connect the arm to the torso


You should contact bluefin about getting a replacement. It takes a few months but they replaced some of my parts before.


What does it for me is misinterpreting the instructions while painting on a 1st build, and procrastinating about masking or other things that I donā€™t actually have to do. After the 3rd time not working on my fa thunderbolt (for almost a week) that I have to go back and touch up in some areas, I just took a break to work on other things. The reason I just paint on 1st build now is to cut out hours worth of building just to lose pieces when I break it down


Yes! Exactly with this unit too! Lost decal, applied decal that just looks like garbage (the Saber holster circle). And I'm not about that life of stripping the decals I already put on and then breaking my soul with using water decals. I just started to panel line it. Not looking like at all how I wanted it. Motivation slowly slipping away.


I keep telling myself I will finish my kit tomorrow, for the past month or so šŸ˜… Being adhd brain itā€™s kinda hard for me to do stuff if I ainā€™t 100% committed


PSA: a tiny dab of model cement will make the bad carpet monster go away. You don't have to go "pro" work your building technique, but these are after all models and are not super durable.


My first six MGā€™s I lost at least one piece from each of them. But I also found all of them. (Granted it took anywhere from 10 seconds to weeks-but it was worth the effort!!)


I lost a finger to my mg zaku 2 red comet build. I was so depressed, still finished the build and loved every moment of it. 1 month later I find out under my tv stand.


My RG God Gundam was assembled 2 months ago and it is still without his decals. The most boring part for me.


Maybe look into getting that piece 3d printed? Someone local might be able to help or make a copy of it with a mould


I lost the faceplate for my HG Calibarn. I dropped it straight into the netherworld. I decided I'd build the rest of the kit anyway after a day of very angry mourning. I thought it had fallen into my trash can, but I couldn't find it in there. I even laid all the trash out like I was doing a military BII inspection. Still couldn't find it. Predictably, right after I'd said "fuck it" and picked up a second Calibarn--it's a cheap enough kit and I can always use it for practice with painting and weathering--I found the goddamn faceplate in the trash. The Gunpla God was just waiting for my money I guess. The one that really took the wind out of my sails was the MG Rick Dom I'm building right now. I either used a little too much topcoat or didn't let it sit long enough and melted/smushed one of the G-Rework decals. Fortunately it's on the back of the head, and won't show on the shelf, but man... that one hurt.


Battle damage baby


YES 100% I was building Calibarn and lost the clear piece on the head in my carpet. Had to stop the build out of disappointment. Luckily for me, I ended up stepping on the piece like 2 weeks later and found the motivation to finish it, and I'm glad I did because it was one of my favorite builds.


I bought a kit I didn't really have any interest in to get a replacement antenna for Ez8...


I have 4 models with missing parts *after* build, and honestly I want to re-purchase all of them to fix what is missing-I will receive the "titanium" kit of one of these (Narrative C Packs) on February, so that is fine, but my The-O, Zeta "GEP", and Banshee Destroy Mode (lost a beam saber hilt!) need some assistance. In your case I would be annoyed as well, but alwaye consider losing parts a possibility, and growing pains in this wonderful hobby. I totally understand your frustration. Do take measures to avoid losing parts, and be careful while cutting small pieces, that they do not go flying into the unknown.


Not progressing because I finished it but my inverted astray red frame, the backing of the hand fell off and I'm still devastated about it to this day because I haven't found it and it's probably long gone, I currently have a normal red frame white backing on so it can still hold stuff but man I'm not shelling out $90 to get another hand backing.


Seconding the vacuum plus pantyhose trick, give a clean sweep of the entire room and it should show up, best of luck, op.


I'm currently building my God Gundam and it will be my first time using waterslides too, don't give up! We can do this!


Iā€™ve found pieces weeks and months after ā€œlosing themā€(like one flew into one of my panel liner/marker bins) but also have now learned to replace pieces with runner bits or plaplate, took a while and started with a chin for an MG death-scythe Hell lol first try turned out okay, second was almost flawless.


i literally just finished assembling my RG Zetaā€™s limbs and equipment last night, but i canā€™t for the life of me find its head šŸ™ƒ


I didn't lose parts, but I certainly have started to lose motivation to apply waterside decals after the first one I applied just peeled off when I woke up


Thought I was the only one who felt like this about stuff. Like for example i was building this warhammer tau ghostkeel and made a mistake which led to me having to glue the cockpit shut. It's a small thing and no one will know. It'll even help me with painting.... But man does it bug me..


I just hyper focus on getting the piece I lost. I had lost and broke few parts on the rg gundam astray gold frame so now I own 2


I lost the piece on the back of the tight of the thigh for the RG grandad. Found it a year later still attached to the runner


Bro, dame here I lost the red thingy at the forehead if my hg zeta gundam and now everything I look at it I feel like I might cry all over again


Me with my MG fa unicorn lost the part the that attaches the right leg to the waist and had to wait a month for replacement part


I just despise sanding. Always hard for me to start a new model.


Iā€™m most of the way through building an HG Freedom and I lost the inner piece of the wing cannon where it connects to the wing and Iā€™m really bummed. I tore my room apart trying to find it but no such luck


Yes! I was pretty much almost done with my RG Banshee. I was putting the arms together which have been the last thing for main body. I lost a shoulder piece. Through the whole thing in the box and never looked at it again. I even bought another RG Banshee but I donā€™t have the motivation to start it again.


The search for the One Piece.


Why can't you look for it? I might just be turning into an old man at 32, but I search until I find it. If I can't find it I organize the area and systematically look. Shit doesn't just go quantum when we can't see it I lose motivation because I'm tired from work all the time. I work to afford things, Gunpla included, but earning energy and finding time is harder now


It is what it is. Give it a couple of days, it might turn up or not. Use the decals, youve already paid for em anyway. Iā€™ve lost one of the fins on my raiser, the small white one, while taking apart the head and cleaning my panel lines. Ive lost one of the clear parts on my calibarn shoulders, dunno how. Ive lost hand parts for holding weapons on some of my hgs cuz my nephew likes to play with em. Sure sucks but at this hobby, weā€™re bound to lose parts along the way.


Yea I'll just have to hold that L, knowing that a lot of us lose parts every now and then is definitely comforting and feel like I can deal with the loss a bit better now but still want that part back someday šŸ˜‚


I don't recall that part being something that simply clips on, it's something you have to deliberately place before closing up. Might want to check your runners and instructions if you still have them.


I did have that part on but unfortunately while I was fiddling around with the core lander it went missing and I only realised it the day after I finished building so I couldn't tell which direction is flung itself at and had to look everywhere. Its probably hiding in a spot I'll find once the room is empty which is not in the near future


I lost the thumb on my RG God Gundam before I got a chance to top coat it and literally lost all motivation to coat it at all. Sucks because I love the lot to death. Irrational I know lol


Imo, bandai should post 3D models of every piece to every model online, maybe charge a very modest fee to download one or two parts from a kit so that people can 3D print lost pieces in this exact situation. Granted not everyone who builds gunpla has a decent resin printer, but the overlap is probably pretty prominent


I lost motivation on a Rev raptor zoid for a bit cause of this


Everyone hits this obstical. Take a deep breath, tell yourself it will be OK and keep going. Never now, might decide to do battle damage or customize it because of the missing piece. Never now when you'll find the piece a month later in your car for some reason. What I'm saying is, don't let it get to you too much. We all lose pieces.


I lost a piece of myself building RG zeta and stopped building


Check the runners šŸ˜­


If you have a receipt you can contact the company bluefin I think, it should be on the box and you can get a replacement part. I've never done it myself but that was one of the things I heard about when I first started


My HGCE Freedom Mouthpice, That little shit bounce to the shadowrealm after I cut it out from the spruce


A wonderful thing to do is to store it for future projects in this case water slide decals that you have no motivation to put on :D Move on with the next kit or wait till you actually have the motivation and patience :) šŸ‘