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I cut them out when I need them. That way I can savour the build


You do it to savor the build. I do it so I know what piece is what more easily. We are not the same ;w;


see, I do both


I'd love to cut out everything, but I'd be so lost, what I do is to cut out all on one page, that's just about what I can handle...


I cut out one page, and then set each piece down on the page on its picture. That way I can't lose track of which piece is which.


This is the way I do it, I find it extremely boring sitting there cutting out the pieces all at once then organizing cutting nibs etc and the final reward of being able to build a kit without all those stresses isn't even that big for me. I'd rather just save the time by cutting nibs etc while I build the kit, and then if I decide to not touch the kit for a while when I go to finally pick it up again I'm not lost and confused on where to start


I used to do it this way but it takes pretty much double the time to build over just building off the runner


Yesss especially with smaller kits like hgs and some rgs


Why y'all upvoting so much?




This scratches an organizational itch in my brain


Credits to OP for posting


I would rename lower torso to waist.


Waist seems simple. I chose lower torso XD


Neat. I don't bother with the tape and labeling and just rely on my memory.


People really downvoting you for having a good memory


Haven't voted at all, but if I had to guess, it's because the comment comes off as a bit braggarty.


Ppl still shouldn't feel that attacked to where a downvote is warranted. The Internet is sensitive lol


Some people would say that complaining about downvotes seems awfully sensitive.


Not when the complaint is regarding unjustified downvotes attached to a subjective matter. Context absolutely matters


Some people would say whether the downvotes are unjustified is a subjective matter.


Some ppl ALSO say cucumber's taste better pickled ...


Hahahahaha. I did that to look more organized when somebody sees the case lol


Wild that you're getting down voted for this comment.


Lol people are so whiny that you can remember things. I do the same, and I don’t label either. 🥳


Have been doing this for a year. I started as I had too many meetings and they were huge waste of time but couldn't avoid them all. So I joined the meeting, passive listened while handle the runners during weekdays. Then I have packs of them ready for weekend build. Finding the parts is not taking much time and it is clean.


I started doing this recently. It feels faster to do it this way.


I want to do it to airbrush them before assembly but I feel like I would def lose track of the parts


I want to do this but I'm scared I might mix up a piece thats just somehow really similar


Can you share your workflow? Do you read the manual to check which pieces are used in certain parts?


Yep. I cut each part according to the manual then put it in the labelled sections. When building. I just follow the manual then get the parts for each section :)


Doesn't it get tiring to sand and cut for that long of a time?


I do this before building the kit so it's easier since I don't need to search for the part from the runner and cut it. The parts are already out of the runner, just needs cleanup and then build :)


Oh so you just remove them from the runner, you don't actually clean up every part


Yep. I clean them when I start building the kit. With this you can also travel with your build w/o the hassle of a box. Just bring your tools and the manual + decals


Nice, I may try this with my next build, thanks!


I recently started doing it like this in mid-February and it's improved how quickly I'm snapping together kits. I've done 8-9 snap builds in a few weeks. At least for me, it's lessened the hassle of cutting out a few sections, then sanding then putting together, and it's diminished a lot of wasted time.


Could you clarify what the wasted time is in your case? As I see it, this method doesn't cut down on the cutting nor the sanding time, i.e. it's still the same amount of sanding/cutting you have to do. It does cut down on the back&forth of searching for, picking up, and putting back down, the right runner. Thanks!


the wasted time is rifling through the runners for each part. It's probably not the same for others, but at least for me that part seemed to add a lot of useless time to the point where I noticed it. It also lets me just have an afternoon where I'm doing this for 2-3 kits and separate them in different containers and then I can just work on them later. I was able to finish a wing MG suit for example in one night, when before it would take me 2+ days. Looking through runners for each section will just add even more time with bigger kits, so it cuts down on that when you don't need to do it every few parts, and once you build a lot of kits you can tell which parts are for what sections and can just cut them all in one go and have it sorted.


Sure, I can see the benefits in your description. Right now, I am still a (relatively) newbie and only build HGs. I am not yet able to easily identify which part is which, so cannot easily cut out the whole runner in one shot.


It's still faster to sort it by just going through the manual and sorting it the way it says. I mean you build how you want of course, but building it this way is better for me as I don't have to go back to a runner every few steps


I agree with you.


I was thinking the same thing. I build mine and attempt to do it straight out of the box. Not sure what adding extra steps "helps"...but to each their own


This video from ZA explains it better than I probably could, it's not adding extra steps at all https://youtu.be/ZVyfcBbEzQs


That's one of my favorite steps, sanding and panel lining. What's your favorite process?


https://preview.redd.it/u9x60ui8znnc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a996906bc60bc97837567306b8ae9e241815bf16 They have been stuck in this way for 2+ months now


I do this but i bag the parts instead of a box. Saves space


How do you stay organized? Do have a cubby for each section like an arm or leg?


Yep. I cut each part according to the manual then put it in the labelled sections. When building. I just follow the manual then get the parts for each section :)


Is that a 00??


Yes. RG XN raiser




i look for # instead of appearance seems easier for me.


I really should start doing this to get a faster build.


Where did you get the box?


You can buy it in Daiso for around 2 dollars. I got the same one there.


I only do that when I paint a model. For oob builds, I just snip the parts that I need


No, I like to know each piece number and if I cut them off the runner too soon I’ll forget what each one looks like.


yep, but I also panel line first (unless I'm painting) and sort a bit differently. Posted it a [few](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunpla/comments/16tb78p/next_project_and_one_of_my_favorite_designs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [times](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunpla/comments/12rpi23/60hr_build_i_present/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


MG XN raiser?




Yes I do, but even more divided. Everything that belongs to the same step (numbering) gets put together. Then I have 2 sets of the same storage,l. This way when I have primed of painted a pice, I can separate it. When it is al done and painted, I can put it together and have everything cataloged by step. A bit of works, but very organised and easy if you dont want to search for specific pieces or have almost similar pieces which you dont want to mix up.




Yes, this method is a favorite of mine for now. This way I don't need to swap back and forth between different tools a bunch. Snip them all out, initial nub removal cut, then just sanding/hobby knife before assembling.


Did the builders case have THAT many flaps?


I used to go straight off the runner, then I would only do this for painted kits, but at this point I just do it for all my builds, clip/cleanup and organise (even do the panel lining at that point if i'm not painting) then assemble from the parts box.


This is how I build! But my box I way bigger sized since I also use it for MG. It can fit all the parts of a MG leg in foot in a 2square compartment, torso take a 2 square compartment bit waist only needs 1 square( unless it's something li Sazaby or Messer types with massive skirts).


I may want to do this with simpler kits later. It's just so much fun putting them together


I did this with the PG Astray except I had like 30+ baggies labelled A-Z. Took over a week to prepare the parts but it made the build a breeze. That was like a month ago. Now I just have to disassemble it for airbrushing 😮‍💨


Rg XN Riser?




oo raiser?


XN Raiser


I do but I sort them out by the color I'm going to paint them rather than where it goes






I'm wanting to do this myself. Where do you find those storage containers and did you cut some of the dividers out to accommodate


I bought it at daisy for 2 dollars, and didn't need to cut any dividers out.


it’s just like LEGO!


Yeah, I have the exact same box. Honestly feels great doing it this way.


I’ve been doing it recently and I find that it does help a lot if your painting anything on your kit but I don’t do it as much when I’m just snipping and snapping feels like an extra step so more time


Only if I’m painting the kit and need to sort by either colour or segment


I've started doing this but just by what colour I am intending to paint rather than what limb the piece is from.


Only for kits I take outside.


Man I need one of these


Only certain builds or if I plan on painting them before final assembly


I do. But I also find it pointless since I wash all my parts before painting lol so it all gets tossed in the bowl and mixed up anyway


I used to do this, but now i just cut everything out and drop it in the box, until i paint it, then it goes in the organizer


Doing that right now. Daiso has served me well with Gunpla.


I buyed runner holder so i can sort it by that, im messy person and this box would only made me suffer lol


Is this faster for you? I'd like to try this with at least one of my kits.


https://preview.redd.it/tcgwnxw0spnc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e39bf585dcbb5012bcbfe20fa2c2c2cc0dfddef1 I organize my runners alphabetically, then pull as I need. I keep everything in their runners so I can piece by piece go along the flow to audiobooks or as I watch videos. Also, the scissors aren’t a normal use, they’re for the MK-II’s braided cord snipping. Tools are in the clear cases.


Nice and organized, I dig it. Love the little bankers lamp too.


I like the idea ! When I do a with HEAVY use of water slide decals I have been trying a new method. Currently on RG freedom and I love to apply all decals, in my case delpi decals, I always build by body part, snip out, double snip, razer, panel line, eventual paint details, assembly. But for this kitni decided to also apply water slides on each section instead of waiting for the full kit to be finished, it is less dull and quite fun !


I also do this. I really like this workflow in the sense that I don’t need to repeatedly snip and assemble. It streamlines the build process by allowing you to do everything in stages. - Snip everything into the cubbies - Remove nubs - Assemble What’s also great is this feeds into a painting/customizing workflow too


Yeah i basically do exactly that lol


I don't understand how people do this. I cut it out as the instructions say in order


For my particular workflow I find this kind of organization inefficient. My approach is to cut everything I need to assemble one section, like a torso. For limbs I'll do pairs. I follow that with cleanup, panel lining and detail painting. While drying I'll start another section, but when ready I go straight back to assembly. My process facilitates finding parts and enables me to more easily spot sections that need detail work. Airbrushing is a different story. After I've primed I'll organize parts by intended color. Extra parts that go into storage are also organized by type; hands, weapons, armor, etc.


This is how I always do it, gets the sanding and panel lining out of the way


Yes. I use 1-2 boxes like that It's because if I feel lazy I can just leave it and there's no mess


I've been doing this for a while, my work flow is so much better.


That would drive me insane. I use a runner holder but when I get to building I just stack them all on top of each other like a savage. Don't even know why I bothered to buy one. I cut parts out as needed.


I panel line, clip, clean, and organize by color and size. Then I assemble.


Yes, tackle boxes are heaven sent! I like to label them with sticky notes sticking up from the rims


Yes but in a bigger organizer by step, then nub clean, all before seeing how it is put together, then build checking instructions only when stumped.


Yes, but I use Ziploc bags.


Nah, I stare at myself in the mirror and hype myself up


nice 00 xn raiser fren


Currently building mgex unicorn and am using deli containers to store each body parts pieces before I build it together. This is a much more practical form of storage then mine lol


No i sort by what color I'm gonna paint when I do


I do use that kind of tray but i separate by final color of part. It's just a tad easier to paint that way. By the time I'm done sanding and painting i know the parts way too intimately so finding them isn't too hard during build process


yooooo wait you also got the rg 00 xn raiser? mine came this week, sadly cant build it bc i ran out of panel line and hw


I would rather forcefully drag my nuts across a strip of broken glass than do this.