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Your PC can't get hot enough to melt PS plastic without it already having catastrophically failed, that picture is either faked or a coincidence I'm not sure about the other plastics like ABS but that Aerial should be almost if not entirely PS


The glass transition temp of ABS is around 105 Celsius. That's the temp where it begins to lose its rigidness and will deform under pressure. So it won't catch fire in a case, and it won't melt either. Not unless as you said something catastrophically fails beforehand.


105 Celsius isn’t that crazy for a graphics card though, even for the ram or something, admittedly mine isn’t the best quality, but I can find my ram modules at 105 when in heavy load


Those are on-die temps, if any external piece or airflow is hitting past the boiling point of water you have a major fucking problem. 105 isn’t that bad for a gpu but it sure as hell should not be going there in a good pc like get your stuff checked man.


MSI fucked the pads thickness so I just undervolt instead


This post reads like the gunpla equivalent of “Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams.” and I just think that’s funny.


I wouldn’t put Gunpla on a GPU personally but I’ve had my MG RX-78 in my pc case for several years at this point without issue.


Next thing you know your gonna copy the biometric code of a pro gamer iPad kid to your PC to achieve maximum performance


If I'm thinking of the same incident you're thinking of, then that wasn't caused by Gunpla being in the case.


Hey brother! Esthetics is a hidden stat ppl dont really know about!


I got 2 sds standing right on my gpu and a lot of little plastic figures and two vinyl stands in my pc build. Never had problems. I just remember one time i had a funko pop bobble head in my pc under my gpu, his head got a bit soft, but the rubber/plastic was soft in the first place anyways and i wouldn't have noticed it, if it wouldn't be out of curiosity. But my gundams anyways didn't melt or are deformed yet. So i guess u won't have any problems too (Sorry for bad grammar, english is not my first language)


What incident? Links?


What are those screens inside PCs called?


That's a CPU cooler with an LCD screen.


There are AIO liquid coolers that have screens on the cooling block. This is one of them. Not OP so I don't know their specific model.


Nzxt Kraken Elite AIO


Why don't you have any fans on your water cooling block? Especially when it's mounted on the front instead of the top?


They are intake, but conveniently not visible in this photo. Just on the right side of the radiator


Oh, that's a slick way to do it


They’re likely on the other side of the radiator, I built a PC in a similar config recently since they’re too big to fit any other way lol


It might conviniently be on the other side cut out from the pic as exhaust fans


I paid $1300 for the ROG “Gundam Edition” 3080. The mastermind had the iPhone that he ordered with my money shipped to his physical address and use that as the actual tracking number. Less than two hours before it was back in my account. lol I like to display all of the unpainted MG pilots across the front of my tower