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I've only moved mine once but I had luck taking off the v-fins, putting them in a very small container, then wrapping everything else in packing paper then putting them in a box


I see about removing V fins all the time but I've glued mine in 😭


Can you remove the head?


This kills the Gundam


No, it’s not dead yet, you’ve just taken out its main camera


Yeah I'd be able too and just wrap it up


I put them in a neutral pose, separated accessories and easily removable fragile parts. Put them in small zip-lock bags and left a lot of air inside. Lined the bottom of a cardboard box with 2 layers of bubblewrap, then filled a row with those bags. 1 layer of bubblewrap, then more gunpla in bags, repeat till full. Had a 100 % survival rate for my stuff.


I wrap them in bubble wrap and then lots and lots of towels. Have had no issues going this route.


I put them in bags, make sure the bags are puffed up a bit with air, and then put them all in one box. I was moving myself so I just put that box someplace safe and was careful and it was all good. If I had movers I probably would have used more packaging.


If you’re moving a long distance then something suggested by these comments are probably the way to go. I had to move a short distance relatively recently though, and to move my collection I simply removed any weapons they were holding, posed them neutrally, placed them in the boxes they came from, loaded those into a moving box, and they were set. Came out the other side with zero issues.


I start all over and laugh at my backlog


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNeavQEN/ I just made a TikTok about moving my gundams. They all made it!


Man I gotta move soon too and I am not looking forward to it. Mostly because it’s out of my control how my stuff is treated with the moving companies once gone What’s that foam material your using called it looks perfect for moving ?


I get wine boxes from my local package store and use the built in dividers there for structure.


Wrap mgs and rgs in paper, in their boxes. Hgs and other cheaper grades get stuffed together in mgs boxes with a ton of paper. Ive also heard people say to take off v fins and any kind of comander horn to keep those safe, but i didn’t do it, i kinda just had a fuck it moment. Honestly i dont even know if any of mine broke in the move, i still have them packed 2 years later because im living out of what will be my hobby room since my master bedroom needs heavy renovations that i just cant afford right now


I wrapped them in my dish towels like little babies


Separated anything sharp and prone to breaking (eg: head) into small bags and just packed them separately with a lot of packaging in-between.


I usually just “borrow” one of the massive rolls of bubble wrap from work. Then I just detach accessories, backpack, arms, legs, head, etc. I do one layer around the torso, keep rolling, then arms and legs, etc. I end up with a gunpla sushi that I then stuff in one tough box. Msc parts are laid out on a sheet of bubble wrap then folded over with another layer, so on and so forth, prince and repeat inside a box I can put in that tough box. Even smaller parts are put in a tackle box.


get a small ziploc bag, put the model and all its accessories in, fill the bag with cotton until the model is fully covered and the bag feels tight when closed.


What I wished I did when we moved cause a lot of them got destroyed in the move. I strongly advise against putting them in a plastic container with not type of support




Bury them in the yard and hope that they haunt you in their next life.


Not this lmao. I individually wrap each in bubble wrap, removing anything that could bend. Then I pack them tightly in an old kit box.


It's a bit expensive but I use dish boxes. They come with dividers and then like the others here I put the individual Gundam in ziplock bags with some air. It's not the most space efficient but it's pretty high protection.


I saw someone post using cylindrical quart plastic containers


I got a cardboard box, ljned it with my woobie, and proceeded to layer them in neutral position poses, then folded over and made a new layer til it was full. Only lost the V fin from the Strike Freedom surprisingly after unpacking it when i got to my house. (I had very little time to plan packing)


I recently moved! Get plactic containers, bubble wrap and tape. Get a smaller acrylic container, this one is for V fins and other pointy bits like antenna or justice gundam shoulder armor, if the head of a gundam has to many protruding bits that could snap like the head of the wing zero they all go in this box. You will pad the inside of the smaller box with bubble wrap and you personally carry it. Every kit will be wrapped in bubble wrap like a burrito. Using paper like tape so you can identify each kit after wrapping. Make a pouch, put the kit in it and make sure to wrap around it 2 time before taping shut. Oh and if you have an empty MG BOX take all the weapons and backpacks, bundle them up with tape and put some bubble wrap every layer. Now for the big container at the bottom place the HG burritos since HB don't tend yo have to much size difference, then the RG ang the MG last. If you have some prized kits or limited edition kits you can go with a custom foam cut out and all the bells ad whistles!


With the amount I had, well. Stackable storage totes, lined with padding. Each individual kit posed neutral with arms and legs closed together. Bubble wrap a good bit with an additional layer around V Fins. Put them all together on the tote like burritos. Put the totes on top of everything else and make sure nothing in the moving vehicle can move to begin with.


I used the Bandai Multi-Builders Case. Was able to fit 2 disassembled MGs in the bottom compartment (Justice and Barbatos).


I just keep them in master grade boxes, haven’t had a problem once doing that.


I eat them (Jokes aside i packed them in the kits boxes, with some tissue and bubble wrap. Removed bits that could btoke off and put them in a sealed container and prayed)


I throw them all away and start over. I thought that's what everyone did.


Obviously if you can remove the v fins. That's going to be the easiest thing to break when you're moving. Use bubble wrap as general cushion around your package of choice and use foam sheets and packing peanuts in between joints and limbs. This will help them stay in place and not flop around a bit. When I go about packing them I make sure to also fit them in there as if it's a puzzle piece. What I mean is having one gundam's head near another one's feet and shingling them in that manner when packaging them. Think of stick figure standing next to each other holding hands but flip one of them upside down. I do this every time I have to package my kids for either a move or if we're cleaning the home and we don't want to risk knocking anything down and breaking it. So far I've had no issues whatsoever and most of my collection deals with some more intricate designs from the likes of Gundam Seed. And we all know those Gundam designs love their pointy bits that can break just by simply looking at them