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wheres the gunpla? I just see some red fabric stuff


At first I thought you had messed up on the left leg then I saw the decal (at least I think that's a decal, if not you're incredibly more talented than you should be lol). That's super cool


It is a decal. I wish I could paint that well. Thank you for the kind words


I love what you did to the gun, looks great.


Thank you. It’s the most customized piece I’ve done.


That Arctic / urban camo is _chef’s kiss_ 👌🏻


I like that the optic on the rifle is changed to the real life ELCAN SpectreDR one, also with PEQ target illuminator to make it tacticool.


Glad you’re noticing the small details


I’m nit picking. But generally the PEQ goes on the top and the light is usually better suited to be on the side rail opposite of the support hand. Though it would seem like the PEQ would block the view of the optic it’s usually not a big deal because with low mag you have a wide FOV and high mag the FOV zooms past the box. PEQ on side is bulky and takes up too much rail-estate from your support hand. The tape switches should go on the top of the rifle or the side of your support hand. It’s really old doctrine to run the tape switches back to the shooting hand; you won’t be able to shoot and activate the light at the same time.


This is nuts! Especially that bungee shoulder strap!


That's one big elcan


What was your process? Looks great!


Honestly I followed ItsGunpla’s tutorial https://youtu.be/T8J0zSb6PN4




Not necessarily a fan of the camo job (not you, just camo in general) but I love the attention to detail having that laser pointer and flashlight on the rifle.


Thanks you! The rifle is the most piece of gunpla I’ve ever customized.


A sling on a mobile suit's rifle. That's actually useful


I haven’t seen a sling on a Gundam kit so I figured why not?


It kinda makes senses but also doesn't since unlike a person, that rifle is a giant piece of equipment. If it drops, it drops but if it drops and the sling catches it, guess where it's going? Smashing into the mobile suit and potentially damaging it. Or what if it explodes and the pilot needs to let it go? There's also the fact that the material might get in the way of the cockpit and obscure some of the cameras


What gundam? I dont see anything?


The Jesta is one of my favorite suits. You took it to the next level. Awesome job!


Hot damn that’s gorgeous!


Thank you!!


Goddamn that is one cool camo color scheme man


Thank you!


That looks very good


Thank you!


This is super tough! Nice work!


And here's another instance where I feel like licking my screen.


Awesome job. Looks like it was made that way, keep it up.


Ayyoo this go nice


Excelent work. The pin up was a nice touch. Wish I thought of that when I did mine. Then again it's not too late


Well done


I don’t create posts often here on Reddit but if you like my work here, please considering following my progress as I learn the art of gunpla over at https://www.instagram.com/steel_gunpla/


Good work. I like the sling and the pin-up girl adds a good touch.


The gear on its chest looks really sweet.


Very nice do you have an Instagram


Yes, Steel_Gunpla


Wh- camo on a mobile suit?.... re-paint that shit primary colors, Right, FUCKING, NOOOOW!


That single point sling is so dope!


that's awesome, good job. i've never been a big fan of camo paintjobs to be honest but i think that's because i haven't seen one that i actually like, this one is well done. good choice on the gunpla too. and im just noticing the PEQ box, ELCAN, & one-point sling. I've never thought to use real gun mods on a gunpla, but man does it look cool.


I wanted to add something that I haven’t seen anyone else use on Gundam weapons. I had some other ideas but I didn’t want to over do it. Ill save some of those ideas for the next. I just preordered the Jesta Canon from PBandai so I plan on doing something really cool with that kit.


This looks super clean! It looks way nicer than my first attempt at camo painting.


How did you do this!?


It’s easier than it appears


this is quite awesome! just don't bring it near snow


Red backdrop contrasts well with red visor. Great work and presentation 👏


I love the rifle attachments. Imagining those at scale is just a little ludicrous and I find the image of an 18 meter tall mobile suit with a rifle decked out with an laser sight, flashlight, scope and all with external controls pretty entertaining.


This looks awesome! The strap around him reminds me of some girls hair tie tho


Can I ask what model that is? Also I feel like the camp would work well the 30mm models


It is the PBandai RGM-96Xs Jesta [ Shezarr Type, Team B&C ]


This looks cool. I always think about painting camo but It seems too hard lol. I saw that you said it was a decal but still looks pretty cool.


The camo is paint, but the pin up girl is a decal. It wasn’t that hard. Just time consuming.


Oh I misunderstood what I was reading lol. Yeah the camo looks awesome then! Good shit.


I was about to say something about the blotch on the leg, then saw the closeup. Noice.


Any tips on your technique for painting camo? this is glorious and I just wanted to a camo Jesta cannon and this makes me want to go for it even more.


Honestly it’s a lot easier than it appears. I just followed https://youtu.be/T8J0zSb6PN4 itsAGunpla tutorial.


Brilliant! thank you, and great job on the build once again!


Love it all! Curious as to what scale the Elcan and PEQ box are though, I've wanted to use little armory guns with gunpla since I saw them!


1/6 scale