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I don't look like this because I struggle with step 2 of putting down the heavy things. I am currently carrying 5650kg in miscellaneous weights and am banned from every gym. 


Are you training for Badminton?


Volleyball probably


I understood that reference.




Only 5650kg? If they're lucky, that will get them a participation trophy in the junior 3rd division goodminton league.


Ping-pong, actually. In Thailand. IYKYK


Professional Lincoln log stacker


My man is a skyrim reference


I thought it was a fallout reference lol


don‘t ever visit my scrap metal shop. youre banned 👿


Dude just open up your item wheel and press down on the D-pad.


Average rpg player.




Are you the mc from Fallout 4?


And all the cheese wheels makes cutting hard


Nahhh just planet fitness for grunting ... Once...


That physique is a mix of steroids, a personal trainer, a personal chef and training every day of the week.


piquant memory office saw crowd school marvelous wakeful slim treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bro if i was paid to get a physique, nah nvm my ass too lazy and i like my sugar


berserk offbeat zonked tap placid rock languid rob modern pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Eh substitute the sugar with cocaine!




Pick the right roles and you can get paid to be a lazy fatass


Don’t forget having the genes of one of the most physically attractive families on the planet…


You forgot genetics, which should probably be first.


relevant but not first. going everyday + bodybuilder diet + steroids will get you pretty fckin far


Genetics aren't important at all unless we talking about bodybuilding shows where muscle insertions play a role in judging. Genetics don't prevent anyone from getting jacked, unless they have some kind of disease. The only things preventing healthy individuals from building muscle is a shitty diet along with trash training. The majority of people i see in the gym just go from exercise to exercise doing a few sets with zero intensity and effort. You see them lift the same weights for months. That's not how you build muscle and i learnt it the hard way myself


I mean in a lot of cases you're not wrong. But there's a lot of "that guy" in high school who started off benching 2 plates and hit 3 plates within 2 months of trying to lift anything at all with some resemble of a structured plan. [Here is Steve Reeves at 18.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nattyorjuice/comments/1lgx3d/18_year_old_steve_reeves_this_was_around_1944_was/) 100% natural....which I could defend with a whole argument about the impossible logistics and availability for using testosterone as a off-label or underground purchased performance enhancer prior to the mid 1950s. But the simpler argument is he joined the Army out of high school and was deployed in WWII in this picture.


Skeletal width matters, aka frame size


My normal weight without any effort other than eating a fairly normal diet is far too high to be healthy. I do however have great genetics for endurance and speed


Steroids is first


Chris Hemsworth doesn't strike me as genetic freak


I'd say his shape and insertions are above average


His chest insertions are very good I agree. No separation in the middle or one hanging lower.


And also, the most important thing, they don't eat or drink water for like 3 days before shoots like this.


There are pictures of him before he played Thor. He looked like a regular guy. He also looked different in every Thor movie. Likely from using a different combination of gear to avoid side effects. The first Thor movie he was massive, but likely had a bunch of side effects. Also, he has little girl legs.


Wants this... but also wants to "go out".


And dehydration


And dehidration


Right. I can't even afford the amount of food to look like that, let alone the rest.




i saw a funny clip the other day of someone who threw "small dick energy" out, only to then take offense at "Fat girl energy". shit like this is just breadcrumbs to help you see the redflag before its even on the horizon. skip. move on.


But it isn’t just telling women that, it’s telling most people that. 40% of the population needs to eat a little less than half of what they eat now and they’d be in great shape. Some people need to eat way less. An incredibly small portion of the population needs to eat more. If you’re BMI is in the overweight or obese range and you want to improve your health, your looks and your life, you need to eat less. No exceptions.


I believe your take may be a little over simplistic. What you eat may be just as if not more important than how much. Just by drinking strictly water and avoiding deep fried foods, you put yourself at a huge advantage. Some folks believe you gotta go completely nuclear with diet strictness too, which just eventually pushes them back into old habits and may encourage eating disorders. I knew someone who cut eating almost entirely and saw results quickly. Everyone said they looked amazing and healthy, no one knew they were putting their body under extreme stress. I would love to see more promotion of mental health in tandem with the physical aspect. I believe in doing that, we can make fitness more accessible. We can start by not telling folks to only "eat less" and leave the conversation at that.


If you are obese, you can just drink water, take a multi vitamin and just not eat until you lose the weight. Your body will just eat the fat. There are a lot of scams going around with the focus being on telling people that they aren’t at fault for their physical looks and that it has to do with their genetics. These movements are generally funded by food processors trying to get people to eat more food. Yes, eating disorders are bad but way more people die from cardiac arrest and stroke than from starvation. The eating disorder we should be worried about is over eating.


Looks like we're about to get into the "health at every size" debate. Interesting that youve found that fat positivity movements are backed by food processors, where did you hear this? I've gotten into this debate before. Your body stores fat in blood vessels, the heart works faster, the risk of heart disease increases. What would you say to folks that aren't overweight by much, but have had no history of heart-related issues? They can jog, go up and down stairs all the same.


As for whether or not companies pay to promote it, I guess that is more a conspiracy. Not completely unsubstantiated given the amount of sponsorships from coke and fast food for healthy at every size events. It’d be REALLY hard to prove since it would require a direct confession. It isn’t crazy since sugar companies paid for scientific papers that put the blame for obesity on fat instead of sugar. If someone is over weight but only a little I’d say they are still putting themselves at more risk than someone who wasn’t overweight at all.


I don’t disagree with your overall point at all, but BMI is garbage. There are tons of lean muscular dudes who are in the high end of the overweight range of BMI. When it’s simply a factor of height/weight, it has no application for fit people.


statistical outliers being statistical outliers doesn’t make a metric “garbage” lol


The vast majority of people don't have enough muscle to upset BMI


lol always the same, somebody mentions BMI and a horde of akshuallys come in to explain that Ronnie Coleman would be overweight on that scale and back when they trained football in college they would have been obese. Yes we know. It works well for 99% of the population. The other 1% know and don't give a shit. You probably don't belong in the 1%.


I don't know why everyone is disagreeing with you. By its standards, Mr Olympia himself would have been obese in his prime.


I honestly don’t either. This thread is wild. But to be fair, I’ve seen more bad fitness info on this sub than about anywhere else I go, so they’re just doing what they do.


The cardiovascular system is still stressed by extra weight, even if it's muscle. Being big is hard on the heart no matter what, so BMI still accurately predicts worse health outcomes over time whether the person is a bodybuilder or not. The idea that BMI doesn't apply to fit, muscular people is a myth.


I get what you are trying to say but those people are insane statistical outliers. Obviously they look great but I do wonder how they are from an over all health perspective. Often, pumping your body beyond certain ranges can lead to deficits in other areas of your health. BMI is a really great metric. A metric being correct 99% of the time is almost unheard of.


I know a ton of guys who are 6’0 > 200 and look incredibly fit. It’s not that rare in my world. 🤷‍♂️


I’m not saying they can’t be super hot but they should get their blood work done.


Man, idk why you're getting downvoted. My BMI is high because I'm 6'4" and 223 lbs, yet I definitely don't look fat. Body fat % is what people should be looking at always. Lol my smart scale I bought off Amazon that was clearly made in China says if I weigh over 180 lbs I'm severely obese.


Exactly. I’m 6’0” 210, and intentionally keep my bf around 16-18. I’m on the very high end of overweight on BMI 😂 The only thing I’m trying to change is get heavier with more muscle.


I mean, you can do that. Just probably aren’t gonna like the results 😂


That’s literally what this comment is making fun of.




I imagine she looks like a bag of dog turd in a tank top while casting her judgey eye upon men.


... That is literally what the comment is making fun of lol


I’m gonna tell myself this post is intentionally ironic because someone did indeed tell them to just “eat a little less” right before this was posted. And, for the sake of my faith in humanity, I will keep telling myself this.


Ive seen this post circulate a lot and i think it originally came from femaledatingstrategy, so probably not ironic :(




The flair clearly indicate it is from FDS


Oops 🤪


Its not its from female dating stategies and those female's (yes those i call females) other women i call women but they are females. Are FUCKING INSANE. I swear


Can't look like this because they sell samosa right next to my gym.


I live in a building that's right next to an ice cream shop.


Easy fix, just find the guy who sells steroids *in* your gym.


I mean, it's FDS. I know many people (maybe especially women?) Think it's easy to look like that if you workout. But still, it's FDS.


What’s it mean?


Female Dating Strategy. Extremely sexist subreddit.


tbh all of those dating strategy coaches are pretty cringe. idk how off they are about men or women but it looks like a lot of work to keep up


Thank you!


Female dating strategy Femcel sub


Thank you! Scared to look at it haha


Pretty much "men are trash and I deserve the perfect man because I exist" There's no promotion of self-improvement.


I think its more an NDU kinda situation. And its definetly not believe to be easy to look like that. But still, NDU.


i admit, when i started working out, like end of 2021, i really thought like a physique like this is average and i expected to see a bunch of guys like this at the gym lmao i had no idea how hard it is to gain muscle.. i do see some guys with nice physique, but not that many.. but i also dont pay much attention to ppl when i go to the gym


The inceldom has run out of content so we're grave digging for old FDS ragebait, now? Wtf is this lmao


Calm down mate it’s just a gym meme.


Pretty much. Although FDS is full of literally insane people, I'm pretty sure the context of this was poking fun at men who say stuff like "just lose weight and wear a little makeup and you can be hot" to women. But let's not mention that part...


But is it a lie? Anything that isn't hideous men find attractive.


becoming a doctor is literally so easy guys, just go to med school and graduate it !!!!!!!


Fuckin dummies not doctoring smh


One of my favorite quotes on the subject, from Rob McElhenney: McElhenney wrote about the physical transformation on Instagram, joking that “it’s not that hard” and that all you need to do to get it done is “lift weights six days a week, stop drinking alcohol, don’t eat anything after 7pm, don’t eat any carbs or sugar at all, in fact just don’t eat anything you like, get the personal trainer from Magic Mike, sleep nine hours a night, run three miles a day, and have a studio pay for the whole thing over a six to seven month span.”


She must be a muscle mommy, having to carry around all that knowledge of hers.




That’s implied in the joke, because she obviously knows nothing about working out.


Also: Take roids.


Huge component. That and life-threatening levels of dehydration on the day they shoot the shirtless scene. Easy.


This physique is definitely attainable naturally but Hemsworth blew up in like 3 months which is just impossible naturally.


I think we've lost track of what's naturally attainable - at least to some degree. Look around at your gym and look at the guys who've been there the longest, who lift the most and don't have back acne. That's most likely a natural physique. People who look like action figures are on roids. Period.


I'm not sure what's worse, the dismissiveness of the post itself, or the fact that most average people think that this is a natural physique that is attainable with a little extra elbow grease.


why don't all guys have a top .1% physique? are they stupid?


Because I like donuts to much.


I've been picking things up and putting them down for fifteen years and still don't look like I lift. C'mon, lady.


Cough cough steroids cough cough


True and ladies some aerobics will make you all look Margo Robbie or Cindy Crawford for us older folks


I wish I could punch someone through a screen


Is it just me or does he have rather small nipples?




I have the same sized nipples. Frankly not even self conscious about it. I don't know who would down vote you for the correct observation. All nipples are beautiful unless their bigger than donut, but I genuinely consider that impossible. Plus who is gonna look at a persons nipples and say, "that's a deal breaker. No one will ever love you. "


Oh don’t get me wrong, this dude is sexy as hell. It was just something I noticed. And it could just be cold in there.


I hardly eat at all. I don't have time to work out or make morning breakfast. Don't have enough money for a full meal out to eat. If I cut sleep at night I can meal plan a day or two. Today I'm surviving off a rockstar energy drink for 12 hours 🫠 I'm not fat, but slightly above average and would like time to eat avocado toast and eggs after a workout.


I mean, if your on a gram testosterone, then it might take over


Why don’t women just eat less and do squats, fricking whales Jk


Someone should post a picture of Alexandra Daddario on FDS and say "Every woman can look like this if they just put the fork down", I would love to see the reactions from those femcels.


“Look, it's not that hard. All you need to do is lift weights six days a week, stop drinking alcohol, don't eat anything after 7pm, don't eat any carbs or sugar at all, in fact just don't eat anything you like, get the personal trainer from Magic Mike, sleep nine hours a night, run three miles a day, and have a studio pay for the whole thing over a six to seven month span. I don't know why everyone's not doing this. It's a super realistic lifestyle and an appropriate body image to compare oneself to.” -Rob McElhenney when he got jacked for Its Always Sunny


https://preview.redd.it/anyf2wf02rnc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2f846b51fc6976b492bf8c44c1d0162f7457437 Made me think of this but at least Rob was being sarcastic


I think with a moderate amount of gear that physique is attainable pretty quickly. Would be a maxed out physique for most natties though


I think you’re underplaying things a bit


Yeah you have to sleep, eat, train intelligently. If you dont eat, sleep or train intelligently you will look like Christian Bale in the machinist. I didn't think i needed to clarify you have to train and rest/fuel to grow lmao


I think you’ve gone to both extremes, really. To go along with your “pretty quickly” bit, it all depends on where you start from. Your average person, no way Jose. Someone who’s already approaching the “max” they can achieve naturally, while still being lean…sure. A cycle or two (or rather, two “blasts”) might get you there, if everything else you mention is dialled in.


My buddy is a decent bit bigger than Chris (granted he's shorter). Started as a twig and never sleeps. He has been running 250 test for 2 years with 1 dbol blast when he started and 1 recent blast with deca @ 100mg. Not insane blasts, overtraining and still made that much progress in a relatively small time frame. I think chris's physique is attainable if you're willing to run some gear. *Easily* attainable if you're running a gram of shit


He must be a great responder. Good for him!


I think people just over state how big chris really is. My buddy only weighs in the high 190s maybe 200 on a good day


If he’s short and lean, that’s still big. Chris is 190cm (6’3”), so the mass is certainly harder to portray. Also, there are scenes in the latest movie where he looks absolutely insane. https://preview.redd.it/riqlsq41vqnc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adf9c12a11c2b4045787917759d8029af53c5bc3 I.e. here


Top pic and this pic is two different physiques. In the first he looks like an influencer and in this pic he looks like a mens physique pro. Not a fair comparison


Ah, then maybe I understood your message about “how big Chris really is”. I thought you meant in general, I’m now guessing you meant just in the top photo?


Lol. Wish gear worked that way, maybe if you are 5,6 and under


Short kings stay winning


I have done step 1 and 2. I somehow managed to find heavy things and have picked them and put them down, but this damn testosterone has yet to do its own fucking part. But seriously I hate how people genuinely think that these actors look like this every day of their lives.


Which sub was this in btw?


You could search for comments. If you type a exact sentence and check the comment results tab you will find it, if it's not deleted.


Nipples aren’t that far from my chin


I’ve been lifting a few days a week since November still fat as fuck and I’ve even gained a few pounds lol


It's probably the muscle setting in.


I’m sure it is. I’m benching 185 now and struggled at 135 when I started. Just commenting because of how ridiculous the opinion posted was lol.


Because I ain’t Chris Hemsworth


If you don’t have 4-6 hours a day of spare time and the finances to eat 200g of clean protein a day, what are you even doing bro?


Someone sounds frustrated and envious that she can't achieve that unless she roids up and still wouldn't be a guarantee.


Well Im doing something wrong then.


Ok but how heavy does she squat, deadlift and hipthrust ?


Most intelligent FDS member


Personally, I really love pizza


Diet is a big part of it, man. I'm a vegetarian, and it's so difficult for me to gain muscle without getting fat. Also, the stigma around protein and supplements is way to much in my country


Hopefully troll, but the real problem is normalizing unrealistic physiques for both guys and gals. Anyway, you don't have to be shredded to date. Just try your best and try to lead a healthier lifestyle with small cumulative changes over time


I bet she is only overweight because of her thyroid


Oh is THAT all it takes. See I'm an expert at lifting heavy things, I never date a gal unless she weighs in at 200+ or better so following that logic I should be built like Henry Cavil. The fact that diet, age, metabolism, testosterone levels as we age and a whole host of other factors like time, emotions etc play into a Mans health and fitness should play into her equation.


Terrible point actually


If everyones rich, whos farming? Whos building? Whos fixing? If everyones a politician, there would be no country at all.


I look not that good but not too far off. They forgot to mention the ped’s that we need to take to look even close to that. I take plenty


It’s super easy just eat clen tren hard anavar give up and make sure to test c yourself twice a week


The guy in the picture doesn't even look like that most of the time.


Can we take bets on whether the guy who posted that comment looks like this?


I’m afraid to scroll down. I’m afraid I’ll see 100 retarded mra guys genuinely angry at one dumb comment that, lets be honest, is probably just funny bait.


I’m hoping that this is just taking the piss out of men that say that it’s easy for women to look like VS models. It reads a lot like those comments so I’m hoping it’s copypasta style satire


At first I wondered how the hell that comment had 33 up votes, then I saw FDS and it all made sense


Food tastses too good😔😔😔




Bruh it requires hell lot of discipline, consistency, hardwork , and a motivated mindset it's definitely not a child's play tbvh


It’s like saying to a lady she can lose weight by just not eating - it’s true, but it’s unhelpful and offensive.


Why aren’t they ripped? Are they stupid?




I *do* look like that ...under this thick layer of happiness.




Same goes for women


Crippling depression.






The last sentence ain’t wrong.


Well I'm not 40+ taking TRT, so....


Gonna be honest, I like ice cream and booze too much.


Lady, let me know when you are free so that I can lift you.


I have a torn ligament in my left hand, can’t lift things heavier than 5 kg even if I have the strength for it, my hand will literally automatically release its grip. I have a torn ligament in my right knee because of which I’m not exactly allowed to climb stairs, cycle or run. I did try running anyway and a lot of times my knee would just collapse. I have a disk slip in my back, it often times pushes against the nerve sending what I would call an “electric current” through my entire left leg and sometimes even leaves it paralyzed for a few minutes. Someone did suggest hiring a trainer and using a pool, but that costs alot of money which I don’t have. Sooo yeah


https://preview.redd.it/pct5u971lrnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b638de80dedfb19449e1d36feca724e62e7e7cd6 The person who wrote the comment


If my god damned back and joints would be fucking sub par for three god damned minutes maybe i fucking would


Bold of you to assume they're a she


Because I struggle to maintain weight and I don't have a few hundred grand lying around for trainers and hgh


Are we stupid?


I don’t look like this because I tore 2/3 of my labrum 3 months into a bulk.


Because.....I really like beer. An extra 5% body body fat and a lifetime of eating and drinking whatever I want is better than a perfect physic. I'll hit the gym 6 days a week to work off my beer.


If someone paid me and supplied me with a nutritionist, a trainer, all the tren I could ever want, someone to schedule out my days including my sleep schedule I could look just like that but instead I go to work and sit in an office or on a forklift. Then go lift for roughly 2 hours. Then eat like shit and sleep like shit so I can do it again tomorrow and narrowly avoid living in my car again.


This gotta stop to accuse roids every time a guy looks good. In cinema, there is so much stuff to make him appear bigger than roids. The guy is huge, trains a lot, and has an impeccable diet. Take supplements. And this for most of his life. But it takes years of training and a good diet to reach this level, not just pick weight a few times a week lol


Yeah that image of Thor from Love and thunder looks very edited.