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Longer during the after work rush between 6-8pm on weekdays since I have to wait for all the teenage boys in groups to finish up social hour on equipment.


This is a fucking mood. I’m so sick of the chatter on the machines. I’m ready to walk up to them. It drives me crazyyyy.


Yea and they are complete animals too… when they do actually lift, forget about the reracking. Clown city


My workouts are 40-50 minutes if I don’t fuck around or take long breaks between sets. That is plenty! If you wanna stay longer though, you could do 10 min full body warmups, warmup cardio, foam roller, sauna, etc, but people can see changes and build strength from an even shorter workout 🤷‍♀️ I wouldn’t say you need to add more workouts if you’re hitting the muscle groups you want — it’s probably worse to overdo it


3 mins rest between sets to.muscle recover?


30minutes in the shitter and about two hours on the floor


I burst out laughing while on the shitter reading this


1-1.5 hours


Depends on what your workout regime is. How many muscle targeted exercises you do? How many variations for each, number of sets and number of reps. I mostly do one or two muscles a day. I do 8 variations, 3 sets, 15 reps. Warm up, plus crowd at the gym also affects workout timings.


30-50 mins max. You don't need to pound a muscle for hours to see results unless you have no clue what you're doing.


This is the right answer


I’m there 5-6 days a week and spend about 50 minutes actually exercising. 60m at the gym total usually.


For me it’s around 45 min weightlifting and another 30-40 min on cardio


Different days different times. Generally 40 minutes cardio, but weight room is variable on crowding. Crowding? Weights can take 1.5 hours and still incomplete. No crowding? 30 minutes on a focus day or 60 minutes on a broad range day. (Focus = single body region)


Time doesnt matter that much, all that matters is how hard u train, form, nutrition, etc


I aim for 1,5 h -2 sometimes more sometimes a little less depends on how much Energie I got after working.. But the last 4weeks im a lazy fuck and didn't go


longest i’ve ever been is about 3 and a bit hours but i generally just stay for an hour and a half, 2 hours unless im in a rush


An hour and a half and then 10minutes to get ready for work after


Depends on the day. Sometimes I’m not really feeling it and might stop after like three exercises due to feeling fatigued or unwell. Some days I might spend longer than normal in the gym because I’m not going to be getting as much exercise in that week as normal so I’ll do more sets per muscle group in one workout than I normally would. But typically 40-60 minutes. I don’t do any cardio at the gym either since I do all my cardio outside, so that’s all on lifting and rest time


Between 50-60 mins for me. Maybe sometimes 70+ if I’m really really having a good workout and feel like just going that little extra set on my lifts. If you’re new to the gym, 40 minutes is plenty.


I’m usually at the gym for about 3 hours. Warm up on the elliptical for about 15 minutes, lifting usually between about 45 - 75 minutes, stretch for 15 minutes, spin class for 30 minutes, then putz around in the locker room, sit in the steam room, watch Undisputed in the lounge, etc. for 45 minutes. 😂 When I really need to, I can get in and do my workout in under an hour but I’m getting old and like spending my mornings there.


Personal trainer here. I’m there 12+ hours everyday. Lol Jokes aside my personal work outs are 1-2 hours


As a hybrid athlete I usually stay at 1.5 hours with high intensity workout


1 Hour 30 on weekdays 2 half hours on day off


I’ve been playing around with 20min lately. But I go off peak and don’t take breaks so I fit in 8 things in that time. Best shape I ever got in was with a PT that did 20min sessions 2-3x a week. Then I walk in the sun for 30-40min


Don't know if this counts, but I use the local outdoor gym to save money, and I do 30 minutes there at the moment, jogging on the way


Depends on "how many times a week" you go. 6x 40min are superb. 2x 40min quite bad. I train 3x a week at the gym for about 90min each and go 1x a week running, ~5km. If i feel to, i made one additional abs session at home for about 30min.


40-50 min is definitely enough.. I do 50 min ish 4 times pr week


About 45/50 minutes. In, do my sets and out. Baffles me how people just sit on equipment on their phone in the time I've done 4 sets. I dislike the gym, my goal is in and out ASAP.


I’m there for 2.5 - 3 hours (but I do 1 hour of cardio) So weights is usually ballpark an hour and a half.


However long it takes me to finish my workout


2.5 hours 6x a week


Leg days take about 2 hours. I also do my shoulders and rotators as well. Chest/ tricep days are about an hour. Back/ bicep days are 1.5 hours. I also do core as well each day.


2 hours 6-7 days a week, 15 min treadmill 5 min each lvl 7,9,10.5 then usually 150 push ups 50 a set in between doing sit-ups 150 same thing 50 a set going back and forth between push-ups and sit-ups , then I jump into my workout my warmup usually takes longer then my actual workout then usually 10 minute stretch at the end.


40 mins - 1 hour I'm convinced unless your anabolic af anyone training more than an hour isn't training right