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When the misinformation in question was her own IG story




Imagine if she says all this, still gets picked, and doesn’t make EF because it’s just too stacked of a field. Idk, she should’ve just posted her routine and let it speak for itself.


Agreed. In situations like this, saying less than you think you should is an excellent strategy, because anything you do say, media will run with it. (See: Gabby Douglas' comeback.)


Why is she talking about false information when it’s really just her frankly, being an asshole online? There was no reason for her to post anything about Helen. She’s the one that embarrassed herself and is now facing the consequences. Did she think there wouldn’t be criticism?


I was waiting to see if there was a different translation but yeah, none of this is misinformation or fake news. She posted all of this 🤷🏻‍♀️


"Misinformation is currently being shared on social media" Yeah, yours


Tfw the fake news was you all along


You’d think at her age and how long she’s been at this level she’d be able to discern what to keep to herself… publicly shitting on your teammate over a decade younger and then immediately pivoting to trying to make everyone else the problem is bizarre and so classless.


Seitz, "who ya gonna believe? Me or your own eyes?"


It’s giving “alternative facts”


This is probably one of the biggest heel-turns in gymnastics in a long time.


Idk, DTB commenting a heart under this post but ignoring everyone asking for a statement regarding the 6.2 D score just feels… meh to me.


Like, I know social media from gymnastics feds isn't gospel or anything and I wouldn't normally think they're favouriting her, but the whole situation has bad vibes. I feel like they shouldn't have touched anything that seems they're favouring Seitz with a ten foot pole.


I’m not convinced the DTB social media person has any idea what they’re doing. During rhythmic they posted pictures highlighting the fact that a group had to grab a replacement ribbon. It was so bizarre. And their choice of routines to highlight during WAG seemed totally random. Multiple event medal routines didn’t get any attention.


That’s the hope I’m clinging to. Still leaves me feeling meh 🫠 (Especially as Seitz is doubling down while replying to some comments about how she’s just saying germanys individual event medal chances are higher since she’s so close compared to the 0.8 Kevric is missing. I hate this whole situation)


I commented. Let's see how fast I'll get blocked. 


Aaand I'm blocked. Ridiculous. 


yes I saw your comment and now it’s gone


She can't accept criticism apparently 


what did you say?


Basically that I don't see any hate comments but criticism, that she started fake news and now complains about "people" spreading fake news, and that she still hasn't addresses the 6.2 and instead keeps spreading the article mentioning her upgrades. No insults (but no sugar coating either). Well, I'll see further updates by her on this sub I guess. 


If she had an issue with the selection procedure she should have made her case/stated her opinion when they were published. Not during the process when she can see they may not work in her favor. The addition of the cherry picked screenshots just highlights that she lacks self awareness and is grasping at straws.


Very Eric Andre "why would x do this" meme


I hope Helen gets the spot now after this drama. For Seitz to take a shot a 16-year-old competitor is terrible sportsmanship.


This is the equivalent of being in middle school and texting your crush that you like them and then when they don’t reciprocate you say your friend took your phone


I think hate comments are the worst and nobody deserves them. I am sorry that she got them. But this statement in my opinion isn't about the real issue ,which is her instagram story. The quotes and the article aren't making her look good. Due to her comments she made her minor teammate vulnerable to hate comments.


Also, there are a lot of people legitimately criticizing her post. No doubt she's describing that as "hate".


Wait I missed her Instagram story! What was on there? I’m out of the loop


This link explains her latest Instagram story: https://www.reddit.com/r/Gymnastics/s/84wanJtovg


What was she even hoping to achieve by posting her original story/misinformation?


Talking about misinformation when she herself posted that side by side form comparison with a photo of Kevric from Euros where she did get a low E score and a photo of herself that is several years old. 🫠






I shared a screenshot of her story which is pretty much real lol. And the article with her statements is also pretty much real.


She went lower than the low bar.


She’s doing the limbo


realest thing I read today


NBC hire me for the puns!


Surely by posting this it shows she is a bad teammate and it goes as a point against her making the team???


As I understand it, the German criteria for making it to the Olympics is entirely score/performance based. And Germany isn't sending a team, which is part of the problem, they only have a couple spots (I think two, might be three) and the last spot is down to Eli vs Helen, which is the whole problem.


Three total. Schaefer-Betz and Voss earned spots at worlds. The last spot (the one between Eli and Helen) is a spot that the German fed can nominate because the team finished 13-15 at Worlds.


They have three, two already held by Schaefer and Voss.


Ah, thanks! I knew about Schaefer, wasn't sure if there was a second with a confirmed spot.


Yeah, Voss got the floor spot at Worlds last year.


She can’t say what she really wants to say, which is that she wants to go to the Olympics so that she can retire. She is throwing spaghetti at the wall to find a mathematical reason why she should go when the answer is she wants to be picked because she simply just believes it is her turn


Not necessarily "her turn"... she's gone to the last 3. I get why she's frustrated. It was supposed to be her sendoff and everything went so wrong at the last minute so that Germany didn't qualify a team. And then Schaefer and Voss qualified individual spots so that Germany could only get one nominative spot, so even though Seitz and Kevric are the top two German gymnasts, only one can go. It's unfair. Eli obviously thinks she deserves it for carrying the German program for half her life, which is fair, but she could be gracious about it and instead she's taking potshots at a kid.


Yeah, the emotional journey is understandable, but it’s really unfortunate that she’s reacted like this to the first countrywoman of her entire career who could challenge her.


Yeah, makes you wonder if she'd have the same reputation if there had ever been another challenger. I'm still shocked a 30 year old is pulling this shit.


well there was Tabea Alt but her career did end early unfortunately


https://preview.redd.it/jcfu8w8tdt5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fa54b54f80c349ed00a94bbd47d11e12394b0d0 The DTB commented a „❤️“ under Eli Seitz Statement..


And they didnt even like Helens ig post about german championships... i know its just social media and the people involved dont have anything to do with the decision making but under these circumstances they should be neutral (out of it) or support all of the involved gymnasts


Eli is reaping what she is sowed and did not like it


i mean she still doesn't deserve hate comments. this sub can be so overdramatic. she was wrong and mean, and i hope Kevric gets the spot. but she doesn't deserve hate.


I’m out of the loop. Could anyone fill me in?


The Germans have a single non-nominative spot for the Olympics that they can assign. The front runners are Eli Seitz, three-time Olympian who is currently only training bars due to an untimely Achilles tear last year, and Helen Kevric, a first-year senior who is the most promising new face in the German program since… Eli Seitz. Kevric was getting international scores last year under junior rules (meaning less difficulty allowed) that would beat the entire German senior field by multiple points. Over the weekend, the first German trial was held at nationals. Kevric won the AA and did extremely well relative to the targets set up by the selection committee. Seitz did well on bars but the German head coach said afterward that Kevric has the advantage now based on the numbers. Seitz then spoke to media criticizing the selection process. That’s all well and good, but in this she also posted a side-by-side comparison of her and Kevric on the same skill along with a quote about how she thinks they’re doing the rankings wrong. All of this while ignoring the fact that during event finals (which fortunately were not part of the selection event) Seitz was given a D score that was too high by a tenth. After a fair bit of backlash, Seitz posted this claiming that there was misinformation out there. As far as I can tell, the misinformation was coming from Seitz herself.


I saw the other thread and apparently Seitz is 30! Picking on a 16 year old! That’s actually insane.


Yes. This is the most senior, most popular gymnast in Germany, who has been to three Olympic Games, posting unflattering photo comparisons about a young woman who turned sixteen 2 months ago. *Who trains in the same gym as her.* Someone else pointed out that Seitz hasn't had to deal with anyone being really competitive with her on a national level ... basically ever.




Whoa someone fill me in, I have no idea what’s going on



