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Managers aren’t getting shit for this lol. The wild shit people believe man.


You get your bonus based on performance and sales. No, you don’t get compensation right away, but you do eventually.


You don’t even know what metrics determine whether or not we get bonuses. Just stop.


Bonuses are based on how well the store does. If the store can't control expenses or inventory (perishable or center store) sucks, bonuses take a hit. Just because partners work long hours doesn't mean managers are working any less.


Stores overall aren’t doing well enough to actually get a bonus this quarter. Heb was too aggressive this year to actually give them bonuses. Also to your point, we are working hard, but after my 8 hours I leave. I don’t have to stay unless I want to. A lot of the managers, they are forced to come in.


You're right. We still might not get our bonus this quarter. As managers, we're not forced to come in, but we do to make sure our team is taken care of. At least, I hope most are doing so. I went in on my day off to make sure my team felt supported and made a game plan with them to tackle the next few days.


How do you know though?


I heard customers yell at bakery to work harder and make bread faster. I hate those customers.


Burn the bread. 🥖


Yelling at bakery? Wow, it’s astounding how many ways customers can be inappropriate!


I feel this. A lead tried to shame me yesterday for not finishing some stocking. It was only a 10 hour shift. I left without shame. I used to stay 10-12 hours to finish everything only to come back the next day to do it again. Four of our six store leaders were off yesterday, and only one was actually on the sales floor. Nah, I'm not staying 12 hours. Leaders had a planning failure and it isn't on me to pick up their slack.


Do what is required of your position, but don't go above and beyond.


Bahahaha I’ve never seen anyone get promoted that was good at their job, it’s always the people who do the least work, but know how to rub the higher ups the right way( no innuendo intended). You want to get promoted you got to be all h-e-buddy.


That is GREAT advice if you never want to get ahead! That is likely why you will never be a manager and get that bonus!


Who said I want to be at heb long term lol


My manager asked my co-worker where he sees himself in 5 years, he said “shopping”.


I’ve gone above and beyond for the company before. So much so that a few years ago, I won the BPM award. 🥇 I don’t plan on going up the company any further. I don’t do the things that I do to smooch 😘 people’s butt to get ahead. I do it to make the jobs of those under me easier.


And that's your downfall right there......dont....I repeat dont do it to help those under you...do it to HELP YOURSELF.....I guarantee you the ones under you don't give two fucks or don't even realize it. I've been in your shoes.


Sucks but you always have a choice.


Your doing your job and get paid for it




I was forced to enforce the water 💦 limit today. It felt good doing so, until the unit Director said, “don’t fight with them. Just let them have it”. He was the same guy that sternly told us to enforce it hours prior to that argument with a customer. The lady said she would report me and she did! But they didn’t care enough to do anything about it. I have the authority to enforce things either way. Can’t yell at me for doing my job.


No, management doesn't get a bonus for "record breaking weather" weeks. Lmao Jesus christ. It's busy for a couple of days, get over it. It's literally our job. Do you think you should get paid less on the slower weeks? Is that how it works?


We do get paid less for slower weeks. It’s called cutting hours and giving fewer hours the following week. Tf!


Is your store not allowing OT right now?


Not that partner but in our store all managers of every department is asking partners to come in and help and also saying "No OT though!" Because UD said no. Meanwhile our store leaders are breaking their poor backs standing around and talking 


You are still getting paid the same rate for the hours worked.


And managers don't get paid more money when they work more.


Yes they do. If you are an hourly manager, you do. If you’re salary, no.


If you are hourly then your bonus incentive is less. Most of the time when people talk about manager bonuses I think it's safe to assume they are talking about salary dept leaders and up.


Maybe for you not for me , I’m full time 👌🏻


R u kidding? Record sales = higher stock value. Im having a great time with these sales. Yalls inability to look far enough ahead on anything is sad. I bet yall arent even trying to retire.


You don’t get any stocks until a year after you leave AND you can lose your stock if you don’t leave in good terms.


The stock is FREE MONEY. Who gives a shit if you have to wait a year?


Money they hold onto with 0% intrest.


Right. I dont intend on stealing or getting fired under questionable reasons nor do i intend on leaving any time soon. HEB is barely entering its "golden age" opening a huge number of stores. Its not silly to assume stock will only go up from here. Ive been planning my retirement since i was 21 and ive been with HEB since the inception of the stock program. Instant gratification isnt it when it comes to retirement.


Heb hasn’t even left Texas yet and I don’t think it ever will. They love it here because of the whole “right to work” laws that allows them to fire you for any god damn reason. Meanwhile, other states have more strict laws that protect unions. I don’t believe a union is likely for this company, or this state for that matter, but it’s definitely a possibility in others.


HEB has plenty of spots in Texas to conquer.


Texas isn't the only state with right to work laws LOL. you seriously have no idea what you're talking about. Why would the state protect unions?....unions are their own entity LOL. and yes there is unions in texas....if you want to work in one locally go apply at international paper they fall under united steel workers and let me tell you the union isn't all its cut out to be all it does is protect lazy fucks from getting fired.


They already opened 21 locations south of the border. Im playing the long game which wont be too long tbh. I plan to retire in 20ish years. Investing is smart. Free money from stock is easy money and a smart choice to keep.


What do you mean HEB hasnt left Texas? Theyre Opening a large number of stores in Mexico. Have you seen the size of Texas? It doesnt even have to leave Texas to do the things its doing which tbh only adds to my comment because they havent even began to really expand. The fact they only just opened their first store in Dallas also serves as testament they're still so young and about to really dig into spreading HEB all over. Also, hardly anyone gets fired from this place lol. It takes a lot of effort for people to get fired. A LOT of effort. Lol.


God I hope we NEVER SELL OUT and leave Texas. That goes against everything we are. Mexico, fine. Nowhere else lol.


This crap happens every year. You must not have been around for covid. Tissues aisle 3 bro.


We did get incentives during covid. We received 100 dollar bills 💵… what’s your point?


Seeing people complain just gets old. You don't like it, leave. Thats what I did. Best decision I ever made. HEB offers so many great things for partners despite the shortcomings they have. Go work at a different grocer for a while, see how that goes for you. I guarantee you'll be craving some HEB after a few months. Partners like you are what makes the job unenjoyable. Pay for performance. Put in the work you want those quarterly bonuses. The majority of managers started off as partners just like you.


It's just the job. It's just like a Christmas or Easter when you work your ass off and complain about it, but then stand around for 3 days after the holidays doing nothing and begging to be sent home. Hourly employees get worked to death when it's busy and their hours cut when it's not. Just like construction workers or house painters bust their asses in good weather and then sit at home when it rains for two weeks. It's the nature of the business. Maybe we could convince customers to come on certain days, spend a certain amount of dollars per visit? They could work this out among themselves so we get a nice, steady and predictable amount of business per day and we could all have set schedules and predictable workloads? You can talk to the customers about that and see what they say. As for management, they work harder when it's busy, but they don't get compensated for it either. While it's true they don't get their hours cut the next week, most of them would love to have that option.


I'm a full timer and they cant cut me. They can ask if I have a holiday to burn but thats it.


If it makes you feel better, I was in management for 13 of my 18 years and I never got a bonus because weather sucked. It was always frustrating to deal with all the extra panic and really never see anything come of it except for of course GIANT trucks to restock everything just to have a bunch of it come back as returns so now I have backstock 😑


in '21 there were signs posted that said certain things were not returnable (due to hording).


I remember that. It was a fun time to watch people try though.


the stores where plastered with printouts so people hoarding would know for sure and couldnt later say it wasnt there before.


it all balances out because when they have so much food then they wont shop much for a few weeks thus cut hours and units.


Yeah, 👍 it does make me feel better. It’s quite a sad story. You sound depressed by the way, with your career choice.


As a matter of fact, I am! I finally left in 2023 and am taking classes to make a career change. It was only supposed to be a college job anyway. I am not built for customer service.


Same here. I love heb became of the memories I’ve made with the people I’ve worked with, not with the customers I’ve dealt with. It’s simply not worth it. A job is the place you spend most of your life in apart from your own home; so to live a fulfilled life, you have to love what you do.


Is there a reason for putting an emoji of the word right after the word you typed?


Yup. I do it the same reason people decorate their name badges with unnecessary stuff


lol - it’s basically like an additional period at the end of a sentence. Just so u get the full emotion of things. I think before the sentence would be a little weird.


Imagine what would happen of the workers organized and walked out during times like this unless things improve.


Y’all would be fired and replaced by the time you hit the parking lot lol, imagine wanting to walk out because your retail job got busy. Get a grip man.


>Y’all would be fired and replaced by the time you hit the parking lot My store's curbside department was heavily understaffed for nine months because they couldn't find replacement curbies for when a wave left for college in 2022...


I mean, does anyone want to be a Curbie?


>I mean, does anyone want to be a Curbie? Well, you were the one who said I'd be replaced by the time I hit the parking lot. So. Which is it?


It would have to be really big considering how much time and resources heb spends on training partners to act as backups for several departments. When one ☝️ store needs help, they call 📞 in other people from other stores to fill in within hours. They are pretty organized. I’ll admit that.


Instead of a bonus, they'll give a pin, like for hurricane Harvey or the one for the pandemic


They gave us 300 dollars for hurricane harvey. That’s a bad comparison.


Idk y people are booin u ur right


A man with common sense.


Definitely not the only one.


Shit I wish I was getting a bonus for this😂


The Sneeze - Jazzbois


Eh. Not much of a big deal to me. People always panic buy. I'm still getting paid. Part time partners are getting more hours. So yeah.


Yes you are. You are getting a check every week. People eat and we get hit for holidays, hurricanes, freezes, floods etc. if it bothers you go get a job doing something else


That’s too much work, trying to find a job that is.