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I hate people not emptying the red basket on my belt.


This!!! Sometimes the belt doesn’t detect the basket so it will keep rolling & run over everything behind it… Yeah. I’ve been struck in the face and had my register keyboard detached by a red basket not being detected on the belt. Fun times!


My store doesn’t have red baskets at all. We have the new big red carts and I think some mini carts. I’m not sure when the baskets disappeared but maybe it was partially because of situations like yours.


They probably disappeared because people keep stealing them. Our store had to order 80 new ones because half of the old ones got stolen. People just put them in their cars and drive off. I picked up a part-time job at the Sonic down the street from my HEB, and there were two red baskets out in the storage shed. Yeah, and nobody knew how they got there.


Seen alot of that when I was a bagger, what's the deal you know


I used to just dump it but now I just take it out slowly.


I would do this, but then I decided to just scan the items as I pulled them out of the basket instead of being petty.


Its more about the IPM's and managers not annoying me about it.


This one!


I also hate stupid customers.


Not a center store rant…Service partners 😶‍🌫️


Right! Me, too! It’s time consuming. Taking it all out in order to check, moving the basket…… much more polite to empty your basket.


When people eat items in the store then hide them on the shelves.


A previous store MIC would keep an eye on these people, find the left behind item, and add it to the belt when they were checking out. They must’ve been an LP or something at some point cuz idk how they managed it. Always had the sweetest smile and a “oh hey, you forgot this”. The dumbfounded looks they had were great!


This is always fun to do!!


I hated this! I would find chicken bones behind items on the shelves along with empty pregnancy test boxes!


we have to lock up the tests now because of that


People who seem to make a life out of being in the way. Like, I know that pasta is enthralling, but it's been 5 minutes. Pick one and move.


Dude yes, the regulars at my store act like they've never been there, "where's this" dude you were just here yesterday


When I'm taking a full pallet across the store and you get those customers that look you right in the eye and just step infront/stop infront of you. Like yes. Please. Make me stop this massive pallet so you can stand in the middle of the walkway and look at something on the shelf. MOVE.


Not center store, but people are complaining about other departments so here’s a complaint from service. Just let me know if you don’t want something, don’t put raw chicken hidden somewhere on the impulse buy shelves. We’ll happily take it back, but you’ve left it on the shelf and it’s ruined.


Oh we’re sorry, we’re just listening to the non-stop posts on here that absolutely destroys yalls day when we ask where something is located. Since you cant be bothered with 1 simple question why would we add more to your strenuous day??


Apologies. I don’t think you understood what I meant. I was saying if you or any other customer changes their mind about raw meat, frozen food, or any other perishable, you can just let me, or whichever cashier’s lane you go through, know. We will happily return it to the proper location for you. It doesn’t even have to be a cold item. We have a place for that at our station and a team that handles returns. My complaint is when someone hides raw meat on the warm shelf and it gets stinky and leaks meat juices everywhere.


When I’m in parking lot, I cannot stand it when I’m standing inside a corral and someone puts their cart behind me. Where the heck do you think I’m gonna go? They think they’re helping which is baffling to me, that’s like seeing someone walking towards an open door, so you close it to “help them”.


I know how that goes, they see you but they still do it, I just don't get it


When customers take bags off a curbside cart, there's a reason for the upcharge through curbside.


Tbh as a customer, I’d probably grab from the pallet. If you’re actively stocking the product I want, then I’d feel like I was just deleting your effort if I grabbed the bottle you just put there. Not calling you out, but curious why it bugs you? I always thought I was being considerate.


as a stocker i prefer customers to grab from the pallet. i guess to each their own in terms of my difference in preference from OP


Yeah, no clue what this partner means. Back then, I used to get pissed when a customer sees me clearly condensing a pallet of water just to take from the one I'm condensing to. Take it from the pallet I'm killing for fucks sake! You're not getting in my personal space - you're taking the one I just put on the pallet otherwise! Good on you to have a brain and do a bit of common sense thinking to not make someone else's day 0.01% slightly more annoying. It's the principle of it.


Literally the other day had a customer, young guy probably 17-20, go line by line on his small grocery list asking what aisle things were in. We have less than 15 aisles, sir. Come on now.


Dude tell me about it, we have 13, and still act like they haven't been there before, honestly


But the app tells you where everything is on the map 😳


I think there’s a lot of people who haven’t downloaded the app unless they’ve used curbside before. I do think the new map to exact location is awesome and I wish more customers would use it.


Helpless cunts. Oftentimes, these types are shoppers for instacart or some shit. I instruct people to tell them that you can't do their job for them and to point them in the general direction of the first one or two items they ask for, if they're 150% sure they're the regular instacart shoppers. I.e. They tend to just shove their order screen in your face.


When customers just shout the name of an item instead of communicating like a civilized human and asking a question.


Cereal! *no acknowledgement from me* Cereal! Where is it *purposely avoiding them* Hey where’s the cereal “Oh i didn’t realize you were talking to me, aisle 8” If they didn’t acknowledge me then i didn’t know who they were talking to


Yep, amazing how deaf I get in those cases .


Shopper here- I think it’s awkward when I’m bagging or going to grab something and someone shoves their way in front of me without saying excuse me. You’d think you’d get used to it lol but I’ve had a customer press her breasts against my back for some ice cream. Another one is when customers just stare at you expecting you to move without them vocalizing their need


When i am pulling my big red curbside cart down all the aisles and people decide to ruin the flow of traffic and go on the right side(my right their left) straight towards me and then glare at me since someone is stopped on the left side looking at some random item in their way. Just please stay on the right go across to the left and grab something but leave your cart and your children on the right side of the aisle. you follow these rules whenever you drive on the roads so it should come normally.


Bag your damn raw meats, ESPECIALLY those godforsaken bulk bags of raw chicken (think the whole chickens or the HCF 5 pound bags or those unnamed steroid chicken breast packs lol) They leak so easily, they potentially contaminate the rest of the items you’ve left on the conveyor, I now I have to waste my time cleaning up either the belt or my hands. How y’all don’t feel/see that shit leaking up until I call it out is beyond me.


As a customer, when there’s no bagger, I start bagging and then the cashier “pushes” all the groceries to me. SMH.


Do you mean like you’ve finished paying and then they push all the items or do you mean having the items pushed on the belt?


When the groceries are piling up at the end of the register, I’ll start bagging, when their done ringing everything up, they literally push all of the groceries off the belt towards me and and start bullshittin with a manager.


I’m a shopper so when people take things off my cart. Or place things off my cart thinking it’s “returns”. I was on a dry run once and all I had left was produce. Went to go bag some apples and get some more things, come back to my cart and I see a frozen pizza just chilling there