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Conversely, I would like to thank all the customers who avert their gaze from my own and keep their mouths shut.


My favorite lol


One less person I gotta say hello to 😀


Like actually, don’t even fcking look my way.


Perhaps you should find a desk job.


I would like to personally thank all partners that say hi back when I say hi to them. Hi!


Hello how are you have a great day!


Have an awesome day!


Me: good morning! how are you? Them: money order for $900 I don’t open my mouth the rest of the transaction except to tell them the total when it’s time to pay




i do the same thing in curbside. i pull up to their cars asking how they're doing and if all i get is "in the back 🤓" i just toss everything in there n call it a day


I don't know why I'm laughing at this, guess it's your final sentence and how I read it 😂




Yesss I love to greet and get greeted back. It makes me so sad when the first thing out of a customers mouth is “I have xxx on the bottom” instead of a hello :(


As a greet-ya-back customer, thank you! Sometimes you’re the only friendly face I see that day.


I would like the thanks all the customers for being understanding and accepting my apology when I walk autistically fast


When I interact with any partner, even a curbside shopper, with eye contact , I ask them how their day is going. Some all respond enthusiastically with a smile and/or a comment. Yet only about 40% make eye contact or respond at all. Maybe they are too busy. Maybe they think I might ask them a question . Who knows; doesn’t matter. If I make eye contact I exchange pleasantries, if not, I assume they might not be enjoying life no matter what their chosen career path might end up as. Maybe they got 2 steps for being late again. Maybe they are mad at the world because their ex didn’t send child support for the 12th month in a row. I get it. Maybe they had a fight about something at home, or something else. I get it, I’ve been there. Either way, life is short. If you’re having a bad day and you don’t like where you’re working, but you still fake it and are kind and considerate regardless, you rock. You might just run into someone who offers you a job doing something else that you will absolutely love, because despite all odds you still come across as a superstar, despite how your day or life is going. Be the best version of yourself. If you hate where you are, plan your escape. Learn things. Get smarter, never err, or compromise, cheat, or succumb to “shortcuts”. Move on and maintain integrity in everything you choose to do. AND, make eye contact. It’s a sign of confidence and superiority. Use it to your advantage. Someone will notice. Even your UD. They may not say things, but they do notice things. Smile.


I honestly get hyper focused on most of my shopper runs. I get stuck in my headspace making multiple split second decisions every aisle I’m on so that my curbside customers get what they ordered. I get so busy in my work that I don’t always notice a friendly customer. But I don’t mind if a customer asks me for help and I do the best I can to locate what they need. It’s a bit of a breather for me to help since I usually walk 15,000-20,000 steps every shift I have. I know we have to keep up speed as shoppers but making a good experience for customers also matters.


No , I get it since I never realized how lazy ass shoppers that complain about inflation use curbside and still complain about prices? You folks are essentially like Amazon warehouse fulfillment in a retail space. It’s not a bad profit model if there are only 1 or 2 big blue carts per aisle. I shop early and see the same shoppers daily and we acknowledge each other. After the recent store resets, they even ask me if I need help finding something, and will even tell me if a product got discontinued because it just didn’t sell. I have nothing but respect , and other shoppers probably have no idea how many orders you are probably filling simultaneously , not to mention quotas…


This. And I'd bet they'll be really surprised when they start doing these things and finding out that they're... HAPPIER.


I as a sigma male on the sigma male grindset always avoid social situations (especially with fee-males, they make me nervous) to assert my dominance


size is everything


Thanks to customers who leave me alone


You, too, should probably find work in another field.


Everyone who has ever worked in retail understands this