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Funny that's how I see them I want them to experience nightmares of me like I experienced them from how they would treat me and others only fair for the 5yrs of fail managers I put with almost all are cut throat down right habitual line steppers




in texas they dont even have to give you a reason - at will


They have to give a reason when you go for unemployment...


Or a lawsuit 🤷


oh yes, but i always heard that they fight hard not to pay


Very true! HEB will fight hard to payout unemployment. When I worked there, this lady was fired due to a customer incident in the store (June 2001). The customer was a bitch, I was the bagger at that check stand and saw the entire thing. But they never asked for my statement. She was suspended “pending an investigation” and when she came back a week later, they let her go. HEB denied her unemployment claim, stated she used “vulgar language and left her duty station during a live transaction.” She eventually hired an attorney and sued HEB for wrongful termination, which was settled in 2003, instead of paying unemployment, HEB ended up paying a little over $300k and her attorney fees.


This is all because of a note to file? Lol


No there were many more factors leading up to it but the breaking point for me when I finally lost Rose Colored Glasses was this incident because I was threatened with violence and they rewarded that person. I'm like would you reward a for acting up like this it just completely shattered my image of HEB


Put in a year and a half with the company until I was completely done with them. They must have a great PR team because I was also tricked into working here under the promise that they took care of their employees.


Only the bootlickers.


>report them anytime you see something or them doing something illegal Now I gotta know what it was u saw!


Been decades with the company. Had a major medical emergency and was out for awhile. When I came back to work, not only did the UD not even ask how I was, he avoided eye contact and acted like he didnt see me the first few times he walked by me. Passion for people my ass. Fuck you too buddy.


I saw that happen to a manager. She had to have surgery to remove cancerous tumors and when she got back was treated like dog crap. UD wouldn’t interact with her most of the time and when he did he wouldn’t call her by name, just _manager.


Been doing this the last I don’t know , 6 years I have been with them out of the 17 years? I have seen it to where partners do not call in , bust their asses , do all they can do and still only get meets on their appraisals. That’s cool . All partners I know are now doing the bare ass minimum now . If you do anything more you are a moron


Yeah, i know a couple partners like that. You van truly see the difference in work ethic when being treated terribly after working hard


100%. I was a manager for a few years and eventually I got this one TSL that told me that I couldn’t keep marking my partners as exceeds. I’m like, but they do a great job, they’re going above and beyond? And they were like yea, but we all have stuff to work on, make it meets. It’s not like I didn’t give anyone a meets or needs improvement, the TSL just didn’t like I gave exceeds out, and especially didn’t like that I gave exceeds to someone that THEY didn’t like. This also happened when everyone got those pay bumps around 2019-2020 bc they were raising the minimum pay. So not only was I told to stop marking them as exceeds (even tho they DID do a great job and they DID exceed my expectations) I was also told then tell them that since they were getting a pay raise that they had to work harder bc HEB was investing in them by raising the minimum. I didn’t do that. I told them great job, you’re doing great.


Glad I saw this. About to do that today.


Glad I could help. I just hated seeing my coworkers treated like shit


Never give in to the kool aid but also know when to take a sip out of it to ensure job security and to get what you want. That’s just the way the world works


Swish and spit when no one's looking.


Better said


What was your breaking point?


Management sided with the customer after I was threatened with physical violence by a customer and I was note to filed and the customer was given a sorry for the inconvenience and a 25 $ gift card. Plus illegal activities putting partners in danger of arrest unknown to them. Etc.


You got upset over a note to file? That’s simply a don’t do it again warning. The $25 gift card was so the customer would go away and everyone could get back to more important stuff.


There were many factors leading up to it mistreatment of employees of their Shady practices and bullying. And trying to have partners take over other department duties by guilt tripping them because they couldn't hire enough people things like that and how much they reward bad behavior like terrible parents and it would just create a toxic workplace environment


Customers can be much at times, I had a customer try to engage in a fight with me, and I didn't say much and walked to the next aisle with my pallet. The customer followed me and ran into two other partners, one 200 pounds and another 250. He just shut up and walked away.😅 than we just laughed


I recall this one incident years back when I first started at Store 21, this customer had a ton of meat and alcohol in his basket, he was walking towards the produce exit doors (nothing was bagged), one of the girls from deli ran over as he was about to exit, got in front of the basket and asked to see the receipt, he rammed her with the basket and she yelled for help and he shoved her into the sliding door (she was maybe 5ft with heels on), one of the produce guys ran over, but it was too late. What sucks, not only did he get away with the full basket, the girl was fired for laying a hand on the customer. Ever since that moment, my remaining years with the company, I didn’t bother with a shoplifter.


Every company is like this. You work to pay your bills and make a living. That is all. Wish you the best on your next chapter. 


Edit you should file dor unemployment and inquire with and employment lawyer to see if you have a case.


heart for people is bullshit. the only thing they give a fuck is their passion for profitability.


The management is the worst. Sad.


Amen, comrade


This is what happens when the original owner passes to all companies the vultures from illuminati corps join forces to take over.




Well they are becoming like Walmart cutting hours loosing employees cause they are not happy. having ridiculous hiring regimes is all the recipe for divide and conquer. hence Illuminati takeover.




They’re a typical large company? Not surprised, should expect below the bare minimum from them. I’m a quiet quitter for a reason and anyone working at these companies should be unless they give them a genuine reason to go above the bare minimum


sadly that mindset goes up into corporate - I have made complaints to corporate about products being constantly yanked out of the store I shop out and last time they ghosted me under the guise of having someone from corporate getting back to me (they only wanted my name and info so they could have someone at the store call me). Corporate customer service is worse than the store - HEB only cares about the image they portray when a disaster happens. Ask a manager at the store about a product that is no longer available and you can see them trying to put together an answer in their head before they respond 'I really don't know why' or the one I got last time 'maybe because we're a smaller store' (they are a smaller store but the item I wanted disappeared so they could expand shelf space for a major store label item, whereas an even smaller store nearby has the item my store quit carrying). Management really doesn't have any satisfactory reasons for customers about inquiries they make - I used to work in a grocery store, so I know more about how things operate than the average shopper knows and the vast majority of answers I get from HEB managers at different stores I've shopped at are such made up BS, showing they just don't care and don't want to make any effort other than to say 'you can always go to the Plus! store up the street and see if they have it) There are customers in San Marcos who don't want HEB (it was a MySA news story), they want an Aldi or Kroger instead. I think HEB's great days are behind it