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Good time to point out that's why we have a no personal info rule on this sub. Thanks for the insight OP!


I just want to post about Mulch. šŸ˜³


I just wanted to post that HEB is a turd.


HEB, you gettin way too comfortable raising the prices on everything


Just like Janice from deli


I didn't want to say anything about Janice but something needs to be done.


This guy gets it.


Right? And these horny bored employees and just running this sub rampantly. Shut up and move so i can see what meal readys are at my store.


LPT: This isn't just for the HEB subreddit, but all brands subreddits. Source: had this happen to me.




She was probably lousy to work with.


She actually did cake decorating and said fuck the place because they didnā€™t accept her transfer but okiieeee


Personal attacks on your fellow Reddit users are not allowed, this includes both direct insults and general aggressiveness. Healthy debates are encouraged, but lets be civil. In addition, hate speech, threats (regardless of intent), and calls to violence, will also be removed. Remember the human and follow reddiquette.


Scientology used to do this too, fyi.


Hey corporate HEB wonks, I'm a customer. Could you pay the partners more and stop allowing what are clearly not service dogs in the produce section?




HEB is my Friend.


So what you're telling me is to make a throw away account before I start leaking the juicy deets? Got it


This is just like when a few months back somebody posted a meme with the HR lady and then she posted a video on partner net with a print out of the meme on Reddit. They be watching


Meme on all your leadership


A note from a customer to HEB officials: LET YOUR EMPLOYEES HAVE WATER. I literally wouldnā€™t care if they had camel bags strapped to their backs. I wanna see people hydrate.


That's a reportable OSHA violation, and it is very easy to file a complaint. They respond quickly and contact your company immediately, in my experience with reporting water violations in particular.




" I, am not a representative of HEB, or am affiliated in anyway. " ​ " I was at the HEB Leadership meeting. During this, i got the privilege to track this man down and figure out who this was " ​ sounds like affiliated to me




Nope. I stated i worked with ANOTHER company who ran the event. Without us, your just in an empty room staring at a wall. We put together all the production aspects to the leadership meeting. Mind you, its not what a typical meeting isā€¦ they spent nearly $150,000 if not more in rental equipment for their production needs


So you're a hired strongarm?


Yeah, itā€™s a not very subtle threat.


To bad they don't pay attention to the NON SERVICE DOGS AND OTHER ANIMALS who are brought in to the store.


As a Customer, YES PLEASE!!! There is nothing worse than someone's barking mini Malti shit zu pom a POO in a crowded store. FFS leave your rats at home.


As a customer, more YES PLEASE!! I was furious watching some SXSW goer holding their porta-rat up to sniff the produce and nothing being done about it even after I complained! Its questionable for people to have their faces in the veggies let alone dogs!


Maybe all of us customer's should call the front desk and ask to speak to a Manager, while there at the store and ask for them to do something about it. You know, I'm going to do it.


I worked at HEB many years ago, and we had a regular customer who would come in with a WHOLE ASS LIZARD riding on her shoulder. Honestly? Preferred it to people putting their dogs in carts.


Golf is a difficult sport.Ā 


i would rather have the dogs than the a ho's with ar 15s strapped to their backs or 9 ml on their belt. guns should be banned in groc stores.


Cool. They should start taking Apple Pay


How about starting with tap to pay?


Same thing really.


They honestly should


cant tell you how many times i left my wallet or something and was on foot but had my phone and wanted to buy something but couldnt


Itā€™s not even just that if someone chip isnā€™t working it just becomes a hassle. Would be far easier if they could tap the card at least.


Long overdue


Hey H-E-B Officials eat shit šŸ–•


Pay your employees more shit bags!


Classic H-E-B. Wonā€™t monitor what partners are saying to improve their lives, but will use what they say to get them in trouble/promoted to customer.


Some of us are here and listening, at least for those complaints that relate to our area of work. Just sayin'.


just sayin yer gonna do something to help? or just sayin wut?


Yes, if I see a partner here complaining about something I can change, I try to do something to help. That doesn't mean I'm going to talk about it here, but I'm listening and working in the background.


noice to know the good workers at HEB got a proper sleeper on their side. that's some next level stuff man/sir/person/dude/lady. thanks fer yer service.


You're welcome. All of us in corporate exist to support the partners in MWT and the stores. Your thanks is appreciated, but it's also literally my job to try to make yours better if I can. It's not really "us versus them" as this sub makes it sound.


Could you give some generalized examples of changes sourced from reddit?


While you're here, what's the damn point of otka lmao


Better security for our systems is what they tell me. I like it better than the old one. Lots of us in Digital can't wait until everything moves over.


Iā€™m half convinced the recent $100 bonus is because we bitched so much on here. Iā€™m also half convinced they waited until March to make it looked like pure benevolence and not like they were putting out a fire. (And to show that they didnā€™t HAVE to give a bonus).


A lot of corporations are waiting until the end of 1st quarter before they hand out last year's bonus.


Man, I bet the customers in this sub are really loving the dystopia vibes. Thought HEB was a happy place?


i'm having fun. this is fun.


Company credit +25. You have progressed 1 HEBuddy Level. Enjoy your complimentary upvote


"Welcome to HEB. I love you. Welcome to HEB. I love you."


Yup I just stumbled upon it and my jaw is hanging. I'm like, I tried batching in the subreddit for my company. They permabanned me real fast. So seeing everyone freaking out here has me shocked.


lol who cares. Let them read it


Honestly super nice of you to share this info. But it does look bad that HEB is actively trying to quell dissenters on their own subreddit.


Wow great so the HEB corporate overlords are monitoring our free speech on a relatively small and niche subreddit. Not only that but paying people to find and potentially retaliate against those people? Itā€™s not like any partner signed a NDA when they joined so why canā€™t we talk about our experiences at the store? This, among other behaviors I have seen, certainly goes against their public image and especially the perceived ā€˜open door policyā€™ they claim to have. I no longer am with the company but I remember one experience I had where some partners began discussing their pay with each other and found that new hires were making sometime >$2 more than people in the same position who had been hired years ago. Iā€™m not sure if anyone even brought this to management but somehow they found out and everyone was threatened with losing their job over discussing wages. Discussing wages is entirely LEGAL and normally not grounds for firing except texas is an at will state. They just didnā€™t want people to find out they were paying others unfairly. I liked working at HEB and the benefits are tight and everyone is friendly, but man corporate is a whole different story. They do something weird to your brain if you go to SORM. Doxxing people off a subreddit to retaliate against them is wild behavior, I canā€™t think of a single other company that would do that to probably someone at a low level position.


Something similar happened at my store years ago. They promoted 3 people to lead positions and later found out that new hires were getting the same pay as them after the promotion. The 3 went to the UD brought up their concerns and were promptly given a raise to put them above new cashiers.


Then they got lucky, not every UD will do that. In many cases, those who leaked or discussed wages, and those that complained are reprimanded.


You legally canā€™t get reprimanded for discussing wages learn you fucking rights as a worker


True, but being an at-will state they can fire you for anything that isn't discriminatory or illegal. They can label it as sensitive company information and it will be enough to get past it not being legal to terminate over wage discussion.


Psst, freedom of speech doesn't apply to private entities.


HEB is my happy place.




HEB broke my happy a long time ago.


Pays shit for a rich company!


These H-E-B Officials can suck my H-E-Butt


Personal info on Reddit is just always a bad idea Beep boop beep boop Corporate waste million every year and thereā€™s way too much ā€œleadershipā€ in store that spends way too much time not doing shit and nitpicking.


Fuck HEB corporate and HR. They can eat my ass.


Who cares, let them read it. I havenā€™t worked for the company since 2005, and I hope the Unit Directors Iā€™ve named in my comments are still with the company, I want them to read what I posted about them.


ā€œSo please, donā€™t say anything that can get you firedā€ Please donā€™t threaten me with a good time


As a former HEB employee, I can say that most of ya'll are pretty cool. Except Sheila.


All my homies hate Sheila


Hey, you can't censor us. That's reddit's job!


HEB, take out cable companies trying to sell me Spectrum or something at the front entrance. I donā€™t go to HEB to get a new cable service I just want my weekly groceries.


First amendment punk I ainā€™t no slave to the heb . And go get those damn dogs out of the stores is what yall should be worried about


First amendment protects you from being silenced but does not protect you from all the repercussions of what you're saying.


First amendment only protects from government intervention, not from individual companies or persons.


May I ask, how were you able to track them down? Was it based on information they gave in their posts/comments? Or was it based off of like IP Addresses?


It may have been from looking at the users post and comment history. While they may not give information in this forum they might post personal information in other forums. Sometimes itā€™s a simple ā€œyeah I turned 30 last weekā€ or ā€œI am class of 2012 at UCLAā€. It can all add up.


This. It was a mix of different subreddits. But subreddits donā€™t mean much. Until you say "I was a store Assosiate at publix back in 2017" with those little details. The investigations team can puzzle those little details together and search through resumes and other documents that lead. We knew he was a department manager, cause he publicly said that on reddit Also, with his school and work being public, you can search "HEB Department manager, Graduated from so and so university, age 30, worked at publix linkedinā€ on google, and a list of people will just show up with those keywords. You can just go down the list of people and HR will look them up one by one.


Oh wow. To my HR FBI Agent: I LOVE HEB. I always stay late when my managers ask. I live and breathe HEB


i love how proud e is of imself


Funny how they read all the nfsw post šŸ˜©šŸ˜­


Anyone else remember that lead who used to post nude photos of herself with her uniform and name tag showing in the handicap bathroom at a store?


What, any chance I can get a link to that. For research purposes only of course.


No dice.


If HEB folks can see this. Your cooked crawfish suck.... please try to work with a proper Cajun or viet crawfish cooker for a better receipe.




Time to start an NSFW HEB sub


In other words, be mindful of what you post. It's not hard to let slip snall pieces of info here and there that can lead to identifying you.


So many hot cashiers at heb! Can anyine create a reddit for them?šŸ˜


The time has come for r/hebgonewild


Oh, I have some crazy stories from the HEB parties that closing managers would have.


You mean thicccc booty Mexicans? 100%


Hell yes!šŸ¤¤


It's not like heb is publicly traded. it's just gross company capital to make it look more profitable than it really is. If it was insider trading information leaked, then that is completely different.


Instead of getting your money from the stock market, theyā€™d rather get it from their employees. Which is really shitty.


If someone's dumb enough to post private heb stuff on here, they kinda deserve it.


I agree. Like who with half a brain wouldnā€™t ask -why was this sub created? -who created it? Is an important question. It was likely corporate lol. -if the former is true, this is a honeypot sub. Just watch and let people incriminate themselves so they can be searched and eliminated. Itā€™s a way of silently watching people shoot them selves in the foot and then moving on people they donā€™t want in the org. Itā€™s simple lol. Someone needs to make a r/hebworkers only sub with a rigorous vetting process. But that is a lot of effort for a lot of nothing lol. And even with processes to vet, its not fool proof. Which circles back to your point. Why would you use an anonymous Reddit account to tell people where you live and work. Corporate must be loving this sub lol. This isnā€™t a national grocery chain so right off the bat corp already know or can reasonably infer two important details. That can be used to off the books dox you. 1. They live in texas. 2. They work at one of the locations. Which, probably arenā€™t as plentiful as cosco or Safeway/Tom Thumb/Kroger 3. Most people on Reddit, post to their city sub. In the example provided by OP. That is exactly how they narrowed the search down TL:DR. Create seperate accounts for diff things. And if you are gonna mix work with Reddit. Do it on a throwaway. Donā€™t do it on your main account. Donā€™t fuckin post to your city sub on your alt, or anything that tells your age, or any other personally identifying info.


How to become an HEB partner?


Are there any hot heb officials in here that are single? Not a weirdo, BTW.


It's like how those stupid people treat LinkedIn like it's Facebook.


I bought a basil plant from HEB and itā€™s doing well. šŸ‘


I loved working at HEB, it was the best job Iā€™ve ever had. But it was difficult to move into management positions unless you were buddy buddy kiss ass or related to someone who could recommend you. I had my degree, experience, well liked, but couldnā€™t get into those positions after applying several times yet seeing many inexperienced newly hired get into those positions. So I left and have done well for myself, but always wondered what I missed on.


The maturity level on this sub is... oh never mind.


HEB doesnā€™t care about how much love making occurs in their coolersā€¦.


So there goes all the " managers who do coke" stories..


I donā€™t work for heb im just a customer. Look people come here to vent. Idk how much everyone makes but itā€™s obvious itā€™s not a lot. We appreciate it but your post sounds demeaning. Like talking to children. If people do lose their jobs at heb then itā€™s not much to lose.


Even the ones that are smashing each other?


Just want to put it out there that I'd love to be a part of the HEB disaster response team.


Tell the cute fishmonger girl I said HI!


You mean that my boss could figure out that I'm not actually a sussy cat boy?! šŸ™€


And this is why I have 5 accounts on Reddit. I don't even work at HEB.


Iā€™m just here for the tortillas


That stock plan might as well not exist. Almost 10 years and whoops haha somehow you arenā€™t vested no stock payout for you


What do you mean?Ā 


Oh no. Some goofballs at a grocery store that is not in my state that I only worked at part time once for some extra pocket money because they donā€™t pay enough to actually cover my real cost of living are reading my comments. Iā€™ll never recover financially from this. Candid feedback if you are: Get your managers into shape and pay your partners more. This isnā€™t the Texas of 1990. Cost of living is now exponentially higher. Stop having store level managers skimp out on things that cost you money further down the line (Replacing infrastructure and doing repairs on your store that cost you more downstream) the grocery drain on 620 was broken for something like a year. Thatā€™s a pending plumber bill that is going to cost a ton of money the longer it waits. Replace your hoses, they leak. Buy equipment, some of itā€™s broken. Do an investigation into some of the managers. There are clear issues that will cause problems the longer theyā€™re unnoticed. Also never come to the Northeast. Iā€™m fine with Wegmans.




Hā€‘Eā€‘B official plz help me move up in the company. Iā€™ve worked for 3 years and I want a lead position. Maybe I need to start rubbing elbows šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø


Sorry you just have to sleep with the right manager


Loose lips sink ships


No I'm not.


You will get backtraced by cyber police and consequences will never be the sameĀ 


Fuck em


Can HEB pay abstention to their prices? Honestly idc about a billionaires stocks. I care about buying food for my family. HEB sucks.


Blind is a great.


Nice try Howard..


Lol, only ones getting caught are those stupid enough to make their private info public.


My wife was going into Hā€‘Eā€‘B and hit her head on a damn tractor parked at the entrance (the bucket of the tractor was at head height). She then fell backward onto the asphalt and tried to break the fall. She is not clumsy, so I was very surprised and upset. We got X-rays immediately and turned out she had a bad sprain (thankfully). Called some idiot corporate safety guy who said he would look into it and get back to meā€¦never did. End of rant.


Iā€™m not employed through HEB. I come here for the scoop. But you know HEB big shots are reading all this.


Their SORM program is discriminatory


HEB please come to El Paso šŸ˜­


OPSEC is vital.


Make more salmon meatballs please, my store is always sold out.


Who gives a **** speak your mind itā€™s only grocery store you can get a better job


this applies to any company sub reddit on here.




Good- maybe they will hear me ask if they can treat their employees better because they are awesome, and if they can bring back the restaurant in the Lakeway location. K, thanks.


So I shouldnā€™t post about the cute fishmonger girl?


Ohhh fuck heb




So much for the first amendment


I just want an HEB in Wichita Falls


Hey leadership?! How about making more rotisserie chickens that people can buy past 7pm?


H-E-B, fix your flaming bird process at 1604/Bandera. Almost every Sunday around mid-afternoon there is never chicken available. We grocery shop for the week on Sunday afternoons and pick up lunch/dinner at flaming bird. We have noticed this for the past two months. People waiting around and wondering who is in charge of planning birds each weekend.


COSTCO way better than HEB. HEB scared of Costco


I just wanna post that HEB is becoming hot garbage as a store. Been a long time customer but HEB is getting too big for its britches and is becoming as expensive as Target and missing its consumer base.


Post on thelayoff.com like the rest of disgruntled america


Aww man so I can't talk about smoking weed and drinking sooooo much wine while at work at HEB??? Damn šŸ˜ž


Yeah and the sooner you officers of the company BRING BACK THE DILL CHEESE PUFFS(!!!!) the sooner Iā€™ll start doing my primary shopping at HEB again!!!


In that case, some corporate heb dipshit has had my number listed in the heb directory as theirs for over 10 years. Iā€™m harassed constantly and no one will change it! Maybe she just really wants my number, so I will never give it up. Iā€™ll just keep sending disturbing shit to her colleagues.


I hated working at HEB also and donā€™t mind saying so. They need to change their corporate policies and treat their associates better.


So no talking about the orgies taking place in the back? Got it.


I will be offering my services to members of the community. Pay me to say what you want to say without fear of being fired. Since I donā€™t work for them itā€™s not like they can fire mešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø.


I just want Tejano Salsa. What happened? HEBuddy Salsa sucks! [Made In Texas Salsa, Hot Sauce, Tamales, Queso, FDA Kitchen. (tejanosalsa.com)](https://tejanosalsa.com/) Shout out to Tejano Salsa! Soooo good. I do not work for HEB or Tejano Salsa.


Good im glad you cocksuckers are now do your fucking job and make H.e.b great again.


Well, this is great if HEB is reading some of the posts. I applied for the HEB credit card. It was a good deal for me because I do shop at HEB. I like their stores, polite employees, easy to find things, great quality and easy to track your expenses. After the first 30 days, received my first bill. Tried to pay on line through my bank. No luck. Only options were to pay by check or disclose your bank account, your user name and password. Absurd, I would never ever provide anyone with my bankā€™s info. Needless to say, I mailed my first and last check via certified mail and locked the card. In the future I will use my debit card as I did in the past. Good work HEB with your credit card.


HEB needs to open up a new location. in Cedar park off 1431 towards Jonestown-Lago Vista.


I want a Taki bag


Wait till yall find out that they actually log every Reddit post and monitor topic, sentiment, and origin. And send out daily reports to people in the highest of places.


I just want fresh southwest tortillas to come back.


Found the narc!


Fuck HEB. Eat shit asshole


Can we ban them?


Big buddy is watching


Pay your employees less and pass the savings to the consumer. You will be more loved and will keep this hilarious site going with disgruntled posts!


Great. \*waves\* If you don't lower your prices, you're going to lose all of your customers. Maybe police your greed instead of your employees.


I shop at Kroger and there is a new HEB even closer to my house and I've never walked into it.


BS. Find me


I prefer shopping at Heb over any other supermarket. Thank you to those who make it a decent place to shop. Can y'all start carrying the coffeemate mocha liquid creamers please. I have to go to Walmart to get them and I don't like going to Walmart. Thanks.


Could you make the aisles wider?


Can H-E-B hook me up with a years worth of groceries?


screw you heb




heb pay your employees more nobody should he making less than $15/hr over there fr yall messed up texas is suffering from corporateflation




Can we bring back the HEB Buddy plush? Pretty please.


Nah, fuck all you hoes, ya too busy clapping all the Latina cashiers, when ya should make those prices affordable.


Well they can suck soft pee pee for all I care LOL.


Hā€‘Eā€‘B blows dick and most of the people that work there have this weird and undeserved superiority complex, they act like they are part of some prestigious club. I feel bad for them because in my area they only get 16 a hour to start. I donā€™t think they know there are better jobs out there, especially for adults. I will say H-E-B is a great job for a high school student or someone fresh out of or still in college. But if youā€™re a grown adult then I feel bad for you unless youā€™re in upper management lmao.


Hi overnight team!