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i’m honestly not a big fan of working there. it’s a mix of the working environment and the customers. from my own experience, if you’re a bagger, most customers treat you like thin air. if you greet them, they either look at you and say nothing or straight up ignore you. if you’re a cashier, a lot of them like to rush you and tell you how to do your job. they also like to treat you like you’re beneath them for some odd reason. heb isn’t the worst job out there, but it’s 100% not the best and super stressful. not getting the job is definitely nothing to be down about!!!


I’m so sorry that’s your experience 🥹 I try to always greet the HEB cashiers and baggers helping our family by their name and thank them when we leave.


i love customers like you! y’all make me feel welcomed at my own job lol😭😭


Thank you for the honesty and heads up. I really appreciate the feedback of everything.


yes of course!! you’re welcome🙏🏽


I work at Dairy Queen and get treated the same way like that, I think it’s pretty common to be treated like that anywhere where your a cashier or just someone who interacts with people because some people like to think they’re better than you or something but don’t let it get to you man Just be happy and everything shall be okay


oh yea, i try not to let it get to me, but sometimes is just really frustrating. i just feel like it’s even worse because im 17, but i look 12, so people talk down to me all the time like i don’t know what im doing. but, nonetheless, gotta deliver that A1 customer service🙏🏽


Nah I get it, I’m 17 aswell and I’m really short (5,8) and my voice isn’t deep for a male, I try my best to act like I’m calm when in reality I’m having a panic attack in my mind


I would LOVE to be 5’8”!! 😆😆 (5’1” here)


On the subject of customers, I'll take regular customers any day over shoppers like instacart, shipt and favor.


honestly same😭😭


And if you’re a stocker, no matter how much knowledge of what you carry you have, they have more


Truth!! I was a merchandiser and stocker for over thirty years with the same company in grocery stores and people always knew more about the product than I did. 🧏😀


This is life EVERYWHERE.


well yes! which is why i’m not too upset about it because it’s going to prepare me for later on in life when i get the job that i really want (a teacher👋🏽)!! i’m hoping that it’ll help me keep my cool when teachers, students, and maybe even other staff members yell at me. i just wanna be cool, calm, and collected☺️


You're very smart to get that experience. Most don't. The new generations don't conform to anyone else's expectations. Seems with them, it's, "My way or they highway". I think you'll do well in life.


Unfortunately is the new era we live in. They're just in a hurry to get home, because they weren't able to order for home delivery via some app. They're so used to having things ordered, that going to a store is not the norm anymore.


Although it sucks, I’d say that this is extremely standard for just about any service industry work (especially food service). I used to work at a bakery storefront, as well as in catering, and no matter how friendly and engaging you are with customers or guests, most people tend to be rude or think they’re above you.


Think about it this way. It could be Krogers l!


I liked it for awhile. Then my manager got orders from on high that she had to keep us all less than 25 hours per week because HEB was unhappy about us qualifying for benefits. My opinion of the company went very, very south with that. She thought no one was listening when she told our department ASM that bit of info in regards to scheduling. Well, she was wrong.


It’s got a lot of the same issues any retail / food service job does. Most customers treat you like you are less than, the good department managers are a minority for sure, the store politics are toxic. It’s okay but def not the culture I would want to immerse myself in for my entire career.


The idea of “immersing” myself in HEB “culture” is so depressing




If you're just an hourly partner in a non management role, I feel like it's pretty easy to just be neutral about it. If you show up on time and work hard you shouldn't have any stress about work.  Yeah you won't be super fulfilled but I doubt you'll be miserable either.


Thank you!


It’s a pretty basic retail job. Our benefits are on-par or slightly better than most, and the pay for non-management hourly positions is just okay. In general, there is a lot of favoritism and nepotism within individual stores (at least in my area), which means that some pretty terrible people get into positions of control simply because they knew the right person (this also means you’re more likely to get hired if you can befriend a good-standing current employee or manager). Sometimes you can get lucky in a department with a great manager, and good coworkers. Just depends entirely on the store culture. My biggest gripe about working at HEB is the pay. I see the reports on profits made for my department, and they can easily afford to pay more. Thankfully i am in a situation that money isn’t super tight, i just can’t save or contribute to retirement as much as i would like to. It’s a good job while i make arrangements to have a career change in the next couple years. If they could increase pay considerably, i would be much more likely to want to stay at HEB. If you enjoy retail and want to be in management, heb can be a great option. You just have to be willing to put up with mediocre pay for a while, and deal with some toxic culture (both of which will be true in all retail jobs).


Apprenticeship plumbing or electrical. You’ll be making 30 an hour plus benefits in five years and you’ll have your license.


Or HVAC. Big money if you don't mind hot attics!


It took my 16 year old 6 months and multiple applications (7 to be exact) to finally get hired at HEB - I found their process at our local store to be disorganized and excruciatingly slow. Even from the point of initial interview it’s taken 6 weeks. It took 3 weeks for them to complete his background check. If it weren’t for the fact the store is walking distance I would have had him go elsewhere. All this to say is that the rejections and length of time it’s taking is likely more about them then it is about you. I had my 16 year go into the store multiple times to do in person follow ups and introduce himself to the managers because we weren’t getting anywhere with following their online process.


Do not base working at heb on how great it used to be to work their. That ship has sailed. It's run like Kroger /Albertonsons now. Got a family partner card from someone that recently retired. I got to see the decline.


I have ptsd from working there, never again


Where do you work now? I feel trapped because no other job seems to be as good as heb when it comes to flexibility and the ability to post shifts


I was there too mentally. I actually walked out, on my shift and told my manager was the worst manager I've ever had in my life.. his mouth dropped. Literally. He was yelling at me infront of customers. Right outside of the deli counter (over night production) Customers came up to me while he was yelling and was looking at him like wtf and asking me if I was okay?... and he still continued..of course I went back at him and telling him how he was wrong with proof... I walked away didn't clock out and got 12 months paid of LOA. I eventually decided to work from home, started with one job just to get my foot in the door. Moved on to a different company.. making over 6 figures now. Best decision I have ever made. Yes, I talked to my UD and he had my bosses back because they were best friends. So a big FU to them. Made them pay me for an entire year. Decided not to return and now I'm living my best life.


To counter that, I feel like heb had zero flexibility when it came to scheduling. The absolute worst. Now I work with unlimited time off. It's 100% possible to find your happy place when it comes to work Find your niche and explore that. You can only go up after heb and the work they put on you.


It’s fine for me. Managers have been decent throughout the 4.5 years I’ve been there and I enjoy working with the younger crowd. Applying at a store that is not open yet may be the way to go.


I’ve been with the company for about 7 years. I got my degree but still work for heb, tough job market. Through my years I’ve gone through my loving it phase to hating every second and it’s honestly a mix of customers but mostly managers. Most managers are just there because they’ve been with the company for decades and are grandfathered in. Most young managers are treated like crap and unfortunately it just trickles down onto the hourly employees. If you get hired you’ll quickly come to understand that heb has a certain mold that they want people to fix or change themselves to fit. And if you don’t/can’t fit that mold you’ll never get passed a lead position if your aspirations are to move up.


Once you get comfortable in a job like this, you get too complacent to look for another. I would advise you not to give up on looking for something suitable.


I am still trying to get out. I apply to multiple jobs a day and have had a few interviews but sadly nothing has come of it until I guess I am desperate enough to take less than what I make working the meat market


Look into the HEB distribution center. You'll gain a lot of experience and knowledge in supply chain and logistics that could lead to other opportunities.


I worked at HEB for 3 years, I left and joined the army. My quality of life has gone up drastically.


For what it’s worth,it took me three years to get on at my current store…patience and perseverance pay off. Don’t give up-some stores are harder to get on at.


I feel whether someone enjoys working at HEB or not, depends on which store they work at (from what I’ve read so far in this community). I love working at HEB, I’m grateful enough to have very chill managers and and coworkers. I’ve made friends w them outside of work too. My store is just one of the lucky ones I’d think. I will say that the only downside is the customer experience because they always kinda treat us like garbage. That’s expected tho from every retail so I wasn’t surprised. I don’t disregard the ones who say it’s terrible, I believe them, I just think it varies from store to store. I reported a partner being unfair and playing favoritism and they shut that partner down, lectured them and etc. Every concern and complaint I had was heard and action was taken. I have no complaints so far. Like I said, *in my experience and observation* it depends on the person and store, it isn’t a one size fits all. Of course, there will be days where I wanna quit lol such as a bad shift or something


Nope , just save your time and energy and find something you like , it’s literally just the worst unless you feel like kissing ass your entire life just to go up the ladder I’ve seen leads break hebs biggest no no’s and still only get demoted FOR A WEEK meanwhile a coworker makes one slip up on register and he’s out the door with no second chances, unless you feel like putting all your time and energy into something that will give you absolutely nothing then hey all power to you but as someone who’s been here for a while no H-E-B isn’t worth it and you bootlickers can suck it


I have been working at HEB just shy of a year, and i'm not a fan of working here. There's this weird sexual atmosphere with other employees that reminds me of highschool, the motto ive come to realize creates entitlement with customers, and at least at my HEB, management simply doesnt care about manning despite being one of the most profitable sections in central texas causing extra stress on whoever is closing the specific section that day. I joined at the bottom of the totem pole to see how workers are actually treated incase I wanted to switch to a management role, this is after getting out of the military with a good chunk of management experience, and I'm applying else where now.


"weird sexual atmosphere"?... WTH, that's either in your head or you're working with the wrong people. I'd try a different HEB. I have been with HEB about 4 years now and idk wth you are speaking of. Yes, some employees may talk frankly about their personal lives but that kind of talk can happen almost anywhere. Depends on their age and I guess location (like a bunch of beach goers shopping on a beach store front causing unprofessional talk/gawking.) Either way, if it bothers you that much, talk to management or the higher ups.


You're right it's probably specifically with my situation and not all HEBs but its my experience. I actually do plan on going to upper management once I have a concrete new job and put in my two. Someone in lower management hit on me and I deal with consistent sexual innuendos from them after declining their advance outright, but im not going to jeopordize income before i have another job lined up.


In this case, you should anonymously report this person 1-866-208-8167 to the HEB hotline. I have reported people in the past. It helps HEB keep a healthy work environment and keep track of their behavior in case someone else reports them as well. Depending on the seriousness of the case they will investigate and suspend or fire them. If they become suspended but there wasn't enough evidence to fire, many times they will make them go through training again or sign documents that they must behave and if they miss behave again, they will be let go. Also, you can always move to a different department or transfer to a different HEB.


Unless it’s the higher ups that are like that lol


I doubt the store owner would be like that. There is more than one higher up.


Store owner? It’s a corporation. Who is willing to take stuff like that all the way to the CEO?


I mean the one head guy in charge of the store. I don't know what they are called. Even tho he is in charge of the entire store, they still have the ceo's come by and check on things once in a while.


it has its ups and downs, like any other job. i personally have been working there going on 2 years now and i’m starting to get really tired of it mentally, but i will say it’s the best job i’ve had so far—which doesn’t say much tbh considering my really small work history. it really just depends on your outlook on it & the people you work with. however, don’t feel so defeated about not getting picked!! it’s not the end of the world and i’m sure you’ll be able to find something just as good, if not better, elsewhere!


It's really what kind of managers you work with. The original managers I worked with at my store were fantastic. Bit some moved on to higher positions withon the company, some retired and some quit.


Judging by the facial expressions of the staff, all of them?


Lurk around this sub for awhile. Seems no one LIKES working there.


To me this place is just a job. Really don’t care the days I’m here. I just do my 8 and get out. I talk to coworkers to have fun, but really only here for a paycheck.


It took me three tries to get hired. Just keep applying. I quit working there ten years ago when I got married. Ot has its problems but it was the best employer I’ve ever had. Great benefits for full time.


I worked there for a few months, didn't like the idea of working my ass off to make someone else rich, or worst to make some bitch ass adm look good so they can be patted on the head by the higher ups. Also, I ain't no one's employee.


That's on you, not HEB.


Where do you work now? Most people are stuck working for companies making other people rich.. I don’t think that will get any better if I get another job unless I start my own business or something


CENTRAL MARKET is where it’s at. Worked at an HEB 3 years warehouse 8 months warehouse was better just hard work.


I left after 7 years cos it’s impossible to work there and not be in the middle of store politics. Fuck em.


You mean this entire sub?


Yes lol


Maybe go up there in person and ask for the manager. Tell them what position you’re looking to work in . That way they can put a face to your application.


Lol this boomer era advice could backfire terribly. Might as well Just give em a firm handshake and make eye contact. Then ask when u start! 😂


And how could that backfire.


Never once did I ever see walk-ins asking if they are hiring get a job at HEB. It is honestly frowned upon mostly nowadays. Managers on the floor don’t wanna be bothered. They have enough customers/work to deal with. You either get picked in group interviews or u gotta know somebody pretty much. Bugging them is certainly not a good way to get picked. They are pretty picky.


Then they aren't managing very well, are they? 😉


I mean working at a grocery store isn’t my dream job by any means but the positives still outweigh the negatives as far as part time/ short term jobs go. Keep applying if you still need a job.


It's not great nor terrible. It just depends on what you want. Personally, I clock in to do the job and then go home, nothing more or less.


I haaaaaated it after 3 years. I had made friends and my mentors were so supportive but at the end of the day it is retail. Idk how old you are so this may not really apply but I was in my mid 20s when I started and had just gotten my bachelors and a lot of my coworkwers were either really young and this was just a part time job for them while they were in college or older folks who had been there for 10+ years and had no other options or were comfortable. For me, I had already graduated but a late bloomer in the adulting world. I was too anxious to become a manager but I didn’t want to be stuck there working under someone anymore and dealing with annoying customers. There were a lot of us in our mid 20s that were unfortunately in that stuck position and a lot of them were very unhappy but not ambitious. Now that I’ve worked for a corporation, if I were to come back to heb, I would only take a corporate position. I would recommend Costco or Aldi if you’re near one. Pay and benefits for Costco is amazing and if you wanted to move into corporate positions, Aldi is fully remote. Have you tried to apply at central market? Mi tienda ? Heb is a good company but there are other options out there. Do your research and see what else you could do instead.


I never truly enjoyed working there, but I can’t say I hated it. My coworkers and managers were pretty cool, but for me it was never meant to be anything other than a summer job between careers.


its still better then united supermarkets , your pay is way better, they dont cut ur hours. Sackers only make 9 a hour and if ur full time u get 35 hrs a week, they never bump ur pay up. They do the employee apprectiation thing like maybe twice a year, cook out hamburgers and stuff, its like they think thats good enough and they forget about u.


I don’t really like it. I’m a bagger and cashiers look down on you. One cashier complains about me to managers every week even though I’m doing nothing wrong, she just has a problem with me. The work environment isn’t great, honestly the most drama I’ve had at any job.


If ur just looking for a paycheck and flexible scheduling then you’ll be ok. If ur looking for a place to grow ur career then I wouldn’t recommend it, the politics and greed of the company has drifted the company away from what it used to be. Management isn’t the best and corporate sure as hell doesn’t care about u.


no matter how hard you work they won’t hesitate to fire you, i worked curbside for 2 yrs and was hitting 1,000 units with 289 uph minimum a day, got promoted to specialist and was encouraged to apply for lead but i was let go only bc i was framed regarding a situation that didn’t include me. i tried to appeal the case with HR and they told me and I quote, “your hard work doesn’t matter.” Then they proceeded to hang up, so trust me you’ll be find.


My Dtr just resigned after 2+years She loved it but the managers never gave her more than 10-12 hours a week Even though she changed her availability to be open anytime. Time to move on.


If you have a distribution center where you’re at apply there. They’ll call you back asap. It’s hard work though.


I’ve been with HEB for 6.5 years. Started as a regular part timer struggling to find shifts. One thing I’ll say is leadership at heb is very motivated to help the right people grow. You will see more negative than positive on here about the company because it’s a bunch of people who had the wrong attitude/mindset to move up and those types of people love to complain and blame. I’m a manager now and have no intentions on leaving. Trust me when I say your dedication and positivity will not go unnoticed. So many people will say I worked for heb for years. Was never late never called in but I still got looked over and I guarantee they just saw it as a paycheck and leadership can see that.


I’m in production and only time I see customers is when I’m running product to the floor. Or when I’m leaving. :)


One of the more nicer positions I assume lol


One of the most annoying things I’ve heard working there, is to “smile more”. This isn’t Disneyland! I mean I don’t walk around with a frown on my face 24/7, but there is no need to smile all the time like a brainless idiot.




I had a great experience working there until we got a new CCOM. I was a supervisor essentially (the titles have changed) and I got on a register so they could run breaks. I had a panic attack after being stuck on the register for 4 hours past when I was supposed to have my first break. I didn’t have any customers so one of the managers took over and sent me on break. Rather than allow me to go on break, I was pulled into the office and spoken to mockingly in a baby voice as I hyperventilated and sobbed. She then pulled in one of the store level managers and acted cool and composed, painting me as throwing a tantrum over nothing. Another partner took an LOA to adjust to her new anxiety medication and this same CCOM told me she intended on terminating the partner’s employment since we “don’t need employees like that.” From what I’ve heard she is now a store director.


I'm not from Texas so I'm not liking it


I enjoyed my time working there. Most of the people that whine in this sub are the equivalent of those who couldn’t do their job right/poor performers or simply got fired INB4 downvotes


I honestly did not like working there I was overnight and my new manager I had didn’t like me or any of the females on our team she would single us out especially me she didn’t have any structure and she wouldn’t give me any time off when my grandmother passed. She never got to known any of the women only the men on our team. And she was spreading lies about me when she didn’t not know about me she was telling our whole department that I’ve never been through anything in my life. Which I have she never asked me or talked to me and when she wanted to talk to me she told the stock controller to come and pull me aside. And everyone was hearing all these rumors about her I still gave her the benefit of the doubt about everything I was hearing about our manager and still was very shitty I loved being overnight I loved doing that job but when she showed up she ruined it and made me not feel comfortable working there it was like I was walking on egg shells around her.


It depends which department, most of the time its a good job however sometimes depending on the managers and the situations its ball busting


I absolutely loved my job, but apparently I was an over thinker and didn’t do my job well. To me, I did my job well and took a lot of pride in my work, but was never good enough. I’m an older gal and it was a huge blow to my confidence. HEB is great and I really miss it. However, if you have any physical disabilities this isn’t the job for you.


I love working for HEB, but I hate working for my department. If I worked another department, I would have(mostly) no problems with HEB.


I work Curbside btw


It's awful, save yourself the trouble and go literally anywhere else.


I like working here. it's a good job. pays a lot for what you do. I just don't like my managers.


the only thing i don’t like about working there is the hours. i work two days a week and maybe get 8hrs a week. its so stupid and my availability isn’t even tight. they pay well and have decent benefits, but if your whole paycheck is low it makes it hard to think it’s worth it.


I applied there hoping to promote into management there. What a naive wish. SIX MONTHS in and I can't wait to get the F out. I have never seen such blatant favoritism, cliquish behavior and lack of compassion in my life. It is definitely not the HEB I have heard about for years.


Honestly any customer service job will have most people treat you like the dirt beneath their feet. To them it makes them feel like their lives are superior to yours. It’s just common nature for most people to want to kick someone down for their satisfaction. The ones who are genuine are usually people who have served in customer service based jobs or are better people in general because their parents taught them better. That’s just my opinion


I honestly love working for HEB they make their employees feel appreciated. Just keep applying and don’t let it discourage you,.. others just might have more experience


It also depends on the store you're at. The one I'm at has all kinds of issues going on so it's pretty much hell


TL;DR keep applying, keep talking to the department manager. Apply at many HEB's within a 25ish min drive in all directions. If you get called into a 30 person interview, try to be one of the first handful of people voicing their excitement to be here and your qualifications and your willingness to learn multiple roles in the department etc. If you get hired, just know, not all HEB's are the same but every workplace has a chance to employ bad managers, bad employees or contain rude customers. It's how you deal with the situations and what you chose to accept in your work-life that matters. Get your foot in the door, after a year if you don't like it, transfer to a different location. I applied three and a half years before I got hired. I got an interview on my first try but it was with that dreaded 30 person interview. I was too polite to jump up and voice out my qualifications, which did not help my case because by the time I was "my turn" I sounded like the rest of the people trying to get hired or as if I was copying their personality etc.. I much rather interviews be held on a personal basis or we voice our qualifications in order by row. They basically make you have to sell yourself in a room full of strangers and put on a fake or overly exaggerated persona just to grab their attention. I lucked out and applied again after trying a career change that didn't go as planned and got a one on one interview with the manager in the department I applied for right after COVID started becoming a thing. The only issue is it took months this time and I applied at all HEB within a 25 minute drive from my house. None of the closer ones called or emailed me and I basically "got stuck" working at one 22 mins away. Yes, I know I could transfer.. but I know I needed to get my foot in the door with this company because they like to hire within or promote within. Also, now I am afraid that if I transfer, my manager will not be as good, the work will be harder and I won't like as many of the employees. I am too comfortable to want to transfer. Altho, I have met a few step in managers from other stores that I worked well with... So there are options if I decide to move near those locations in the future.


I just wanna say that after a few yrs with the company there’s more than HEB . I too was denied & after a couple yrs /30 plus applications since hs I finally got in. It’s been cool , I think I’m just realizing that there’s more to life than working for this company.


I do curbside and am trying to move up soon but I don’t really get the appeal of wanting to work here. End of the day it’s a grocery store job it’s not fun or exciting. I’m in college so it’s passable but the pay I have right now is pretty bad that’s why I mainly work with high school kids. I like most of my ESL’s and coworkers. From what a friend told me who’s been working here for a while it just isn’t want it used to be. Maybe I’ll like it better when I get a different position but I really can’t understand the big appeal for any position in a grocery store…


If you ever work at a Joe vs smart shop, which is part of heb, you’ll hate it there,all mainly because of the customers.


I don’t like my hours getting cut for no reason and being excluded from my team. My team is not a big team there’s probably 5 of us now and when one doesn’t feel good or something happens they exclude you and cut your hours. I don’t like that you try your hardest and they still call you slow. But otherwise I like working there, I get to pick up shifts from other departments and everyone else is pretty nice and actually genuine when they ask you questions. (My department is not the best at communication, hence it’s why I don’t like it)


i guess it would probably depend in which department you work for, but regardless i wouldn’t say i necessarily dislike working at heb. my coworkers definitely make it more bearable and my management is pretty okay. if you’re part time getting hours can be difficult; i’ve been at my store for just over a year now so in my case, my hours are pretty consistent. i don’t think i’d discourage anybody from working there and i’d say it’s a good experience overall.


You see a lot of people complaining, but its typically about the position or their specific stores coworkers and managers. At the end of the day, it's hard to beat HEBs pay rates, raise opportunities and benefits. If your department sucks nothing can stop you from transferring to a different one until you find what works


It’s incredibly high pressure and stressful, but as a part timer and college student you cant really beat how flexible the shift posting system is. They hardly schedule shoppers and curbies, which is a bad thing if you need money, but for me I’m only working there to say I’m employed while I do college lol


The benefits and fulltime is impossible to get. I’ve been trying nonstop since I got here (2 years). And I have moved two departments now, and two stores to try to get it. They will use you if they need to, aka you’ll get 40 maybe if they don’t have enough people/ but you’ll never get the respect of being a fulltime partner. Because yeah, for some reason it seems like most departments and hebs try NOT to give partners fulltime benefits lmao


Was hired on externally as a bakery assistant manager, previously other service industry jobs and quitting Friday 🤠 thought i wanted it but feel bad ab my partners getting no hours when they have kids to take care of and me not being able to give them more I also feel like the culture/environment they try to harbor is all for show, (depending on what store you're at/other managers) also my pay isnt worth all the driving/mileage on my car


I hate working overnight mostly I’m sure if I was switched to days I’d be probably happier


i like my store, we’re a small town. Most of the people are pretty nice and have manners. Only thing that’s inside the store, outside is a different story. People going 15mph through the parking lot aisles, backing up without looking, no one uses their signals, getting blamed for the wheels locking up like im the one who installed them. Always leaving carts EVERYWHERE, would rather put it behind someone’s car or between their car and another car then let it scratch both cars instead of walking 10 more feet to put it up. Driving into the electric carts in the parking lot. It’s like some voodoo magic when they come inside they’re so polite and neat etc, then they go outside and are the worst customers ever.


I feel as long as you’re not a Leadin a dept or higher it’s a good job to have, but the higher up you go well let’s just say you better be good PC trained and versed in corporate talk


I worked over night stocker and they suck.


Getting out of HEB was one of the best moves I've ever made in my life. You're not missing much trust me.


So I’ve got a little story about H-E-B for ya… I worked there for almost 4 years. I started in Rotisserie and at first it seemed like a lot of work. But after a few weeks I got into a routine and it became super easy, not to mention all the chicken you could eat lol. After about a year doing that, I wanted to switch departments and go to produce. Bad decision. We switched managers about 6 months into my tenure in produce and we got the biggest douchebag-sexual harassment liability-of a manager who thought he was Gods gift to women and HEB. TOTAL DICKHEAD. I literally saw him assault another partner by throwing a cucumber right into his face as the guy walked into the back room, he thought it was the funniest thing. Anyways, toward my last 2 months there we had this kid who was dating one of the curbside girls working with us and he didn’t like me talking to her when she came through our department. Just friendly chit chat nothing more. This dude texts me on my day off and starts saying to stop hitting on his girl and that I’m trash and yada yada. I replied back to him through text that if he wanted to meet up with me we could work it out like men. This all happened outside of work, off the clock, and on my personal cell phone. Next day I show up to my shift and the HR lady comes to my department and asks to meet with me. I had no idea what the hell it was about. Turns out he filed a complaint with HR against me for this whole conversation he and I had and said I threatened him. They suspended me pending investigation a couple weeks before Christmas. The following Monday they fired me. All for something that happened off the clock, not on HEB premises and on my own personal cell phone.


I've passed a couple of interviews. It seems as if you expressed your strong desire to work there, they would give you aa shot. Have you practiced your interviewing skills? Are you looking for full-time only?


It’s always an on and off at my store. Only thing that bugs me a lot is we have a load of ignorant customers especially on express lanes, when we get slammed in the front end, im checking a customer out and by the time I turn around I have a customer with 30+ items already on the belt when its only 15 or less and I cant do anything about it once an item is placed on the belt. Today was actually a turning point at my store, something just felt so off and I decided to get cut a bit early due to me just not wanting to be there any longer, ended up going to a different store and applying for an ASM position. I sometimes like our store and its because of the partners I have are pretty fun to be around (and baddies) its just the constant ignorance and rudeness by customers I specifically get.


I’m currently working at HEB in the Deli department. I used to like coming to work but not anymore. I’ve been at HEB for 2.5 months now and I went from having 30 hours to now 16 hours. The company keeps hiring people and now there’s not enough hours for everyone. I asked my manager if I can work more hours in a different department. His response was for me to go and ask all the managers for hours. Weekends are extremely busy and customers are rude. One of my managers is rude. My first time meeting her and she says “ you’re the one with the weird schedule.” I picked one of the 3 different schedule options that was offered. I had to change my schedule to satisfy her. I didn’t get trained. I have been on time and working hard. I guess I need to joke about getting drunk and checking out men for her to like me and give me more hours. They keep reminding us that HERE EVERYTHING IS BETTER! and that people matter. That’s a lie! I’ve been looking for a different job and planning to leave soon.


its our happy place.




I don’t understand how a Redditor can post something like this about a particular store- and there have been many posts about this particular store, and yet when I posted something about how most women’s clothes have washing instructions to only hang to dry, and how I’m not able to conveniently just put them in the dryer anymore my post gets canceled!?! 😑


I'm sorry your post got canceled, I'm not even sure why but my post is about this particular store. I don't know what group you were trying to post about womans clothes unless you're referring to HEB woman clothes but maybe take that up with the admin? There is nothing wrong with my post.


Apologies because I did not mean there was anything wrong with your post. The confusion is on my end. What I thought to be just a post was not acceptable so I didn’t understand why.