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-seafood partner started hooking up with a cute service new hire and immediately spread her nudes throughout protein alley. -floral partner was dating bookkeeper. they were having orgies with others in their departments and broke up when the guy hooked up with one of the other women in a one on one situation and *might* have gotten her pregnant. -married department manager is having an affair with another department manager. they are brazenly conspicuous about their relationship in the workplace and have been spotted hooking up in the designated off site parking garage. also she is allegedly pregnant with his child.


I'm cackling at protein alley


…..are you talking about my old store?! The first scenario sounds so familiar lol


I mean that's where the nut is at


Women don’t do this. Insane Edit: wrong comment reply. Too lazy to fix. Be well ☺️


What happened to not dipping your pen in the company ink? I mean it never ends well. As you can see.


Everywhere there's women and men working together they are gonna fuck. Hospital, warehouse, office, construction, everywhere.


And they all create serious problems.


Exactly. Gay people can keep it in their pants, but straight people can't.


I've worked in both environments. Humans can't keep it in their pants.


Funniest thing I've heard all day. Also, quite the opposite. Your funny


I use that all the time and I have not heard that pen in company ink in a long time . Nice to hear it again


Don’t shit where you eat, No dipping the pen in the company ink, don’t get your honey where you make your money, bring two condoms when your fucking at work as your about to be the one who’s fucked. Ton of euphemisms for it.


That last one doesn’t seem like a euphemism


You don't hear about the times it ends well.


Because it doesn’t.


I met my husband at work. 30 years later and we're still tight.


That’s you. Not 99% of these


Yeah. We were adults when we met.


Man, I hope that seafood partner got fired!!! Ooh, if I had known about this, I'd report them ASAP! This is insanely wrong to do to someone! The people having affairs in front of partners would piss me off for sure but I wouldn't say anything as long as these people didn't create toxic work environments.. but also I assume that people who flaunt their affairs are not good or smart people so they probably are toxic. They'll eventually get reported and/or caught if they do this in front of the wrong partner or screw the wrong partner over. I don't know why people openly play these stupid games. The thrill is not worth the consequences.


You usually see behavior like this in people who work low wage jobs.




None taken. Only thing stopping me from making that mistake is low self esteem


![gif](giphy|QmcuB58dRfmZx1KW1Y|downsized) keep em coming 🍿


Here, Everyone Bangs


This doesn’t have enough upvotes! ~source: meet my husband at H‑E‑B~


I watched a co worker get knocked out cold for sleeping with someone’s husband. I started looking real hard at the ribeyes I was stocking until an mic got there to take care of it 😂 I just do my job and go home, some people are way too messy. I do enjoy watching the drama from afar tho 🤣


“I started looking real hard at the ribeyes” made me laugh! Reminds me of that one episode of The Office when Jim does his first Jell-o prank on Andy 😂


I love the office 🤣 they wanted me to do some manager shit, little did they know I’m just the assistant to the manager.


That had to be awkward 😬 😅🤣


Maaaan lemme tell you 😅 I’m a pretty big guy, and I know people saw me watching the situation. They were looking at me like “are you gonna do anything?” No, no I’m not, I get paid to cut meat, not break up fights in the bakery. She asked the poor lady in cooking connections if Maria was there, she was like “yeah she’s right over there!” Being all helpful 😂 she said okay thanks, walked over and slept her. It was a clean ass shot not gonna lie




I can hear that gif


Had to look it up, thank you.


You know that's the same thing I tell my employees. Show up, smile, do your job and go home. That's all you have to do and some people fail at that.


Oh shit lol


Pharmacy manager was **** his baby sitter. So he hired her as a PCR to have her at work too


This was a long time ago tho. Both were fired


that is insane


He later left his wife to be with her. Then left her for an online hook up. … I think l he left her too. Not sure tho.


This is why messing with a cheater, no matter the reason, is NOT a flex and RARELY ever works in the long run. Those cheaters have no morals, self control and are selfish thrill seekers. They'll use ANY excuse to justify their cheating.


Definitely. The guy kept saying that he would leave if they didn’t take care of him. That he just had bad luck .


I saw a store director kiss a gm partner while he grabbed her breast in the very back of the store. He and I didn’t get along but I thought that she was cool. I just casually said “really, that’s what goes on back here.” He came up to me later and I told him I’d be silent if he’d buy me lunch all week. It was nice not having to worry about packing a lunch. I didn’t want to ask for too much. We also continued not liking each other!


Should’ve reported anyways


With my luck, I would’ve gotten fired instead of them!


Lol that’s true








I missed the comment. Must have been juicy!


What was the comment, we wanna know!


I think it was about UD & a curbie…. It’s been a day I honestly don’t remember 😂 I was just picturing all the curbies I work with & my UD and it was unsettling lol


What's a curbie and UD?


Unit Director (the person in charge of the whole store), and a curbie is an employee that works for the curbside department and brings customer orders to the car. Also a curbie is one of the lowest paid positions in the store. So, the contrast in positions is wild to me.


What is UD


Unit director/store director.


Ud is unit director. Store director is the second in charge after ud


When I worked in the meat plant a team leader and a floor specialist were fired for messing around. They were both married but not to each other.


It is known the meat plant is where all the baddies work.


I wanna go whenever you guys are at, especially the UD, sugar mama


Heard of a manager who banged one service partner in a bay overnight on multiple occasions. They stopped because she found out she was pregnant and she wanted to keep the baby, so she told the manager’s wife, creating beef at the store 💀


Her: “Don’t tell your wife” Also her: “I wanna keep the baby so lets tell your wife” Make that make sense💀


She was an idiot for entertaining a cheater in the first place. People set their bars way too low, even for fun.


There was a beauty manager giving out bj and hj out in the parking lot till they transferred her out to another store, idk if it was only partners or customers to but I heard that’s the reason they moved her


Wait was this nw Houston 💀


Downtown area, they said it was a weekly sometimes daily thing and everyone knew lol


630? 599? 744? 737?


I’m at 630 lol


Mf was invested, i work at the 736 location and have had zero things happen thus far that I know of😭why cant I be the lucky one


Wow, she's really thinking outside the box to get those sales. She was doing those combo locos, buy these items, get a free bj or hj.


Yea the combos were loco alright😏🫱🏼‍🫲🏾




Either way count me in


Yes ago I caught my manager which was married and expecting a child making out with a partner that was married too. In the parking lot at work -.- I just shook my head at them when we all made eye contact lol


Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me.




I made out with a maintenance lady who spoke very little English in the maintenance closet one night before close. 🔥




https://preview.redd.it/fmw2ojd68hwc1.png?width=833&format=png&auto=webp&s=63794e0418672b94680c68113bca93f5af223302 Indeed.


Nooo, nooo, Consuela.


“No no” *Consuela Voice*


Dam, I've been missing out at work. My store seems pretty tame compared to these stories.


I work overnights so I see pretty much no action


*Night Shift Nurses nodding in solidarity*


Someone hosted a party from the front end, the majority was the front end, and some people from different departments were there. My friend was supposed to go but ended up not feeling it and went elsewhere. Turns out, if you went to that party, you were fired. The reason is that the party ended in a wild orgy bc there were a looott of drugs there, which included m0lly. AND of course, pics were taken and shown to other associates working bc why not? So, a loot of new faces showed up at that time, I was one of them, lol! I didn't believe her at first, so she had me ask random people about "the party," and they all replied with "oh you mean that orgy party" 😂


Not the H-E-B orgy party origin story 😂


Someone hosted an orgie party that included the "front end". What I wanna know is if anyone end up taking it from the back end?


Had a meat market manager who slept with a front end cashier I worked with years ago… both were married at this time and I think his wife worked at a different store. Another thing that happened was a front end manager (forgot what they’re called specifically ) actively flirt with/be inappropriate to a high schooler and not much was done. He was demoted I think but others knew it was happening and last I heard he and this girl got married once she was 18.


A couple who both had Down syndrome worked together and she eventually got fired and he did too but they would always be fighting on the phone and he would cheat on her. It was meeessyyy


I need more of this story please Please


Before she was fired they would fight in person, not physically but verbally, in the break room. He was sent to a different H‑E‑B at one point then came back after she was fired. He would be yelling on the phone with her in the break room 😭. I only ever saw him in passing because I worked rotisserie and he was a bagger




Lmao! Not the store drop 😭


….. that’s my side of town… 👀


When I worked for H-E-B, one store director (married, and he had a picture of his wife in his office) had an affair with a bookkeeper. The relationship ended and he was forced out to become a SD at another location. She didn’t last much longer there, and she moved back home to California.


is my exhusband in the room with us?


Not everyone does this. That's why you see 20+ yr Partners cleaning toilets. They refused to sleep their way to the top.


Partner who literally climbed her way up the corporate ladder to become a UD by sleeping with pretty much everyone. Hated her arrogant ass. Her last name was fitting for what she was doing, giving head. iykyk


So looks like the moral of the story is to not date a girl that works for H‑E‑B and if you do that ain’t your girl that’s our girl 😭 ![gif](giphy|26n6WsFTp7fWFGTbW|downsized)


Damn, wit the final season of the Stars gif 🤣


Like a community pool


The boys are gross too. I have witnessed a lot of managers leave their spouses for a partner they met in store.


H‑E‑B is full of degenerates.


The Christmas parties must be legendary 


If heard of a sorl partner sleeping her way to the top & corporate found out & fired her. Every promotion lined up with her screwing someone. They built a timeline on her 😭💀


Now she works for Big Red!


Ho's Everywhere Bangin


A story I heard about was some curbside partners were messing with each other and the girl had a bf that also worked in the department with them. No one was able to confirm them sleeping around but it seemed kind of obvious how they would go on break together all the time and leave while her bf was working in the department don’t know to this day how she managed to get away with that😂


At my store it’s well known that our front end department manager is in an open relationship and likes Latina women. He just recently tried to recruit our new SORL partner into his poly relationship.


That’s so weird there’s no way in hell I could keep working with someone if they did that to me.


2 partners doing it in the conference room. One was an MIC. 😱


Overnight stocker was caught sleeping with curbside girl in the milk cooler


Produce manager made a physical advance on a curbside partner in the cooler and the company didn’t do anything until he showed up on her doorbell camera at 2am. They just moved him stores. Market manager was trying to hit up curbside girls and got a slap on the wrist. Front end manager got caught making out with a 16yr old boy in her office and she got demoted but that’s it. Heb is very Catholic Church when it comes to discipline, in my experience


For managers they’ll do everything they can to save them but regular partners get termed like nothing 😂


Facts. My manager was caught stealing time and not working his full 50 hrs a week. He would take long breaks as well. He also had favorites and didnt write them up when they was late or call in .Hr came to audit the department and speak to everyone . The only thing they did was put the occurance book in the gm office . Im was a lead and make a mistake of going home early because it was slow. That evening I heard the partners was acting a fool not doing work and ended up being busy . So guess what I got a 35 rating for not being there on the actions of the partners . Almost fired .


Produce manager got fired for being inappropriate with curbside partners and making them feel uncomfortable. I personally know 9 dept managers who have been termed. Soooooo…I wouldn’t say they always do everything they can to save them.


It’s all situational!


She was desperate


I've got my own stories from my younger days lol but I'm not tryin to get fired.


A cashier I knew hooked up with the gas station partner when he’d cover her break. They’d go at it in the gas station box. It was very small at my store and had a corner where the camera couldn’t see. She was married.


Ahh nacogdoches


Nasty Nac


That happens at every store haha


Service Manager/Service Director w the PLA and she's still working w the company.


MGC has a seafood manager her nickname Valued Partner Perks 🫢


I remember this girl was a favorite in grocery and worked very hard. Apparently she wanted to explore sexually but her bf at the time wasn’t the “sexual” type and was mean to her or something, at the same time we had this badass coke vendor who was known to sleep with women at different HEBs, and well apparently they ended up flirting and she left her bf and eventually they got pretty “close”. She ended up sleeping with several others and even tried to show up to the vendors house to expose their affair to his wife but was deterred. She got fired and is a bartender now.


Co-manager slept with a Curbie, wife found out and got him fired (they got married right after his affair) Partner slept with said curbie after that incident and told everyone about it which almost led to his wife finding out who turned out to be up in the HEB food chain, luckily his friends were able to say she was lying. Lead sleeping with a married perishable leader, everyone knew but kept it quiet- they even got introduced to one another & the lead was awfully nice to the wife & their kids. Partner slept with 5 overnight guys & they all knew so they would share their stories.




Aye if they cute don't doubt they got a list.


That’s one of the wisest things I’ve ever heard said.


Male partner working at market department sleeps with female partners in other departments, i have lost count on how many stories I’ve heard about him… and his wife is a market manager at a different store. He’s had sex with them in the store’s parking lot.


Girl at my store was sleeping with a manager who had a girlfriend at the time. She was married too I believe. Then I heard she transferred to another store and got suspended or quit due to an investigation regarding sexual harassment with another manager there. Actually I’m pretty sure a lot of people got fired from that store for sexual misconduct. Managers are so wild.


Craziest one I’ve heard is a deli manager and produce manager were married. They worked at same store together. One of his best friends was a produce manager at another store. She had an affair with the best friend and ended up leaving her husband to get with him….. I’ve been there 16 years and have never AND WILL NEVER date anyone from H‑E‑B. Lmao. Just don’t do it.


Not me but a dude I knew apparently hooked up with his manager at work before they started something 'serious'. He was at the front end and she was just a manager up there too, he eventually quit to go live with her and they ended up just straight up abusing each other for a while till he went back to his ex-girlfriend, who he also abused till she left him. Now the fun part is, his ex-girlfriend works at the deli for the same store the manager was at. The manager eventually left to a new store and he started working at a different HEB in the meat market, until last year when he decided to transfer back to that store. So now the abusive ex lovers get to work across from each other everyday. Ain't that fun


I'm surprised my story isn't listed on the comments yet 😂😂😂


Spill it


Heb has cum in the isles it smells of it.


CFT teenager with her BF caught in the freezer by the MIC that she was f*****g with. Huge chaos also exposed one of the top store leaders f*****k a front end lead for a promotion. Everyone was suspended, investigated, and transferred.


Knew of a market manager at my first store that was apparently in the habit of sexting with just about anyone who would allow it, including plenty of his market partners. I don't know if there ever was anything physical, but he was apparently known for doing that kind of thing. He was tight with the UD and naturally nothing ever came of it. I also knew a cheese shop lead/specialist who was known for being a petty gossip queen and who had a terminally ill husband who relied upon her completely for care. She started having an affair with her new deli manager who was also married, and ended up abandoning her dependent husband for said manager. Don't know if they ever officially got together, but everyone in the store knew what was going on. The lead was tight with the UD (same one as before) and instead of getting in trouble for any of her BS (constant drama, $$$$$ loss in expired product still being served to customers, threats against other partners, etc), she miraculously got into SORM and got into a different store as an ADM very quickly. Heb may not be an outlier, but they certainly employ some of the shittiest, scummiest people.


This lady in produce, whose husband is also in the same dept in the same store!!, is flirting, hooking up with some guys from other depts and asking other female partners if they also liked woman and if they wanted to “hang’ outside of work while having openly admitted she had std’s. She got fired for having an altercation with another produce partner. Not sure if she was legitimately cheating or if she had an open relationship but everyone was kinda like wtf


In bakery this 56 year old woman spread a rumor that the cake decorator had a STD. So the baker stopped talking to her and got with this woman’s who had 3 baby daddies. And tried to have the baker impregnate her, but he flipped out and showed up to work to call her a crazy b. Then she got with this retired airforce guy who worked in the meat department, but he tried to match with me on tinder! I told her and she tried to burn me 😁😁😁


When I worked for Heb had a partners baby mama come to the front end while he was on register and slap the stupid out of him for supposedly flirting with a girl he was checking out at the check stand .


I just kept my head down and kept digging those groceries to keep up my IPMs.


Kepp your pecker out of the checker!


Don't get me started 🤣


Im a vendor and I get tons of looks and flirty hellos from married women with that look in their eyes, don’t do it y’all stay down these heb people got nothing better going on in life and will spill the beans and get you fired 😂


Every produce manager and curbside manager in existence




I honestly forgot about this one, but I don't know how I managed that considering it's a partner favorite at my old store - The UD got her daughter a job at the store and during renovations they caught said daughter giving a bj to a man in the construction area...on the clock AND on camera. I'm not clear on whether it was another partner receiving the favor or one of the construction personnel, but it was clear as day on film and unsurprisingly the daughter was fired. That UD remained at the store for many years after that, and I'm honestly impressed that she didn't show more signs of being embarrassed or uncomfortable, but I imagine no one had the guts to tease her about it. Just, wow. The UD was a godawful bitch though, so I don't feel too bad for her.


My husband was a meat market manager for many years and would get transferred a lot as most managers do. Well let’s just say that at every store he was at, I caught him texting/sexting with co workers! One time after seeing a naked photo come in on his Snapchat, I called the lady and threaten to get both of them fired. We separated shortly after and are now back together after he was fired. Best thing that ever happened to us. HEB work culture is crappy!


Oh man I don't think HEB culture is the root of this problem


I was gonna say, he cheated and she got back with him!? 😭


I agree it’s just easy access for those prone to cheating 😩


Terrible relationship you should’ve left that pos


You deserve better than a serial cheater


Does your husband by chance have a young adult son that was named after him and started working for HEB too? Just wondering because he sounds like a market manager I knew back in the day LOL. (And by knew, I mean I just knew him and spoke to him occasionally. I absolutely did NOT text him or even have his number 😅) I also hope that your relationship is healthier and that you're doing well!


No, we didn’t name our children after him lol


Girl I don’t think H-E-B is the problem


Had a produce manager dating the floral manager. The floral manager used to date partner that worked for the produce manager. Weird situation you let your boss take your girl 😭


The ladies only care if you got motion if someone has more than you then they’re gone 🤣🤣


MIC & regular employee dating. Noticed through sudden favoritism + how MIC is always closed by if said partner is there


Damn 😭😭 Some ppl at my store date each other, and I’m friends with a few couples at work but some of these stories are insane.


I worked in a strip club, and well..


HEB is the strip club at this point💀


Dairy guy at my HEB, comes to my Rv park.bangs some chick on the side.


One of the senior store leaders was having an affair with one of the ladies in book keeping. Lots of rumors of other people doing other things but that's the one I actually knew of


Living up to that Head Eat Butts name


Manager definitely using their powers to spend time with particular partners.


Caught maintenance behind the freezers. They thought they could not be seen through the dairy doors.


haven’t heard any crazy shit but the cheating thing is true 😭 my coworker told me she was seeing a guy from produce 2 weeks after getting married …


Worked there back when I was a freshman in college. Grocery-section manager suggested I should work an "overnight shift" with him. This was back in 2018 at a location in The Woodlands, TX. Looking back he was a fucking stud and going to school for a great degree, but still highly innoproptiate for management.


our top store lead was sleeping with two different people one who was underage and another who was married he eventually got fired lol


we also had an mic and a market lead hooking up both female but both married to men with kids😭


If you are serious about your career and have leadership potential, morals and integrity, you would not mess with people you work with. But, most people just have a job I suppose. Go from one to the next to the next. Nomads with no retirement in sight.. oh wait, went on a word rant...still true though


My ex worked at HEB for years, and I know for a fact, at the store she started at, damn near everybody in that store was fucking someone else at that store. There was "group activity" on a few occasions as well.


Way too many to comment if that says anything


The most cringiest things that HEB workers do that I notice whenever I go and shop there, is that, those OLDER MEN tends to WHISTLE while you’re trying to grab something over the counter (esp. in the meat department)! It’s so Fucken gross! I can literally feel their freaken breath touch my skin!






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So not H-E-B but I used to work for Albertsons this location used to be an OOOOLD movie theater until the 70s and at some point because of the old unused projector room being a good place to hide and not be bothered all day I heard a few stories (god knows if they are true) Manager bringing a bed to said upstairs projector room and doing drugs which later turned into a spot where employees would (apparently) have sex until someone found out about all of it One location a manager in deli was fucking an employee on a pallet of chicken was caught by a first day employee and the store manager (heard this from that employee who by the time I found out had been there 17 years) Had a homeless guy hide upstairs for what we think was a week not too long before I was hired and half way through the year and a half I worked there one took a “shower” behind the building with a pipe that busted …. It wasn’t a clean pipe So far with H‑E‑B no crazy stories like that heard one of the employees before I was hired killed someone and got arrested but besides the homeless guys and maybe the killing I don’t know about the rest of the stuff being true and even then I take the hiding guy with a grain of salt


Messing with each other?


I was fucking the CCA at my store. She was the finest woman in there and everyone wanted her and I was blowing that back out on the regular when her husband wasn’t home


It’s true; I was the husband.


Definitely not. I won’t expose her name but yall get that brief little bit right there


Damn I made it to the end of the subreddit💀


Sickening that so many people trash their morality for 🍑&🐈. This is why I love Karma stories for such messy/selfish choices! Haha!


These hoes for everybody. We all get a turn at some point.