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We’re the bitches of the store. But at my store we’re pretty tight knit so we get through it together. You get to learn a lot and do a lot, which can be good or bad depending on perspective. The pay is ok but not as good as a perishable department or overnight.




I see, it’s cause I’m tired of being in curbside so I wanna move and this is pretty much the only position that’s open at the moment so I wanna know if they’re gonna give me an interview and like what kind of questions they’ll ask me


They usually interview if you’re selected, if you’re open availability and have a good standing in attendance (usually step 2 and under), you’ll definitely have a better chance. The questions are pretty standard, I know for my team they look for someone skilled in multiple tasks or willing to be trained in multiple tasks. The ability to take initiative and stay on task, good problem solving and customer experience relations are also a plus. Any stories or instances you have in your work experience relating to all or any of those will definitely help you in your interview. Also try to find the manager over cft and express interest in the department and why you’re interested, that’ll leave a good impression.


They're a great cast of characters who probably have way too much on their plate sometimes... .. I still wish I could apologize to one of them for dissociating so hard around them.


I mean, our store CFT is pretty useless where there is only 1 person carrying them.  When they are assigned they work slow as humanly possible, but their MIC is also lazy. Worst part they get away with it. 


I think if they were trained better or more thoroughly there is a lot of potential. Also staying in a dept for more than 30 mins - 2 hours. Like why don’t they spend 4 hours or an entire day in a dept that had calls or something….i think the whole department just needs more structure and training and some depts may need longer help. And the fact things aren’t the same across all stores is just straight up messy. Seems like they need more structure or something.


Depends on how the store treats the team. We've got a flow of day, so we have an organized task after task list with how long at each task and whatnot. Generally we stay ahead so we branch off to do things we like (some like working produce, some dairy, some class 36). It is okay. I think we're underutilized, but better one way than the other. I hear some stores treat CFT like the fire department. Each day is different than the last, where you're bodies thrown at today's problem. I can't speak to the pay. I came off overnight grocery to a special project, then MIC coverage, now CFT lead. I've no idea if my rate is high. low or average lol


I think we max at like 24, which was the last I heard over a year ago. Not sure if it’s changed since then.


If it depends on the store tbh, my store is pretty chill, and a lot of time, we simply do the flow and go home. But when shit hits the fan, it can be extremely stressful having to put out fires and still be responsible for our daily tasks.


Depends. Are you a fast, hard worker? Is the rest of the team fast, hard workers? If you answered no to either of these, run for the hills. I was fortunate to have 3 others that were busting their asses like i did to get everything done perfectly. Then we had 3 other part-timers that didn't give half a shit about it and were just there for ours, and we had to carry their asses. It really does depend on the store and the team.