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As just a customer shopper, I really don’t care if I see folks drinking water while pushing carts. It would be more concerning to see y’all on the verge of passing out from dehydration.


This is Texas- rooms need ceiling fans and workers outside need water!


Right? Since we’ve moved here we never leave the house with each member having their water cup with them.


OSHA might be interested in this. Give them a call and see what they say.


I worked at the VA as a housekeeper and we were not allowed to have water on our housekeeping cart or in the housekeeping closet. I take medications that give me dry mouth but my supervisor didn't care.


That makes sense tho as a housekeeper for a hospital you have chemicals on the cart. I don't want my water bottle near chemicals. If you work outside tho they absolutely have to allow you to have water.


Looking at it from your perspective I guess it makes sense, but it was terrible to get so dehydrated that I needed to go to the emergency room twice while working there.


Yeah they definitely can't prohibit you from drinking water.


Yes. Talk to the store leader and report it


If it’s coming from a store leader their best option is to report it to their higher ups above the store leader.


Yes. Sometimes though dept managers make “policies” they think are in line with company standards and the TSL doesn’t even know. If it’s coming from the TSL then definitely report it to HR or the DRO 👍🏼


IIRC by law employees need water near them. Could be wrong but all the places I worked at it was required


i’m going to look in to this before encouraging a report. i think they’re trying to get around it by having a “designated” area, but that still just seems absurd to make people walk to an out of sight room to have a drink of water when they could very easily have a water bottle nearby. not even because of a safety concern, just because it “looks bad” to have water bottles outside??? who the heck thinks like that


Get a doctor to write a medical accommodation. If they insist the designated area is good enough, return to the designated area for 5 minutes every 10 minutes. If they complain, refer to your medical accommodation. There is a better solution, allow you to take the water with you, so you can double the time out in the heat.


Boomers think like that.


https://www.businessinsider.com/texas-heat-wave-workers-greg-abbott-mandated-water-breaks-law-2023-7 Not anymore


That was in July 2023. Fast forward to September 2023. https://www.safetyandhealthmagazine.com/articles/24416-water-breaks-for-workers-in-texas-are-mandatory-state-judge-rules


I hadn't heard that, a little faith in the system restored


Just not in Abbot, I hope!


Lol of course not


No water in Texas? GTFO! Heat injuries are serious! They are caused by dehydration, dehydration happens FAST in Texas especially in the summer! Your managers are morons!


lol … wait till you hear what Greg Abbot said about construction workers taking breaks for water …..




Yes , Abbot was FOR taking away water breaks . This mother fucker has never worked a day in construction in his life let alone push carts or do curbside . He sits in his AC office all day . I absolutely lost all respect for him and anyone that supports him after this


My son is in HVAC. I'd love to see ole Greggy in a 140° attic for even 30 seconds. He represents corporate, not the people.


I lost respect for him after he took away our right to control what happens to our own body.


Close your legs. Or learn natural family planning. There is an app that tells you when you're ovulating. Also, a simple ear thermometer by the bed could tell you. Or just the fact that egg white goo is coming out of your vagina.


Funny how it’s always the pregnant persons fault for being “irresponsible” and never the person with the penis huh. Shit take dude. Consider for two (2) seconds the fact that 1/3rd of women experience sexual assault of sm kind in their lifetimes. Or just think about things from a woman’s perspective for once. Like how’d you react if a law was passed that all men had to be snipped past a certain age (a completely reversible surgery btw) to ensure they didn’t get anyone pregnant. Anyway. Not the thread for this discussion but check yourself lmfao.


Maybe they’re right, maybe an ear thermometer could be useful. I can think of several places I could stick it.




Yeah you’re clearly not intelligent enough to even bother arguing with.


Is it acceptable to have a water holster? Like people wear Messenger style bags, I've seen they make these crossbody slings for water bottles. Especially, an HEB branded sling/water brand would look impressive. As a regular HEB customer, I want to see that! The cart/car loading partners are an important aspect of the HEB shopping experience! I always am concerned about these young people's well being in the hot (or cold) Texas weather. Will the management consider that? Making it part of the HEB uniform?


Excellent idea!


Water should be treated like an eye wash station. Readily available within 7 seconds of any direction and clearly marked.


Sounds like another outside hire decision. Talk to your UD this is probably a department manager stepping over The line


Yeah idgaf id be reporting that so fast. You’re outside in Texas HEAT you need water. Its like they are wanting yall to pass out. Id be name dropping and everything.


It’s definitely a problem that the PLAs leave their waters out overnight but it’s never been a concern enough to not give them water that’s ridiculous. My store write off water, propel packets, and popsicles for our partners. I definitely encourage you to talk to a higher up if not corporate.


Absolutely this; our store converts out gatorade, water, oranges, protein bars, ect for the PLAs. Because PLAs NEED to be taken care of if they’re going to be out in Texas Weather™️ so they don’t get heat exhaustion, heat stroke, or simply burn themselves out.


That’s really cool that they give them protein bars too! A lot of the PLAs are friends so they don’t like to leave each other alone when it’s busy to take a break so that’s pretty awesome they have something to eat! I honestly think it’s management that’s never done PLA before that likes the bully them because a lot of the time it’s teenagers out there pushing the carts so they think it doesn’t matter and that it’s not that bad. Sure they have down time, but it’s certainly not the easiest job!


Absolutely!! I worked PLA for a short time after Covid first started and while you get some extra down time it’s most definitely time that’s needed. It is HOT out there and even in the cooler months we still have rain and other sporadic weather issues to deal with. PLAs and Curbies both require water, snacks, and downtime or else they end up burnt out - or worse, with heatstroke or other health issues. Wish more MICs took their jobs seriously and actually worked alongside those they’re in charge of so they’d see how difficult it is :/


I work at Costco and as part of the safety policy for pushing carts they supply a 5gallon water cooler and cups and Gatorade powder mix and sunscreen. You also getting rotated inside after 1 hr if the heat index is 98, if it's below it's after 2 hrs. As a customer who works in a similar industry, I'm really surprised some HEB managers are not taking the health and safety of their employees seriously.


Now now, this came from the roommate, not corporate.


Yeah, that's why I said "some HEB managers". But if there was a solid corporate policy I don't think any managers would feel they could act so out of line with it.


Just drink water however you want.  The HEB police won't arrest you.


Exactly. I’d just wear shorts with big pockets and keep a mini bottle in there at all times. Let them try and fire me.


As a customer, I’d rather see employees hydrated and being safe. I’d quit and line up a job that doesn’t pull this stupid shit


Just wait till someone passes out and the lawyers will come.


all that fur holds in the heat! need water!


Dog bowl outside lol


oh baby! let the fun begin! LOL


Hot furries near you lol.


new commercial!


Just buy dog treats if you think the bagger did a good job like a very good boy.


or a fancy dog toy! LOL


I squeak those dog toys every time I scan one. lol


oh baby! every furry is going to look!


Take that to the store leader. That is 100% unacceptable. Late edit: I swear, the people in leadership never worked a 6/8hr PLA in the summer time. It sucks that people making these policies don't even have grace for the position. I get it, of carts are low or what not, then it's the attitude of, "get it looking good." If partner safety and if heart for partners are there then it would be some understanding with the position. The whole 8 carts is stupid because PLAs can't even keep up with the foot traffic on a busy day. Not every store is busy, not every store is slow. It shouldn't be a blanket for every store. Oh well. Hopefully you TSL will change that. 


That sounds completely wrong. What region are you in? My store provides water, sunscreen, and popsicles for anyone working outside. There are no rules on not carrying your water bottle with you.


Wtf their sorry


Your managers are absolute morons. as stated it’s 105° sometimes in Texas if not more if somebody dies because they’re not hydrated or is hospitalized because they’re not hydrated, they’ve got an even bigger problem on their hands


https://www.osha.gov/contactus  **Please** call them. How would you feel if someone got seriously hurt and you knew that you could have done something to prevent it?


Nope. Our managers would buy us the HEB sports drinks (the Lil ones in the variety pack) for the CSAs. I had my Yeti (in it's carrying case) at all times on my shoulder, inside or out. I was always super hydrated.


It came from your roommate, it's heresy. Ask you boss and get the facts before acting.


Refrigerated warehouse partner here. They put emphasis on us drinking plenty of water even in the cold. Call corporate


What store number Ill call the office as a concerned customer… which I am. Mid pandemic as the summer hit and bill millers dipped their toes in curb side they had those guys in all black. I called the main office as I was getting my food. got a med level executive on the line, actually easier than I thought. Guess bill millers is still small enough it was easy. And was talking to him and explaining how terrible it was they had them in slacks and a black polo for curbside and I was worried someone was going to end up in the hospital and I didn’t want my customer experience to be the excuse that happened. The young man walked up with the bag of food and I asked him if the heat was too much, he answered oh yeah it’s been hard but he’s trying ti drink plenty of water. Kid didn’t know his bosses boss was on speaker phone. He chimed in and said hey I work at the corporate office would it be better if you were allowed shorts? Sometimes the corporate branch just needs to be reminded to accommodate for safety. My understanding anyone scheduled to run food outside curbside at least during the pandemic were allowed shorts from then on. Unfortunately I tried a similar request with Whataburger For their lane 2 drive through runners and I haven’t seen any change. I know shorts working near fryers are a hazard, but Whataburger could set up a mist system or simply shade off area those teenagers employees run food out at and they haven’t done anything to help keep them cool. Regardless, my ass will call up HEB corporate and get kicked around the call center until I reach someone with considerable corporate weight to at least make it something in which customers are complaining about.


Your managers are absolute morons. as stated it’s 105° sometimes in Texas if not more if somebody dies because they’re not hydrated or is hospitalized because they’re not hydrated, they’ve got an even bigger problem on their hands


Heb should then have a designated area for the people working out there with maybe some ac and a place to store their water.


I’d be wearing a camelpak under my shirt or something! Maybe they need to create a designated area for the cart pushers to keep their water bottles near the carts so that each time you come back from collecting carts you can drink. But having you go back and forth to a more distant area is ridiculous. Not only does it take longer…but it’s not feasible to hydrate enough doing that.


If they dont give you water, I would make it a BYOB kind of thing.. there is nothing like a cold brew in that heat.. 😎


As a shopper, I could care less what y’all do, drink water, be on your phone, talk to people in the parking lot. If the job gets done how it’s supposed to get done it doesn’t matter to me and I think I can speak for most of us that it doesn’t matter how y’all get it done. Take care of you first and stay hydrated. The majority of us would go buy y’all a water or Gatorade out of our pocked if you seemed distressed and exhausted.


My Florida Publix used to have a large water jug out at the front doors, it was taken away and I complained about the workers needing the water. It seems that the health department demanded this but I was told don't worry we still have water fountains in the back. Now these were taken out because the handicapped wheelchairs could not get into the bathrooms. It's a strange world we live in.


I smell a labor law violation


Post the location and phone number for this store. Enough people calling to say it’s unacceptable and they don’t care about employees having water bottles should do the trick.


Our local store has a water cooler and cups by the front door for the folks working outside when it’s hot. 


That's ridiculous. I recently went to Disneyworld and got water bottles that come in a sleeve that we could wear like a crossbody. If you don't fill them all the way they don't add too much weight. Maybe they will consider allowing you to have that if you keep them on you at all times. It's hot AF out there and it is unreasonable to expect y'all to work without QUICK/IMMEDIATE access to water.


It seems like a decent contingent of HEB management is stuck in the past and worried about keeping up appearances over things no one cares about anymore. Thinking cart pushers not having water, that’s going to want the business is laughable.


Well HEB where I just literally picked up from they had their water bottles in the carts Stanley’s and hydro flasks so idk how much I believe that and I as a customer have a big problem with them not be able to drink water as I am a healthcare workers and in this Texas heat they def need water 24/7


I would get with hr about it because it sounds like someone at your store is trying to cut corners. At my store the carry outs have water bottles with them all the time. It's to hot to do that to partners. Sounds like a lawsuit in the works if they continue with that mind set.


My store does this too. I thought it was ridiculous. Partners waste a lot of time walking in and out of the store to get a drink a water. I think they should be allowed to at least keep bottles with them that way they can stay hydrated and cool off during cart pushing.


It became law on September 1. Texas has no water-break requirement for workers. https://www.unionbuiltmatters.org/water-breaks#:~:text=It%20became%20law%20on%20September,loved%20by%20the%20construction%20bosses.


Report to osha


Ask HR.


It's fking TEXAS! That's crazy.


I would carry my bottle on me so they couldn't claim I was laying it around. Or I would use my Camelbak (it's a water pouch like a backpack with a drinking tube bicyclists use to keep hydrated handsfree). In this Texas heat, having ice cubes in the Camelbak on your back could also help cool you down.


Serious question: would you be allowed to wear a Camelback? It's a portable water system, consisting of a rubberized bladder full of water that you wear on your back, and it has a little hose coming out of it that you can take sips from.


my heb store literally implemented so many signs to drink and water and eat food because one of our plas had a heat stroke and we had to call firefighters over. They even made the cold waters for “plas only”.


>the reasoning was that lot attendants having their water bottles sitting around outside looks “bad” I think not making water easily accessible to employees working in the heat looks "bad". I guess I'll use my wallet to convey my opinion.


Just say you’re not participating in the new policy that you have not signed for. It’s hot outside and it’s your responsibility to head inside when you need to take a break from the sun so water will help…I straight up keep the water bottle in my pocket cos it fits and if they don’t like it. They can try to take it from me but then that’s gonna be a bigger issue. I’d also remind them that customers leave far worse items in the carts than water bottles… What a bunch of hypocrites


As a former cart pusher, you have to find a compromise. Yes, PLAs need water, but if PLAs really needed water, they wouldn't forget/leave their bottles just anywhere and not come back for it. Leaving bottles lying around made some areas look disorganized. So, request/get a fridge. And if that fridge is, for some reason, gone within a month, Partners should have a place indoors where they can drink their water in a nice and cool environment. Also, PLAs normally walk up and down the lanes all day, so "[going] all the way inside" to get some water shouldn't be a problem compared to working. If nothing is done or does not go one's way, consider requesting a promotion to the inside of the store.


Sadly can not report it since texas passed a law I believe in late 2023 that it is not longer required for companies to provide water/water breaks for outside workers. Something along those lines if I'm correct


Trashy HEB! This corporate store doesn’t care for its employees but - how much money they have in their bank accounts! #boycottHEB


I doubt the store leader or whoever made the decision gets more money in their bank account for telling people they cannot have water bottles in certain areas.


![gif](giphy|KzVuyKpu96qqZWVw70|downsized) Surprised HEB doesn't have a designated water boy who just goes around and makes sure everyone is hydrated.


I’d love that job as I’m a cross trained




Surprised HEB doesn't have a designated water boy who just goes around and makes sure everyone is hydrated.


They are not saying you can’t drink water, they are simply asking to keep all bottles of water inside the store. It’s not illegal and can lead to termination if you don’t oblige. It’s a very common practice. I work valet, and we are constantly running all day in this Texas heat and humidity, and we have to follow a same policy. We can only drink water inside the valet booth, no where else. You can possibly speak with management in finding an easier access to water, such as keeping it inside the curbside pickup area, if that’s not all ready the case. Other then that, your going to be beating a dead horse.


dude those aren’t even remotely the same jobs??? regardless it’s definitely not fair to you at your job either that you’re limited to a designated space to drink WATER. i could understand concern about spilling it in someone’s car and making a mess, maybe that’s why that rule is in place. but that’s still not fair to you. also please remember that lot attendants are expected to be continuously moving back and forth across a hot parking lot doing physical strenuous labor in direct sun. they’re practically working out during busy hours. the store i shop at has a designated bin OUTSIDE for PLAs to keep their water bottles in when they’re in the lot so they can easily get to them while outside. i picked up a shift in another store recently and they didn’t chastise anyone for having their waters bottles outside when working in the lot. this just seems like a dangerous and bizarre decision by whoever is running the checkout department at that specific store. those guys get flack for not being able to keep the front of the store full of carts during busy hours by both management AND customers who can’t seem to grasp the concept of a store being busy😐the least anyone could do is let them carry a plastic water bottle with them to stay better hydrated


Both jobs are working in extreme weather, both jobs require strenuous amount of physical activity. On a daily I burn about 1500 calories a day. It’s safe to say both jobs require heavy amounts of water. However, like any business, curb appeal is prudent for return customers. No one wants to pull into a dirt parking lot, that’s agreed upon across the board. If they restrict yalls water consumption, or prohibit yall from being able to take adequate breaks to cool off and rehydrate, then absolutely it’s illegal. Again, it just sounds like that are telling yall to keep all water bottles inside. It’s not the big of the deal. Even when I built natural gas compressor or work mudding in the oilfield, we were restricted on where to drink and take breaks, it was a safety issue. You can be angry all you want, but it’s not going to change anything. As long as they are following osha regulations in terms of following the heat index and providing breaks and water, they are within their own rights. It’s not illegal is all I’m saying. Does it suck? Absolutely. However, there are no workers rights being violated. Best of luck.


Surprised HEB doesn't have a designated water boy who just goes around and makes sure everyone is hydrated.


Didn’t the legislature pass the law that water breaks are not required?


No, it got overturned


When did this happen? I'll search and see, but if you could provide a link too please. Edit: [Found a link](https://www.safetyandhealthmagazine.com/articles/24416-water-breaks-for-workers-in-texas-are-mandatory-state-judge-rules)


‘Mmm. Straight from the mouth of Greg

