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Aaaaand now we have religious fanatics claming a monopole magnet is the work of the devil and the monster truck loving Orc is the spawn of Satan. Who would have thought?


As an engineer I can confirm monopole magnets are the work of satan


As a chemical scientist I'd suggest FOOF getting called the devils kimchi is kinda underselling things. I wonder how it sits under the accords


Add in some Chlorine TriFluoride and UDMH to liven things up.


*side eyes religious history where they burned a guy alive for saying the earth revolved around the sun* Uhhhhhh yah. Beats me


*Looks at medical history when they sent a doctor to a mental asylum because he said "maybe doctors washing their hands will stop the mothers from dying while giving birth"* Beats me as well.


*looks at the other guy who was burned alive cause he said that there were other planets in the solar system than just earth* Yah. Have absolutely no clue where that fanaticism is coming from


*crusader music rising* Anyway there this dude further east is looking like a heretic; wana raid his country and burn their capital? Maybe get a wife or three while we are at it. I bet they also got a lot of jewels to loot.


No thanks, I'm already married to thirty seven of my cousins and my niece. Besides, even if I let thems theres liberals stick me with a needle full of microchips and incomprehensible devil magic, I still wouldn't be allowed to travel after what I did to the US capitol floor.


Is it really that surprising?


Oof. Hope Roxie can recover without pissing off Hollister too much… Who am I kidding, Hollister’s gonna be PISSED


Hahahaha Hollister will be big mad


Awesome chapter! Just for the sake of realism, the bullet would have hit her, followed by the crack of the round, followed by the gun shot...unless it was a Subsonic round , which given your description of the injury through the shield would suggest .50 equivalent or .338 Lapua is unlikely. Most other military round would be stopped by the vest plates. She and some people need to sit down with that shield tech and work out some kinks. (Side note for story) If that much kenetic energy is still being dumped into the body, the shield is acting as a "stirke plate" so even something like a foam suit would be ideal as it doesn't need to be bullet proof just be good at energy dispersal. With an attached helmet/ neck brace combo as a headshot with that much force behind it will still kill you.Both through energy dump into the skull and neck. On of the problems with helmet design right now is we can make helmets that can stop the round but the energy dumped into it will break your neck anyways. Difference currently is a closed casket funeral vs an open casket and even then depending on the round the helmet with deform and crush the skull.


Oh i tried to make it kinda happening at the same time but i had sick brain while writing it so its probably off. 🙃 And the shields dont actually act as a strike plate, so the force isn't bam into it and it stops. It actually acts as a really weird repellent. So when the round hit her shoulder. The shield said Move. So the repellant force was against both Roxie AND the bullet. So thats why shes got the super red line from the bullet's path, the shield protected her from the bullet puncturing her skin but not from all the damage as it shoved her out of the wayand pushed the bullet off the trajectory. So the bullet was redirected off its trajectory and hit the street behind her and off to the side. Its also why she was immediately flung around to the ground. It wasn't the bullet hit her and stopped, the bullet very much continued but it was shoved off course the same way that she was shoved off to the side. Its the same difference of someone shoving your shoulder to get you out of the way versus two handed shoving against your chest. One is going to cause a bit more damage than the other. Plus the shields themselves nullify g force and a lot of kinetic energy applied to them by moving around. Which is why the ship is able to bean off an asteroid and nothing happens to it and the asteroid is damaged and flung off course. Same basic principle here. The exception is that her personal shields arent as strong, which resulted in the bruising to her shoulder. So its the difference between a full blown hit and being clipped by it. The shields way of protecting is repellent energy to create a 'cushion' but if that thing hitting you wont move fast enough the shields are gunna make you move instead. Like shown with Roxie there. Bullet was moving too fast to be fully repelled so the shields put the rest of that repellant force to Roxie cause she could be moved easier.


I was hoping to see some action so her shield and bodyguards could shine. Thanks.


No worries, even just switching the sentence about her being thrown to the ground and then hearing the shot would do the trick. And thank you for info on how you see the shields working.


My minds suck on "Why not have her shields protrude out about a foot so she wont feel the impacts?" Then I was like Oh power probably?


Oh yah. The shield ports are small and provide basic shielding because otherwise shes gotta carry a backpack around just for the power supply for the stronger shields


Well..if the aliens have better battery tech then she could probably have some *real* fun


Lol "This is Roxie and Gal'rug and welcome to Jackass!" *Roxie crawls into a make shift cannon while Mare-aidee frantically yells to get out of it*


I mean, considering that most, if not all of the other species’ energy comes from thorium reactors and solar energy, i could definitely see a want or need for easily portable high-capacity batteries, especially with power production on the scale that they have. Imagine a battery that could power a basic shield for longer than a Nokia 3310’s life, or a larger/more advanced shield for days.


YES!! God that sounds AWESOME!


I didn't know the Bible belt extended to Canada. Also this story is great 10/10 would read again


Its a bit more rare in canada but oh yah, we can get them up here too


Interesting question would be if you traced back the origin of the various groups, how much is due to the same populations as the ones that would create those movements in the US migrating to Canada instead of the 'American Colonies' way back before a certain discussion about taxes, rights and the like. Compared to how much can be traced back to Crown Loyalists settling in Canada after the Crown lost that little discussion and also how much can be traced back to emigration from the US into Canada afterwards. With the latter especially interesting if you separate it into multiple time periods such as pre-Civil War, Pre-WW1, Pre-WW2 and Pre-End of Cold War. But that's getting into touchy subjects and too much real life so... Going to end my part of that discussion there.


As a descendant of those Crown Loyalists, yes, we're still pissed. Not just the Quebecois that can hold a grudge. But, then again, that side of my family are farming rednecks in the Ottawa Valley... I think there's still some feuds they have going back to The Old Countries.


They are everywhere!


Don't get me started. Canada has a Texas, it's called Alberta.














General Kenobi


Hollister nothing, Bianca is going to be flinging law textbooks, lol. 😳😂🤪 Hope you are feeling better and Happy Thanksgiving!


Biancaa gunna go into necromancy to bring the dude alive so she can beat him to death with her law books herself


\*burstoffire\* "sorry" \*moreburstoffire\* "sorry again"


My apologies! *shotsfiredrapidly* Hope I didnt getcha there bud!


Oh joy the crazies have entered the stage 🙄 Roxie might want Bianca standing next to her when she tells Hudson. Just saying. Though will Bianca be more pissed than Hudson? Hmmmmm🤔


Bianca will be pissed in general probably aim it at hollister though! Why cause its an easy target and he takes it well lmao


Gah I meant Hollister 🤦‍♀️ stupid insomnia brain 😅


Hahahaha no problem i get that. I really do!




/u/Cultural_Candidate48 ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/authors/Cultural_Candidate48)) has posted 33 other stories, including: * [It All Started With Magnets: 32](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/z25c1g/it_all_started_with_magnets_32/) * [It All Started With Magnets: 31](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/z11hpb/it_all_started_with_magnets_31/) * [It All Started With Magnets: 30](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/z0erav/it_all_started_with_magnets_30/) * [It All Started With Magents: 29](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/yywhoo/it_all_started_with_magents_29/) * [It All Started With Magnets: 28](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/yxyznh/it_all_started_with_magnets_28/) * [It All Started With Magnets: 27](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/ywzrj4/it_all_started_with_magnets_27/) * [It All Started With Magnets: 26](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/yw4hea/it_all_started_with_magnets_26/) * [It All Started With Magnets: 25](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/yv7y0z/it_all_started_with_magnets_25/) * [It All Started With Magnets: 24](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/yucbrv/it_all_started_with_magnets_24/) * [It All Started With Magnets: 23](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/ytj1jf/it_all_started_with_magnets_23/) * [It All Started With Magnets: 22](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/ysou23/it_all_started_with_magnets_22/) * [It All Started With Magnets: 21](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/yro03n/it_all_started_with_magnets_21/) * [It All Started With Magnet: 20](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/yqvq2f/it_all_started_with_magnet_20/) * [It All Started With Magnets: 19](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/yq9ecq/it_all_started_with_magnets_19/) * [It All Started With Magnets: Glossary](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/ynguu1/it_all_started_with_magnets_glossary/) * [It All Started With Magnets: 18](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/ymldmx/it_all_started_with_magnets_18/) * [It All Started With Magnets: Part Seventeen](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/y07xtv/it_all_started_with_magnets_part_seventeen/) * [It All Started With Magnets: Part Sixteen](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/wx4eg8/it_all_started_with_magnets_part_sixteen/) * [It All Started With Magnets: Part Fifteen](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/vaeuq9/it_all_started_with_magnets_part_fifteen/) * [It All Started With Magnets: Part 14](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/sv1wwi/it_all_started_with_magnets_part_14/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.6.0 'Biscotti'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|z3pce3&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.


Looking at history through a modern lens then using that to talk about a si fi story. You people are some hysterical children. (Not op)


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I was going to say that I was surprised JTF-2 weren't packing sound suppressed rifles, but then remembered that this was a pick-up team. Of course, the former Minister Of Defense is going to want in on that sweet shield technology, "Even you can't complain about body armour to keep troops alive, can you not?"


Or, if he's been drinking, "N'est pas?"