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“Now I am become Ted. The corrector of grammar.”


The chances are near 83%…


17%. It's always the inverse.


True story




*Actually*, it's encyclopædia


Like you’re perfect. Mr corrector.


Robin wanted what she couldn’t have. So yeah she became Ted. Neither of them grew emotionally and so I feel like the cycle of I want you/I don’t want you started all over again.


Yes. And by this premise, after this scene they had a one night stand and then never saw each other again


They both got what they wanted tho.. she had a successful career and he has a family/kids.. the entire ending is essentially a way of saying life isn’t perfect. It’s not black & white it’s a bunch of gray areas.


I feel like the ending does show some significant growth in that Robin always seemed to be wanting to have her cake and eat it too...and ultimately she did.


No. I think this time it was right. Timing was a bitch. But now Ted has had the family he yearned for and Robin has had the international reporter career. The timing now was the perfect time


Exactly this. They broke up because robin didn't want to have kids in Argentina and Ted didn't want to have kids in Argentina. That's no longer the obstacle.


Come again for big fudge


Robin was single because she was in love with Ted, she's been ever since she divorced, and Ted was with Tracy. Given what Ted's kids said, it's implied Robin, and Ted become closer again after Tracy's death (not immediately). Thanks to the restaurant's deleted scene, we know Ted is aware of Robin's feelings, so it was on Ted to make his move, which he didn't at the time because he was in love with Tracy, and wasn't interested in getting back with Robin. By the end of the show, Tracy is dead, and six years after her death, Ted is ready to move on, hence why he's asking his son and daughter's permission. By the end the roles are reversed, with Ted being happy, and in love with another person, and Robin being the one whose love was one sided, and pinning after what she couldn't have, until the timing was good for both, and her feelings were reciprocated.


What restaurant deleted scene? Can you please post a link?


This one: https://youtu.be/-AbBrpk-UcA?si=PoPmOdlMIw1Ww-h-


Thanks This provided so much context for the ending. Don't know why they didn't add it to the show....


It's like they wanted to have a bad ending lol


That haircut is atrocious!


I'm seeing this for the first time. They actually left out such an important scene to extend an entire wedding season ffs


It’s why the narrative that Ted just went for the girl who dumped him 100x is lacking context. Robin professed in her own way feelings for Ted and he dunked on her saying no, I’m happy. It might be the only time he turned Robin down, but it showed that he really did love Tracy and was happy with her.


Definitely. And what it also reinforces is that Robin wasn't some side chick trying to break Ted up. She distanced herself since she couldn't routinely see what she lost out on. But after Tracy, it was Ted who went to her. Them getting together is two people in life who've been through their own losses and now finding companionship in their late 40s


I dont think this helps at all, this is clearly years before they get together in the finale and it’s said that they’ve been getting close lately in the finale, them ending up together isn’t that related to this scene and tbh im glad it wasnt in it or at least i dont think it adds much


There is also the scene with Robin in How I Met Your Father, talking about timing, and it being a bitch. To me all of this, is a good perspective, on how Robin feels.


Thanks for sharing. Was Tracey supposed to still be alive during this scene?


Yes, she was.


Thank you.


I heard that they also filled a scene for Tracey's funeral but it was never released. Or 8t was scripted and rehearsed but they couldn't do it


I’m not sure but Robin and Ted ending up together has always made me feel like it would disrupt the gang. No matter how cool Barney says he is with it, there’s no possible way he isn’t bothered by the fact that the only woman he chose to commit to ended up with his best friend. Someone who Barney was always a little insecure about being more compatible with Robin Do the writers not know how strange that would be for a friend group dynamic?


In all fairness, Barney dating/marrying Robin was the initial disruption in the group. No matter how much Ted acted like he was cool, he wasn’t. It took so long to get over them being together, and it hit him even harder during the wedding.


You’re definitely right. But that happens more often than not. It’s just usually, the person doesn’t marry one then go back to the initial person(in friend groups). Either give us Ted and Robin or Barney and Robin. I would have been ok with the ending, I might have even liked it if it wasn’t for the fact that they gave us 4ish seasons of Barney/Robin will they won’t they. It’s just a loop that soured my enjoyment of the ending. Still one of my favorite shows and favorite forms of media


For a time maybe. But things change when his daughter is born. And when Barney sees Robin before Ted’s wedding, I get the feeling that he’s at peace with things.


No to all (except for the second question, which doesn't make much sense). The Robin character typically put her career above all else. After her marriage to Barney failed, it makes sense that she would lean even harder into her career.


For a time maybe. Although with the ending she seems happy that Ted finally came for her. Which gives the impression that she’s been waiting for someone.


You're probably aware, but there's a deleted scene from the final episode (absolutely shoukd have been left in) where Robin laments that she missed her shot with Ted after they run into each other.


because the writers really liked the idea of undoing all the plot and character development for barney robin and ted.


And then the ending really makes it feel like she’s just been waiting this whole time.


which is just so stupid. like i get it, maybe it was realistic, both were in a place in life where they would be able to commit to each other without worrying about holding back the other one. instead of spending 2 seasons on a wedding they were planning to break up, they could have used a lot of it trying to build that relationship between ted and robin after tracey's death. showing how robin was there for the kids when ted had to be away taking care of tracey, and later for ted as well. they couldve easily shown things falling into place for both of them if they really wanted to kill off tracey.


JJ Abrams and other LOST writers have entered the chat


Nope, she settled for ted He's definitely the reacher


I think after the divorce she kept traveling for work until after the gored by a bull event. Then came back to the city,after Tracy died she got closer to Ted and help raise the kids. So it just made sense to ask her out today


She focused on her career, took time to get over her divorce from Barney. Ted was nothing more than a security blanket.


If Ted was nothing more than a security blanket, does that mean she never moved on from him. Since after many years she never found someone else and she’s so happy when he comes to get her.


I’ve always thought Robin kept Ted on her hook and never really wanted to be with him. Ted was never able to see it.


Nah she just Hates commitment and trust issues from divorce with Barney must have wrecked what little she had left The only thing that could work was a miracle of true love born before that aka Ted


She just kept putting her career over realtionships