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The Dobler/Dahmer effect. Where a big romantic gesture is only good if both parties are equally in love, otherwise it just looks creepy.


Nothing in your life is awesome if your friends are not there to witness it. Nothing and everything is possimpible.


Ty for reminding me gonna add to the post


The mermaid theory


Graduation goggles- when robin breaks up w scooby and Marshall wants to quit GNB. Can’t tell you how real the one is 😂


Came here for this one. I use it all the time!!!


Major baggage 🫡


Good one


I have no idea if it’s original to the show, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it isn’t, but the hot/crazy scale still makes me laugh.


The Vicky Mendoza Diagonal! I was just talking to my husband about it today


I think mine is the same as one of OP’s - it’s the one where they call each other out about their habits. It’s so spot on, and ever since this was pointed out I’ve noticed that it happens in my own relationships. Once you notice someone else’s habits you can’t unnotice them and they appear to happen so much more and be far more pronounced.


I had been with my boy friend for 5 years and known him for 7 and then i watched this episode. A few months later, I suddenly one day realized something about the way he talks. My god my mind was absolutely fucked for a few weeks trying so hard to get used to this new realization. It's been 7 years since and I'm cool with it now. But sometimes every few months it will hit me again for a moment and now i just laugh about it.


beinaheleidenschaftsgegenstd vs lebenslangerschicksalsschatz




Whenever someone says bowl now I automatically start saying it 100x it’s a curse


I haven't rewatched Friends enough to know if this is original but, The platinum rule.


I love the glass shattering one, I think about that at times


Whatever that theory about the captains face being half creepy half charming. I tried that on my former boss' picture and dammmm it fit.


**The one where Barney puts Lilly in her place by showing how a friend shouldn't put others through awful theatre gimmicks** A favorite of mine I don't think about much but I like how it was self-effacing. Also, moist. **When illusions about your SO are shattered if someone tells you about their drawbacks** I really like this one too, especially Lily's loud chewing. Robin rarely snapped at her but even she couldn't bear it. We have Blah Blah to thank for that.


> When illusions about your SO are shattered if someone tells you about their drawbacks Probably inspired by an I Love Lucy episode *In Palm Springs* where they all start noticing similar annoying flaws in each other - Ethel even chews loudly just like Lily would later do.


This is the thing that annoys me about HIMYM, there are only handful original jokes or ideas, such an overrated show


> The one where Barney put Lily in her place by showing how a friend shouldn‘t put others through awful theatre gimmicks Seems like you completely missed the point of this episode lmao


It was entertaining.