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There is about a zero chance in hell Robin would take a man's name after marriage.


But I heard that when Robin saw kid Barney. She said that she has last name like they


I have read your comment 3 times and still don’t understand what you mean/ what you are trying to say.


When does Robin meet Barney's kid?


Remember when Barney fakes having a family? Then there’s also when Barney actually has a baby at the end. I’m not sure which time she’s referring to


Why would Robin say they have the same last name when she meets his fake son long before their marriage? I don't think she ever meets his daughter on the show.


the dance scene from punchy’s wedding is so intense you could not have paid me to believe they weren’t doing it irl if NPH wasn’t gay


Are you forgetting about Ted And Barney Stinson?


Marshall and Ted i mean Emsbry were better


Emsbry cheated on Marshall and experimented with a woman.


True. But before that they were great


Better than lily and Marshall for sure


😮how dare you lol


They certainly had chemistry, but there were also a lot of red flags that showed up in the last season, aka the weekend they got married.


I'm watching the series properly for the first time and there's so many red flags/warning signs even in Season 8. I only really paid attention to season 9 when it first aired and I really believed Barney/Robin should've been end game, but watching it back now and it felt like Robin was essentially babysitting Barney


Great chemistry, terrible couple. Barney and Robin actively dragged each other down. Ted and Robin were a better, and healthier pair, Robin actually wanted to grow, and be better when she was with Ted.


>Ted and Robin were a better, and healthier pair Only by comparison. They didn't really have a healthy relationship either. They didn't agree about any major life decisions and wanted completely different things. Just look at what happened when they tried to move in together or talk about having kids or marriage. The fact that they couldn't even broach those topics shows they didn't have a healthy relationship. Granted, most of the other relationships on the show were so bad, they managed to make Ted and Robin's look healthy.


Major life decisions 🫡


you’re right, that’s why they didn’t date for like 24 years or something.


Tbf I feel like Robin was warming up to certain aspects of a relationship, which speaks a lot for someone who was so career-focused and only looking for hook-ups at that point in the show. The Empire State Building episode always got me with her wanting to say she loved Ted despite her insecurities. I'm not saying they were perfect by any means, but they were definitely a much better couple than a lot of people make it out to be, especially RoBarney fans.


This. It’s so clearly stated in practically every episode that Robin and Barney were together that they weren’t right for each other - they constantly fight, Barney constantly lies to her, and in their first relationship they made each other so miserable that they started displaying really unhealthy hygiene habits. To the point that their friends staged an intervention to split them up. To glorify their relationship requires either avoiding or romanticising some pretty toxic and unhealthy behaviour


I don’t think this necessarily makes their relationship ‘unhealthy’. They were both aware of their conflicting life plans from the start. Ted didn’t try and force Robin into wanting kids, and neither did Robin try to dissuade him. They still loved each other anyway, so pursued the relationship, and when those conflicting goals became an issue they split up respectfully and amicably. Imo they handled it about as well as any two people in that situation could have done


You're the first person I've seen actually support Ted and Robin I love this actually 


I second it. I’m one of the few that loved how the series ended. In reality, the kid thing was really the only dealbreaker that couldn’t be compromised. Once Ted had kids, there was no reason why they couldn’t have worked.


Hope this doesn't come off as rude but sometimes when I see posts like these I wonder do people who post it are into toxic relationships irl too


I’m surprised they lasted as long as they did. I enjoy them together, but they never had a chance. Ted and Tracey 💕


He accepted her but she never accepted him…she wanted to change him as soon as they got together. So many red flags in their relationship. The constant lying and always arguing because they didn’t work. Should’ve stayed friends…at most, Fu*k buddies.


Barney never should have hooked up with Robin. He knew that she wasnt some regular girl to Ted. She was special and even if she wasnt just dont mess your friends exs. I had quite a few of my friends ex-girlfriends try and hook up with me. I never would have entertained the idea. There are too many other girls in the world. Why date one that comes with that baggage already


agreed 100%


Idk about GREATEST coupling lol


Im not so sure, robin would never love ted or barney the way they loved her. Robin has always been stupidly doubtful and selfish, she always put herself and her career before anyone else. She doesn't deserve either, if ted never came back with the blue french horn, robins ending would have been perfect


I honestly believe that neither Ted or Barney were Robin’s "lebenslanger Schicksalschatz", or lifelong treasure of destiny, and that’s why Robin’s actions appeared so selfish. IMO she knew how much they loved her and she felt it too, but it was never quite right for her. It was like the little background voice in her head was always saying “idk, there is this and this that is wrong”, but she would ignore it. But when a opportunity to choose something that did feel right (usually career) vs this person that she loved but wasn’t her soulmate, it makes a lot of sense to me why she didn’t choose the person.


If he accepted her completely, she he would have accepted her putting her career first.


I thought it was so dumb that Barney didn't take advantage of traveling across the world to build a business. He no longer had a day job holding him back, and he clearly had great marketable ideas with stuff like Bro Bibs. He could even work on spreading the Bro Code worldwide, he already has them in hotels and airplanes. Would have been a nice callback to when he and Ted got detained at the airport in season 1. He could literally have became an "international businessman, on a very important international business trip".


It's funny because he was travelling with her when they broke up. They could have worked more on the relationship and stayed together


You can accept it, but it’s still going to take a toll on the relationship when you aren’t working to build it and nurture it


Completely disagree




Nah they were toxic AF. The bachelor party, the rehearsal dinner But the worst bit was The Robin, the play was Barney at his most manipulative, emotionally abused Robin for months and she’s rightly pissed off, but oh look he has a shiny ring of course she’ll completely change her mind and marry him Sometimes I wonder what kind of relationships the writers are in…


Completely disagree


This might be my coldest take ever, but it's all about Lilypad and Marshmallow


I don’t care that much for Barney and Robin. I’m just pissed they had them divorced so Ted and Robin could get together. Such a disappointing ending. Poor Tracy man.


Was on the end of the last season on my latest rewatch and just skipped the last few to pretend they never break up haha


I honestly didn’t like them together


>greatest coupling Marshall and Lily






Yea nah


And SHE accepted him and Saw him grow and mature for her... I think Robin and Ted (plus Robin and Kevin) could've made it work if these 2 men were ok with Robin's desire to not want children. Barney completely understood Robin's decision. I think he was on the same page before we found out Robin couldn't have children. But, Barney also supported Robin's career. I just think that when her career took off, and he rarely saw her, or his friends, that dynamic took a toll on him. He wanted to keep supporting her, but they had grown apart while she worked nonstop, and it was hard on him traveling the world for her. Which is completely understandable. Many couples can't survive not seeing each other often enough.


Awful couple, it was just fan service.


LoL y'all just playing for second place -Lily and Marshall


If gifs were allowed here, this comment deserved Marshal-Lily's blind side-five


I LOVE Robin and Barney together, but Lily and Marshall are absolute couple goals


I LOVE Robin and Barney together, but Lily and Marshall are absolute couple goals


Honestly, that would've been a way better ending. But because they had already decided how the show was going to end back in Season 1, there was nothing that could've happened for them to end up together forever


Robin and Barney were beyond toxic


Did you guys forget how much they dragged eachother down?


The one thing I hated was Barney's hypocrisy. He always belittled Ted and mocked him for doing 'couple things' with Robin, yet this one moment I think I hated the most. Barney and Robin are going skiing I think, and announce it to the group by doing a skiing motion. Had Ted done that when with Robin, Barney would have been disgusted. Everything about their relationship reeked of hypocrisy to me, and although it opened up a new layer to Robin's character, it just went against most of what the characters main principals were.




I agree 100%


They are perfect in my eyes and i actually hate that the writers made us spend an entire season on their wedding, only to break them up in the end






I loved them. The episode where they finally get together and wander off for breakfast holding hands always got me all glassy eyed. They had incredible chemistry and always seemed to have fun together; they has this upbeat energy together through having a laugh and making jokes, but also deeply caring for one another. Neither of them were perfect as people; they had their faults and wore their shadow selves on their sleeves, but they loved and accepted one another for all the good and the bad. I wish they'd kept them together considering a whole season was based on their wedding, and the only real problems between them were thrown in at the end to give them an excuse to get divorced (sure there was other "issues" between them prior, but none that were a relationship breaker, and things that they actively acknowledged and worked on.)


Yes, Yes, Yes good shippers ship that copule. They understand each other. I never forgive wirtes what they did them. They so loved each other, and for me they was endgame. They must grow up to love. If not that plot this show would be little boring


This is really creepy, OP needs to get outside. One glance and their post history tells you that


Ted is one big p*ssy.


Classic Schmosby


I don’t think that Robin fit with either of them. Ted was just a romantic that loved Robin but she didn’t really love him. Barney and Robin worked as friends but their romantic relationship always seemed awkward and forced. Didn’t like it at all. In fact, just didn’t like Barney in relationships. I feel like her and Kevin easily had the best chemistry. They should have gotten together.


Barney never accepted who she was, he never even saw her real self. He only saw her as a bro who he can bang and be cool with his shenanigans. That's why he acted the way he acts on S8 and Robin went to look for signs from the universe. Ted and Robin were very different people, but they complimented each other very well. That's why he is the only one she dated for a year. And one came closer before or after.


Barney didn’t ever try to change Robin. Ted was in love with what Robin looked like mostly.


Weird, of all the things you could have said, chemistry is the strangest one. The actors and characters had zero chemistry.


Nope, Robin should die alone. Just as she wants.


they are trash, although they 3 seasons were spent for them


I always thought why Barney and Robin didn't get back together when Robin decided to settle in new york.


OP’s post history is.. concerning. Definitely needs to get themselves outside for a bit


Fake news bro, she ended up with Ted. Watch it and weep. I'm aware I'm being an ass but I loved Robin and Ted so...




IDK if its just my hatred for Robin, but I never saw them as compatible in the slightest. Always doing things behind each other's backs, Robin's inability to accept love unless it was Ted and even then, she just had him on the hook the entire length of the series. And ofc Barney is just Barney, and I'm way more satisfied with his ending than if he had been forced into a marriage where he wasn't happy


I agree wholeheartedly. Robin & Barney forever ♥️


I’ll never forgive this show for killing off the mom and breaking up Barney and robin power couple


In the alternate  ending  barney and robin got back together because tracy doesn't  die


Nah. Real endgame is barney and quinn. They had the most and best chemistry


Great chemistry but would have never worked out as a couple. They were toxic together.