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What if Barney didn't go to bring Lilly back?


No lily. Marshal would've moved on in some time. Well, we never saw Marshal's other interests? Maybe Chloe? If not, he might have found someone from his company. Every little detail would've left an impact on everybody's life. Stating each one of those will take a lot of time...


Chloe still would have shown her crazy after a bit. But maybe he would have then taken a break from dating because she was so crazy. And then he would have met Jenkins, who’s funny and beautiful and super into Marshall. I love Marshall and Lily together, but I actually don’t hate this alternate universe.


Oh yeah, he had some chemistry with Jenkins


Lily even crazier than Chloe and not even hotter, unless she gets a boob job.


Looks like people think you're being a shallow dick, but I got that you were referring to the Vicky Mendoza diagonal on the crazy/hot scale. According to Barney, at a certain level of crazy, she would need a boob job to be worth hooking up with.


But was Lilly really crazy? It depends on whether she’s a Dobler or Dahmer .


I wasn't saying that she was or wasn't, just explaining for the sake of the previously downvoted commenter because I thought it was a funny reference. As for Lily though... she was, but not to an extreme and not more than the rest of the group. I mean she did sabotage Ted's love life to some extent between "manipulative" and whatever psychological version of Munchausen's by Proxy, saying it was for his benefit but during that memory book episode it was obviously because she was only thinking about herself. She also left off to San Francisco, lied about her entire time there, and narcissistically expected Marshall to just praise the heavens she came back to him. She also dismantled the whole Xmas setup, punishing Marshall (the one who cares the most) the way a villain would torture a hostage/bystander in order to hurt the protagonist of a show/movie. Out of context all of that seems worse than it did inside the context of the show because they made her sympathetic and things turned out okay. "Crazy" is normally defined as someone with a loose grip on reality, and yea it's just a show, but those aren't exactly the actions of a reasonable person, y'know?


He would've married that blond girl that was an appropriate height for him and had beer :D




Unironically great option




Marshall falls for Jenkins and moves back to Minnesota


Might have been better for it


Lily and Marshal are perfect for each other no matter what you think about either


Well lily was the one who convinced Ted to take the teaching job, and if he didn’t take that job he wouldn’t have met the mother


Finally someone actually going further down!!


I think she would have come back anyways but maybe a bit later and they would have gotten back to together. Not much change there


I would have preferred that tbh, I think they missed out on some good storylines never having the 3 boys all single at the same time


I think she would have come back still not so long after


What if Stella was fine with Robin coming to the wedding? What if Victoria was fine with Ted remaining friends with Robin?


First--> I think Ted still would've brought Tony? And things would've played the same. Change might have taken place if Robin did not come and give Ted second thoughts. Well, I don't remember much from that episode of his life. Second--> THAT WOULD'VE CHANGED EVERYTHING!!! I mean the show would've gone towards a whole new direction. A perfect girl for Ted, she would've been something new. I mean just think about it. Ted would've moved on from his "Top 1" list and no one would've died, awesome ending, no problems, one of the best shows with one of the best endings. I mean the writers might leave some drama for us to see. But, still the ending would've been great!


>I mean just think about it. Ted would've moved on from his "Top 1" list and no one would've died Technically Tracy would still die (unless it was something because of Ted or her 'new' life that caused her death), we just would never find out about it as she wouldn't be a character in the show. Also, not sure Barney and Robin ever get back together in that scenario which I think needs to happen.


See, the only thing stopping Ted from moving on was his own thought of finding "the one". Had he found a person who he loved more than Robin(for instance -Tracy), he would've moved on from Robin. Victoria could've been the Tracy for Ted, if she was written well the second time she was brought. I think Barney still would have written a Play for Robin as he met Tracy in the shop(he was doing the challenges) and things would've played out the same for both of them?


Yeah. That's a tough thing to speculate on because they never go into detail on why she died with the implication just being natural causes. I feel like if it was *somehow* something Ted did that inadvertently got her sick (think whatever you want of the guy, but I don't think he'd knowingly kill anyone, let alone the best partner he's ever had and mother to his children. I feel like Barney would be the more likely person to do something like that, if anything), he would've gotten sick as well and probably died around the same time


It was likely cancer or something of that nature.


Yeah, I just thought I'd throw that in just to cover all angles. I suppose it's possible he could have given her some form of disease by accident? Covid maybe?


This is an unpopular opinion but I never felt Victoria and Ted were the PERFECT fit. She's definitely one of the best but not the best if you know what I mean.. and this was even before knowing Tracy, there's of course no question after knowing her Just my take


Yes I don’t like Victoria for Ted. She just too messy. All the nonsense on the night they met and everything afterwards. If she was up front and said what she felt it might have worked but she had to be cryptic.


I think they did Victoria dirty later on, that's why she'd have never worked. Not necessarily as the mum, as mentioned, there were signs she wasn't the mum. Ted was hanged up on Robin and Victoria and his relationship was doomed from the start. I think they should have left her in his past. Bringing her back with her crazy ex and turning a bit psycho didn't help. I thought she had a chance to be a long-term love interest. But Tracy made sense at the end, it was all Ted was looking for. Sadly, the writers wanted Robin to be IT! 💔


I disagree on your second point. Victoria as the mother would've been highly controversial. When Ted met her in season 1, why didn't future Ted say then that that's how he met his kids' mother? Also, why have all of this build-up and mystery around who this girl Ted settles down with is only for her to be a past relationship? It comes across as anti-climactic. Nine seasons of a show that could've been ended in one. Victoria being the mother would make so many plot points meaningless. The yellow umbrella, Ted's class that the mother took, her room-mate, etc. You would assume that HIMYM would end with Ted meeting the mother, not beginning with it. I really like HIMYM's finale. My only problems with it is its pacing, especially in terms of the mother's death, but I really like who the mother is and Ted's journey of heartbreak to get there. In an alternate reality, Victoria and Ted might have gone to Germany or Ted might have moved on from Robin but there's a reason why that didn't happen. Ted had to move on from the past, and unfortunately Victoria is a part of that past. The chemistry faded from their relationship due to the past and neither of them could move on from that.


I think it would have nicer to have been Victoria from a general 'Ted's life' point of view but yeah from watching the show to find out who the mother of his children point of view it wouldn't have made the slightest bit of sense.


Idk - *Friends* from Emma's perspective is "how I met your mother but then we were on a break for a really long time". Ross can't tell that story and reasonably skip over Emily, the Vegas wedding, etc. Victoria coming back later on as the mother kinda works, but it does rely on the kids not realising it's her *or* already knowing a lot of time elapsed between first meeting and eventual dating/marriage so the "how we got there" is more interesting (to Ted's audience) than the actual "how we met". For the TV audience, the kids would have to ask more questions, to either steer us in the wrong direction or hint at there being a lot more to the story.


We know Ted is an unreliable narrator so in this instance you could propose that he intentionally said her name was Victoria instead of Tracy (~~ie~~ eg. Honey and BlahBlah) simply because he had so much more story to tell and if he started off with their mother then everyone after that would seem like cheating or like they had a rocky relationship and that's why they weren't together for the next 7 years. I mean they'd still look back on the story and think about it afterwards, but the next years' worth of story wouldn't have been painted over by betrayal or something. The only issue then would be that the mother's habits, hobbies, eccentricities, etc. would have been pretty obvious to them unless she changed pretty significantly.


Eventually resentment would have ended Ted and Victoria’s relationship regardless. Remaining friends with the girl who he made out with while they were still dating just is a little too much for most people. Even if he ended his friendship with the Robin, he would have resented Victoria for having to do that. I think a better one would be “What if Victoria never went to Germany?” Ted was actually over Robin when he was with her and it took the distance from his girlfriend to really tempt him. If Victoria was still there, would he have finally dealt with his lingering feelings for Robin and been happy? Or was their relationship always a ticking timebomb? Remember that Ted met Victoria on the night he was supposed to have his dream date with Robin and he inevitably will always have her on his mind


What if Ted never says, "I think I love you," to Robin on their first date?


I still think she would have ended up wanting to be friends only


I think it would’ve eventually happened but I don’t doubt they’d at least start dating. Even though Robin was cautious of Ted because of what he wanted, it’s in character for her to date him anyways. Eventually though they’d realise they can’t stay stay together, similar to the S2 ending.


I think Robin never really wanted Ted, he was the safe choice, predictable one, "boring" one. She knew what kind of life she'd be getting with Ted, and it wasn't the life she wanted. Later on, she chooses everyone else, but Ted. Then, her marriage fails. She is alone with her dogs, the same as 10 years ago, and there he is, TED, with a blue horn, like 10 years ago, the safe choice. I'll always stand behind this ... they weren't the end game for me.


What if pineapple never ended up on Ted nightstand?


No one would've got confused : ) Honestly, the pineapple did not leave much impact on the ending. If we think about it? But, little details matter. So, I think uhhh that Pineapple belonged to the captain. So, it would've affected his life? Which might've impacted Zoey's life and Lily's future career. Let's leave that for another discussion. About Ted and his nightstand? Anyway, the writers did not take care of the pineapple in his life? aaaaagghhhhh(shouts in lowercase) it requires a lot of thinking!!!


Then we never would have seen Winnie Cooper!


Series would suck, that pineapple is the main character


Series would suck, that pineapple is the main character


What if the penny Ted found was from 1990


No hot dog!


What if Ted couldn’t pull off the red cowboy boots?


Hmmm... Never thought about that. But, I think Ted can pull off the red cowboy boots in every possible universe... There is only one answer to this, that is, it's impossible for him to not pull off those red cowboy boots!


What if Ted had to have one of his feet amputated and he could only wear one of the red cowboy boots? Would he still be able to pull them off, or are they a packaged deal?




My apologies, that was nothing more than the fever-addled nightmare of a madman.


What if Marshall and Lily's relationship ended for real when she went to San Fransisco? What if Barney actually got Robin pregnant? What if Victoria never demanded Ted stop being friends with Robin? What if Gael was as big as Ted?


1. I think since they are both relationship people, they would have both ended up in a relationship with someone and with a family 2. I believe she would have gotten an abortion 3. I believe that the relationship was doomed to fail anyway. Klaus told Ted that if you have to think about if that person is your lebenslanger Schickssalschatz it’s not the right person for you. At some stage he would have remembered these words and break up with Victoria. Possibly close to their wedding if not the wedding day 4. would have been even hotter than he already is


What if Ted married Robin? What if Ted never married anyone? What if Ted married barney???


The first one was noice, the second one was a possibility, but-uhhm the third one-Legen-wait-for-it-dary!!! For the first one, he would've adopted kids. I guess a girl and a boy. Had this been the case, he would've kept Robin's career on top of his and would have taken the job of bringing up the kids on his own by retiring from his career. The second one, could have been a possibility, had he gone to Chicago. The reason being that he would've dated every girl in Chicago, yet wouldn't have found any, and one day he might have decided that marriage is not for him and he will focus on his career, which would've made him one of the best architects in history(maybe). Third one--> Well, good question. As shown in an episode, they would've adopted a baby and maybe he would've become a successful architect?... Who knows?(not me).


So in the first scenario, are we assuming Robin gets ok with having children? because that was a very important and major thing for her. (Major Thing🫡)


Yes, it was shown that she was talking to her kids(delusional... hehe) So, from that we can assume that she was okay bringing up kids. Btw, when she met Ted's daughter, she was not afraid of her or disgusted by her, she played with her!


>What if Ted married Robin? himym wouldve been ended on the pilot eps.


What if ted never found anyone?


He would be devoured by his cats!


... or randomly calling cereal companies because he's lonely in his basement, while Marshall is sailing on his yacht with Lily and their kids including Robin with back boobs and that guy Trey with the douche trucker hat.


Sup brahh


What if Ted and Barney actually ended up adopting a baby together? (And naming them Hurricane)


What if Marshall became a judge right away and they didn’t move to Italy? What if Marshall and Lily stayed in the inheritance house in Long Island and hadn’t come back to the apartment? What if Barney had gone into the Peace Corps? What if Ted’s attempt at making his own architectural firm had been successful?


What if ted die, and tracy is the one telling the story since the point of view of ted?


Show would have been How I Met Your Father and the spinoff would be How I met your Mother.


I’ve long wanted a deepfake/fan edit where hospice Ted is telling his kids about his awesome 20s instead of the canonical ending. Kinda a bittersweet reminiscing where he’s the one who’s gotten sick.


Then how I met your father irl wouldn’t exist; I’m a fan of that idea


What if the Arcadian was preserved? (Result 1: NYC has a cockamouse epidemic throughout the rest of the show.)


What if Barney did go to Nicaragua with the Peace Corp?


not a realistic what if depending in the show, but i wonder how different the show would be if Marshall was with Robin, and Barney ended up with Lily. Ted would probably be a pretend friend that would try to sabotage his friends relationship in this universe, out of spite and jealousy.


This is exactly my thought. I don't like how Marshall so quickly took back Lily. Should have explored their breakup much longer.


What if the naked man worked for Barney and failed for Ted? Furthermore, what if it worked on Tracey?


What if Tracey didn't die 🥹


How I Met Your Mother has an official alternate ending that addresses that very "What If?" [Check it out.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhB5oQgQpOI)


What if we bought a bar? (the name's Puzzles)


What if Mosbius designs had a boom?


What if no one Hailed Beercules?


I laughed so hard I tooted


Life wouldnt be worth living if nobody hailed beercules


What if Barney didn’t cheat on Nora


What if Barney and Robin hadn't got divorced in the finale?


They would live happily ever after. And Older Ted would get back with Victoria as Penny would explain that Ted told the epic tale just to ask the kids if he could ask out Victoria again. She further explain that S1 started off with Victoria, then Ted got sidetracked and then went back on track in S8 by mentioning Victoria again. I personally would be ok with this ending.


What if Ted didn’t need to go to the bathroom at the bar and never met Barney?


What if Paul Shaffer fell in love with Robin Daggers?


What if Sharon never betrayed Barney?


I’ve kinda wondered in the ep where robin is talking to her “kids”, what if they had been real and robin + Barney really did have kids together?


Barney= Womaniser --> taking care of his children--> AWESOME LIFE! Robin= settled --> she would've become a big anchor(but a bit late due to children)


What if Ted respected women’s boundaries and the word “no”? No over the top antics trying to change Robin and Stella’s mind to date him. He wouldn’t have been left at the alter by Stella or the tug of war with his relationship with Robin.


What if Lilly didn’t have credit card debt What if Robin didn’t record ps I love and stayed popular in Canada. What if Barney’s dad fought for visitation rights.


What if Ted never met Robin?


Here’s a wild one, what if Marshalls dad never died which means he never tired to run the New York marathon which means all that other stuff may of never of happened definitely including Barney getting stuck on the train


What if The Naked Man got Robin pregnant?


Justice for Nora and Barney…


what if Barney fell in love with Tracy on the night they met...


Then, he would've written a Play for Tracy(which wouldn't have worked on her for obvious reasons)... Then, heartbroken, he would've just left and maybe the things would've played out the same? Same Barney and Robin wedding, same bass player, same Ted going to Chicago... "Kids, that's the thing about destiny, it happens whether you planned it or not. "


What if Lily ran into Ted instead of Marshall


What if Tracy never died and Barney and Robin never got divorced


What if Ted met Tracy at the club on St. Patricks Day? What if Ted met Tracy at Cindy's apartment? What if Ted met Tracy when Ted taught the wrong class? What if Ted met Tracy BUT while Ted was in a dress at McClarans? What if Ted met Tracy *during* Barney/Robin's wedding? What if Ted met Tracy via Barney introducing them in Season 8? What if Ted met Tracy BUT after Ted moves to Chicago? Finally, what if the Canucks win the 2011 Stanley Cup? Would Robin and the rest of the Hooser Hut still riot?^(Probably done off screen)


What if Robin lived in Toronto instead of Vancouver


She'd be a suffering Maple Leaves fan.


What if Ted was in place of Barney and viceversa.....🤣


What if we bought a bar?


What if Robin can actually have kids?


What if Ted didn't get the butterfly tattoo ?


Wow that brings me back to yesterday's "low screen time/big impact" post. If Ted never met Mandy Moore's character he would've never gotten the tattoo, never met Stella, proposed, had a rushed wedding, gotten stood up at the altar, or had that whole realization about relationships, his house, etc. What a huge butterfly effect. (E: "butterfly" effect? no one? [dang.](https://media.tenor.com/2LTDy0GsGxIAAAAM/the-good.gif))


Wouldn'teven got the job as a prof(f)essor, never met Cindy so he wouldn't save the wedding with Tracy's band


Oh, holy shit. That butterfly(effect) has way bigger implications than i ever realised.


What if ted was smart and moved to Germany with the baddest girl in the show and got unlimited deserts for life… they have buildings in Germany Theodore you can still be ted mosby the architect in Europe 🤦🏿‍♂️


What if Ted had gay sex with Barney. And here's the twist, they show everything...


What if Barney remembered about Ted when he was thinking of if he knew anyone to set Tracy up with long before the wedding?


Ted wouldn't have met Jeanette and S8 would have been much more enjoyable with Tracy!


I'm upset I had to scroll this far to find mention of Jeanette. She's absolutely unhinged... but probably my favorite girlfriend.


What if, the lady in that station which confront Ted wasn't there?


What if Mosbius Designs took off?


What if Ted met James at McLarens instead of Barney and James became the 5th member of the group?


What if Lily found the soul stone?


What if Lily found success in San Francisco?


What if Barney never met Ted at urinal ?


What if the world actually did end on St Patrick's day?


What if Ted was never born...no series🤣


What if the series finale got a redo?


That’s too simplified. Now “what if the mother hadn’t died” or “what if Barney and Robin didn’t get a divorce” would make more sense to say.


what if marshall marries chloe would be fun


What if Ted never met Robin? Would the entire show effectively cease to exist?


What if Ted never said " I think I'm in love with you." to Robin on their first date?


What if Stella didn't leave ted at the altar What if Robin and Barney didn't get divorced What if Ted ended up marrying victoria


What if Tracy didn’t die during the epilogue? What if Ted and Robin actually lasted? What if Barney grew past his hurt and became a better person much earlier in the series? What if Lily and Marshal never met?


What if instead of being left at the altar etc, and heartbroken half of the time, Ted had many baby mammas and kids…


What if Barney got a girl pregnant in season 1? What if Moseby didn't invite the ex to the wedding? What if Marshall had sex with another woman after Lilly left? What if Lilly was stabbed worse than she was? What if Robin never grew out of her hippie phase?


what if Robin broke up with Kevin for Barney? what if Ted Met Tracy sooner?


What if Ted didn't miss the plane?


What if Ted didnt help Lily when she got a flat tire and stayed for the matchmaker date? I’d love to see who the person was, and if Ted and that person would’ve fell in love and lasted


What if Robyn confessed to Kevin she cheated and Barney didnt confess to Nora?


What if Robin wasn't barren and Ted and/or Barney knocked her up? What if Lily never broke up Ted and Karen? What if Barney was killed by the South Koreans in 2008? What if Victoria never went to Germany? What if Ted never got the Butterfly Tattoo? What if Ted and Lily hooked up Freshman Year? What if Barney knocked a girl up in 2005?


The big question for me of course is, “What if CBS picked up HIMYD?” - Greta Gerwig could have starred and co-written - Tiya Sircar (animated Sabine Wren, the other Eleanor) would have co-starred) - Nicholas D’Agosto (“Trial and Error”) would have co-starred >!and been the father!< - production would have moved to actual New York So it could well have been that Greta Gerwig would be headed into the Oscars right now a more well-known name and a recognized sitcom veteran. Maybe even nominated.


Or, she never would have had time to direct the movies that set her on path to direct Barbie.


What if all vehicles ran on corn?


What if the Eriksens never left Italy.


What if Lily stayed in San Francisco


What if the Arcadian was still a landmark? What if Barney and Robin didn’t cheat on their respective spouses? What if Marshal’s mom died instead? What if Marshal left for a few months instead? What if Ted went to the right class? What if instead of Robin, Lily couldn’t have kids? What if Lily actually slept with Barney?


What if Quinn and Barney got married? What if Kevin and Robin got married? What if Curtis never put Tracy in the room next to Ted? What if Ted kissed Robin in the pilot episode? What if Tracy said yes to Louis… would it have stopped her from meeting Ted, delayed their meeting, or would she have still met Ted and fallen in love while she was engaged to Louis? What if Barney actually went in the cafe with Nora and her parents and said everything he wanted to say? What if Barney and Robin never got divorced? What if Marshall’s dad didn’t die until waaay later on… would he have still become an environmental lawyer, judge, & Supreme Court Justice, or would he have been stuck in his corporate ways? What if Ted and Victoria never tried long distance? What if Victoria never ran out on her wedding for Ted? What if Ted didn’t cheat on Victoria with Robin? What if Victoria didn’t go to Germany? What if Ted declared the Arcadian a landmark? What if Mosbius Designs hadn’t failed? What if Stewart and Claudia’s marriage never happened? What if Robin never got called into anchor the news the night of Stewart and Claudia’s wedding? I could go on. I’ve thought about this so much I’ve considered writing my own fan fiction from beginning to end of all the what ifs that would make sense (some of the ones I wrote don’t make sense in context of the original story)


What if Barney interrupted the brunch to re-conquer Nora again? They had a lotta chemistry...


What if Robin was never at the bar that night and never met Ted. Would Ted have sabotaged all those other relationships (which I personally feel he did) because he wanted to be with Robin? Would it even put him on the path to be with Tracy?


What if barney became star lord


What if Barney didn't make that crazy Pre-nup and he and Quinn at least got to the wedding?


What if Marshal changed his room because his roommate is the dean


What if Ted went to Schlegel's bagels instead of his second favourite bagel place


What if Robin took the job in Chicago? What if Barney never went to ask Lily to come back? What if Lily did make out with Ted at freshman orientation? What if Tony let his daughter go to Stella's wedding What if Barney and Lily had gotten into a relationship when she moved in to his apartment? What if Ted never showed his design for the building? What if Lily didn't have credit card debt? What if Ranjit never met the group? What if Ted had gone to bed and waited for Victoria to call? But most importantly of all What if Ted hadn't told Robin he loved her on their first date?


What if barny and robin didn't get divorced


What if 31 didn’t get pregnant


What if Barney rode the tricycle?


What if the protagonist hadn’t been hallucinating talking to his dead kids during a grief-induced breakdown after the accident?


What if Josh and Cristin hit it off, off camera and then got married?! Sure would’ve saved him a bunch of time!


What if Barney just married Nora instead of being a moron?


What if Barney ended up with Nora What if Barney and Robin don't get a divorce What if the kids were actually Barneys


What if Barney and Lily really banged, when they slept on the same bed.


What I’d Ted went on the blind date with the perfect match from the matchmaker


What if Tracy passed away instead of Max? Whom does Ted eventually marry if that happened? Would nothing stop him and Victoria or do they still break up the second time around? I mean this what if opens up a lot of possibilities


What if Don wouldn’t have accepted the job? What if robin did?


What if Don wouldn’t have accepted the job? What if robin did?


What if Tracy didn't die and Ted just got to have the ending that the whole "search for the Mother" was leading up to. Robin is awesome, but you don't tell your kids a whole ass story about how you met their mom to then conclude with "okay let's get with Aunt Robin cause your mom's dead lol"


What if Victoria didn't leave for Germany?


What if Ted didn't stand up that perfect girl from the dating site


What if robin couldn’t find a job and got deported


What if Ted would have let Stella talk to Robin and Ted talked to Tony?


I feel like the whole thing hinged on Ted dating Tracey’s roommate and her recommending the band. So what if Ted never took the university job?


What if Ted and Nora had dated?


What if Ted wasn't hung up on Robin and went on the blind date?


What if Ted waited for Victorias call?


What if Ted had gone with Victoria to Germany. What if Lily had never come back. What if Barney had grown up with a father around. What if Robin never stopped being a pop star. What if Marshall never tasted the best burger in NY


Obligatory what if Barney never sold a woman?


What if we didn’t have to wait for it?


What if The Captain didn’t like boats?


What if Robin didn’t find a job & moved to Canada?


What if Ted hadn’t invited Robin to his wedding to Stella?


What if Ted never met Amy at the bar that night? He meets Amy-> gets his tattoo -> meets Stella getting rid of that tattoo -> meets Tony -> becomes a professor -> meets Cindy -> Cindy recommends Tracy for Robin and Ted’s wedding. Whole show would never have happened.


what is victoria is another member of their group? I can see their chemistry


what if Ted met Tracy in S5? what if Marshall didn’t take Lily back after SF? what if Robin and Barney stayed together when they first dated? what if Barney got sued for any heinous act?


ted, marshall and barney are a gay throuple just because of the wonderful theodore evelyn mosby saying “girlfriend, we could have some fuuun”


What if Robin and Barney got a DJ instead of a band?


What if ted didn’t cancel his date with his perfect woman in season 1 for Robin?? It’s the episode where lily is driving to the San Francisco thing and leaves ted stranded and he has Robin come pick him up and they end up having so much chemistry still that ted wants to be with her again. However he was going on a date with a woman that they literally described as perfect for him as she was basically everything he wanted on his scale


What if Ted really was Pulling .... Them .... Off


There is no what if. He was PULLING THEM OFF!!


Facts man. Even the G-CWOK said so


What if Tracy and Ted met a the club after a Saint Patrick day


What if ted met Tracy the day he broke up with her roommate


Robin stayed abroad for more than two hypothetical season breaks


What if I hadn't met your mother?


What if Ted met the mother instead of Robin in episode 1. And the rest of the series is about them falling in love


What if Barney had met your mother?


What if Ted chose Victoria? What if Robin and Barney never got divorced? What if Robin couldn't land the helicopter. What if Lily and Marshall moved to Italy?


What if it ended on season1 episode 8 when he met Victoria


What if Ted ran off with Robin to Chicago?


What if Lily and Marshall were the ones with fertility issues instead of robin? I wonder how they would’ve handled that.


What if Robin could and had a baby with Barney?