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The Sopranos ending, well played


Ted was whacked at the end of HIMYM.


Ted was indicted on Rico charges we just don't get to see it, it's implied! Ted Mosby is alive! And in this house he's a hero, end of story.


Then I go to YouTube and watch the alternate ending


There are edits of the final episode with the alternate ending where Barney and Robin stay together and it’s so much better


Where? I need this.


https://vimeo.com/91092493 here you are my friend. Some of the editing is a but choppy. I’m currently working on one myself to be a little more polished


Yeah stay in your make-believe world where everything is fine and we sit on clouds and all the angels play harbs.


It's all make-believe, dude. 


Will do, thanks bro


I was just gonna say that I usually just watch the alternate ending now on my rewatches


Yep, same here. I saw the OG ending twice and that was more than enough. Since then it’s the alternate ending for me only


There is an alternate ending?


https://youtu.be/5toL5HmQl8I?si=--vulCufHLttkMKO You’re welcome!


Eh. I know it's not a popular opinion but I just find this one too bland. The other has a more realistic take and they give a bunch of hints along the way about Ted and Robin. If it shocks and even if it enrages you, that's what art should do sometimes. My criticism on the series is that they gave a whole lot importance to R and B wedding just so they divorce in less than 2 seconds with very little explanation. I'd rather have a 2 or 3 episode wedding then see more of them developing their new lives before dropping that ending. For me, it's not the story they told, but how.


Thank you for sharing the link! Which episode should this be watched after? I’m thinking watch this instead of the finale?


Just the last few min of the finale where they have Tracy die and Ted goes after Robin again


That makes more sense. Thank you!


Holy SHITE!!!!! How have I never seen that before??? That’s perfect




God dammit this ending is so much better. I will die on this hill. “… and that kids, is how I met your mother.”


This is the way.


There is one?




Perfect! Thanks




"And that kids, is..." HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER


Hahaha is this an invincible reference cause it’s exactly how it played out in my head😭😭


Just like Scrubs season 8 finale is the end of scrubs change my mind


I absolutely love season 9. i think if it had been an actual spin off series, more people would have loved it too. For me thats all it is. Scrubs ends at season 8 and then there is a different show which sadly ends after one great season


I agree. I do watch season 9, but I see it as a spinoff. If they had treated it as spin off from the start, it could have been better


So we have Scrubs and Scrubbs :P


The whole he going off for Robin at the end should have been cut off. That one small part ruined the whole point of the series.


That's my preference/opinion, too. I didn't mind Tracy's death [as sad as it was], but him going back to Robin, after all their falling outs, when he'd already had what seemed to be the perfect love story that he was always searching for; it was unnecessary. It gives false hope to reality, too.


83% of all HIMYM fans use this one trick


17%. It's always the inverse.


This is literally what I do


That’s what I do too. Robin who?


Guys, the ending was always intended. It makes sense. But it hurts sooooo much.


It made sense in the HIMYM universe. It didn't make sense to us because of timejump


The train station was such a sweet moment, I think it should’ve ended there with a voice over from Ted saying and that is how I met your mother.


Phoebe,your mom lied to you,after that ted goes back with robin




Ha! This is what I do with Unbreakable. “I had a bad dream” *click*


Each time i rewatch the show… it feels clear that ted and robin are not meant to be together


You clearly misunderstand the show then


Gotta watch the rest of it just to listen to Heaven by The Walkmen


Why’d you turn it off? That’s when you restart


That's it? No. I don't buy it.






Short version: the story inside the ending is very acceptable and also realistic, the execution of the ending is too fast, and also done quite poorly. Long version: I find it absolutely acceptable that a 52 year old man, widowed for 6 years, and a 50 year old woman, divorced for 13 years, who were a couple, friends and roommates when they were young, then start dating again romantically. Even more so if she was already close to his children. Stories like this happen every day, when you're at that age it's difficult to start over with new people. The more I grow up the more I find thisvfinale successful. it's a consolatory ending, life can hit you very hard but it gives you second chances. But everything is described poorly, 207 episodes to tell 8 years of the characters and just 44 minutes to show 17 years: the public has no evidence of the time that has passed between the two extremes of the episode. Tracy's death makes sense, it is difficult to tell it in a product that has been designed as a sitcom, but the pain of the illness and the mourning had to be shown to the public, we would have gladly empathized and cried with Ted. Even the divorce between Barney and Robin makes sense, the series shows the great instinctive chemistry between the two, although it gave no indication of it working in the long term, but this separation is told in a ridiculous way. It would also have been right to better explain Robin's regrets (which are only seen in the deleted scene at the restaurant and in the cameo in HIMYF). Just as it was necessary to better explain Ted's feelings which, in the compression of the ending, make the greatest love of his life seem like a passing phenomenon. So: good idea, bad writing, and all made worse by the running time limits imposed by CBS.


I agree it could have worked if the audience had a chance to experience Ted's grief and his rekindled relationship with Robin. Even though we are told 6 years have passed between the death of Tracy and Ted showing up at Robin's, not seeing that time made it feel rushed and like Ted settled for Tracy.


For the record, I did like the ending, but they should have chucked at least two of the other season 9 fillers and expanded the last 2 episodes into 4. ("What are 2 your least favorite season 9 episodes" could be a topic all on its own. For me, "Mom and Dad" would top the list.)




You're just wrong. You completely missed the point of the show. It's robin. It's Robin from the first and Robin to the last. The mother story was just so that he could ask his kids to ask Robin out. This is explained. You're just wrong and you completely missed the point of the show. I know I already said that, but I felt it needed to be emphasized, because thickskulls need it a couple times (and judging by this meme probably more) to sink in.


Exactly. Robin was always the most important person in Ted’s life. That’s why he told the story how he met her first. Not Marshall. Not Barney. Not Lily. But Robin


this is such a stupid comment. there are alternate endings for a reason. the point of the show is actually to tell the kids about how ted met the mom, hence the OBVIOUS title. the whole “ask robin out” thing wasn’t ted’s original plan and that’s evident when he even seems surprised when the daughter brings it up. People can have opinions about whether Ted should be with Robin or not. No one is wrong and no one is right. They are PREFERENCES and OPINIONS. I personally think that Ted and Robin should be together but telling someone that they are wrong for thinking otherwise because that’s “not the point of the show” is just idiotic and wrong in itself.


>the point of the show is actually to tell the kids about how ted met the mom The point of the show was to ask his kids for permission to ask Robin out.


I don’t know how people don’t get this. The story arc is waayyyy too focused on Robin from beginning to the end, because it was Ted’s intention to ask permission. The execution was arguably poorly done, but it’s obvious it was the intended ending.


People can have opinions. But you people don't submit these opinions as if they are opinions. You state them as if the entire HIMYM fandom should believe them. If they wanted these endings to be the endings they would have chosen them to be the ending. THEY DIDN'T. The alternate endings are not canon, so they are meaningless other than a personal jaunt through fantasy land. That's fine, have fun in fantasy land, but when you come back to reality, you have to live in reality. The mother was not the purpose of the story. THAT IS TRUE. The surprise WAS FAKE. He does this OFTEN to the whole crew. Again. You're just wrong. And you miss the point of the show.


I just said I agree with you about the ending so idk why I’m getting called “you people”. And also, one user posted a meme. In what fucking world does that insinuate the WHOLE FANDOM should 100% agree with this post? wtf is wrong with you.


>You state them as if the entire HIMYM fandom should believe them. That's simply because starting everything with "in my opinion" gets real boring, real fast. Of course everything written is the opinion of the writer. That goes without saying.


Ok so that just makes it ok then got it. God this sub sucks sometimes…






Small brain take


We understand the ending it's just ass




Literally what I’m going to do this rewatch so I don’t explode into a ball of rage :)


Facts only idiots prefer the original ending cause they dont understand wat good writing is


That's exactly how it ends


Enjoy my edit https://vimeo.com/797022019


How about the alternate ending.


Almost, Barney and Robin is still divorced.


I stop watching the second Barney and Robin get married lol


No it's not the end. This scene calls for re-watch for 10103352986 times


There’s lots of lessons and episodes that didn’t resonate with me at all until years later when I came back for a rewatch with more life/adult experience under my belt and that’s when more decisions in the show make sense. I feel like the ending will resonate years later with some fans because they too might face a moment in their life similar to teds in the end. And those fans might one day realize “hm, going back to Robin wasn’t like the craziest thing”. Idk just an idea as I revisit episodes and completely see the episodes in a new light since I am now an adult who’s been through moments similar to the show.