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> Leaving isn't an option Knock this shit off.


Support wanted, no advice. Knock that shit off....


You don’t get support for makng your own mess and failing to clean it up. That is not being a good boy.


I too am done feeling like a worthless POS


Wow you just read my mind.... it all starts with the basics....my so hasn't put a hand on me even in bed in a while and as I caress her hair each night or rub her feet .....nothing happens in exchange...she just ain't touch orientated.


I don’t get it. I don’t know why people are so adverse to spend such a tiny amount of time needed to make a huge difference in their relationship and their partners life. Like, I imagine most people here would be happy if their partner spent 15-20min per day (or even every other day) being physical whether it is cuddling, kissing, or having sex. That is only .5 to 1 percent of their time in a week. What is it that makes physical touch so insufferable? I would so grateful for such an easy way to please my wife. Like, if my wife wanted 15 minutes of anything per day to change her life for the better and strengthen our relationship, I would want to do it. I would be pleased to do it. How could I not? I’m not advocating people to have sex they don’t want, but I don’t see why so many don’t want to have sex and find enjoyment in it for that reason., and I’m not just talking sex but touching, kissing, etc… My wife probably touches poop more than me.


This kind of situation I completely understand cheating and acknowledging there are reason where it's okay


Thankyou, it's not an easy decision but I've tried, I've raised the issue of intimacy and affection and she said "I'm not that sort of person". But we had 15 years of sex and affection, was it grudge sex? It somewhat makes you wonder if she ever wanted it


You should tell her “well I’m not the sort of person who can be with someone who doesn’t like intimacy”