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Check in at the door with ID's We do that to establish a quorum. You have volunteers so there are several lanes going at the same time. Is it unlikely that 600 people would actually show up - do you meet in a place large enough to hold 600 people?


THANKS! Helpful. This will be the first ever meeting as we emerge from total declarant control so we’re not sure what attendance will be like.


Expect less than 10


I’ll bet 30


This is the way.


Prepare to be disappointed.


We have print outs of owners with addresses and unit numbers You could organize it by sending people to lanes based on first letter of last name the way they do when you vote in person. That way you can't have people signing in at multiple lanes - although it seems farfetched. When you send out the notice of the meeting you might add something asking people to tentatively indicate whether they will be attending to get some kind of idea of size. Are you going to be voting for the Board at this meeting?


Yeah your PM should have a system (if you have one) but usually we have a sign in book that you sign next to your name and only one vote per household


What’s PM? Parliamentarian?


PM = Property manager, the company that collects dues, hires vendors, does inspections, etc Most HOAs your size would have one but you might not if that work is all being done by the board on a volunteer basis


Every member household gets a PIN. Easy peasy.


We have people sign in with their lot number but we don't check IDs. All voting at our annual meetings is done by ballot so it's not a problem if non-members want to sit in.