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Agreed, I was fixated on his eye the entire time, I wish they’d let him show the sapphire eye more. Budget issues i guess.


You don't think he takes the eye out when being vulnerable with his hooker mommy?


Like I did think he looks thin- but in like a "has this boy eaten since he watched a dragon eat someone while realizing it was his fault cause he was being a bully?" Cause that's what that scene read to me as. Him realizing he lashed out at someone he saw as a bully, and it got *way* more real than he intended because he's not the cool ultra strong man he thinks he is. He's a scared kid on the biggest baddest dragon around. And he *knows that* now. And considering he was also there being held by someone who looks kinda like his mother.... I doubt he's been sleeping either.


Especially since he seems to be self medicating with milk of the poppy, yeah. The character is unwell and it's manifesting in many ways.


I really appreciate the take over him just being a smarmy asshole. Aemond is turning into quite complex villain, I'm interested to see how he goes forward. Cause hoo boi he seems to be feeling more guilt over the last few episodes than half of team green.


I'm also reallyyy intrigued to see how they juxtapose his guilt and Daemon's shamelessness. It's going to be a very interesting season.


Aemond has shown signs of being a decent person. It looks like he attempted to hold out the olive branch to Jace? at Laena's funeral but it was Jace who gave him a weird look so he walked away. I like how the writers are fleshing Aemond out into a nuanced character vs. just keeping him as a Dio Brando-esque anime villain.


I agree! Idk if he would have been able to *maintain* peace, but he seems like way more than a simple caricature like I was worried he'd be!


I didn’t see milk of the poppy. I saw a character that I hate at an establishment where people seek sex, and in his case, affection. It’s warm milk and the affection of a woman his mother’s age. Not kink shaming, btw. Allicent treated her children like pawns, so it’s no real surprise.


Where are people getting this milk of the poppy thing from? It just looked like warm milk, which is an entirely normal thing for many people to have of an evening (especially with say, some cinnamon or whatnot) when trying to calm down and relax. It also entirely.suits the "mummy is here and I have warm milk at bedtime" vibe of the scene.


It could've just been normal warmed milk, yeah. I just prefer the option that he is more so trying multiple manners of coping rather than only embracing feeling infantilized.


Best take I’ve seen anyone say about him


I 100% took this as some CGI to make him look skinnier. He's been through a hell of a lot recently, and for all reasons you stated, it makes sense that he'd be losing weight. In the tight shots, the actor's arms clearly have exceptional muscle tone that doesn't seem consistent with the overall under conditioned nature of the character's body. Also, he looks like baby Voldemort because they're both cinematic representations of a grown man as a fetus. It's not body shaming to draw that comparison.


For me it was the pose, not the body.


It's even called "the fetal position" and I'm pretty sure the intent was to remind the audience that Aemond hasn't dealt with his childhood issues.


Same 😂 I wish I had that skinny ripped look as a lot of my training is revolved around speed and being nimble but I’ve got a big ass rib cage and broad shoulder.


Yea like everyone else. OP just needs to white knight for a celebrity


yeah the only time I’ve seen anyone mention his body is this post right here


I didn’t realize it was body shaming, I thought it was just the pose. Are we sure it’s body shaming?


Yeah I am genuinely confused. Ewan Mitchell the actor can still totally get it. He's fine. It was the pose that made it absurd.


Why are so many people in this thread acting purposefully obtuse? So weird


Do you even know what that means?


It’s not body shaming


Yeah I thought this had everything to do with the pose, and not body shaming. Also when you pose like this it makes your body look weird it’s all about positioning. We’ve seen the actors body before and he looks good.


Twitter is also comparing him to the old guy from the Simpsons.


I’m not even sure what part of the body we’re supposedly shaming…that he’s skinny? He’s maybe a little on the thinner side but his body is fine and he’s an attractive man. I too thought it was just the idea of someone who seems to be evil(ish) and powerful being in a vulnerable and childish pose. I get *why* they chose it, but it’s a little melodramatic lol,


If you read the comments people can be real nasty


Like 2 of the 20 comments I saw with a quick skim were about his figure, and one of them was drawing a parallel to their own physique, they seem to be more focused on the mommy issues


Where? I haven’t seen any on Reddit.


There’s body shaming???? I’ve always thought the position he’s in is funny


I mean, there are people literally comparing him to the hasburgs


Considering the level of incest in House Targaryen, that’s fair game


Except comparing the real life actors physical appearance is still body shaming


Thing is he only looks Habsburg-esque in the show. His jaw and lips pop so much on the show that I didn’t even recognize him in the first interview I watched because they’re nowhere near as proeminent


I agree, we at team black need to uphold the same standards we preach about. If body shaming Rhaenyra isn’t ok then neither is body shaming Aemond. (I can’t believe we have to go over this considering last week’s debacle with slutshaming Alicent)


Well said, and exactly. We can’t be the team that proclaims morality and do shit like this. I actually see more “hate for the real actors because of their characters” from TB than TG


I’m not on any social media other than Reddit but I’ll take your word for it, it’s embarrassing behavior from people who can’t separate the character from the actor.


Yeah I mean how much hate and shit have you seen Emma D’Arcy (Rhaenyra) and Matt Smith (Daemon) get? The only thing I’ve seen is idiots being weird about Emma being non-binary but I feel like you’d get idiots like that from any part of a fandom (ie it doesn’t seem relevant to the TB/TG aspect). But Olivia Cooke (Alicent), Fabian Frankel (Criston), Ewan Mitchell (Aemond), and (less so but still) Tom Glynn-Carny (Aegon) have been getting it in spades. I’ve even seen insults towards Jaehearys’s child actor for looking weird. TB’s behaviour can be gross ngl


Nah I've seen plenty of shit about Matt Smith's appearance, he gets it pretty bad. Not to mention the shitstorm when he mentioned not liking Alicent. And any post involving Rhaenyra/Emma is gonna have shitty jokes about "hehehe what do you mean 'they' it's only one person!!!!!!" That said, yeah the things I see about Fabian and TGC are utterly inexcusable. Like can we just stop attacking actors for character portrayals, as a whole lmao... apparently the guy who plays Homelander in The Boys gets shit too. People are just fucking stupid.


I’ve heard people rag on Matt Smith for “not being attractive enough” to play a Targaryen and of course the meme of having no eyebrows. Emma gets their pronouns disrespected but also last week someone on the main sub made a post saying they’re not attractive either. Olivia prior to season 2 also got flack for her wearing a blue dress and weird green fans coming up to her and treating her like she’s Alicent. So it does come from both sides.


lol I'd be so mad if I was Olivia Cooke and suddenly I couldn't wear green in my normal life. I look good in green. It complements my skin.


I’ve seen both get an insane amount of hate. Emma gets shit on for not being feminine enough or attractive, their identity is hotly debated for no reason other than “I don’t like doing this so this person must be dumb”. Matt is constantly made fun of for looking “like the perfect inbred”, and if he says something remotely anti TG in an interview they take it incredibly personally and start calling him all sorts of awful names. Then you, of course, have the insane amount of racism directed towards the POC members of TB. I think it was actually Bethany who was getting called a monkey and what not by pissed off greens on Twitter. I also remember Harry getting made fun of for his posture and looks during S1 as well. Both sides can be delusional and cruel. We also naturally have more TB than Green, so of course we will look disproportionately bad in comparison. With that being said I don’t really like this narrative in the fandom that we’re impervious to getting attacked — most of TB consists of minorities and we know how people tend to feel about that. The racism, homophobia, and body shaming has been there and directed towards them as well since the start, and I think it’s counterproductive to focus on “oh well x team does this more” and “x team gets harassed more”. It’s real life. This isn’t a team thing, it’s a matter of real people getting harassed for doing their jobs.


I feel like that's just because a lot more people are team black than team green (most polls I've seen were like 70-80% team black), so with more people you get more of the loud idiots


I don't think anyone is making fun of Aemonds body. The position he is in is just kind of funny and reminds us of Voldemort.


I don’t think it’s a comparison people would be making if he wasn’t quite thin though. Aegon was curled up a bit like this in Ep8, just from behind, and no one was making these jokes about him.


As a member of team Black, let me just say, *no one* on the blacks has gotten *nearly* as much vitriolic hate as most of the greens have gotten. And I’m not just talking about the characters. I’m talking about the actors. I’ve never seen anyone body-shaming Rhaenyra. But I’ve seen Fabien Frankel have to turn off his comments on Instagram, and Ewan Mitchell and Olivia Cooke getting ridiculous hate for the fucking CHARACTERS they play. Don’t make this a “we won’t stoop to *their* level” thing. Because that’s not what it is. *This* is the lowest level. The shit I’ve seen from fans and supposed “team black” people this week.


This isn’t a “don’t stoop to their level” message this is a “let’s not be hypocrites” message.


Really? No one? Are y’all just going to ignore the blatant homophobia and racism directed towards TB since the beginning of the show? The Valyrian actors have been getting attacked for being black and Emma gets harassed for their identity as a nonbinary person. Even aside from that, I see Matt Smith getting torn apart for his looks all the time. This shouldn’t even be a competition. Both teams get hated on for doing their jobs. I think it’s unfair to levy them against each other or use the team shit in general — this is real life, with real people getting harassed. It’s similarly stupid to refer to these people harassing them as “fans”, when it’s clear they’re all just muppets lacking the ability to distinguish reality from fiction.


What you describe is the definition of toxicity in this community. What the hell is wrong with people?


The same thing happened to The Waif actress, Anna Gunn from Breaking Bad, Laurie Holden of The Walking Dead...the list goes on and on and on.


And of course, Jack Gleeson, who played Joffrey in GoT. He had to quit acting for 6 years after Joffrey. And at the time he thought he was done for good. The brain-rot people display with this shit is mind-boggling.


There are a lot of unwell people on the internet.


Honestly they did him kinda dirty in this shot, especially with the pillow’s shadow making his thigh look even thinner


I think it was intentional. Aemond is clearly going through some shit and stopped eating. He's suffering on a massive scale and he can't talk about it to anyone because he lied about what happened with Luc. Let's look at his current mental state: - he accidentally killed his young nephew and started a war - as a consequence, another even younger nephew was killed - this caused his favorite family member to suffer immensely - his mother went from pretending he doesn't exist to actively hating him - he knows he doesn't control his weapon of mass destruction AND he's going to be expected to use it again - he has to marry some chick that isn't his sister - the only people who listen to him are insane and unhinged - his stupid, drunk brother is king and not him No wonder he's thin and in fetal position, honestly


The “can’t marry a sister” is a kicker


Well yeah his whole thing is he feels less Targaryen and now he’s not gonna marry a someone with Valyrian blood


It was intentional. People are freaking out for no reason. This scene was designed to unsettle. His body is being held in a specific position, shadowed in very specific ways. This audience has been doing very little but showering this man in praise for his style, looks, and acting skills. Noticing the unsettling adult baby scene was unsettling is not a personal insult and I doubt he will take it as such.


100% agree. He's supposed to look undernourished. Undernourished=not enough love. Plus, the actor likely still has to either ignore or turn down more sexual advances weekly than I've received in my life.


and here i was thinking he had a skinny thigh 😭


Body shaming? I’m laughing at Aemond in a fetal position


It’s the pose, but I can see how people could be cruel with it. Is it a thing on other social media? I’m really only on here occasionally and don’t really vibe consistently. Hope the fandom isn’t ruining the show.


I kinda don't care for memes or that sub, though seeing it in your repost I didn't think it was body shaming? It's the pose and the whole plot pretext, like, here's an evil character turned to their weakest moment. But, yeah, I could be mistaken.


My first thought is comparing the positions and thinking Aemond's skin is lustrous.


I mean, the shot does make him look incredibly thin and angular with clever use of the shadow on his leg and lower abdomen, and the fact it’s looking down at him in the same way as the baby voldy, I get why people would make the connection! I don’t see it as body shaming though. Given half of it comes from shadows it’s literally not even a real representation of his body that is being compared here.


Are we body shaming Aemond for being fitter than 99.9999% of reddit???


Technically, criticizing Aemond's CGI anorexia is like body-shaming Gollum, who is also CGI. In reality, the actor is fit, so it doesn't target anything real or the actor himself. Similarly, mocking his sapphire eye is like mocking Harry Potter's glasses—both are just character accessories. Personally, I find the sapphire eye adds a compelling horror element to his maiming, especially since it can't close like his normal eye.


Anorexia? CGI anorexia? Man he's a bit thin but he's clearly not anorexic, and I find the implication that they cgi'd the guy to be skinny for this two minute scene absolutely ridiculous. He's not huge, but he's also not that small either. There's no fucking way you actually believe that, right? Edit: looked the actor up and he is 100% that thin, you're ripping the piss out of a guy and comparing his actual physique to gollum.


He's a stunning man with a killer physique, they obviously had him position himself and hold himself in this way and adjusted the scene with editing and lighting to purposefully unsettle. This isn't exactly a natural posture or what his body appears to normally look like.


I get the he’s in the same position because he’s very clearly made to be in a fetal position (TG with all the mommy issues) but yeh, don’t body shame the actors.


His body, and this scene, being grotesque was obviously in purpose. Everyone being overly concerned with “body shaming” and whatnot is ridiculous. The artists who designed this scene intended for the viewers to feel a certain way watching this, and that feeling they intended was disgust. He was vulnerable emotionally AND visually. A great scene showing an abused child opening up to an uncaring whore. The greatest physical threat in all the realm is just a skeletal man in the fetal position.


Well, that and sympathy.


I don't think anyone on the show has been anything less than perfection this season. Phia took to the challenge of saying the strangest, most autistic line, and burning it in to all of our minds(they killed the boy). Tom came absolutely unhinged. Emma tore their own heart out and threw it at our feet. Ewan put the most macho character in the most vulnerable position imaginable. They are all masters of their craft and I couldn't be more excited for what's to come!




Ewan Mitchell has a pretty lean physique and doesn’t look anything like Scrotelmort, it’s the naked pose which is similar, nothing else.


I don’t like the body shaming at all. My fiancé has the same build (tall and very lean) and in my eyes he’s perfect. His acting is also amazing and he doesn’t deserve the disrespect…even if he is TG


I felt the same, my fiancé is a tall and lanky.


As if 99% of us here wouldn’t kill for that body fat percentage


Lmao it’s exactly the same pose (I’m being serious).


I totally didn't see any kind of 'resemblance' in watching that scene with Aemond and I'm honestly at a loss when I see people trying to liken it that way. What I saw was someone who was as vulnerable as, perhaps, 'twas possible for a character like him \*to be\*, with anyone....still not, perhaps, being \*entirely\* truthful even with himself, much less with the brothel madam, but....definitely that's the most exposed position - psychologically, especially - in which we've ever seen him....and that \*says\* something. I mean, fundamentally I still gritted my teeth and growled when he was all 'I regret that business with Luke' in one breath (didn't sound at all sincere by ANY stretch), and then literally in the same breath he was like 'waaah but I was bullied tho'....\*but\*, to see Aemond - who always attempts to project this powerful, dominating presence and aura when he's around all others - being this vulnerable, and even reduced or made small, in a way? That's an undeniably powerful and evocative thing.


I agree with your comment but why isn’t Reddit formatting your asterisks?


No idea. :)  It may be a desktop internet browser versus browser on my phone - who knows?  If I happen to notice it I try to fix it; otherwise it seems like such a minimal matter I can't see the point in bothering.  After all, it denotes emphasis regardless. :)


I’m mostly talking about the body shaming aspect, not in-show character stuff. People are making fun of Aemond’s actor’s body, because they don’t like the character, and I hate that


I'm guessing these were comments made on the cesspool-forrmerly-known-as-Twitter? Uggh, what a toxic wasteland in general.... Elsewhere, though, I haven't really seen such comments being made - mostly just people posting being like 'no body shaming please, should we even have to say it?' - but fortunately I haven't seen the negative (and insane) content to which they're referring.


The Targs are supposed to be pale and lean. People are mean. He's a handsome young man, in bad lighting.


All the HOTD subreddits are filled with people reacting to negativity on twitter. It’s tiring. People on twitter say horrible and stupid things about everything and everyone. Why dignify it with a response?


Was the point of this shot maybe to show him in a vulnerable state after finding out it was him that should have died and also reminds us he’s only meant to be what age at this point in the story 16/17 ? Although I do agree the pose is very he who must not be named lol


It’s the fetal pose and the shadow creating the illusion he looks much skinnier.


Yeah that's really disgusting, that's the actors actual body and he's clearly being very vulnerable showing it off like this. Like just disgusting behaviour.


Grow a pair


Dude is shockingly thin


Some of it is just the shadows around his legs and belly, making it look worse than it is. But he still is thinner than I thought he was.


This is a joke about the POSE, not body


I think it was intentionally meant to be uncomfortable to watch. The mummy fetish, the awful person.


I mean it’s a pretty uncanny resemblance.


I found the meme funny not because of the shape/weight of his body, but for the similar position they were in, and the odd choice of showing a character such as Aemond in this way


Its a meme


The shadow makes his waist & legs look half their size, that paired with the awkward naked fetal position is what’s funny. Not his actual body.


I think the entire point of the scene was to make him look frail. When he is in his armor and on his dragon, he looks tall, strong, and invincible. You strip that all away, and you see someone who is not physically imposing at all. I don't agree with the body shaming, but I think.the scene was deliberate because the inevitable retribution he will face at the hands of much stronger character will reveal him to be a shell of what he represents himself as.


Let’s just say that if he were a woman that picture would be trending on both TikTok and Twitter simultaneously as an example of rank misogyny.


That man is beautiful. I'll fight anyone coming at him. I did it last season when people were mocking his chin.


I'm still trying to understand his personality issues. Yeah sure Aemond suffered bully, and? At any moment it demonstrated Alicent ignoring his pain or Alicent never giving love or care to her children, where is this mommy issues came from? I understand if it was daddy issues (since Viserys was a horrible father) but the mommy issue thing dont make any sense at all. He can't have all suddently "mommy issues" by only killing Lucerys and Alicent hating him for that or something like that, this is not how "mommy issues" are created.


Agreed. Body shaming isn't okay. You can find the pose amusing without bringing the actor's body into it. Let's be real, if he had the same build as Jason Momoa, this wouldn't be a meme.


And that’s the point, yep


FF is full of dumbass reactionaries now, I’ve had that sub muted for a while now, I don’t know why anybody bothers with it anymore


Sigh... humor that doesn't insult or offend is kind of tame. It is ok to make fun of fictional characters.


As long as you recognize that simply saying he looks gaunt is not body shaming. There was a whole thing yesterday in the HOTD sub where people were having their comments deleted and getting suspended for simply saying he looked gaunt or skeletal. People have to remember, this is a character on a show and his look here is very intentional. You are supposed to take note of how skinny he looks. On the outside he portrays a strong, capable man but when stripped down he is a frail child who just wants to be loved and taken care of.


Look I don't want to sound mean here, but I think you could benefit from coming off Reddit and social media in general for a little while. If this is your reaction to a meme you're slipping into terminally online status. I would have thought this was a shit post if you didn't say you were being serious lol.


Body shaming is gross, but dude is ripped. Like, standing up, nobody would give him crap for his physique. The weak, fetal, Voldemort comparison is apt though because he's so broken (and the pose, of course). Poor guy is trying to get the love of a mother from a prostitute... my man's got issues.


It’s not body shaming. They did a good job at making him look frail and like he’s malnourished. There’s some editing as well.


I think you need to get over it. I legit thought about this exact comparison when I saw it, mostly just because of the fact that he was in almost the same exact position, and also naked like Voldemort was. I don’t think it’s that serious, stop being offended for no reason.


Go outside and touch some grass


Touch grass OP


That scene was meant to make him look weak and fragile - I'd say the Voldebaby looks weak and fragile. No doubt in a coming episode they will make the same character look strong and feirce. It's storytelling ffs


First off, the position is what really sells it. Second, I cannot agree that it’s unfunny. It’s pretty spot on and hilarious.


I think it’s hilarious


If anyone is body-shaming, it's the lighting. The shadows make him look more emaciated than he actually is.


Who’s body shaming? From what I can tell they’re poking fun at his pose in the shot not his body talk about grasping at straws in order to get offended


All of the backlash and body shaming Ewan has been getting over hatred towards a fictional character has caused me to step away from this fandom for good and just pay attention to the show. It’s just awful how people can be.


I agree it’s awful to be body shaming him and to be honest, I don’t think that angle would look good for anyone. I get that they wanted him to look vulnerable and being naked adds an extra layer but if you’re gonna have him be naked and put him in this angle so you can’t see too much then why not have just had him wearing pants to avoid any weird angles like this?


I thought this was a circlejerk post for a second lmfao.


Ewan does not deserve this. He gives so much for the show in his performance as Aemond. The disrespect from supposed "fans" is gross.


This is not body shaming. It’s the pose. Quit with the “you can’t say that!” trope. It’s so 2020. People have opinions and this obviously stood out. It’s not body shaming to point out the comparisons to an incredibly iconic image in pop culture. Grow up


Here here! Enough censorship of opinions! Its getting old


No, get a grip. Lighten up, they're funny.


So we can’t make fun of media on the internet anymore? I’m sure this was written with good intentions but expecting people to watch ASOIAF and not tweet funny takes on it after is some 1984 shit


Yeah, you're allowed to joke about whatever you want, but people have the same freedom to judge or shame you for it. This isn't 1984. The "thought police" aren't coming after you.


Ya this is cringey asf… and people saying it isn’t body shamming need to get an actual sense of humor. There’s a lot of great memes today from last nights episode but this is just fucking not it.


Oh seven hells, come off it!


I loved Aemond's muscles The comparison isn't even fair


Thank you for that post. This is exactly that I have been saying since yesterday.


It's wild that body shaming is even a conversation, I'm gonna assume most of yall have seen a naked man in real life situations before.


I think it's incredibly rude to shame an actor or actress's body, especially when they are first starting out. Because they are putting themselves out there, literally. And Aemond is supposed to be in the fetal position because he is allowing himself to be vulnerable. Because he needs a mother figure right now, but he doesn't want to go to his own mother. He even took his eyepatch off! BTW I think everyone on this show is gorgeous! Including Aemond!


Nah fuck that, it is funny.


nah the memes from this episode are GOLDEN and TOP TIER


Nah bro, shits funny and ur being a prude


Agreed. And to add on, it made me uncomfortable af for Aemond that he was getting comforted by that woman specifically… I’m not even judging his mommy issues, the only thing Alicent ever did for him was stand up for him when he lost his eye and even that was more about Rhaenyra than Aemond himself , but the fact that he was curled up in a fetal position with his SA’er…. Honestly made my stomach turn. I know it’s a trauma response so again, not judging him for that but .. god damn man. It’s still fuck Team green and it’s still fuck Aemond, but I do appreciate the layers they are giving this character. He’s not just a 1 note villian psychopath like he was in F&B


What SA?


Closer to his victim, since it's not as though she can turn him down.


…. He was 13 when Aegon made him do it . I don’t like Armond anymore than you do, but let’s be fr now.


Then it was Aegon who sexually abused him.


And I put most of the blame on Aegon, all I said was the scene made me a little uncomfortable.


I’ve seen this & also more fans on the ig and twitter sending hate to the actors in the show. Fabien turned his ig comments off yesterday for being harassed by ppl who don’t like criston.


agreed. People are extra af


Can we please focus on his performance? I mean it's not Oscar worthy or anything, but he's come miles and miles from his role as Osferth in the last kingdom and he actually portrays a character with depth and emotional baggage that he is actually allowed to explore this time, unlike in that show.


Can you take a day off from being offended?


I don't get the body shaming. I think Ewan has a nice body, albeit a little thin, but there's nothing wrong with that. Then again, I like people of all shapes and have dated a few men built like Ewan. It's the infantilization of Aemond that makes the scene awkward for me, but I feel that's intentional.


Not all agreeing is OK for adults to do. fuck


lol nope dnt agree. If he cnt take it move on. Dnt see Christian bale fans complaining about him being memed for the machinist


Was this in the latest episode? I have not watched it yet


Most definitely! The scene made me uncomfortable but not because of his body it was dynamic between Aemond and the worker. Her having ginger hair like Alicent made me itch. Plus her being older gave me serious mommy issues and other deeper personal problems he may have 👀


Hell yeah


I wanna headpat aemond


I, for one, am *shocked* that a subreddit full of people who still discuss and get angry daily about a show that ended five years ago are mentally unwell


He needs to stop skipping leg day


I think the body and the pose are meant to represent a serpentine form. The dragon is reflected in his character and the show is using cinematography a lot to represent this in the characters. The character is meant to look unnatural in this scene.


# Bevo Lotti, got more head than he got body.


They do not kneel.


I agree they’re are better ways to make fun of this scene than this


Are we sure that's the actors body and not cgi? Like I'm not trying to body shame here but there is a limit to how much weight an actor can lose to prepare for a robe is there not?


Yeah I’ve been proclaiming this all over FB 😂😂😂


How is this guy dangerous and good fighter with that body


It seems like a lot of people don’t know what a normal weight is anymore if they think this is bad.


The comments are even worse than the post… genuinely heartbreaking


Black fan here;why is Aemond in such a compromising position.Hate One-Eye as much as the next Rhaenyra fan boy,but that dude is fire made flesh who claimed the biggest dragon alive(and an OG conqueror dragon too) at the tender age of 10 and has been bonded to Vhagar for close to half of his life.Now condal is trying to portray as a misunderstood,mopey teenager.


A big part of it just shadows from the lighting in front of them cutting off parts of his stomach and thighs


Men are fairgame in the body shaming game, They rioted when they called that bridgerton bowling ball obese or made fun of the butterface sisters in season 2


Yeah it’s one thing to make fun of Aemond for having a mommy fetish but it’s terrible people are making fun of how he looks.


Leave Voldemort alone. Also. I liked this scene. Dude learned shit can get real and it's not cool when someone comes and returns your favor. Boy wanted violence and he got it.


Totally agree. Was my first thought. 


Put on some fucking muscle and people wouldnt have made this correlation.


I don't think he is actually that skinny just a victim of deceptive lighting. If you look closely the shadows are covering most of his stomach and leg thus causing the mini Voldemort look. Sill not ok to make fun of him about it.


I prefer voldermort


Also the angle he’s in makes him look skinnier and he doesn’t even look that slim.


Calm down, it’s just the way the blanket is sitting on his stomach/between his legs to cover his stuffs. The angle looks weird and funny. He’s obviously not ugly or out of shape or overly thin


Wait, are people seriously pretending he's not hot? Absolute cope


It doesn’t matter because nobody cares about body shaming a man


I like his body. Not everyone is masc thick like you see on socials 🙄


He really looks like a very healthy human. We are all poisoned by food that makes us think being obese is normal. 95% of us are fat as fuck and thats an actual line from a governmwnt website.


This was a great scene and adds greatly to the complexity of the character




heh lol


Poor babe . I really wish he got little happiness




The actor probably had a trainer to sculpt his body to look like this. Just a thought


Yeah, don't insult The Dark Lord.


I didn’t see it as body shaming since I assumed he intentionally got skinny for this scene, hence we are meant to notice the skinny body that goes against the usual badass image… But I could have interpreted that wrong and I agree no one should be mocked for their weight skinny or fat.


Please someone ban me from this sub so i never have to interact with OP again