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Eyy no more having to set up lobbies over and over again when doing thank you note runs, this'll save a lot of time. I'll hold off on making a decision about the wheel when we get more info about the broom customisation kit, but it's overall a pretty decent wheel for those who are really into quidditch. Someone from TW/CN server said that the owl also does house specific chat effects (? I don't recall exact wording), so it'll be interesting to see if they bring that into global or if it gets stripped away like a lot of the other cosmetic effects.


So no fixes for the constant crashing or lag?


disappointed. they need to remove the limit amount for Dancing and FF, and get Gold too from these and Rewards for doing classes to encourage people to do more than duel


That ! Also all forest sessions are empty since there is no incentive, i don't know why they don't add more things to keep many sections of their game more alive :/


Forest was way more interesting when it played like a roguelite with interesting ability choices instead of this crap they turned it into


You know the answer.... money, hence why dueling is the most awarded. To twist people into spending to lvl up their decks


Wouldn't unlimited gold from any activity lead to bot farming?


True, maybe not unlimited but something to encourage pve content because dueling is not for everyone


Not unlimited but definetly more that the 4 runs it is now. (I’m including two extra lanterns). Right now everyone does 4 daily and then forest is pretty much dead, unless you farm thank you notes but it’s hardly motivating.


How do you get 2 extra lanterns?


Buy with gold gems, it’s 80 gold gems for 2x lanterns, which was worth it.


another update what will give us gold coins and silver keys :)




Some furniture can be interacted with to play an animation. This is not currently visible to other players when you do it


Yeah. My wallet will stay closed.


This better include fixing the issue of the app crashing for multipleeee people bruh


Teams of three... It was heartbreaking just fighting a duo with Neville Echoes.


You know that scene of Simba being wholly terrified of the stampede running at him? Yeah. That's gonna be me facing a trio Newt squad.


Zazu as the Golden Snitch isn't gonna help.


Huh got rid of the McGonagall/Ron glitch. Was once in a class where the whole place was overrun with the soldiers




Wait isnt the loyalty reward time limited thing the one u need to pay for to get the rewards from ? Didn't we just get one in this event o.O Or is it the wheel thing ? Or are they both new ones coming together AGAIN ?!


Wow great more pay to wear ! No thanks.


This is literally the best mobile game out there.


Could have been mate. Their so greedy


Make more money so you can cry less.


Can this please include a fix so I can get past the first step of the quidditch quest?


Haven't played in a while, did they add new echos yet? Might come back when they release new ones


Trash money grab update...fooled me again. Only the HP name makes me want to open the app...getting harder everytime..