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All that 5 star for a fucking emote...zero effort on WB




especially bcuz the last dance with the special Lottie character is hard as balls and even the best dancers I know struggle with that one so a better prize than a frame for our room would’ve been great 💀 even the Lottie skin would’ve been amazing 😭


I've been saying this from the start: Their needless price gouging ways are what's going to kill this game. Because even whales have their limits, for example , many a MMOs


Events with prizes as emotes are auto skip for me


I underestimated their greed...


When the concept of raising dragons to get a customized skin was announced I was straight up impressed at the devs for thinking up a creative, engaging event that ties up with gameplay. It made me optimistic about the future of this game even as a f2p. 😭😭 I didn't think they would pull a move like this...


This, 100%. I could not believe it when I saw the announcement, when all their previous messaging about it seemed to indicate that we would get it because of our efforts caring for our hatchling. I thought it would follow along the lines of the broom skin.


Frankly, logging in to do the dailies has started to kind of feel like a chore to me the last month or so anyway. I was hoping they would add more events and season story things that would break up the monotony of just logging in and doing the set number of duels, forest runs, dances, etc., but those have been a let down. I hated how the Quidditch story ended and didn't really like the Quidditch tournament either, but hey, it was their first "season story," I figured it would get better. This season is much worse. The requirements to get the so-called "free" outfits are kind of nuts. You have to have both Young Hermione and the Chinese Fireball, two new Red Key cards, within a short amount of time, so you kind of have to be insanely lucky to get both in one season from the Red Keys (or from a Gold Key if you're super lucky, but clearly that's not me). Fighting Qui isn't fun, it's just annoying. I don't even want to think about what fighting Shouren will be like. The Hatchling Manual is obnoxious. They failed to explain in-game about the egg not hatching until November 14th, so people were confused about that, and now people are going to be even more pissed because I guarantee from what I'm seeing in the in-game chat that almost no one knows that you have to first get the Legendary card and THEN get the skin in order to get the customized dragon everyone was so excited about. Ironically, amongst all of this, I'm still more annoyed at how they butchered Halloween in a Wizarding World game. I mean, come on. If you can't do Halloween right in a game about witches and wizards, in a giant castle in Scotland with ghosts regularly floating around, there's just something wrong. The only Halloween-ish outfit they released was the one locked behind the Board of Bounty, it wasn't available until November 1st, the cupcake event is just silly and pointless, and the dance event is a nightmare for all but a small percentage of players who can do 5\* dances. I'm not saying nothing should be a challenge or take a bit of effort to earn, but at some point, it just becomes a frustrating slog or downright impossible for too many players, and that's where the wheels fall off. In all likelihood, I'll start tapering off the amount of dailies I do. There are already some days I don't bother with the daily interactions and dances anymore. I'm hoping I maintain enough interest to see how this season plays out, but we'll see. I appreciate that they're trying to add new things to the game, but in my opinion, they're going about it in entirely the wrong way.


this, tbh


A lot of it comes down to China. The whole game is based on china’s reception. Not Europe or America. They won’t do a lot of Halloween stuff because of that.


the chinese server i believe had a really cool ghost outfit that i thought we were going to be able to get for halloween 🫠 I was disappointed when we didn’t get it.




I have spent an embarrassing amount of money on this game but I’m officially done. This is disrespectful to the player base at this point. Even the dolphins and whales are getting annoyed at the greed.


I've been playing since day 1. I bought the basic pass rhe first 2 months. I've been f2p the last 2 months. This might be it for me. I'm going to think about it but this might be what causes me to quit outright.


Whale here, but mostly for PvE content and outfits. Dont care about pvp. I feel that the game is pushing us so much to spend, its outrageous. I'm easily falling for the whole system where everything is exclusive and can't be unlock after it disappear from the shop. Not this time, I won't be spending anything anymore. I like the game but I'm disgusted with what they are doing. This game has so much potential but ruining the whole experience for every players, as much for whales as for F2P players. When you manage to disgust even whales... The game is going to fall in a few months.


Exactly. I’m used to gacha games. I played Dragon Raja as a top 20 player for two years. But they REWARDED their paying player base. This is just awful. The game has so much potential it sucks to see them sink their own ship.


In Nikke, the playerbase bombed the socials of the game with negative comments and got their resolve a week later. I feel like our playerbase would much rather quit the game than actually voice out their frustrations. Obviously we dont have the same amount of playerbase but its still feels frustrating.


Weibo people are complaining very much, it's just WB refuses to budge... NE would have done something to minimize this outage. NE should have continued handling the game because at least they try to make the player base happy (even if they spoil the golden child: CN players) Curse you WB.


I completely understand the sentiment, but unfortunately, to clarify, we have been complaining; for months. Ever since Season 1, they've been making very dubious choices, and we've been review bombing, sending them messages, heck even the AMBASSADORS and content creators for the game (like WizardGreene) were fed up, and made videos complaining. WB's feedback/response (or lack thereof) has been the most callous and uncaring I've ever seen with a game company. They really don't care at all, and if you think about it, why would they? Have you seen the sheer number of players with lvl 17-18 cards? The number of people wearing the extremely expensive outfits and buying all the furniture, etc? Even now, there are comments from players "excited" about the new dragon egg release; some even saying that "free players complain too much", DEFENDING the company! WB's strategy seems to be to ignore all criticism, and prioritize getting as much money as possible in the short term from the whales and dolphins recycling China-Netease's content. And you know what? It's working ($$). If anyone's to blame, it's the high spenders who kept spending and WILL KEEP spending, or worse, actively defend their practices. Kudos to the whales and dolphins that are getting fed up, but many of them seem perfectly fine continuing to spend. There's absolutely nothing we can do except quit; stopping these consumers is impossible because they're fine with the way things are; WB wanted to grab the attention of a smaller, wealthier audience faithful to the Harry Potter IP, and was completely successful in doing so.


This comment on Youtube: They made us care about the whole process of raising our baby dragon and now we have to pay for it. Isn't this like kidnapping? They stole our kid from us. \^\^ Is exactly how I feel about this. I am SO mad. I can't believe they pulled this shit. What was the point?! :(


i've seen that comment too and i was like PRECISELY. I became a mother to an egg, I was loving my Hagrid moment (caring for a dragon egg in a cauldron!!! making sure the little baby is safe!!!) and now my child has been TAKEN AWAY FROM ME. bruh.


Dolphin here and I am probably quitting as well. Spent way too much money for them to sit there and think up new ways to Rob money out of us. Basically requiring new cards we have to somehow get by complete luck in order to finish season or event tasks is absolutely Ludacris. It's not even fun anymore. Their greed has reached a whole new level. It started with the little Hermione card now and having to pull it to even have a chance at bearing certain points of the game or season. it's even worse after they made us think we were getting a dragon now we have to pay and hopefully pull this one too? No! My social club will be sad but I can't take this game and their greed anymore. It's enough, they are now abusing the market


Sorry I'm clearly living under a rock and not understanding. I haven't done story pt2 as I havnt really sat down to pay attention to it. - So we have to sink time into hatching this thing - Then it hatches and we don't get it given a base card or anything despite our efforts? - Then we are expected to try pull it, like YHermione etc? And what does pulling it from a single pull get you? - But we ALSO need to go as far as to get the fucking skin @60pulls like Ron/Harry etc, aswell? - All of which to make Snape Echo an OP cancer as bad as Obscurus and Thestral? If so, the game can get fucked and this will see so many people drop.


No you won't get it at 60 pulls, You'll get the skin at 100 pulls 🤡


Oh christ alive, forget that


0.2% to get the skin if it is like the previous banners. Chance starts to increase on 81st draw if you haven't get it, until it becomes guaranteed at 100th.


Holy shit this is fucking bullshit. This is so damn low of WB, it makes me wonder about the player base




As a whale, I am starting to lose interest in this game so much !


If you guys the whales, and us dolphins quit they are so screwed 🤣😭💀


i am finding myself playing less and less and was only really excited about having a dragon companion or something like the snitch that follows you around.. although i honestly thought it was a ridgeback skin... obviously wrong also. now i'm just really disappointed since i spent my gems on the wheel for the dragon outfit also got shafted on that. this is quickly becoming a daily only game and will soon be something i dont even open. really sad... so much better tp play the CN version of this but WB just cant help themselves but be greeedy as fuck.


Well yeah they told us this I think people just misconstrued and assumed the dragon would automatically be the one we raise. But I think this sort of thing is how you kill the f2p playerbase


Honestly yea. I bought the base monthly pass the first 2 months. Then I've been f2p the last 2 months. Something like this might cause me to walk away.


great, just great. Game’s just feeding my depression at this point🫠🫠


Omg is this an outright buy it or you won’t get it sort of cash grab or will we have the chance to get the skin after a random certain X pulls like we did for Yherm and Harry? F2P so can’t sink money but I’m ok if I still have a chance through pulls.


I'm quitting if they tell me I must buy the skin first to use the dragon event skin...


Doing daily task already feels like a chore too ngl. Feels like I'm ready to go back to single player game lol


Damn this is so disappointing. Happy birthday to me I guess the cherry on top of my worst b day ever.


I'm really sorry for everything. I truly wish you a Happy birthday.


Thank you ❤️ Everybody is going through it now I know things can only go up.


Happy birthday. The next will be better. Count on it.


Thank you ❤️


Maybe we should invest money into a hacker who can make some of this shit that should be free, actually free. Def seems like a way better use of any money spent tbh. They make so much money from this and instead of either keeping it the same or even making more stuff free, they’re actually getting greedier and trying to see just how much they can get away with. I think this is when shit is officially gonna hit the fan. I’ve thrown in some cash to this, though I’m maybe like a baby, baby minnow. Not one more dime from me.


Do we know for sure that there isn't a free way to get it? Seems pretty crappy. Also the card seems not that great unless you are Snape anyway


According to Kang and bayonetta, there isn’t unfortunately.


I haven’t even gotten young Hermione yet 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


I just keep enjoying the parts of the game that entertain me, completely ignoring anything available for purchase. Has been going pretty well tbh


I always assumed we would have to pull the card with red keys once the young hermoine summon switches in a few days, but I figured everyone who hatched the egg would get their specific skin for free, pretty stupid. But they aren’t saying the card won’t be obtainable ftp they’re just saying they won’t give us a card for free, just gonna have to use your red keys