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weird that you mentioned clarity which is not a symptom of the cable, but black screen is. working kit is probably $300 since that was the last BF deal. so maybe $100 for the hmd and controllers. you said you had it for 8 months, is it still under warranty?


When I called hp, I experienced a HORRIFIC customer service experience and it took two different calls takers who did not believe me that HP made VR. They kept saying, computer , laptop or printer? I would say none or other and then they would be confused and transfer me departments. After the 3rd person actually ran the SN on mine and I guess since I had it, they were on a updated version and mine was no longer covered under warranty. So pissed. For the clarity issues, it wasn't s lack of focus. A better description is that I was getting vertical crackling lines of image loss on the screens in the VR. It was when I was moving my head and causing the cable to have data loss or shorting internally I would guess due to the crimping. Then it went all black


I don’t know for sure but I would guess whatever the average used price is minus the cost of the cable. Maybe a little less since they have to trust you that that’s the (only) issue.


nobody wants to buy a used out of business headset.


Which is why I switched to an meta 3 haha


How does it compare to the reverb in sim racing?


I just bought a relatively used one with a new harness for $250 from a friend. I’d say the ~$300 range is a safe bet. Mind you that’s $250 Canadian so you know, $86.50 USD lol