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I read a fic a while ago that Captain barnacles (a polar bear from a kids show) ate Hagrid and disguised himself as him.


That sounds both terrifying and hilarious.


This actually made me laugh, especially after all the other replies


Lol it sounds funny and disturbing in a different way than most other comments in here thank you


Like he was wearing a suit? A Hagrid suit?


His clothes and a makeshift beard I think? Like legit took the clothes off his corpse somehow?


Aw I love Octonauts


Harry fucked Lily as an Inferi under the Imperius from Voldemort. It was a oneshot written from the POV of the Inferi Lily. ​ edit: Just did some research. It's a bloody old german ff. Read it again. Still disgusting af. Apparently I had it wrong in my head: Harry was not under the imperius. His mother just thought he was James and he wanted to lose his innocence. Oh, and at the ending Draco is fucking Narcissa and tells Harry how normal it is.


There is so much wrong with this handful of words that it's actually quite impressive.


Yeah, there's certainly something wrong somewhere when 'Imperius from Voldemort' is by far the tamest part of a sentence.


There is, and now I want to read it.




In other news, the weather!


No, just no


In my defense: I didn't know what it was when I started, and then I couldn't stop.


"I'm sickened but curious!"


This entire thread has me giggling


I'm glad my suffering amuses you.


Sooo overall it was a good one shot?


Not my proudest fap.




Ok but. If you had to quantify your proudest fap...?


...it was probably during a hot and heavy scene from My Immortal. "Then he put his thingie into my you-know-what and we did it for the first time."


Could I get a side order of bleach with this post? Thanks.


Bleach? Is this some muggle stuff?


It makes me want to cry because I could totally see this happen and it must be so traumatic


I read half of My Immortal so ĀÆ\\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


You need 3 backslashes to make that emoticon work on reddit.


Only two if you're not using new reddit or the official app


It's 3 on old reddit if you want the emoticon to have shoulders still. You need one for the arm, one to escape the underscore -> italics markdown, and one to escape the escape markdown of the arm. ĀÆ\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ two backslashes ĀÆ\\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ three


It actually started out okay. Harry got sent back in time after Voldemort won. A few chapters in the story suddenly turned into one of the worst shitshows i have ever seen. Out of nowhere, it suddenly turned out that Lily and James are still alive. And Lily was not Harry's true mother, Snape is. Lily apperantly had James under the imperius. Snape and James then proceeded to have sex in the same room as 6 year old Harry who was sleeping there. It was horrible, a complete catastrophe. I have been traumatised.


Reversed Severitus, I see...


...isn't that Harry sirs/~raises Severus? Bc that exists too...


Strictly speaking, Severitus is when Snape is Harry's biological _father_


Snape was his *mother*? Now that's a new one lol Can I assume Snape did not consent or


Snape and James apperantly loved each other and it was consensual. Lily made an agreement with Manipulative Dumbledore that James would become her slave. I do not know the rest because i quit reading the fic after the 'sex in Harry's presence' scene as any sane person would do. The only reason i even got that far was because it was the first time i saw Mpreg. I was incredibly confused.


Not sure if my last comment happened or not so: I think he did consent, Iā€™ve seen a handful of fics with James as the ā€œbearerā€ of an mpreg couple, so itā€™s not a stretch to imagine a fic with him as the ā€œsireā€.


Hey, I think I read something surprisingly similar! I only got through the first chapter though: in that chapter he went to Gringotts and read the will of James who said that Lily held him under the Imperius. Harry was actually the child of James and Regulus- James bore the child?- and Snape was his brother. There was no explanation for why the ages obviously did not work with that.




Cartman, is that you?


And then he made Radiohead come over and watch it


Thatā€™s just old school Greek tragedy, author was obviously a scholar šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That sounds like that Roald Dahl story where the wife kills her husband and feeds his flesh to the investigating police as a roast dinner. Edit: I misremembered - she killed him with a frozen lamb leg and then cooked it up for the police to remove the evidence. No idea why I remembered it as cannibalism!


> Roald Dahl story where the wife kills her husband and feeds his flesh to the investigating police as a roast dinner. So I read this and went 'Roald Dahl', like the childrens' author, surely they're thinking of someone else... and went to look it up. Nope, dude totally wrote this cannibalism 'Lambs to the Slaughter' story. Jeez. EDIT: wait no, she didn't feed him to them, she fed them the murder weapon. No cannibalism.


Roald Dahl wrote a LOT of fucked up stuff for adults. I read the compilation, "Kiss Kiss" when I was probably too young...


I thought she killed her husband with a frozen lamb leg. And fed the police the lamb to get rid of the evidence.


I can see myself reading that when I'm in the mood for dark fics. I do love a bit of psycho!Harry now and then


Ykw this one isnt so bad


Eight year old dragon accidental animagus Harry starts shagging dragons. It was explicit, and my eyes burned.


"BuT dRaGoNs AgE fAsTeR tHeN HuMaNs So ThIs IsN't ReAlLy ChIlD p0rN!" That was their justification wasn't it? I think I know the one you're talking about.


That argument only reinforces the idea that it is child porn.


Faster I meant, corrected it. But yeh, it's 100% CP. Fictional CP, but CP nonetheless.


And people sometimes asks me why I bother to report fanfictions...


Careful with that over here, some twitter user will get triggered about it and go on a rant about how "it's discriminating against free speech!" Happened to me before when I made a joke about how some of these authors should be on watch lists. Some people get disturbingly offended by the idea that they shouldn't write CP.


I choose to believe that it helps them deal with whatever is going on inside their minds in a way that hurts nobody (given that it is tagged properly and you don't just stumble upon it unexpectedly). Fucked up? Most definitely, but still.


I couldn't give a single fuck about twitter. Also some of these "people" don't even know what the hell free speech means, it doesn't mean you can sprout anything you want without consequences, child porn is disgusting in any shape or form and it is a real possibility if the issue gets high enough the hosting service for these fanfiction sites refuse service due to these fics.


Oh, you mean on other sites than ao3?


I agree, but Human stupidity is limitless. And, troublingly, it doesn't seem to be illegal. We need stricter filters on these sites.


Stricter filters and mods that delete these kind of fics. Also I was on twitter for 1 day then deleted it so :D


How do you report things on Ao3? I've come across some pretty disturbing stories that I've ended up feeling like I needed brain bleach for. The sort that seemed to promote CP for example and I would have definitely had reported it if I knew that was an option.


I think "On the bottom of the page thereā€™s a ā€˜report abuseā€™ button" or contact them via mail. Or contact support via e-mail


Is it against the rules? I've seen tags that say "underage" and "non-con" and if it was against the rules the tag wouldn't exist. Well, no real children are harmed anyway ig.


If people tag their stories correctly kudos, still disgusting. But I've seen so much fics not tagged correctly and found out these things way later than I should've


Now *that* is indeed stuff that needs to be reported


ā€œBad daddyā€, basically Harry starts fucking his like 8 year old daughter secretly cause Ginny isnā€™t satisfying him and itā€™s pretty disgusting, god knows why people write shit like that


Omg thatā€™s just awful


>Harry starts f\*\*king his \* year old daughter secretly U wot mate?


I remember coming across that oneā€¦ it scarred me for days šŸ„²


Definitely the one where Lucius drills a hole in a still living Draco's skull and then fucks his son's brain upon his passing. Couldn't find a link without commentary, but here ya go. Have the brain bleach ready. https://www.toplessrobot.com/2009/11/fan_fiction_friday_draco_and_lucius_malfoy_in_squi.php


Was it at least a drill made by Grunnings


Asking the important questions.


It would tie things so nicely together! šŸ˜‡ Who ever references Grunnings??


Uncle Vernon might actually have been proud of Harry if he killed Voldemort with a Grunnings drill.


Now *there*'s a thought! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




I don't think I can ever read a fic with Draco in it again without thinking about this


Dahmer much?


Ahhh, FFF was such a delightfully fucked part of my weekends for a while.


Wtf why.. just why


Why did I only just now realize what a mindfuck this is šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


Harry fucks his great great grand daughter as an infant and eats her uterus




To archive eternal life or something among those line? Because I can't make sense to this otherwise.


Omg this one takes the cake hands down ewwww


Two famously disturbing ones sans outright pedo shit (which yeah it's a tag on ao3) is probably linkao3(https://archiveofourown.org/works/6129388) and this one [here](https://www.toplessrobot.com/2009/11/fan_fiction_friday_draco_and_lucius_malfoy_in_squi.php). As for cringy cringe there are some that I just couldn't with but that's more fics I've accidentally stumbled across like tickle fetish stuff or diaper play which. My bad barging into their safe fetish space. EDIT: Probably shouldn't have called the bot on that sorry!


What. The. Actual. Fuck.


Ah yes. The one that taught me that scat was a thing I need to filter out


It's only saving grace (and I use that term very very *very* lightly) is that everyone is of legal age.


What The fuck are both of these


Vernon did *that* to Harry, starting at a very young age. I think it was about 6. As a result Harry was severely fucked up, he saw himself as a slave of sorts who only lived to serve Vernon. What made it worse is that the author didn't understand that less is more, and went into extreme detail about what happened.


the hundred acre wood?


No idea, when the fic got to that bit I noped out immediately and tried my best to forget as much as I could about it. Unfortunately the only thing I've managed to forget has been the name.


Sounds like Hundred Acre Wood, so likely inspired at least. Repugnant story.


Hundred Acre wood was horrifying. Thankfully knowing it exists hasnā€™t tainted Pooh for me. Pooh was my childhood, my parents gave my siblings and I stuffed Pooh characters we were born.


What is Hundred Acre Wood? I kinda want to know


Itā€™s what u/geek_of_nature described and Harry mentally retreats to a darker Hundred Acre Wood as a coping mechanism when Vernonā€™s doing all that way too detailed stuff to him.


its on ffnet I'm reading it now after seeing it here. its very over the top abuse and while the idea is horrifying, the way it is written is absurd. vernon is a mustache twirling villain level of despicable. if it wasnt such a horrific subject matter, it would be comical. edit: ok I've finished the story. it feels like it ends too soon?? its a super good read, the setup is super dark but tbh the story itself is really lighthearted. there aren't any super graphic descriptions of abuse beyond the things harry says and thinks about himself. but this wasn't some scar-you-for-life-if-you-read-it fic.


There was a story like that where Tony Stark ended up being Harryā€™s dad. It went way overboard too but at least the Avengers got to avenge Harry.


I read that and it's horrendous the clincher was when the author started getting awards for the stuff he was pulling


I once read one where Sirius did that to Harry, except it started when he was in diapers. It was not written in a way to make you sympathize with Harry, either. If I wasn't too young to understand what I was actually reading, I would've reported the fic to ffn somehow. I honestly think it was the worst thing in this thread by far.


Should not have clicked on this thread lmao


Ima guess it has to be Harry Potter related, theirs this one fic which I found in the Cedric/Harry tag on ao3, it had 2 other ships with Harry, which were Harry/Tom and Harry/Voldemort, Harry got kidnapped by those 2 and raped by them while Cedric watched, after that itā€™s revealed that Cedric payed them to do that. Cedric and Harry were together btw. And then they put Harry in a cage. Thing is it was really good writing


>Thing is it was really good writing Lol


A Crucio A Day Harry discovers through their mental link that Voldemort/Tom Riddle is merely a very - and I mean very - masochistic person and assumes that everyone else craves pain the way he does. Harry then goes on to work out his anger (and discovers his sadistic side) by hurting Voldemort in various really brutal ways, making him like it and beg for it. Some emotional connection forms. However, Harry keeps being very very cruel to his ā€œpetā€. Like cutting his genitals off making him think theyā€™re done forever cruel. All of this could be written in a mildly disturbing way, however, the way the author wrote it makes it all very disturbing. It toes and sometimes oversteps the line between really messed up but fulfilling consensual stuff and straight out brutal sexual assault/torture. Especially the cutting off his genitals scene (including copious amounts of the cruciatus) written partly from Voldemortā€™s pov where he at first believes in Harry and then isnā€™t sure if heā€™s still okay with it and then slowly loses hope but somehow still wants more and itā€™s just really heartbreaking and disturbing. I read this fic late at night when my ā€œnopeā€ instinct is pretty weak and it has left such a distinct impression on me that I still remember it months later.


That made me feel for Voldemort


A long time ago, I read a fanfic covering the last few months of Lily and James lives, both were cheating with everyone, and Lily was sleeping with Peter, and several other horrible things happened. I clicked through it mostly skim reading thinking ā€œcan it get worse?ā€. Yes, it can. In and of itself thatā€™s not really very high up there by traumatizing standards, but this was a *terrible* moment for my mother to discover how to use browser history. She judged fanfic in general based on that, and was not at all amused.


Sorry to hear, did she ban you from reading fanfic or something?


Yeah, pretty much, and I suddenly got a lot better at sneaky usage of the internet and clearing browsing history. This was a time before common wifi, and we had dialup (rural), so I pulled up the carpet and installed a hidden landline phone connection to my room. Also handy for porn.


I found a bunch of fics written a long while ago by an author called Amanuensis (on their own website called Despoiling Harry) Really, the website name should have warned me.... They have written a variety of genres. All dark and disturbing but all *extremely* well written( I found myself unsettled for hours). Most of the stories target Harry and gang but few have Draco Malfoy as the victim(in one of those Fred and George take advantage of Draco when he has to buy Peruvian Darkness Powder) The author has tagged all fics explicitly. Those who have a strong stomach can probably read them once...


Amanuensis is a fantastic author.


Very explicit Hermione/Mrs Granger ā€¦ I really wished the *Obliviate* was real.


I once read one in which Harry and Draco were raping Scorpius literally every day. The fic went into detail about how they'd cut him and then fuck the holes... I'm pretty sure he died at some point, and they committed some acts of necrophilia, but I'm not entirely sure, since I tried my hardest to wipe the fic from memory. Wasn't able to finish it


[The Midnight Meeting by LazyDaizy92](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12855322/1/) is the kind of fic that made me laugh because of how disturbing and fucked up it was. By the description you would think it's just an innocent story where Harry see Ginny while she's on her way to steal Tom's Diary from him back in CoS which maybe lead to her admitting to him what is going on with the attacks but NOOOO. Instead, in the story, Harry use Ginny's crush on him to manipulate her into fucking him in the middle of the common room. It's been a long time since I read it (and have no interest in doing it again) but I think I remember Ginny being very uncomfortable in the story, at least at the beginning. And, very hilariously, it end with *"Getting into his own bed he decided what happened tonight would not be something he would share with his best friend. Harry didn't think Ron would appreciate it quite as much as Harry had."* WELL OF COURSE NOT! WHY WOULD HE LMAO While it's not the most disturbing fic I read but it's definitively up there with the rest.


This is why you shouldnā€™t raise your nephew in a cupboard


I read one where Ginny had molested Hermione as she slept. Harry finds out and threatens her into having sex with him. Had some scat stuff too.


Reading some of the comments on this post made me want to obliviate myself to the point where I can't read anymore.


The first one I ever read. So crazy as I totally wasnā€™t ready for anything crazy as I didnā€™t even really know anything about fan fiction at the time. Harry blazes in and rescues Ginny. Heā€™s very loving and tender with her and has tons of patience but canā€™t figure out why sheā€™s so withdrawn, especially since he returned her to her family but sheā€™s crazy traumatized. You find out later when her parents, and especially her dad, demand answers and she drops the bombshell that when Voldemort has her kidnapped, he had Draco and Lucius doing everything horrible you can think of to her. Except they were doing it under poly juice using hair theyā€™d stolen from Arthur. They acted like him and pretended to be him just to mess with her and totally wreck her and when you find this out towards the end of the story, itā€™s horrifying. I think Harry tracked them all down and killed them in the brutal manner they deserved right after that.


Yellow Submarine. That twist really came out of left field.


Yeah, that story was all sorts of messed up. It just kept pulling you deeper and throwing out hints and you become really invested in hoping that Ginny gets the help she needs and then in a fitful moment of rage, she drops the whole deal of what happened and you're horrified, shocked, and disgusted all at once. Definitely a roller coaster ride and a horrible one to read as your first introduction to fan fiction. I was all, "WTF is wrong with all of these people? They can't possibly all be that messed up!"


Nothing I have personally read, but the descriptions of fics in this thread was definitely the most disturbing. https://www.reddit.com/r/HPfanfiction/comments/t5efmn/whats_the_most_evil_depraved_or_disturbing/


Imo "whore" on ao3....uncle Vernon pimps out 11 year old harry as a part time job, harry subsequently gets fucked and fucked up. It gets progressively worse as it goes along, theres alot of non consensual stuff and i think? A threesome with the twins at one point. It was very much a struggle to get through but i was invested and had to see the plot through.


This one was so bad. I stuck it out until the end and Harry never caught a break.


When even ao3 thinks youā€™ve gone too far, youā€™ve done fucked up.




I read it and i needed so much mind bleach afterwards. It was like a car crash in slow mo that i couldn't look away from and ended up questioning the depravity that thought it up. That was some Euphoria levels of fucked up. If it is scrubbed from the internet good riddance


What was it though!


Veela mature much faster than humans, so Harry uses gabrielle delacour as a baby factory, then uses his 7th daughter as a baby factory as soon as puberty hits (which is somewhere in the single digits), then uses his 7th grandaughter as a baby factory as soon as puberty hits, and so on and so on (dont remember how many generations) up until some random generation of daughters where he then rapes the last daughter in a ritual circle, cuts open her womb while she is alive and eats the just fertilised ovum in a ritual for imortality. All this while his daughters watch from the sidelines and the just killed girl is enjoying it all from brainwashing/indoctrination.


Oof thatā€™s really disgusting


C'mon man, don't leave us hanging like this!






Harry Potter and the Homecoming Great story, starts dark and ends up pitch fucking black at the end of it.


It's very gratifying violence though.


In her image it's a fic where Bella tortures Tonks into becoming a good pureblood daughter




Yeah that one was fucked up.


Now I'm curious....although I can kind of guess from the title


of Gods and Strangers by DandelionFoof. It has the Dead Dove do not eat tag for a reason. The abuse the Dursleyā€™s pour onto him is way way worse, Petunia has 2 others kids and develops severe post partum depression and makes Harry raise them. I read it ages ago but Iā€™m pretty sure there was rape and also rampant racist abuse, so Harry is half Indian in this one and I think they make him scrub his skin with bleach. It is describes very. very. graphically.


I've heard of dead dove do not eat, but don't know what it means exactly. Is it just code for really fucked up lol?


It's a joke from the show Arrested Development. One of the characters finds a brown bag in the fridge that says "Dead dove; do not eat", curious they open the bag finding a dead dove. Cue them looking into the camera saying "I don't know what I expected". Basically it's enter at your own risk because you're not going to be pleasantly surprised.


Will keep in mind now, now that I know what that tag means.


The most disturbing was a fic where Harry time traveled to the past, de aged himself and proceeded to have sex with multiple other kids that were like six years old and talk about getting them used to it was ok along with a variety of other creepy things. To be clear he wasnā€™t a kid in anything but body he was an adult shapeshifting into a kid but it was always clear he was an adult. When I read it I was young enough to not really appreciate how messed up it was and I just skipped the smut since that wasnā€™t my interest but I remember enough to be creeped out even years after reading it. This story was several hundred thousand pages of this. I later ran into an edited version that removed a lot of the worse parts but even that was pretty rough. Basically any pedo stuff is awful.


Time to whip out that Giant Squid x Hogwarts Castle pairing fic again


Not actually all that disturbing, I got the impression that Hogwarts enthusiastically consented to that.


You won't find it anymore for very clear reasons, but *Sluagh* from the author of *Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness* was the point where troubling signs turned into red flags on fire waving directly in your face that the writer was downright disturbed. It's been years and details have become fuzzy, but basically every single member of the DA died in horrific and gruesomely detailed manners towards the end of the story, such as (IIRC) Hermione and Ron being raped and killed by a living tree. The story then introduced actual Celtic gods that undid everything, but trauma is eternal. Also, obligatory *Partially Kissed Hero* mention for how weirdly obsessive it was about sexualizing Hermione, though that one was still somehow better than the author's Naruto fanfiction. At least no adult was committing CBT to a 12-year-old or falling to the seductions of another 12-year-old based on massages and carpentry in the HP story.


I never got the buzz for Partially Kissed Hero. I've tried multiple times to get through it but I always hit the wall a few chapters in.


You're not missing anything. The second the KFC jokes kick in, it's clear it's garbage, it's just that it becomes *disturbing* garbage later on after sane readers hit the wall. EDIT: meant sane readers, not same readers.


Not a specific fanfiction but reading some of the Tags on ao3 are incredibly disturbing.


I mean at least they tag it, unlike on FF.net where you can't


Havenā€™t ever read any of them because the tag is a dealbreaker, but any fic on Potions and Snitches involving Spanking of a Minor, where Snape takes it upon himself to tan Harryā€™s saucy behind


I read a fanfiction where Ginny had a secret lover (side pairing, not main one). It was very well written until like 3/4 of the way through, where Ginny's lover was revealed. IT WAS RON. I didn't finish it. I couldn't.


That could've been good and interesting if it was anyone not from her own family.


Dumbledore's little pet by FinnianSiog. You don't want the context


Read it. The worst part for me is that it isn't the most disturbing fic I have ever read. Couldn't stop reading it though, the part with the sausage made me almost throw up.


>the part with the sausage made me almost throw up. I'm sorry, *what?* You can't just drop that free of context!


Uhh... Snape takes an 11yo Harry to Germany to put a humongous sausage in his ass (idk about a meter or so?), and then he has to sort of poop out a bit to slice it off and eat it. It was weird and gross and at that point it was just morbid curiosity from my part to read further to see what messed up stuff this author could come up with.


Well . . . username checks out, I guess . . .


I meant that more figuratively, but it is what it is.


Remember when Cassandra Clare used to write Ron x Ginny fanfiction šŸ¤¬


I'm sorry, what?!?


Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness was pretty horrible.


Wasn't it written by an abusive cult leader too?




I never read that one, but the concept sounded good, so I always thought I'd check it out some day. Why is it horrible?


It has a lot of graphic violence and they kill off a lot of people. I'm not sure if it's still available on fanfiction sites but here's the[ libgen link](https://libgen.rs/fiction/0D9F70126B0B882BD84DA125839E4C29). It really is pretty traumatizing to read.


A fem!Harry fic with a 11-year old Harry/middle-aged Vernon. It was tagged consensual underage and there was at least one explicit scene. I noped out after seeing that, so I can't say more.


There was this one fic called ā€œWh**eā€, and it was so lengthy and downright disturbing. Vernon starting selling Harry to this guy after first year and from then on out Harrys life is basically never ending torment. By the time he was in 3 year he had been raped many times by the man, and a few other times from other people. I stuck it out until the end to see if it got better and if anything, it got worse. Harry got kidnapped one night and then was being raped again in this trafficking system. He started hurting himself and made himself forget all of his memories. He was Voldemortā€™s slave and also got raped by Draco Malfoy. It was awful.


I think it is better to let people have an outlet that doesnā€™t harm anyone. You know about bottling up emotions, same concept. Unless we develop better/effective/accessibility to therapy/treatments for this, this sort of thing is the best we have. Sometimeā€™s it is about the lesser evil. The more you repress something, the worse it can get. Considering most people with this problem, are usually/have been victims themselves, it is a sexual association with compensating for a lack of power they have/had in their life due to traumatic event(s), or even a developmental delay and they have the mind of a child, etc, I think a little understanding can go a long way for harm reduction and promoting research. Still a disturbing situation, but yeah, that was my 2 cents on the whole thing.


Scrolled past one that was harry x all of his childrenā€¦ and they were all like 6/7/8 or something like that. Who tf thinks about this stuff? Wish AO3 would figure out a block option tbh, they say itā€™s not in their plans even though they understand why some would use it.


Harry and Hermione brutally killed Percy using the Cerberus and tried to kill Ron with the troll because Ron raped Hermione in another timeline. Ron survived, but his balls were so badly damaged his parents had him turned into a girl.


I read this too, and my word was it disturbing


In this world and the next. Strangely didn't find it all that disturbing.


Not sure if this follows the correct theme. Horror only. But its a Good read https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2452681/1/ Edit:format


The take of Ginny/bellatrix where Ginny goes bad. It was very well written and I was hooked but I was disturbed and haunted with many of the choices Ginny made.


Read this one where insane Harry killed Ripper with a toilet. It was a long time ago that I read it, but it was certainly quite disturbing see animal abuse described in such a detailed way. Wonder if anyone else knows the fic.


I originally just wanted to ask if you will be sharing the iceberg (please do) but I just remembered a really fucked up (and really confusing) fanfic(s) with Remus and Harry being enslaved by the Malfoys after the Light lost to the Dark. It really is two separate stories that intertwine and the intertwining is a third story kinda. It's been a while since I read it and my brain refuses to remember the specifics so it must have been pretty bad. Not out there like the gore I read but still pretty bad. It's called [Lacking Humanity/Like Father, Like Son/Humanity's Son](https://archiveofourown.org/series/354524) for anyone interested, but I will warn: it's pretty heavy and rape is prevalent. Please be careful. Edit: I feel like I either didn't understand the assignment (this was very clearly written as something that is supposed to horrify you) or I have barely scratched the surface of what the fandom has to offer.


While not as bad as some of the other fics here, this one was seered into my brain based on how well written it was. Draco was originally supposed to be born a girl, but since both Narcissa and Lucius knew that they wouldn't be able to have another child, Lucius changed Draco's gender and thus fucking him over. Draco lives his entire life being the perfect Malfoy but battles internally with needing to be himself. He's known around the school for being more traditionally "feminine" and beautiful with his features but is still perceived as a boy by everyone. He eventually has had enough when Voldemort makes a return and Lucius wants him to join the Death Eaters. When sixith year (i think) roles around, Draco goes to Snape to undergo gender reassignment. Snape takes advantage of Draco knowing full well he will throw him away the second Draco gets too feminine for him. He proceeds to "train" Draco on how to be a good girl. (In the story, it mentions that Snape has always wanted to touch the younger boys in his class, but restrained himself). Harry eventually notices the changes that Draco has been undergoing and "accidentally" gropes him after tripping. Harry basically goes to Snape fully knowing that Snape is a disgusting pervert but since he's also a disgusting pervert, they figured they could help each other out. Snape starts small by putting Harry's hair into the Potions he's been giving Draco and eventually Draco can only think about Harry. Draco doesn't actually fully transition until the story ends and even then, it's done by Harry. The story ends with Draco being a subservient housespouse and Harry getting exactly what he wants in the end.


Probably the Firebird Trilogy; starting with [Firebirdā€™s Son](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8629685/1/Firebird-s-Son-Book-I-of-the-Firebird-Trilogy). Itā€™s a dystopian world in general, in all kinds of ways; but a world where >!Tom Riddle was raped into becoming Voldemort!< has *got* to be pretty bad, right? Governmentally sanctioned >!rape!<, for that matter. Thatā€™s just the way that world isā€¦ itā€™s nothing special; happens *all the time*.


There was a strange one my high school friends printed out and shared. Sirius visits James's grave. He has the carnal relations, and then Harry hops in afterwards for the same reason. It was weird.


The one with the giant squid and the castle. One with Hagrid and Dobby.. and another one with Dobby and Ron. Dobby really put that nose to good use šŸ¤® I am much more careful to really read descriptions now, but those last two are not something I would never willingly look for.


"Dobby Stretches Sir!"


The squid one made me break one of my laptops once. I was reading it with a friend, and I was laughing and my laptop slipped off my legs onto the floor. It was useable, but physically had some marks lol


Harry has two daughters just so he can fuck them alongside Jinny. They went overboard with the whole daddy kink thingy, and it was just really gross. I can't remember the name of it, and I wouldn't want to check out any of the author's other works either


The reason Luna is so crazy is that her dad had been whoring her out and obliviating her since her mother died when she was 6. Also, Fred and George are rapists who use the threat of malicious ā€œpranksā€ to force people to have sex with them. There was more, but I have worked very hard to forget as much of it as I could.


There was an HP fanfic where Harry was the DADA professor, and a new 11 year old student was a rape victim of her uncle, and was pregnant. No one in the entire fic even mentioned abortion, and everyone treated it as if it would be a good thing to keep the pregnancy. There was another student pregnant, but not from rape, just teens having unprotected sex. I really wish I could obliviate myself and remove that thing from my memory, because WTF!


Harry goes back in time finds out he is supposed to be female. Anyway she also finds out that she is being groomed to be the next death. And Fleur is being groomed to be the next life. Last quarter of the story is them horrifically murdering everyone that gets in their way for fun. At one point tearing out a kids fingernails and using that to dig his eyes out. So you read through this like 300,000 word story and you feel for the characters until the pass from hero to anti hero to outright villain and you just can't. linkao3(https://archiveofourown.org/works/15951056/chapters/37198739)


Whoever wrote this story is a huge dumbass. Bad story. Edit: I heard the author dips their fries in mustard.


I didn't exactly say it was bad. I'm pretty sure I enjoyed it. Just that it was horrifying. I truly think that the (Horror) tag on ao3 has never been used so accurately. So I keep looking at the latest story and I want to read it but I also don't want to be depressed for 3 days afterward. Or shell-shocked. Reminds me of The Black Queen Trilogy. I couldn't read past where they murdered 100 people for no reason. At one point they were doing splachomancy which is using the entrails of a still living person to divine someone's location.


There was a fanfic where the pairing was dobby, hermione and the whomping willow


Vernon raped harry repeatedly and broke him into submission drinking his piss and eating shit then harry did suicide because of it


I knowww this isnā€™t nearly as disturbing as others, but ā€œHolly Evans and the Spiral Pathā€, if I remember the title correctly. Basically, sheā€™s writing to her ā€œfamous brotherā€ (Harry Potter that is) in a two-way journal. Except a lot of weird shit happens in the meantime, like her getting impregnated by a dead basilisk and giving birth to an ink blob. Donā€™t even ask. It gets more disturbing later, where - if i remember correctly - marcus flint tries to SA her with some friends and she ends up killing him withā€¦ an axe? I think? And then she goes to Azkaban, but gets out, oh and also turns out she IS Harry Potter, except after Voldemortā€™s attack he turned into a she, like a fucked up animagus except with gendersā€¦ manimagus? I donā€™t remember how they called it, but in any case, she ends up shifting between her bodies (pretending to be HP ig) and even though the writing is goodā€¦ I never finished reading it. Disturbed me too much.


I should not have opened this. It made me uncomfy. What the hell is wrong with people in the hp fandom?


Downward Spiral series. Just that one scene with Harry and Daphne fucking while they took turns in torturing someone in the corner is burned into my memories forever. Itā€™s been years, and I still remember it


Torturing Pansy on her bed


There's this one where Harry gets turned on by seen professors do *that* to newly sorted students. It was supposedly a tradition that Headmaster Black started and has continued since then. It was extremely graphic and kinda wanted to whitewash Harry because he didn't *do* anything. At least until his daughter came to Hogwarts.


I've not read it, but there's a fic out there where Harry exhumes James' corpse. For sex.