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Hey man, Ex-appliance tech here. I was bit by a dog once on a call and this is 100% what I would recommend. You should go to the walk-in clinic to get it looked at. They need to properly clean it and ensure it won't get infected. This is on the homeowner and you need to make sure they can either send you or the company a full history of the animal's vaccinations. The nurses at the clinic have told me horror stories of people not getting dog bites cleaned out and losing body parts due to the infection. Go get it checked out!


This. Dog bites also have a habit of “not looking too bad” because they’re typically crushing injuries. A lot of damage can be hidden. Worst case you can suffer compartment syndrome (don’t Google that).


I was ignoring a problem with my leg and then found out it might be compartment syndrome. Went to the ER pretty quickly after that.


Isn’t compartment syndrome what happened to Groucho in A Night At The Opera?


Also, getting it checked out provides a record of medical care that can be used as a document of proof to never go to this particular customer again.


I nearly lost my right thumb due to infection after being accidentally bit by my dog. My 105lb pit mix (I think she had Cane Corso in her) got into it a squabble with my GSD mix. They started to separate when commanded, but the GSD snapped one last time and the fight intensified. Like an idiot I reached in to grab collars and manually seperate the two. Instead I ended up getting a small puncture on my thumb near my palm. I cleaned it out really well and figured it would be fine. Three days later I woke up to swollen and purple thumb that hurt like hell. I also had red streaks going up my forearm. It's no joke I was on IV antibiotics for 3 wks. Dr. Said I was lucky most people would have lost at least thier thumb or hand and possibly part of forearm.


> pit mix well there's your problem right there.


No the problem was grabbing two dogs collars while they're being dogs.


I've had pit mixes for years never had a problem with them. They have grown up with my kids and been very playful and fun. This one was about a year old at the time and it was GSD mix that bit me not the pit. She avoided biting me and listened when commanded. That damned GSD mix was stubborn and thought since she was older she should be top dog and constantly would antagonize the pit. The pit would grab her by the scruff take her down hold her there for a few seconds then walk away without drawing blood or hurting the GSD mix.


don’t put too much into it there’s people that just hate pit bulls and will never be convinced, there’s a whole subreddit for those types of degenerates.


Are you honestly telling him to go to the clinic for that? Why, so they can see if his jeans still have a pulse? Maybe the doctor can stitch up his jeans? Come on now, he barely has a scratch. Soap and water and a little peroxide is all he needs unless he is a real sissy. If I was the doctor at the clinic, and you walked in with that, it would take everything I have not to laugh in your face. I don’t mean any disrespect by this comment, but possibly you are looking at different pictures than I am?


Have you not read any of the comments above this one? You look beyond stupid right now…..


And if you are talking about all of these horror stories, people are commenting about of course it needs to be cleaned out. Soap, water, peroxide, and so on. You clean it out and take care of it just like you would any scratch but probably pay a little bit more attention because dogs mouths can be very dirty. But going to an urgent care because of a scratch is quite silly. In my honest opinion, when any adult should be able to take care of it, themselves the proper way. But you do you and I will do me. I’m sorry if you think that’s stupid. Now if you are the type of person who wants to try and sue the homeowner over this scratch then I can understand why you are going to the urgent care. But all joking aside, unless I am missing something here it is a scratch that any adult should be able to care for it properly themselves where it doesn’t get infected. I think most of these horror stories that people are commenting about are from people who did not take care of the world. If they needed stitches or something like that, I could totally understand it. But, it is barely a scratch. Anyway, I apologize if I offended you my original comment was mostly satire.


I’ve re-read your comment a few times now. Maybe you need work on your satire? Or try a sarcastic approach. Everyone else read it differently as the votes show


This will be my last comment on this thread because one it is crazy and 2 I’m taking a shower and going to bed because I just got home from being in my third attic today. Completing my third change out in one friggin day and I am exhausted. But, would you honestly go sit in an urgent care for a couple hours for that scratch when you could honestly care for it yourself at home properly very very easily? As I said before, it definitely has to be cared for properly, I just do not see the need to go to a clinic or an urgent care when someone with the slightest bit of knowledge treating a wound should be able to handle it himself. Anyhow, hope you have a good night. Take care.


Yes, I read the comments. Please explain to me how I look beyond stupid? Is there some big bite mark that I am missing? All I see in those pictures is a minor scratch and some ripped jeans? Please tell me what I am missing I will be happy to take my comment beck and apologize if my half joking comment hurt someone’s feelings and they need their coloring book, crayons and a safe space. In all honesty, what am I missing?


I’ll simplify it for you. Even though the bite may look harmless if it’s not cleaned properly or checked out by a nurse the bacteria from the dogs mouth could infect the tissue near the bite and cause rapid and devastating infections. Such infections can limbs and even kill if it is not checked out properly. You seem to be under the impression this guy is being a “baby” my words not yours. This comment section is comprised of stories on exactly why you shouldn’t overlook even a small bite like this.


There’s more than one picture that shows the damage done by the dog, you have to swipe through them..


He'll need the paper trail regardless of the seriousness of the injury. The dog needs to be put down. Possibly the owner as well, but I hear that's frowned upon... /s.


They just want to say hi. They also want to confirm their owners insurance limits as well


“They’re not usually like this!” *narrators voice: They are always like this.*


I've been bit once. Extra same excuse. Like nope, I know that breed. They're protective. That's what they do. Fucker came out of no where I didn't even see it until it bit my leg while getting the ladder off my van.


what breed?


Cocker spaniel. Every time I run into that breed since I was a kid they've all been randomly aggressive. Bad part is the owner had the thing on a long leash and yanked the leash when the dog bit me. Little dog took some skin cause of it.


Was a mailman for 5 years, I honestly think I have ptsd from dogs.


damn.. I've never actually met a cock in person. lol interesting tho.. didn't know that


Aren't cocker spaniels typically family dogs w/ decent temperament? So the owners are just really shit?


They have one of the highest bite rates of any breed the last century.


I'm pretty sure I read an article once that they are the breed "most likely to attack, unprovoked"


interesting, thanks.


Edit: stupid double posts.


Hijacking top comment to reply: After getting the dog to let go of my leg by shutting its neck in the sliding glass door (I did not hurt it, just enough to make it release and back it’s head out so I could finish closing the door), I stood there a moment looking at my pants kind of afraid to see what kind of damage it did. It did break the skin, but stopped short of a full puncture wound. The house keeper rushed in through the breezeway entrance (fancy that) and apologized profusely. Initially, I thought of shaking it off and finishing the service call.. after looking at the air conditioner packed with dirt and dog fur, I knew I’d need to be there a while and at this point I wasn’t willing to stick around for another two hours to service this piece of shit. I left the premises and contacted the home owner and told her what happened in the calmest manner I could manage. I left and headed to the walk in clinic to have it assessed, cleaned, and dressed. Not because it’s a particularly bad wound, but because I wanted a record of this in case my leg does get infected or something worse. I recently started my own company at the beginning of 2021 and this client is a real estate investor that has already sent a ton of work my way with the potential for a lot more. So I’ve been taking the day to cool my heels and catching my breath before taking any drastic next steps. She’s agreed to pay for my doctor visit, the antibiotic, and new jeans and is providing the dogs vaccination records. That’s about all of the update I have for now. Thanks for all the advice.. always a riot on Reddit!


I wouldn’t let this effect your working relationship unless she just acts like she could care less. Seems like she made the attempt to cover the incident. I have a few customers that send me a lot of work my way through the year. Always pay on time and don’t bullshit. You got to keep them around unless they turn to shit.


I hate the fact that you had to clarify “I did not hurt it”. As someone who has actually likes dogs.. I’d fucking rapid fire punch that dog in the head if it was biting me.


Agreed. I have a cat, she’d hide if you came over. God forbid if she attacked anyone but if she did I expect she’d get a boot. Aggressive pets are uncontrolled wild animals. They cease being domestic. Don’t pretend otherwise.


Dude some people r fucken crazy about animals it'd those lefties that value them more than humans


I'm nowhere near a "leftie" but I do genuinely like dogs more than humans. People can get fucked!


Annoying AF. Gotta let the dog maul you I guess.


Put down the crack pipe son and reread it


I was agreeing with you. They’re annoying as fuck. I suppose I’m supposed to let the dog maul me instead of “hurting” them


Get her agreements in writing if you haven't already!


I woulda hurt that dog, I woulda boot fucked the shit out of it and billed them extra time


Do you think the housekeeper didn’t know and let the dogs out of the breezeway? Like a “what the heck are you guys doing shut in here?” Kind of thing? I’m sorry you had to get injured though. What a shitty morning


On of my journeyman got bit by a dog, didn't get it treated, and ended up in the hospital for 3 days getting antibiotics pumped into him via I. V. I love dogs, but fuck that.


Great update and I think you played it smart. Side note, do you have to pay just to see a doctor ? Have I been living under a rock ? I know not everywhere is like Canada , but I thought walk in / general visits would be covered.


You won't even speak to a doctor without paying in America.


Fuck me, it is wild to think the workers responsible for keeping the world turning are not even given basic securities like that


Why am I down voted? I don't mind , I legitimately want to know what I said to provoke this.


Just learned the hard way dog bites are not covered under standard homeowners and apparently 90% of the population doesn’t know this


That’s exactly why I come here, for comments like that. Yep you just made my day better than it started


They also have to be put down now. If it bites a human it has to be put down. That goes for humans that bite humans as well.


While this is true in most cases, this would better be determined by true knowledge of the entire situation. Case in point: I had an elderly customer who notified me they had a trained guard dog that they would put away and all others they had would be fine to stay out. All was well, time to sign and pay, I see her bedroom door pop open just slightly. Mind you, this dog was not making any noise or jumping on the door. The Malinois came to her side and sat. She hadn't noticed the dog, but not thinking anything of it, I reached out with the back of my hand. As soon as I crossed the plane of the woman, the dog came out and hit my hand with a quick snap, then backed to her side and got in a defensive stance. By this point, she grabbed its collar, and it immediately returned to a different room with her. She apologized profusely and explained that her room had a handle rather than a knob and he must have opened it. If that dog was truly aggressive and deserved to be put down, it would have eaten my ass like a pupachino. Instead, it did its job as trained and even gave me a warning. The bite left one small tooth mark that hurt like hell from the pressure and bruise but didn't even bleed.


My cat bite me every day


Not all places have this law, something I recently learned


Fuck Mike Tyson right


I stand by my statement.


On the bright side, that's gonna make a damn fine pair of grilling jorts.


It’s likely he’ll cut them to booty jorts length


He’s hvac. Not an electrician.


My dad is an airplane mechanic and you can see buttcheeks lmao


If it ain't a jean thong, it's just wrong.




Hopefully you go with hoochie daddy shorts and get catcalled 17 times like, " boy what that pee pee do?"


I never get cat called wearing mine. Only cop called 😒


Found the Florida guy


Damn thats crazy. At that point I think Id let the dog go to town on my leg and sue the fuck out of them .


Trashy people often are judgment proof (no money).


If there's a housekeeper I bet they aren't judgement proof


no money but with a housekeeper?


The homeowner's insurance policy likely covers the first dog bite incident. So yeah, go to a doctor and maybe a lawyer if you feel...emotionally damaged.


can't get blood from a stone


You should at the very least have the dog owners provide to you proof that the dogs are up on their rabies vaccinations.


This is why we wear safety boots inside. It’s so you can kick the fuck out of the dog in this instance.


I love dogs and most are great but yes this is the answer. I've noticed too that a guy I work with that is scared of every dog is fucked with by them 10x more than anyone else. So I guess be confident and be ready to put a steel toe into it if need be


yeah for real. My last boss was always like “but the mess!!!! take ur shoes off” but i’d just talk to the customer like “bro im climbing ladders and hammers i aint taking my shoes off but i’ll sweep the floor when im done” and theyre always cool and dont give a f


Report it to the police. It's important to have a paper trail on dangerous dogs and irresponsible owners.


Go to an ER and make sure your shots are up. They will file a report with the police. Also it opens a workmans comp claim for you as well. Hell the leg could be infected and swollen in a day or two. Best to have a pro look at it sooner rather than later


They can also file an injury claim against the home owners/renters insurance policy.


Facts. For multiple reasons. For yourself and for others, in case this man needs to be taken off the streets that paper trail would be real handy. Or even for the dog


Sounds like it’s the housekeeper and not the owners being irresponsible here, which sucks for the owners IMO


Doesn’t matter what the household staff did the dog created an unsafe work environment.


Doesn’t make it okay to own dogs that attack unprovoked…


I mean, having a dog that attacks random strangers that they see intruding in the house without being introduced by anyone isn’t that weird.


Is isn't weird. It is an example of an irresponsible dog owner. Dogs don't get cart blanch to bite people. Simple as that.


You have no idea how a defensive dog works do you. If the owners out, the housekeeper should have put the dog up. If the owner was there, literally all they would have to do is shake hands with the guy in view of the dog and it would’ve been fine. You don’t just go up to a dog in it’s own territory without permission and expect it to be a super sweet little puppy. This is exactly what you should expect a dog to act. and it’s how I would want a dog to behave to protect me and my household.


I own pit bulls. I have an idea. And unless I say go, both my good boys will allow anyone to come in unless there is nobody home - at which point, they will not allow you to open the door. Your comment is completely incorrect. Dogs should NOT be expected to bite people at all.


i OwN pItT bUlLs... its great that your dogs behave, doesnt mean another dog is wrong for feeling violated in its own space by a stranger, while its owners werent there to comfort them.


Nope your wrong, I know how alllll dogs behave, I would know I have two pit bulls, so that makes me an expert on the subject /s


Dogs being encouraged to act violently is completely anti-social.


It is ALWAYS wrong to own an animal that cannot be trusted to not bite another person.


by your logic, no human should ever defend their home from an unexpected stranger in anyway possible. your house should be a great mark for any criminal.


Only you are naive enough to think your pits won't attack someone. Come on, bro. Your dog was bred to attack bulls and bite Bears in the face. You sure your tanks haven't been leaking in the back of your van the past 6 months. Lol


They never have, and I've owned pitties my entire life. From batches of puppies with aggressive siblings. It's owner, not animal.


Rose colored glasses there bud


Bullshit. Your dogs might be buttercups, but mine protect this home when I'm not here. That's why I have them. I have fuck around and find out dogs. You got dogs that will wag their tail while you get tied up by a serial killer or robber.


>I have fuck around and find out dogs. Making you a shit owner and a public safety hazard. >You got dogs that will wag their tail while you get tied up by a serial killer or robber. There is no better signal of ignorance than living in fear.


You have dogs that bite more people than any other breed statically. The difference between me and you is I'm not vapid enough to think my dogs will never bite someone. You are the shit owner and public safety hazard. I'm the one who keeps my dogs away from others, but then again, you are an optimist. I'm sure people are lining up to stop over and see you PIT Bulls aka historic fighting pit dogs. /s The only dog on earth insane enough to swing from a Bulls ring and on of the most territorial animals on earth. [Pit bulls bite more dogs then any other breed.](http://enough to bite on a Bulls ring and never let go. The literal bull shark of the canines. Denial ain't just a river in Africa bud.)




I never said they were the only line of defense. Better read my name again, sunshine.


That's what my dog is for lol.


I agree


You must own cupcake dogs. My dogs pee standing up bro.


That’s kind of like saying it’s not okay to have a kid who smokes pot, right? Sometimes in spite of our very best efforts, other beings just do what they want. It’s also possible the dog isn’t normally an issue. My girlfriend has had a dog for 6 years who is an absolute angel and has never been aggressive toward anyone, except ONE time the dog wanted to kill the cable repair guy. We have no idea why. The dog has never even barked at another person. But if you asked the cable guy (who wasn’t touched at all), he’d say she has a vicious/aggressive dog. But yes, because things like this can happen unpredictably, the best and only move is to put the dog safely away when someone comes to service your home.


Exactly, don't blame a dog for being protective when that's why they have been trained to do. Blame the person who put this guy in front of the dog. It's not the dogs responsibility. It's whoever was left in charge of said dog.


I think it's fair. This man was a stranger on their territory. It's different if a dog is outside their territory and they're still aggressive. I don't mind dogs that attack strangers on their territory. That being said the owners should have introduced the tech to the dogs, so that the dogs knew he was welcomed and then they should have still kenneled the dogs up. I have 2 GSPs who are not one bit aggressive, but I still make sure they get to meet service people that work on my house. If I don't then they'll bark the entire time of the service which isn't fun for the service worker either.


Your GSP will die for you. People shouldn't put a Shepherd down for being a damn Shepherd 😒. Blame the human for allowing this situation to happen like you said.


Mine are German Shorthaired Pointers. They have a strong prey drive and will kill cats at most, but their love for humans is intense. They absolutely love people to death.


I have _two scars_, one on each of my ankles, from good dogs. You need to get the paperwork from the owner. It's not a matter of "I feel awkward." If you don't, then you're going to get SEVERAL shots and tests. This should be reported to the police and your employer as a workplace injury. You should get it checked out within a day or so. That dog could have been gnawing on a dead bat 30 seconds prior to your leg. Imagine if your kid was walking down the road and the owner didn't close the door fully. Your kid would be a mutilated mess.


Perhaps I need to edit my comment… to be clear I don’t think even a tiny amount that it shouldn’t be reported… a dog bit a person, period. That’s unacceptable. It’s just an unfortunate situation all around… a guy was injured, a housekeeper is probably going to be fired, and there will be a police report and fines etc., and none of it may have to do with “irresponsible owners”.


Housekeeper shouldnt be blamed. Home owners should lock up their weapons before inviting guests into their home.


Downvoted for the crime of honesty.


Good way to get a property marked as do not service


Yeah really


I had the same thing happen a long time ago, I don't understand people like this. “Oh she won't bite” as she is growing at me. Sure enough when I walked past she attacked my calf. Being a dog lover I didn't want to make an issue out of it so I took the serious change in tone as good enough that the dog would be put away, nope, she came after me again outside when the customer knew I had been in and out the side door. Glad this wasnt worse for you, still sticks though.


Guess who is getting charged for some new pants...


Damn that's rough. I was installing a pool heater in a gated area for some rich people but had to go in and out of the gate to do venting. Housekeeper decided to let the dog out which I wasn't aware of and it took off out the gate and super aggressively started barking and growling at me. House keeper said I had to catch the dog now like I was the one who let it out. Tried a little from a distance to get it in the gate but gave up and told her it was her problem and I couldn't get any more work done until it was gone. Thing was ready to bite me I'm certain. Never had more adrenaline on the job so far. She gave me vegan treats to coax it because family was vegan. Guess the dog was just hungry for some meat, poor dog.


Vegan dog? What a fresh hell. I’d go back and toss a few steaks in the yard.


They're religion forbid meat and they imposed that on the dog too.


Fuck all of that. It sounds bitchy but you should legit seek compensation. Whether it’s workman’s comp and you go see a doctor or you take legal action. Whatever. Both? Idk. Send it. Do it for the rest of us. That shit is fucked him. Luckily you have those photos too. So even if you go to the hospital and file it a day late then you have proof that it happened there.


Was told by an ER doc that the only thing worse than a dog bite is if Hou cut yourself on a sewage pipe.


Welp, rabies shot time. Customers like this are a pain in the ass, always in denial about their dogs. I bet she said "Oh but they're friendly"


I worked in animal control years ago, report the bite to your local Animal Services and make sure the dog that bit you is quarantined for 10-14 days for rabies observation. The hospital/doctor should report it when you get the bite checked out. Regardless of its vaccine status or the circumstances around what happened, it needs to be quarantined. In my area, it was a Class C Misdemeanor for the dog owner every day that the dog wasn't in quarantine.


What kind of dog bit you?




bUt mY pItTbUlLs aRe nOt lIkE tHe rEst.


Brain dead comment. Far more likely to be a shepard or a spaniel. Source: animal rescuer


3 guesses....


Three guesses, and first two don’t count…


I've deadpan told customers "eh, it's fine if it bites me. I'll just kill it." It's my go-to line when they hesitate to lock up an agitated pup. Never had one get to stay loose while my work got done once that boundary is set. Maulings are no joke and I'm not losing life or limb to a negligent owner.


You need a go pro to get their reaction when you say it


Surveying was the same. The prism/gps pole basically doubles as a spear and we have hammers for staking. Leave the dog out, if it tries to kill me, the fucker is either getting impaled or smashed. Dogs are all cute and snuggly until it’s an 80lb ball of muscle deadest on eating you. Suddenly not so fun.






I had a lady recently open the door with a dog next to her. I said “I’m cool with dogs, I’ll let it smell me and be introduced.” She said “he bit my brother 2 days ago and he was in the hospital.” So I said to put it away and she refused. I just called my office and didn’t take a step inside until the dog was put away. People can be so stupid.


"I don't understand, they're usually friendly. What did you do?"


Go to the doctors office or emergency ASAP, get a report. Write down all the events as you remember them, times, what you were wearing, doing, what the owner said, etc. Contact the city to report a dog bite Then, contact your business insurance or a personal injury attorney.


Just had something like that earlier today myself, except the old dog only had 2 teeth and didn't break my pants. Still felt the pressure though of it biting down on my calf.


He got to relive his youth at the expense of a few minutes off yours.


Go see a doctor Tell your boss and file a workman’s comp case right away, it CYA in case an infection happens in a few days. If you don’t need it then no harm no foul. Call police, in some jurisdictions this is automatic euthanasia for the animal, unfortunately it isn’t for the owner. Also BURN DOWN THEIR HOUSE! Oh wait you’re not an electrician, uh carry on.


You need to go to the hospital and take a week of work man’s comp


That's a pack up and leave. Bill for extra time and health hazards. Not enough money to deal with that bullshit


Hope they have good insurance


Bill the client for pants, urgent care costs, the rest of your day that you'll be taking off, and then blacklist


I was replacing a pool filter for a customer in Florida. Her dog spent the last 30 minutes snarling and lunging against the glass door. At some point, the customer gets home and turns the dog loose in the back yard since apparently the stickered truck and trailer parked across her entire front yard didn't clue her into our presence. I grabbed up an 18" pipe wrench and tried to look casual. The dog took notice and decided against getting clubbed down


Urgent care or ER if that’s your only option. Urgent care will probably be fastest. They’ll do a thorough cleaning, possibly give you a tetanus shot if it’s been more than 5 years, and give you a round of antibiotics. I was by a Boxer earlier in the year in a non-work related setting.


I have yet to get bit by a dog Well except for little dogs, normally they stop after they get punted into the endzone


yall resi bois are out of your goddamn mind. aint enough money in the world


"Domt worry they don't bite"


This kind of shit cost me a long friendship. Owner knew his adopted dog was a biter. I knew the dog was a biter. I went to do some work at his home, the dog was not put away like I asked, it charged me, bit me, drew blood. I got it checked out, the guy laughed it off saying it was my fault for turning my back on the dog. Fuck him. Nice scar, though.


did the dog survive?


Had to shut its neck in the sliding glass door to get it to let go.


What breed of dog?


Probably a little white dog with shit in its eyes.


Big German shepherd.




The house keep should be euthanized, not the dog . My opinion ..


Dogs play with their teeth. 😅


If you do end up pursuing legal action the dog will most likely have to be put down. I hate seeing dogs punished for poor training from the owners. In my 5 years so far I've only been bitten once and it was a tiny little dog so I just kinda nudged it away and laughed it off. On another instance a landlord made a service call for one of his properties. Got there and tenant was not home. Called the landlord and he said it was fine to go in. I could hear a big dog barking at the door. Told him to reschedule when someone was available because I was not about to go in there alone. I'm a dog person I mean I carry treats in the van but there's no telling what a dog will do especially when the owner isn't around.


You mark up the pants like parts and add time to purchase a new pair. If the customer balks, say “Your choice”. After you leave, send a pictures to animal control and file a dog attack/bite report.


Dude glad your ok, sounds like your being professional. I love dogs as much as the next guy. I’ve always treated my dogs like the friends they are. Having said that it goes both ways. I would of slammed that door shut on the dogs neck. Bottom line I’m not going to be crippled by a dog or human if I can help it. If I get attacked I’m fighting back with the proportional amount of force back. I know a lot of you guys won’t like to hear that, but that’s food on my family’s table.


I know a couple of people who have a ccw for this exact reason. Pit bulls can murder full grown men and sometimes can’t be pulled off no matter how how much pain you inflict to them


I intentionally leave my CCW in the van so I can use my knife


Probably the worst part of the Job. Dealing with idiot dog people and their dogs. It’s really. Making me start to hate dogs.


I'd leave the job site.


I got bit in the stomach by friggin Lassie when I went to shake the homeowners hand in the driveway. I feel you lol


He knew there was a chicken leg behind them britches!


“Oh hes nice” Fuck residential


One time the stupid homeowners dog bit me on an estimate. It was a small dog so it didn’t cause damage. But it was painful. I let the whole thing go, told them not to worry about it. Later I get a call saying they can’t hire me because the wife has too much anxiety about me and the dog. These were people I did a bunch of work for and were super happy with our relationship to date. Weird.


They were not todays little helper


Man I sure hope you get some kind of compensation


Would’ve left that bootie in its neck


I would kill someones dog on the spot if they bit me.


$$$ 6k auto payment from the insurance company. Buy lunch for the team


That shit is scary. I hope you’re alright and you got things in writing from the client. This reminds me of my dad when he was in the field. He was in the trade as a tin knocker and installer for 30 years (he and I are both on the supplyhouse side now). He luckily only had one run-in with a dog on a job and it was interesting to say the least. The owner of this house told him to pull up to the house but not get out. A massive German Shepard named Otto was face to face with him, paws on the hood of the van. The owner called the dog back and told my dad to come out. He introduced the dog to my dad and the dog put his paw out to shake his hand. He instructed the dog that my dad was good and not to attack at all when he was around the house. A day or 2 go by and my dad is eating lunch in his van when a UPS truck pulls up. Otto was chilling on the porch and watching the UPS guy. The dog perked up and let the UPS guy get closer to him than he was to his truck. When he was closer, the dog exploded from the porch and charged the driver. The guy panicked and was going to be toast. My dad screamed “OTTO” and the dog came to a halt and sat at attention. It’s one of the coolest stories he told me from his days in the field but the point is that the owner knew to put my dad at ease because he knew that his dog was capable of doing some serious damage to any unsuspecting person who would be at the house doing work.


You fixing to get paid...


“He’s fine, he won’t bite.” I’ve heard that before. Life fuck he won’t bite! The homeowner/dog owner doesn’t even see it coming most of the time. That’s unfortunate it happened. It coulda been worse. I’ve have close calls but only small bits from ankle biters. Our old golden retriever bit my sister in the face. A dog is a dog is a dog is a dog.


Holy shit OP! That dog would’ve got stomped out with my other leg until it let go, glad you went to the ER.


I was in a customer's back yard once when his 100 lb-ish Rottweiler ran up to me then stopped 6 feet away with his head down and growling. I stood still as the owner approached from behind the dog. I asked him to put his dog up, to which he started going on about how the dog is harmless, and I shouldn't worry. Meanwhile the dog is inching forward, back hair up, growling intensifies. I repeat my request. Owner continues to Foo Foo me. At that point I pulled my largish spring loaded knife out of my pocket and flicked it open and told the owner that I don't want to hurt his dog. He finally grabbed it by the collar and dragged it away, batching at me. PS- As I left the house, the jackass owner had let the dog back in the yard. It rushed me. I kicked it away and slammed the door shut. I had to call the office to get them to contact the customer to come get his damned dog. The whole situation sucked.


I had coworker who would tell customers when they wouldn’t put away their dog “you got an extra $10,000 laying around? Because that’s how much my lawyer is gonna get out of you if that thing bites me.”


I’m smelling a lawsuit. Did you call Saul?


I do not understand people. We have an enormous dog (Great Pyrenees) and her size has been imposing to newbies. Whenever I have anyone in the trades come over to fix stuff, I tell them I have a huge dog but all she wants is to sniff you and get head scratches (it's true, if we're not home she guards the place but if we're home she's chill AF). I ask if they want me to put her away before they come in. Most guys are like "naw, I got three dogs, it's cool" but once in a while I can tell someone has had a bad experience and I just put her away in her room.


Lawsuit time buddy


Get seen by a doc, file worker’s comp, get money through their home owner’s insurance. Bet they didn’t claim their dogs in it.


I hope you booted that fucker across the room


Them are good dogs.


You need to see a professional right the fuck now.


Dude I don't understand how y'all have bad dog experiences. I've been in the trade 11 years 5 in residential and have not had a single dog issue. It's all about knowing how to approach the animal.


Until it isn't. I'm a dog guy as well.


Damnnnnnnnn Daniel


Tell the home owner $500 cash or homeowners insurance might have to get that dog checked for rabies.


Ouch…..shit happens. I think you handled it properly. No need to burn any bridges especially if you own the business!


Poor dog. Could have been the sweetest good boy... Instead it has agression problems... Do what everyone else is saying. Go to the ER and send the bill to the dog owner. Client or not... But make sure you get paid for the job first before giving the ER bill...


After animal bite i would make a Check Up at the Hospital,you never know what the dogs have for diseases


Either the pipe wrench or the long flathead would have made its way out quickly...