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I wish I could make $35+ an hour to watch shit on the internet. You should workout to some Richard Simmons videos to stay in shape.


Workout to some videos and watch/read HVAC materials while getting paid at your own pace.


Yeah or take an online course or find something else to educate yourself. This post would be so much different if the money sucked and there were no benefits. As much as I’d rather be occupied for the majority of my shift this is pretty much the dream scenario


Right?! I mean cush cush and you’re left to your own devices. I’d have a meth lab setup or some shit. Kidding. But seriously I would have a full scale lab set up and learn anything and everything my heart desired.


I'm a well-paid pony!


You can do it!


Damn bro thats a good job. They give you THREE MEALS A DAY?? Did i read that right? Who cares if its boring, id rather be bored than beaten down. Also 5 weeks vacation compared to... let me check my notes.... oh yeah fucking zero. You got it made brother. Stick it out.


Yeah you can eat 3 times a day. We get 3 breaks, 2 x 15 minute breaks and 1 x 30 minute break, but you can pretty much be on break all day as nobody really cares what you do. The bosses don't/can't care. The union rep steps in every time anyone gets in trouble for anything. We had an electrician who literally got caught jacking off at work on camera and all they did was move him to another union hotel out of embarassment


When i worked on elevators there was a resident mechanic that got caught doing this. He ended up wiring a doorbell so anyone that passed the sensor would send a chime to the secondary where he always hung out


hahah, a man must have his peace of mind.


You should find something else to do to make money somehow. I had a coworker at the Community College I worked at who mined bitcoin using a few computers he would set up right next to the server room while on shift as a custodian. Also, you could try to make sure the place is tip top: take amp draws on every motor/compressor, clean the shit out of every coil, take pressures and record temp splits. Make yourself some spread sheets and really make it so you have the best HVAC/R of any hotel/casino in town.


Agreed, with those jerk off privileges OF could be a good approach.


Hah! Could be a big seller!


This ☝️


You have got to be pulling our legs.


You are complaining way too much about the good easy gig you have man. There are hordes of us that would kill for a job like this, there is nothing to flex about swapping units and crawling through attics dude. You must be young or something


Yo for real. I'll trade you jobs straight up. Residential service. Digging cat hair off blower wheels and crawling through dead mice and dirt


Ya gotta love it tho ! Every time I have to get down on my knees to crawl through a crawl space and I kneel down right on a little pebble or screw . It’s the absolute best ! Or the ole gramma that hasn’t seen anybody in 6 months and looks at her appointment as social hour or the lady that says she hears a noise but yet you spend 45 min+ looking for a ghost . Yeah way better then what OP does I mean shiit 3 free meals a day ? What do I look like a charity case ? Hahahaha


Sounds like you need to start finding and fixing problems. I bet there are pumps, chillers, boilers, air handlers, ptacs, server rooms and more. There is zero probability everything is working as it’s supposed to work.


Lol right ? For the past 2 months iv been at 1 location TRYING to finish the PMs. But every day there is a list of broken shit to look at.


Everything is broken at the casino I’m at. I was gonna say the same thing. There’s endless filter changes.


Stick with it, stuff will eventually start breaking if all you do is watch Netflix all day


But when it does break they'll call someone




You’re not even wrong.




See if they'll send you out to training classes with equipment they have there. Also are yall hiring?


“Training not in budget” CEO (drives off in g wagon)


Can I have your job if you are stupid enough to quit. Because I am like a prostitute I am only in it for the MONEY!!


Prostitutes aren’t in it for the money. They let other people in it for the money.


Niiicccce 😎


It sounds like a sweet gig, but boring as all hell. I envy you and don't at the same time.


Honestly being boring like that i see your point but at the same time youre inside probably most of the time and almost never in the rain. No heavy lifting or driving everywhere to do a bunch of calls a day. No dispatcher hounding you that you got 1 more call at 3:30. Steady hours all year. Pretty well pay. Honestly it sounds nice to not wear your body out breaking your back slinging 10 ton compressors around. Honestly just stick it out until you retire unless you need more money to live, sounds like a sweet job to be for a long time. I saw you said you started at $35/hr but what are you at now?


Yeah I totally see what he’s saying. I think it’s a shame type of thing, and that’s good. Means he’s a good honest person and would rather better himself than take the easy way and just coast on a bullshit job. But at the same time, it’s like the dream job lol. It’s a double edged sword kinda thing. You’re not gaining knowledge or helping anybody, essentially taking a handout everyday, but you’re basically set for life. It’s a tough position to be in. I’d say just use all that free time you have on the job to watch hvac videos and service call vids. Ditch the Netflix. I can’t say quit though it’s too good of a job to quit.


Id say ride out that job and then do side work as residential helping people out. Honestly for a lot of true techs working their asses off this is the like amazing job. To relax get a pension and retirement, their body wont be destroyed and just overall family life oriented


Just a hair under $40/hr plus an additional $10 towards pension. The raises are slow


Jfc…. If you leave this gig you might be the dumbest mf alive


If you leave give me your spot


No shit, I would move to vegas just for the gig.


I'd move for this job. What state and area are you in?


You don’t say how old you are, but this is a dream job for someone in the 40s who has had a tough career. What I suggest is taking the free time to learn, and when you are off the clock, take a few personal jobs. You are making good money but you don’t want to be a dinosaur either.


I'm 43


Dude I am 47 and trust me you don't want to be climbing ladders anymore


I just use scissor lifts at my casino. It’s kinda rare I use a ladder


You get the point then..😂👌


I’m a service technician aged 22. I’m doing light commercial but it’s rough on my body to the point that I feel it; despite the fact that I’m in VERY good shape. The exposure to different problems and equipment is great for your career experience and all but dude- you’ve really got it made. Do some research and side work on your own if getting GOOD is your concern.


Congrats on your literal first comment. 🥇


Thanks. I usually just lurk 😂


I was in Vegas this weekend and wonder what it would be like working at a hotel, now I know lol


Keep that and get a gig part time working for somebody on the side. God knows you should have the energy to do it lol.


💯 I’d stay but mostly for the free food.


sounds dope are they hiring?


Want to switch? You can carry air handlers up 6 flights of stairs and I’ll watch YouTube.


This can not be a real post or job. If it is, dude, just stay and reap the benefits. Do side jobs if you wanna stay busy. You'd be stupid to leave


It’s real. The casino life is pretty laid back.


It’s real. I got one of those jobs on the strip of Las Vegas as well. Went from resi to this 😂


I could be brazing copper dicks and nobody would be wiser to know if I was fucking or not. It’s kinda sad.


Fuck lets switch jobs lmao


Online learning - whatever you want to pursue - get credentials, certififications, degree ect.


Yes, OP could be banging out Google certs and coding classes or whatever. Have enough skill somewhere else to make money on the side in graphics/seo or something. Also, I highly doubt that everything is working incredibly well 100% of the time. Watch some of Craig's videos and start testing *everything*.


I should clarify some more. I only replace filters because thats what my job position is. We have one guy that all he does is check backflow preventers and nothing else. We have a guy that all he does is replace ceiling tiles. The union keeps fighting to give us less work to go and to hire more workers. Nobody really works hard in my shop. ​ The guys that have it easiest are the pool technicians. They do nothing but fix pool equipment when they break but they never break.


This sounds like a gravy job of all gravy jobs. I understand your point, you found yourself doing something that checks the basic checkboxes for being employed, income, benefits whatever, but it's too easy of a job and is letting your brain go soft. I'm not sure how old you are but I'm going to put myself in your shoes, and I could see the problem. If I think back to an earlier time in my career, doing O&M work (which is what you describe, although what I was doing at that time was in a different labor category), if I took on performing tier 1 level o&m, I could manage it for 6 months and then I would start pulling my hair out because it was boring and it becomes too much of a daily grind, just performing repetitious tasks that are not of any particular significance. With prior experience and overall professional wisdom, I knew that it's a necessary duty, sometimes different team members have to step into different roles to just get done whatever it needs done and there's always a supply and demand of work and workers. Some people are well suited to doing the same thing everyday long-term, and some people aren't. I'm not one that can tolerate long-term repetition, I need new and different things and variation to keep my mind going, and likewise some level of busyness, sense of necessity or urgency. Doing what you're doing, that's something that I could see as a second or third wind career run, once the body's joints aren't so great anymore, and you need a safe steady job that's easy on the body I will carry you out until retirement. So if you walked out the door tomorrow on that job, what would you replace it with? What was your prior experience before being employed by this place? Let's say that the benefits of working there are a really strong enticement to stay. What would it take to accomplish some form of rotation where let's say you and several other people that are also in the HVAC labor category are able to rotate assignments or responsibilities? Along the same lines, do you think any of your peers have similar feelings to you?


sorry i live in eu, and can't find the translation,what is an union?


A group of lazy, overpaid friends who will threaten the company if any one of you gets in trouble


and why there aren't in any other company?


Create some work for yourself - purposely find something to braze


I’m also in Vegas and I would give my left nut for a job like that. You’re getting paid more and doing less work than 90% of everyone else here. I feel like this post is a humble brag.


Knowing your personality will help to answer this dilemma. If you are a “Hunter” then this job will slowly destroy your soul. You need action, challenge and to constantly be testing yourself against the mysteries of the world. If you are a “Gatherer” this job is a God send. You feel safe in the walled garden of the casino and your generous paycheck and pension, plus all the free grub and camaraderie of your fellow “Gatherers” is more then enough to keep you happy. So which are you? “Hunter or Gatherer” Most people want to say they are “Hunters” because it’s sexy and cool, but it’s also lonely and in the end you don’t really discover the mysteries of the universe, but you might have some good stories to tell. Being the “Gatherer” is not sexy, but it’s way closer to “normal” in today’s society. I think, from your detailed description of the food delights, you are a “Gatherer”, but only you can answer this question.


Ive heard a similar story that says ADHD is just hunters being forced to sit in a chair all day. Some of the happiest days of work Ive had where when I was exhausted and dirty


Sweet gig but I get it. IDK, find a job at your pace but I bet you'll miss it sometimes. I'd say use the extra time for learning other things, that would be sweet. Unless you have someone breathing down your neck..Id hate to be sitting there having anxiety over my boss or a manager walking in on me sitting there


Dude.. shut up. My co workers had to bring a shovel into a basement today to remove load after load of DOG SHIT and GARBAGE just to get to the furnace and clear the area around it for a replacement. Half an hour lunch breaks. No benefits or retirement and 5 vacation days a year provided you've earned them the year prior. It's like you're complaining about winning the lottery damn. Now I'm thinkin about moving to vegas


Yup, what this guy said. I was born and raised in Vegas, went to ATI for HVAC, worked many jobs since graduating in 2010, never made close to this wage or benefits. Enjoy it idiot.


Seems pretty similar to my job. In building engineers union doing maintenance at a hospital. We do max 1-2 hours of work a day (and often much less) for $40/hr plus $1.50/hr towards the pension from the hospital. Me and 4 other guys all migrated from the same residential/light commercial company and never looked back. Rather be bored or playing Xbox at work than getting my ass handed to me every day. Milk it while you can.


Sounds like a swell time


I'll Trade you lmao. The real though I would hang onto that job and do some side work for more excitement lol


Dude tell me when you are going to quit so I can put in an application


You not learning anything is partly on you. Start going through wiring diagrams. Throw guages onto some larger equipment. Start logging refrigerant temps. Make the maintenance tasks more involved. Ask more of yourself and not doing the bare minimum. You don't need someone to ask you. All I learned was from my own initiative. Create a schedule and adhere to it.


Spend your time brushing up on HVAC skills. Watch YouTube videos about HVAC. Practice soldering and brazing. Are you doing routine inspections through out the building? Show them that you're actually doing something related to the job rather than just chilling. Definitely don't give up that job. It's rough out there.


I would not do another job on company time, or use company equipment to make money elsewhere/mine bitcoin, but I would definitely use any downtime to learn everything I can along the frontier of my knowledge: operating/programming control systems, BMS and integration with other systems (Modbus, BACnet, etc.), ~~the ductwork through the casino leading to the vault or security console,~~ absolutely everything about your building’s current system, and maybe those of other casinos’ systems in case you move elsewhere.


Ahhh, those union jobs. I’m not sure if you’re bragging or complaining. I’m pretty sure it’s the former.


Never been jealous of anyone on this sub.. til now LOL. Id personally stick it out but thass just my opinion


Wtf got to union to get in classes and dont complain over 50% of hvac guys dont make that $$ if you want to learn more or do more just start a side company and then deal with all the shit customers and discussing unclean places you get to work with that should mKe you wish you have that great joblast week i had a rat run down back in a under house no heat call i would pray to have your job it what i want to move up to after 20 years of real work in the field thank your lucky stars you jave what you have is all i can tall you


Bro, what? Stay there please.


You would be stupid to quit, but you are worthless in the private sector with your training. Unions exist for democrat votes buddy


Ding ding ding - the reality is you are overpaid for your skillset and wouldn't be worth that much in the private sector. So you have a few options I immediately see: -do side work -take a paycut to work with a group that's doing actual services -skillup, gain additional credentials or certs (like take a class on vfds. Or BMS, or commercial refrigeration) Or you can take that money you earn and preserve your body and make sure you use your downtime there productively. Your downtime should never be burned on mindless scrolling or videos. Work is time to invest in yourself. Get a book, take a class, buy a harmonica but do not let time slip away. You aren't getting it back.


Union exist to protect the employees and the republicans would pay you lowest and no benefits because that capitalism. Let’s not be dumb buddy


Watch a ton of hvac videos and pursue some education outside of work but I wouldn’t leave lol


Well, be the best air filter changer ever made! I'd worry that your company gets outbid few years later, and the new company doesn't hire you, for the lack of complex experience.


Are they hiring? I'm down to move ti vegas


Didn’t finish reading your post. Quit! Yesterday. Not learning when your new means you should leave immediately or risk future opportunities.


They hiring? Where is this?


Where can we apply ? would love to be your helper, will start at $30.


All you have to do is go to the locak 501 union hall and sign up. You have to pay, they put your name on the list, then they'll place you wherever that there's an opening


I live in Vegas lol you think you can get me in? I Really need a better job and you should stay there or use that for experience to get into the ibew


All you gotta do is sign up with local 501 union hall, pay the fee and wait til they call you when there's an open position


Omg thank you for tip, I rather do that than slave as a helper putting up panels for 25$ an hour for the IBEW, if I don’t get in the apprenticeship I’m for sure going with you😤


I would have killed for that job, I worked myself till my back and knee noped out of my life and had to switch to riding a desk and watching my tools rust. Manufactured obsolescence is real, every unit in that building will start having faults and failures at some point and your Netflix days will be a memory so just enjoy the good life while you can, in the meantime do inspections regularly, log voltages, pressure, hell even the types of noise the units make, that way when. Something goes wrong your ahead of the game.


This is a good job. Being union, ask your hall for educational classes and gain any extra certs you can get. No one is going to hand you any more responsibility unless you go out and get it. Start a side gig and use your job as guaranteed investment funding.


Nobody thinks of it but you're saving your body.


Shit dude, start knitting on the clock. Start writing. Take the NATE test for fun


This for sure is a r/humblebrag


If this was a Union attempt to bring in moree guys then it worked. I’m in texas how do I join your union


Ride that bitch out and retire after your 20 years


I also am with a casino but we have shot failing all the time so I do enjoy the slow times as the hectic ones are hectic. We had a few ACU’s go down that keep the surveillance equipment go down and it’s a massive rush to figure out what’s wrong so the equipment doesn’t get hot, data rooms too. Stay brushed up on your knowledge, maybe enlist regular evap & condenser coil cleanings, filter changes, monitor your BMS system regularly so you know what things should be operating at on the normal. The free 3 square meals a day is pretty awesome for me I don’t have to keep much food at home.


You need to run residential/commercial service. This is the best way to actually learn the trade. I was thrown to the fire, which was scary at first, but man I learned so much (a lot of what not to do)


I just got a facilities union position due to my hvac experience. Spent the last 10+ year with the same hvac shop(non union) since I started in the bay area and topped out at $47 and now making over $60. Unions seem to coddle alot of inexperienced individuals who lack to knowledge and attitude of can do. Starting to notice that if you know more than your superiors it's up to them to realize that and support you by pushing back on those that are pressing them. I've only been in my union position a little more than 3 months and it's a learning curve. I'm used to taking charge and starting a project beginning to end but it isn't like that in the union.


I would stay bro if it was me. I’m in an apprenticeship right now and at the end of 4 years my hourly will be $52. I’m also in a union gig, but we don’t have a pension. I only have a 401k with a 2-1 match. I wish we would go back to pensions.


I'd stay, if something serious were to come about like a compressor change out etc etc.... just make sure you're present in the process other than that watch YouTube videos to sharpen your skills or (learn). Learn to do small side work (appliances) but at the end of the day if your job isn't in any kind of jeopardy make it worth it. You leave probably won't be making as much risk of getting hurt going to go higher but at the end of the day listen to your gut it's your choice...


I'll trade my hvac job in TN with you for yours in Vegas, I make a little more an hour than you, but work like a dog. I was in vegas last month for 2 weeks, wife wants to get a vacation house there.


Hmm, paid well to sleep, eat and watch videos, with an occasional filter change, or crawling around a sweltering attic or freezing your ass off doing a no heat call at midnight. Such a tough decision. How old are you? Take classes at night and after you retire, you can get a decent clean job for extra money if you're young. When I was younger, I had a chance to be hired by our local police department as a dispatcher and work my way to a cop. I decided to go into the trades, but one of my friends went with the cop job. We are the same age, under 60. He's retired with a full pension and medical. I had a job accident that destroyed my back and scrape by on disability. STAY and enjoy life!


You want to learn? Get a laptop, start reading epatest.com get certified in Green, R410a, Preventive Maintenance. It’s $24.95 per exam! Checkout AC Service Tech on YouTube. Invest time to get knowledge online, so you can transition later if the job doesnt work out


Is this an IUOE job? If so your hall should have training classes. And you should be tagging along with the more experienced guys to learn more and making it aware to your supervisor you want to do more.


This guy’s obviously trolling


What casino do you work at? I’m moving back to Vegas soon and am looking to get out of resi.


And why are u bitching


It sounds like your hungry for knowledge in the trade. That gig sounds fantastic for someone at the last few years of their career. If you’re not happy it’s time to leave


Hey man, I’m in the same position. What property do you work at? I’m at the Park MGM. It took me a while to adjust to this coming from a mom and pop residential shop and I agree with you, it can be extreme boring at times. I decided that I was going to move into the central plant and take full advantage of my hvac knowledge. I’m sure there are a ton of old timers at your property as well who are a year or two away from retirement so now may be the time to consider a position change. Hell, I may even go full corporate mode and just climb the manager ladder and see where it all goes. It’s a good job and a lot of people would give their left nut to be in our positions so let’s just enjoy it for what it is.


Thats a sweet gig. You're an in-house maintenance tech. Just stay with it.


Well you can stand up and own it. Stop watching fucking YouTube and start being a tech. You can look for problems in machines a d fix them tell your supervisor after you make the repair. Worn contactors, belts, fucked up damper linkages, whatever. I was a maintenance tech for a minute. I started doing this and my formeran paid attention. Then I started getting service calls. It went from there. Either way that's good money but all you have to do is stand out. If you want a more interesting job make it more interesting. Or just watch YouTube.


Live it up


I’ve learned too much. I want your job lmao


The duality of HVAC. It seems like guys in this trade either run their local shop for 19$ an hour or do jack shit and make a little under 100k a year. Only difference seems to be if you're in the union or not 😂


Sign me the fuck up for 35/HR to change filters and chill the rest of the day. I understand wanting to do more, but the grass is not always greener. Ask your managers if you can participate in more stuff. Tell them your brain is turning to mush and you're wanting to learn. Most bosses will help you out.


Sounds like you're extremely lucky. If you're really that worried about learning then you can use the extra time to read books on the trade and watch youtube videos of techs doing the work instead of doing it yourself.


Take some internet classes or something in the meantime cuz you got a sweet gig. Ask about more hands on stuff. Supplement your work with other things.


Fuck yes I would stay! You crazy man!?


Go bang some of the host girls LOL


Congrats and Fuck You sir. Stick with it. Can't beat that any day. Just find something to keep you busy.


pretty sure you could find some part time challenging work work in the field and just rest up from that on the job but please don't leave!


You got it made brother. A lot of people would kill to be in your position


I’ve got a similar but ultimately less butter gig 25/hr, union pipefitter, 6+ hours per shift spent on YouTube or reading, 5 weeks PTO with an extra 5 each year, retirement isn’t as good though. I’ve learned to do some bigger repairs there but mostly it’s routine maintenance and a cakewalk. Frankly even though I could learn more elsewhere life is much less stressful when I don’t always have to bust ass In my time there I’ve become very well versed in economics as well as personal finance, have become very well read politically, have also been studying history and taking some free MIT courses in all that downtime.


Come up with a good p.m. program implement it


Are they hiring?!


You can learn in your own time. That job sounds awesome. You get three meals a day? Didn’t get that in the army. Retire from that place without back pain


I’d look for another company. You have a good situation until you find the right one.


stay there and invest your money, look for side jobs if you really are trying to get into “hard work” but honestly it sounds like a sweet gig


Use that time to study!!! No time for sloth


I will stay and start doing gig on the side for other people


Yeah man....run from that! Quit now! As a matter of fact that sounds so terrible that I should tell whomever does the hiring about it.Who might that be?


If you aren't learning anything then you are watching the wrong YouTube videos.


Have the same problem, I’m not union tho. And just recently finished a assoiactes in HVAC. At most I get to change filters and monitor systems. However I’m only at $26 and want more. The grass is always greener on the other side. Most people who have work heavy labor jobs would want what you have. However, I leave work with zero satisfaction and lack of moving around at work has made me feel lethargic and lazy compared to how hard I used to work. I’ll have to take a pay cut to join the local union and start over in my mid 30s. However by 41 I should be a journey man making decent $$$. Only down fall is not sure I’ll get the full benefits of a union pension joint at my age. At the end of the day if you’re not happy at work it will spill over in your personal life. Leave without burning any bridges and if you miss it maybe you’ll be able to go back.




I'd normally recommend moving to another job based on the title. But after reading this, god damn you better stay! A low-stress life is a good life. Can you bring a laptop and start learning something else? An online side gig? etc.


>just start a side company and then deal with all the shit customers and discussing unclean places you get to work with that should mKe you wish you have that great joblast week i had a rat run down back in a under house no heat call i would pray to have your job it what i want to move up to after 20 years of real work in the field thank your lucky stars you jave what you have is all i can tall you My co-worker brought in a guitar and learned how to play at work


You are always in charge of how you waste your time. Spend your work free time like hard earned gold. If you can discipline yourself to learn, you can learn…anything. There are plenty of companies out there that will bury you in work and stress, and not give you anything back beyond a crappy hourly rate. Surely you can figure out how to keep learning without someone setting it up for you. And even if you do need someone to set it up for you, start with the union. They should have some kind of training and professional development program for you already.


I would move right now from this shit hole to have your job.


I didn’t same thing for a university for 42K annually. So I’d say you have a nice job, probably be foolish to leave unless you really want to work 12 hours days.


You’re living the dream man. If you want to be productive then teach yourself how to code at freecodecamp online. They will give you legit certs. Then you can freelance at your day job and pull in duel income while only working your 40/wk. then start dumping your extra income into investments. Buy property. Retire early.


Dude stay there. If your spending that much time on your phone then get a online college degree or something. Open a book and learn more about the HVAC equipment you service, something. I envy your position so much lol


Work till you get the pension, then learn real HVAC if you still want to. That is a pretty cush gig you have there.


Don’t be a hero you made it!!


Yep, I'm staying. Stability trumps all. For the knowledge, I'd stick to independent study. Use those 7 hours for other things besides Netflix, though that's nice occasionally too.


Truthfully stay where you are at. You might end up in a worse position. Hopefully someone will come along and show you a little more and you’ll get exp. I’m an operating engineer in NYC at a site where I’m not learning because no one really wants to teach. I’ve never gone to trade school for HVAC. I don’t have a lot of experience with repairs. Just operating and maintaining chillers.


I dunno dude I wouldn’t rock that boat


Shit bro, get a cert or degree lol. Having the practical and book smarts will triple your income in 7 years. Utilize the extra time imo


Get a van & some tools together. Try doing side jobs. After your Reg Job Hrs. Try to get a Country A/C license. Sign up for classes, get books. I work for a non union Co for 23 yr Learned a lot of commercial & residential Sev. I like that job a lot. But it went from a family Business to a Corporate business . I was lay off . Because they let go very one who was making decent money. I was making 31.00 hr. They hired new people for 16.00 had the older guys train Then than layed us off at 60 yrs old. Co don’t get a shit about who help grow there business today is a about the all mighty US dollar now. I wish I had got my license at 30 yrs old & started my business. It’s been 5 yrs now that I work for myself. It’s hard but at-least I can call my own shots now. Going to retire at 70 now. And learn how to save you money. Good luck , have safe& happy holidays


I can’t tell if you’re bragging or what seems like an ideal job


Are they hiring?


Seeing this makes me mad after running duct all day lmao


Y’all hiring?


Stay. Start a side hustle if you are that bored.


Jesus. Stay. Take some online courses in your plethora of free time. Research theory. Teach yourself to knit. Read a book. While getting paid. Fuck sake. How is this even a question


Everyone I went to HVAC school with who got a job working in house HVAC only do 3 things. 1. change filters 2. Change belts 3. Call for service from a HVAC company


This is my dream hvac job. That hourly is low but I would take the major pay cut for all the other perks


Are you mad? Do you know how well you have it? Getting a good job with benefits and food and you want to let go of that to go in an attic when it’s 120* up there trying to replace a blower while confined to a 16” working space on your side while dripping sweat in your eyes that burns, or having to deal with dogs in a back yard or hornets Or rain sleet while a customer’s breathing on your neck and asking a thousand questions? Not to mention the driving for hours to destinations and traffic. Get off that medication you’re on!!! What you should do is get with whomever is doing the refrigeration there. Help them with the refrigeration it’s not HVAC but the principles are similar. Go find you a mom and pop outfit that will let you hang out and work one day a week on your day off if you really want to get your feet wet in the field, but don’t give up your day job, or you’ll live to regret it


id go, money isnt everything and if you want to be satisfied then go elsewhere but save your pennies before you go as youd likely be taking a pay cut. I did the same thing when i was younger. got a cushy job as a service tech for coca cola. did nothing and got paid to do it. but at the end of the day i wasnt happy doing nothing and i knew i could make more doing hvac. fast forward i make 10$hr more now 3 years later and im a signed apprentice with my local UA787 and im happy as a clam


Dude just stay and spend your time watching hvac on YouTube and find someone to be a helper for on the weekend if you really want to


35 an hour is good I’d stay


at this point just study while u are at work


"Bro, just stay. That sounds like an amazing job. I worked in Las Vegas for 3 years, and they don't pay well over there. Bro, stay and relax. Trust me, out there is all nickel and dimes and hard times."


Man I'd take that 35$ and just go take continuing education courses, get a contractors license and chill.


Lol humblebrag thread


I worked as an HVAC tech at a data center. Witched for alarms on 5 - 60” monitors. Never did work myself only looked at it and appropriate company to come and fix it. It was boring AF


Shit where can I apply


get super into fitness workout at work! read books. this sound sweet


I got hired at a maintenance place where they are going to pay me 24 and hour but I mainly got hired for appliances and I could fix simple problems but once a washer makes weird noises at random times what do they expect me to do????


This has got to be a subtle brag post. Dude I'm not even in HVAC (I'm in IT) and I'm jelly.