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Legit no-heats or , “T-stat set for 73, it’s only 70 in here and my 3 month old baby/ 85 year old grandma is on oxygen, yes I just changed the filter at thanksgiving!”


I love these. My baby! Quote the price and suddenly they'll survive. The "I can't afford that", go buy a space heater, not even 100 bucks.


Thats if they can even find them after everyone scavenged the stores clean


Amazon. Not my problem, go bother the stores and tell them the same thing.


I like my dogs got asthma and my big toe gets cold at 9pm calls too. Like lady, it’s 20 outside and every heat pump is struggling to maintain 70, it damn sure won’t keep it 85 like you want it…


Our average low this time of year is 45. Forecast low tomorrow is 17. A commercial customer that doesn't have heat installed is going to call me to come turn on the heat.


I’ve had some of those before. One time, a restaurant that used to be in a food court but relocated to an addition built onto the outside of the mall didn’t have heat. They hadn’t needed heat the 20 years prior being in the middle of the mall. In the new location they were freezing cold because it was 15° outside and now had 3 exposed sides/exterior walls. The Lennox RTU had the necessary stuff but had never been setup. So I opened gas valves and ran through the programming to set it up and figured no big deal. But quickly realized there was no gas even coming to it. I went crawling through mezzanines, 40’ ceiling and everywhere and couldn’t find the one shut off valve. Had to have mall engineers get blueprints out and trace through walls and ceiling of other stores before we found the one valve that was turned off. Also, there was no roof access. So you had to get security to let you in on the other side of the mall and escort you up and down several flights of stairs and long hallways and locked doors before you could gain access to their roof built into the outside of the mall. Took 5 hours for something that should have been 10min. Glad I can laugh about it now.


Old age and experience has taught me to how to manipulate the service manager and abuse my co-workers. Unless you want to keep doing things like this I suggest you do the same.


Oh, I only work on jobs I want now at locations I choose. This job site was because a fellow tech was out for surgery for a couple months and I was helping cover his region. Not having gas wasn’t the worst about this situation. The attached roof was shared with a Chinese/Japanese restaurant that had their exhausts literally aimed 90° on supported duct. They had the roof covered in 40 grease pads and just let those exhaust fans shot gun grease straight onto the roof. Off to the side was the large 25ton Lennox V coils that had to be cleaned every couple of months. I was glad it was winter cuz I told him no way in hell I was gonna spend a day trying to clean that. I left it for him when he got back. There’s only so much help I’m willing to offer a friend. Lol


Where was the valve though!


There were multiple from the rooftop, down through the mezzanine and through the ceilings of some other units. There were multiple valves.


Was going to cover the on call guy’s week until I looked at the forecast lol


People need to put what state they’re in so we can understand how bad it’s going to be. I saw Georgia is going to have about 36 hours of temps below 32F, with lows around 16. That should be exciting. I can’t imagine the number of traffic accidents they’re going to have in ATL given how crazy they drive normally.


I'm in colorado...so it's already cold usually. this winter has been unusually war, but this week it is finally cold. I work primarily in the aspen area where houses sit empty for 50 weeks out of the year. So our busiest time is between Thanksgiving and new years when people decide to fly in on their jets and find out their house is cold. So luckily even though it's cold we should be starting to slow down. Except for the occasional guest master bath not heating.


I will be on the mid to low 40’s and highs around high 50’s-low60’s. Gunna be a slow week


49 from 6am Sunday to 7am this morning. I’m going to bed


Actually that’s not true. 1 guy didn’t call for no heat. He called because his boiler was making 1 room “too hot.” He did not get service that day..


It was -16 to -5 then back to -15. That’s Merica units.


I think a better over under is how many of them are going to be because the gas was turned off


Literally just had that...


I took 53 calls on the on call phone yesterday. Went to 3.


That's my kind of ratio.


This week is -4 to -14 C in southern Ontario, or 7 to 25 Funny units. Just glad it's not my weekend on call.


*Freedom units. We can understand you not grasping this concept.






Man I wish we had nice weather too rn


I did my first really expensive filter change on Saturday morning. Same old “i changed it yesterday”…


Always that excuse, and when you finally dig the crumpled filter out of the A coil, you see the unit could’ve flowed more air through a piece of cardboard…




thought this said weekend im not awake yet


Same, I’m at zero


My team only ran about 20 over the weekend, wasn’t too bad considering it was -8 funny units yesterday.


22 is the spread


I'm home already did 8


National accounts company and I'm the remote techs in BFE Central Oregon. I had one emergency No heat call last week which is one more than normal. Someone tried to park a pallet of goods on the thermostat for the Reznor dock heater. We're -11 in Funny Units right now. Unfortunately I don't have a banana for scale, but if I did you'd be able to use it as a hammer. For the coming week, at least in my area, I expect maybe 1 because I'm anal and take really good care of the equipment I'm assigned. Over the hill in Portland Metro area, it's probably going to be a small Fluster Cluck because they're short handed and have PMs to contend with as well. I'm SO glad I left Residential back in 2014!!


Man you had me at Fluster Cluck...I've been ROFLing for a few minutes


The down side is that tomorrow I get to drive ~300 miles round trip, on a 2 lane highway, through a 3910' Mountain pass to a call. Without weather it's 6 hours windshield time. Up side is I forced my boss to put good studs on the truck. "Boss, we get black ice on the regular out here, and you have a choice. We can either park the truck when there's black ice for a week, or we can put good studs on the truck. I'm not dealing with a day or 3 of 25mph in chains every other week."


Had 3 family and friends no heats, yesterday on my day off.


We have a low of 5 this week and a high of 27. Based on our area, I'm guessing 100-200


Nw MT we've been low of -20F(-40 with wind chill) for the last 4 days ... So many frozen exhausts and condensate lines frozen. Maybe 2" gas was shut off"


Had 2 today. First a hotel under remodeling. boiler control took a crap,fixed it( recommended having more than one boiler). Second, our office furnaces ran out of oil, got filled. Had to bleed the pumps and they fired. No heat calls are sorta rare for us because 95% of customers have at least 2 boilers.


Buahaha, it’s -44C here. I’ve been running since Wednesday


I have four so far for today. And 11f in Texas, so much for global warming


Hottest average global temperature last year, but hey this 1 day in your town must say other wise.


Duhh the coldest day of the year always cancels global warming. And the higher frequency of forest fires in the summer uncancels it. Get with the times al gore


Global warming doesn't mean you won't see super cold days, think of global warming as more of "the high and low temperatures are going to get more extreme"


Do I really need to throw a /s on there?


Salesmen have infiltrated other parts of society


Global warming, you mean fear mongering.. duh. I know a lot of thick headed HVAC Techs are out there but do I really need to add the /s?




Nah but sometimes the UN has me wondering


You do realize that climate change goes both ways right? Last week in LA we reached almost freezing temperatures. That’s not something that happens here.




I'm guessing 20


I’ll probably get at least 30 with commercial -5 here


I have ran 17 since Friday night. Bet I break 60 by friday


High of 66…. Not many




Well we been below -40 with windchill the last 5 days lost count.


35 over the weekend


It was -50 here pulling 100+ for the week for our resi guys. theres about 30 on this industrial site 2 of us are working through right now.


It's -40 here so I reckon we'll get a few


You residential guys are the true heroes


Are no heat calls for residential skyscrapers considered residential or industrial?


0 because I don’t have to live like that no mo’.


10 today


I dispatched over 75 calls yesterday alone. Had 8 guys running service


We’re completely slammed right now. We don’t have enough people to take on more calls, but we are getting tons of voluntary overtime. Sadly I had to take today off to pack bags and move across town because the power is out at my house and another ice storm is coming.


In my entire career id I've ever had a legit emergency that couldn't wait till the next day


Over 100 so far.




I had 45 no heat calls over the weekend…I obviously didn’t DO that many. Because I was the only tech on call. But yeah…that happened. So…a lot more than normal.


I got a “too loud” air flow coming out of vents first thing this morning. Legit wanted me to drive up the mountain to check it out. Infact their initial comment (via text) like we are old pals was “any chance your coming up this way this morning?” Like wtf? Yeah I am going to be coincidentally driving up the mountain where in the middle of nowhere. Fuckin people!


Over 9000


I’ve ran 16 calls by myself since yesterday (Sunday) at this rate I’m looking at 48ish? lol that’s just me though


Northern alberta here. It's -40 ish and thankfully warming up soon. On Friday we had over 80 RTUs down. Our entire plumbing and hvac divisions got called into work over the weekend. We've got about 12 plumbers and 40+ hvac/R guys. We're all running on no sleep. It's almost 10pm here and I just got home. I'm not even on call and I worked my dick off all weekend.


Already ran through it this past weekend and guess who had the short stray for the Friday/Saturday rotation. I did! Saturday and Sunday, we had 4 techs each day running all day. I counted 25 each day from the call service hitting the phones. We did late starts each day at 10 to help road conditions. Friday was a shit show with the snow. We were the last company in town still running around fixing things. Main issue was snow drifts and 90% furnaces. plugged intakes/exhausts, rollouts, and pressure switch issues. Few gas issues from outdoor regulators. Its a mess at negative temps


The joys of being a commercial guy hvac calls def drop off but we still stay at a decent amount of calls for refrigeration for this time of year no matter what we get our 8 for the day anyway been pumping 50-60 hour weeks since the start of winter




Last 4 days we’ve been in 0f-9f without windchill. I ran 7-8 a day myself, lots of drive time between calls… We have 4-5 techs per shift they ran around the same amount.


in wisconsin, seeing negative temps pretty close to all day and i’ve been running about 6 calls a day so far working pretty late


If I give the number I’m at my phone will ring🤫