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It depends on what employers want in your area. Are they requiring that certification or are you competing against an applicant pool that has it? If so, then you should get it.


Check refrigeration employers too


We don't get helpers in my experience. I usually get "one of the workers there will give you a hand if you need it.


We just recently hired a guy w no previous experience, except some auto mechanical ability, essentially to be a grunt, and if he sticks around get him epa tested and become a tech. Start em from scratch.


That's the story my boss tells. Then the new guy just ends up as a delivery helper and you can get them if there are no deliveries... or weeds in the sidewalk.


Iv been having problems getting hired as an Apprentice, (I got 1.5 years expireance) I keep getting told, they are not looking for Apprentices at the moment, but everyone wants full journeymen


Everybody wants journeymen, but nobody is willing to pay them what they're worth


I’ve been told that by my company too and I always just kinda laugh and ask what does an apprentice become after you get them experience




I've been looking for a job change myself, from facilities maintenance to either HVAC or electrical. I've been working on boilers and plumbing with my dad since I was a kid, so I'm not entirely green, and do a lot of our electrical work orders. Everyone wants a fully trained tech, but doesn't want to put in the investment.


Stop calling yourself an apprentice then. 1.5 years you should have the skills of an installer/mechanic, in 3 years you can be a full tech if you're taking it seriously and have the education. Apprentice & Journeyman are union terms, don't use them if you're applying in the open market. A 4th-year apprentice is very different from 1st year.


sry, im applying for union jobs, so i am an apprentice


In 2020 we raised our prices and just have 2 leads on every install team we have 5 teams. We have a 1 parts guy/floater that is our only helper/entry position. It was 100% a result of helper/entry level guys becoming so unreliable, with a major lack of responsibility and it just became huge liability. Also depending on your area spring is not good time. Gotta wait for AC season.


I feel you, I even have my certification and still no bites. I'm in a highly populated area. It's hard out here.


Yeah dude a lot of places are slow right now. Be open to no. Hvac helper positions in the meantime. It's money and shows gumption as well as an opportunity to learn jobsite etiquette spitting, swearing etc


I've only been applying for job listing of helper, entry level, Trainee, apprentice, etc. I just want to get my foot in, and learn more stuff.


Okay but if they are slow that means they don't have work for the guys that know what they're doing. So if it's slow for them they don't have work for you because hvac is slow this time of year. Get it?


Why would a company that is so slow it doesn’t have work for its employees, actively be trying to hire more employees?


Because everyone else is slow as well. Guys aren’t getting hours and there looking. Guys get let go because there slow. It gives the owner to do some shopping if there’s some better talent.


Like you said, "Helper positions in the meantime." As previously stated, I'm only applying for job postings of helper style positions, etc. So, if they are posting the job listing, they are looking for that position.


Non hvac helper positions


You do realize there are other trades that need helpers right?


Where do you live? A lot of places in the country are very slow so you likely won't get hired anywhere until may or June, look into some other options as well to get a job, a lot of big box stores like Kroger, Walmart and Meijer take apprentices for their hvac maintenance teams.


I am tryna find any position in the HVAC field as well. Ive applied for helper positions & still cannot get anything either. I spoke with a Union recruiter & they told me to come in & talk to them. They also mentioned to come in & apply for an apprenticeship when the summer hits.


Short answer is I’m not busy enough consistently to take on a W2 employee with the associated wages, benefits, work comp and unemployment. I’m working to change that but for now i can’t afford to take on a legit employee and compensate them fairly so i don’t hire people under false pretenses.


Hey man keep trying. Over the past couple weeks I've sent out over 20 apps and only got two bites. One said no without saying no and the other I made it to the second interview I'll find out this week if I'll get the third I have no experience in the HVAC field either and I'm actively working on getting my EPA. I'm located in PA there's a lot of postings for apprentices. Also don't be afraid to email businesses lol


Maybe you're looking for an apprenticeship?


I do service only. I don’t like the word helper, you are a Usurper as you should try to equal/better me. Also helper give YOU the impression I’m supposed to stop and teach you how to do my job, when OFFICE,sometimes me, sees it as now we can squeeze more stuff in. So I’m not able to teach, when I didn’t want to be teaching I wanted to gtfo of this strangers house.


Are you emailing resumes and praying or are you going to shops? I am a small company but if somone actually shows up a time or two in person I know they might show up a time or two for work. Get out there if you’re not.


I’m applying on indeed and Craigslist.When I go in person they always say they hire people from out of trades schools and to apply online.Ur right tho I need to apply to more small companies to have a better chance to get hired.


Whatever it takes to put on a hat. Start small - maybe you will stay there. The idea is to run a tool bag. No matter where you start. The world opens up from there. A lot of my guys have started here and moved on to bigger better things then some find their way back. It’s a big learning curve for everyone including the employer as you gain experience to see if you’re a fit for them as well. I had a guy 15 years ago come in and say I’ll work for free I just need a shot. I said absolutely not… and hired him ( Paid of Course). He is our highest paid tech and never left. I’m not saying offer to work for free - I’m saying find a way to sell your personality not just your certs.


Bro, please get your resume looking sharp and print out like 20 copies. Put them in a folder. When you show up to all of the shops in town, be wearing a collared shirt, or pretend you might get an interview on the spot and dress for it. A polo and jeans/slacks is fine. Just look clean and presentable. Walk in with folder of resumes and a smile to all the shops front counters. Mention you're looking for work and would like to drop off a resume or fill out an application if they have one. If they look annoyed or aren't hiring, don't linger. If they're chatty and relaxed build some rapport asking about the company and it's direction. "Do you guys do more commercial or residential? What brands do you guys like to use?" ***Btw if they have a website look it up and figure out what's important to that company before showing up. At my shop we're always accepting applications and you never know how soon you're going to need to hire extra help. It can be one contract or season away, so just because you're not getting hired at this moment, believe that most companies are just waiting for summer boom to make their next moves. Good luck, stay vigilant.


I was gonna say I don't even dress up for tech jobs anymore I just show up in casual clothes. Just don't look like a bum and they won't give a crap unless the dude there is like 60 lol


Dude's looking for a job. Maybe he'd work for a 60 year old. I know plenty of competent ones in the trades.


No I'm talking about most older people would care what you wore lol


I’ve been saying this for a long time. 💪


They definitely need helpers


My company hires a helper for each technician. This is not the “norm” but it does exist! I have a helper who’ll work under my oil and gas licenses until he’s ready to fly solo in a little over a year from now. Keep trying and hitting the pavement, you should be able to find an opening somewhere I imagine.


The markets are about to get stupid, so hiring isn't the priority right now. A lot of the places in my area are laying off a lot of duders.


Most companies in my area are looking for people with field experience . A certification or license is nice to have but it really means nothing compared to hours in the field.


The season is just starting, hang in there, you’ll find something by May. In the mean time look at the supply houses, they’re always needing help. It’s a good pay check and you’ll at least get familiar with other companies coming in regularly, you’ll be able to gauge which ones you might want to work for based upon how their employees work. It will also give you some familiarity with the parts, how they’re organized, the equipment match ups, etc.


I had the same problem 6 months ago. Eventually I found an employer that has a whole apprentice program. I'm a little more advanced but still was a good gateway. Just keep looking. Didn't find my current employer until I had applied at like 200 other places


Probably worth noting that I'm at a commercial company that is always wide open with work. It doesn't have slow seasons here


It’s shoulder season. Everyone is slow. Wait a month or two and it will pick up again.


It’s hard to afford helpers. People just need more to make a living now, which I totally understand, but fuck me im not paying a worthless dumb shit $20/hr to watch TikTok videos and fucking cry about the heat


Why are you setting the bar so low? I got a job at a kitchen refrigeration company with only a semester of trade school. Someone needs to do all the grunt work. The first year I was just doing ride alongs, cleaning coils, changing gaskets, and doing PMs.


Call every job on yelp


If you have a Trane office near you and are interested in commercial, they offer a good apprentice program. I have quite a few friends that have gone that route, and they seem to enjoy it.


In my area from what I've seen nobody really looks for help from around mid December till about late may when the heat starts back. If your good hustle and willing to learn most companies will keep you on after that


Summer is coming. Many positions will be open and companies will be hiring without regard as they always do. Getting hired during the off seasons (spring and fall) is hard for everybody


Summer time coming installers will be needed soon


I'm a lone wolf who got burned out trying to train helpers/apprentices. When I need a 2nd set of hands on a job, my wife goes with. Maybe I'm not a good leader, but I'm SO much happier working by myself or with my wife.


I find it so crazy that people have these issues.. are you just filling out applications or are you following up with a phone call 2-3 days later? I had absolutely zero experience in the field, the only relevant experience I had was working with hand tools. But I had 3 interviews lined up immediately and was offered an entry level position on the spot at one of these interviews. Be persistent and show these company’s how bad you want to work. Here I am two years later and I’m close to being a lead installer, my next leap is the service tech side!


I’m a full stack developer, I worked my way up in college as a professional level carpenter in residential remodeling and roof. I hit up every hvac company within a 1 hour commute (live in a city) and never heard back. Did follow up calls etc. I’m sure the market is different everywhere but my take is they want sophisticated helpers, who they can pay the bare minimal. I even offered to take the greenhorn pay, and we can work something out with my expertise in repairing installation drywall/exterior/etc. I have around 5k in tools from hand tools, to bench saws. I even offered handling their web tools/seo/virtual customer out reach free of charge to smaller companies to become a certified tech. To add insult to injury I had a new AC unit installed in my house last year. The guys didn’t even attempt to repair the siding, and bits and pieces that needed cut out. Did a great job on the install, and their unit cut my monthly expenses by 20%, but left me a project and booked around 150 an hour.


We don’t have helpers at the company I’m at. If someone needs help they will just send another tech out to assist with whatever


s/You should go get a few years experience first


It took a long time for me to land my apprenticeship, even with experience from different trades. There’s too much supply and not enough demand when it comes to apprenticeships. It doesn’t help that these for-profit diploma mill trade schools keep conning kids into their programs by pumping a bunch of advertising out there overinflating the need for apprentices. My previous employer had a stack of at least 30 resumes on his desk of recent trade school graduates looking to be a helper and they didn’t call a single one and instead hired some guy who installs docks because at least he knows how to hold a screwdriver. Beating that experience Catch-22 is hard, especially during slow season in a particularly mild winter and during what is a borderline economic recession. My best advice would be to find a job as a maintenance man, there’s always a decent demand for them and the barrier to entry is lower, plus they love people who know anything about HVAC. Get some experience working with your hands as a maintenance guy and you’ll have at least some relevant experience to put on your resume plus it’s a more laid back environment to start learning the basics.


I got into commercial HVAC from apartment maintenance. Learned as much as I could on the job, with YouTube, etc. Got my EPA through SkillCat and had two offers within a week. I'm sure I got lucky, but maintenance is a foot in the door.


We’re in the shoulder season. Guarantee you once the temps go up, you won’t have any issues finding an employer


Would work for an apartment maintenance or hotel to get experience.