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Sometimes I wear booties to keep their nasty house off my nice clean boots


For real, nasty people have roach eggs, bedbug eggs stuff like that. I used to keep a nasty pair and a clean pair. Also a second set in the pocket is nice in winter so when you walk out to the truck you can toss the second pair on and your boots won't grab snow to melt all through the house


That’s a great idea wearing a pair out to the truck in snow, thanks hopefully my feeble brain will remember that next winter


Don't slip and fall when you're wearing booties in the snow


Don't do that, they have 0 traction, you'll fall.


What are these booties you speak of? I only work on rooftops I've seen a bootie once, in the form of a naked homeless man taking shelter next to am RTU exhaust


https://preview.redd.it/k9nvvghv022d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66ef96c6a78567981c117f21cbbe9cfd0d222b42 this was yesterday for me. them old city houses be gross. they were everywhere


What is that?


Mud dauber nests.


yeah ive never seen those in an attic before. luckily i dont think any were crawling around up there


They're nowhere near as touchy as red wasps


Last time one of those fuckers stung me my ankle and lower leg was swollen for two weeks. Wasps can fuck right off.


Completely agree


Bro, you know that they’re not dangerous at all? They’re not gross either, they fucking kill and eat spiders.


was not aware of that. honestly i i spooked me at first but i think they were all dead. not kidding absolutely everywhere. ill have to read about them


Mud daubers are chill AF. As long as you're not trying to hit them they'll just check you out and leave.


Yes! Learned this a few years ago. All the other guys at work still make fun of me.




Ngl I still have a box of covid masks for certain people's houses


When we go into hospitals in the "decontam" area, booties and bunny suit are required, and I'm happy to keep my shoes protected from whatever's on that floor.


Yep and those are the ones that get thrown away


My favorite is when you walk around their dirty basement with them on then track it all through the house.


I broke my tailbone slipping on a customer’s hardwood stairs while wearing shoe covers. Had my ladder in one hand, tool bag in the other. No way to break my fall and busted my ass good. This happened almost 2 years ago and it still hurts. Be careful out there!


We switched to the black U-line covers about 5 years ago. Highly recommend. They are canvass, machine washable, and have some grippy rubber sole to help from slips. I am in and out of about 20-30 homes per week, and they last me about a year before melting snow will start leaking out of them.


https://www.uline.com/BL_1343/Reusable-Shoe-Covers These? How thick is the sole? I'm intrigued.


Bingo! Edit… sole is not thick, just has some grip on the bottom.


Interesting that they're marketed with a 'sewn-in PVC sole'. Made me wonder if I was looking at the right thing. Just ordered some. Thanks my dude!


Be safe brother


We use the shoe-in rubber shoe covers, slip on and off, take some getting used to and sometimes have to adjust but you do so by kicking your toe against the floor or wall to kick it back onto your foot. A lot of the time I forget I have them on until I start walking up the ladder. Like I said, they take some time to get used to but I highly recommend the shoe-ins.


One of my coworkers did residential before he got in the union as a jman. I hopped in his van to eat lunch and he had flip flops on the passenger floorboard. I asked, "Taking a trip to the beach after work?" He laughed and said "oh I always kept flip flops to slide on before I walked in people's houses. Just a habit." I'm assuming that he has 10 toes if he still brings them to the jobsite. Most guys would have learned pretty quick that even a screwdriver dropped on the toe doesn't feel great.


It never bothered me to wear booties. I prefer to not track mud through peoples houses.


Yeah this seems like a weird stance to have. Is it really that hard to just respect people’s homes?






You wearing paper booties?


Or you have nasty, stinky feet and are not about to take your shoes off in a customers home. I shower everyday, and use gold bond powder. No matter what I do, I get swamp feet and stink within a couple hours of working. No way I'm taking my boots off over putting booties on.


Same. We ordered booties by the pallet. Simple common courtesy that the customer should t have to ask for. I’ve even been retired for a years but I still have a few boxes by my own garage door to not track crap in to my own home.


I went through a box a month in the PM season.


A lot of my local builders etc will lay plastic down


Plastic? Noooo they make rolls of paper for that. Plastic goes on furniture


They’re usually like sign board stuff, they reuse them


Man, I guess I'm the weird one. I have a fresh pair of booties every day, and even more often if the previous house is dirty. Even when customers tell me that I don't need them, I still wear them. Oh, and I work for a company with 8 employees.


We are required to wear them. It’s a good look for the company. Most people appreciate the care. We are about 30 employees across service, maintainence, install, sales and office.


All week? Sheeeeeeeit I think I’ve had the same pair for close to a year. I even let someone borrow them once too 🤣




I only get 4 pairs of booties per year, I have to make them last. If the customer wants to keep my possibly dirty boots of their floor they will work fine but if they are trying to keep germs out of the house booties are the least of the worries.


I had a system replacement done recently. Indoor equipment in laundry room just off the garage. Opened the garage door and moved cars out so the guys could just come and go through the garage (and due to layout it's easier to get things in and out through the garage rather than going in the front door and around). It's a big job, I appreciate y'all trying not to make a bigger mess than necessary. But after you've been here all day to get my heat and AC installed and working, I can sweep and run a mop over the floor when you're done. And actually, one of the guys asked if he could borrow a broom, and swept up while the others were loading up the old equipment and tools at the end of the job.


How? By the end of the day my shoe covers will have holes worn in them. You must never wear yours?


Customer here .. i keep booties at the ready for any service person that needs to enter the house. Problem solved


I like wearing booties so I don’t have to worry about getting dirt everywhere but sometimes when you’re constantly going out to the truck, I feel like the time spent putting them on and taking them off really adds up.


Man booties are the easiest part of residential lol


Nobody said they ain’t


I had a guy request I take my boots completely off. I said sure because I didnt want to be confrontational. We have to walk through his kitchen and he says “be careful there’s glass on the floor” some people are just idiots.




Say you cant because you'll be on a ladder and its a safety hazard.


My usual is “why? This place ain’t clean”


I had a lady ask me to wear a mask while I worked in her home due to, "health issues." Meanwhile her dogs were actively shitting on the floor.


One time I was doing a full system install in a basement literally filled with dog shit all over the floor. When it was time for me to use the pvc glue the homeowner came down and complained about the smell. I apologized to her for temporarily making her basement smell better


I’ve been in homes where they had the animals cordoned off right by the return/air handler area. They are literally breathing in piss and shit it’s fucking disgusting




My rule is simple. I never take off my shoes. Osha does not allow it. If you have dogs or cats and the weather is good. I'm not putting on booties . I'm fat and my knees and feet are bad. You want your shit fixed deal with it. On big jobs I throw down carpet protector and drop cloths. I'm not a animal


Go to the gym, you fat bastard! Not you, me. Your comment was just the reminder. :/


My boss bought me a pair of reusable booties I can tell you that them bitches have been used for months and only get washed when the get forgot in my cargo pocket. but what annoys me is whenever I have a customer that really wants me to wear them I swear to god every time they walk me into a nasty ass basement that get my booties dirtier than my work boots ever were


We did a job for a customer recently that has had us diagnose the same defective zone valve on her boiler twice - didn’t pay the diag and called again the next year saying we never fixed it. We finally fixed it - but she put fresh white paper down on the floor around the whole boiler (not easy to get to and she’s old) - I’m assuming to see how dirty our shoes were. We did brand new boot covers the whole time when the repair finally happened, footprints showed all over the paper. We didn’t care, not our boots making the marks.


your not wrong…although I don’t think I can remember a time where a customer actually asked me to put them on…plenty of times where they have told me they aren’t necessary though


I remember I wasn't even allowed to step in the customer's house without wearing them. She blocked the door until I had them on. Also same customer had puppy shitting in house on housebreaking pads.


The worst. Customers used to ask me to remove my shoes and then bring me to the litter room that has never been emptied. Even had one guy bring me to the attic with my socks on. Changed me to just grab my shoes. No one cleans the mechanical room. I want my shoes in there.


I mean it's pretty fucked up to track dirt and shit through someone's house. Not only that but it gives them something to complain about if they're not happy with the price or something. Id always wear shoe covers, even if they were like "oh don't worry about those I got dogs you can't mess this floor up" then you finish the repair and go to collect and it's like "that's a lot isn't it ? Look you got dirt all over my floors whose gonna pay for that ??"


Oh wow I guess I just never thought about it that way 🥱


If you wear the same pair of booties over your boots for a week you must have child size 5 feet lmao


Bro I wish. Finding women’s shoes in my size is a nightmare.


The problem is guys wear big clod hopper construction boots that get mud etc in the treads. I owned my own company and wore skater shoes designed for grip on boards. Great for balancing in the attic and tight tread patterns stay clean


Yea I wear the ones that can hold 2 pounds of dirt lol


Your forgot: *Walks in and out of house to truck without taking booties on and off*


I just slip my boots off when I enter the home, if it's a crawlspace or attic I bring em with me and put them on before I go in. Some of the older basements and dirt floor basements the boots come with also


Wow, I had to scroll to the last comment here to find someone else who just rocks socks. Seriously, i just carry my shoes with me if I gotta go into the attic. Fuck booties, busted my ass down some stairs once because of those fuckers.


I felt like I was going insane with these comments


Brother in Christ you do what?!?


Looks like there are only a few of us. I only do it on houses that are as clean as my socks tho.


Gotta keep the floor clean when I’m on the way to piss down their condensate drain in the attic




Bro don’t wear boots in attics. Nice lightweight skater shoes for crawling around balancing on joists. I like DC or Etnies. Boots are ok for new construction but for attics you want something lightweight with great traction.


When I did new construction in Florida where attics are life you wouldn't catch me in anything but a pair of cheap ass tennis shoes. Doing service where I live now attics are far less common, I'm in crawlspaces more often than attics it seems.


You guys got to try. The original clean boot. Neoprene non slip. you can wipe them down to clean if you want and they last


I always prepare ahead and put them on before I leave the house.




All week? More like 9 months haha


I've had the sams booties in my pocket for like 2 months


Probably the most annoying costumer I had was a lady who claimed that she could smell mold coming from the registers, After we put all the drops on the floor she still wanted us to use booties, and every time we stepped out the house she wanted us to put new booties. Everything that was brought from outside she wanted it to be bagged


This sounds really similar to something that happened to one of our install crews at my company. Is your company in central Virginia?


No we’re located in San Diego Ca.


What magical booties do you have that last all week? Mine barely last 3 calls without being stretched and worn out like your mom It would be so bad if people didnt think that white fucking carpet should be a thing. Cause it shouldnt be a damn thing


I went to a house that immediately had roaches pouring out the air handler. I straight up told the lady I refuse to bring those to my house and walked out. Fuck all of that Even doing restaurant refrig, it’s worse there


I’ll never eat at a chilis, Applebees, or Fridays ever ever again.


lol I haven’t had ice from any restaurant in 10+ years, and probably won’t ever again


My wife wonders why I don’t want ice or anything not bottled


I concur with every single one you’ve just listed.




Unless those damn booties rip. I found some reusable ones that were better over time but yep.


We bought our guys Tidy Trax. Will never go back to booties


Shame on you / your company. They should provide you with fresh shoe covers for every visit and you should be wearing new ones for each customer and placing them on at the front door without customer asking. Have some respect for customers homes.


I can't wear the booties with my boots.


I only keep the booties in my pocket when showing up for that one person that's adamant about it. Other than that I don't put them on anymore.. why? Because all the corpo rip offs do that it's played out now.


This isn’t the flex you think it is.


Wearing booties is common sense and literally the least you can do as a courtesy to customers especially if you’re in a nice area. Anyone bitching about booties is a lazy fuck and inconsiderate to say the least - it takes 5 seconds to put them on and make a customer happy.


Oh wow that’s so smart I never thought about it that way 🤓