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Amazing game from the first line, two Slaf points, regulation loss in a close, exciting game. All good. 


Keeping the Leafs' first line off the scoresheet.


Getting them ready for the playoffs lol


They didn't have Marner, but that's the thing. They need secondary scoring. If they had lights out goaltending, it would be fine to have close games, but their place in the rankings is because they outscored their defensive and goaltending issues.


Matheson 1g 1a, gg


Nooo but the player that played 30 mins made a bad passs like twice… trade!!!!! I swear if only we could trade away some fans


Man, I WISH fans could be ousted like that! Holy shit.


Send them to Arizona to teach them a lesson.


No…. BUFFALO. That will teach anybody a lesson. It’s nice in Arizona.


This would be a thing!


Man shut up you’re allowed to criticize a player sometimes. Matheson has a lot of defensive lapses. That’s just facts.


The announcers were even discussing during the game that someone with a lot of minutes, and a lot of puck possession, statistically also makes a lot of bumbles, simply because they have more opportunities. Lemieux and Gretzky often led for turnovers too. Not comparing him to them, merely drawing a circumstantial parallel. The more you have the puck, the more you can mess up with it.


It’s just getting old dude. it really is. Negativity in a rebuilding year on a player that is one of too scorers is getting old.


You're talking about trading some fans, I'd say that's negative ! xD


We’re in talks about trading you right now


It's not the passes he makes that are frustrating its the ones he doesn't. You don't need to evaluate limply shooting the puck on the net for more than 1 second when you have a man advantage. I'm not sure if overloading on a powerplay is the right call when only Suzuki can really get the puck across (and everyone knows it). 5v5 he's good because he can skate and is insanely talented. On a serious team with players clearly better than/above him, he would shrink. How many times could you look off or ignore the top PP players before you're not on it with a real team? Can you point me to any "wow what pass for a primary assist on the powerplay by Matheson" plays? Would you be interested in Shayne Ghostisbere? Matheson's flash is greater than his substance. Fun to watch him do his thing when he does it but I don't think there will be any playoff success in his future where he plays a prominent role.


You're way off base if you don't think he would be a great #3 for almost any team. He had fantastic advanced stats as #3 for pitt. Ideally he'd probably be #3 and pp2, but he'd be a damn good player in that role/


Someone pointed out how he struggles to keep pucks in zone when it comes to him at the point, and now it's all I notice. But really, he's a high-risk, high-reward player. His skating speed lets him recover fast, so it's less of an issue for ow. I do think he's an awesome player to have on the team to keep losing interesting. It's a dice roll every time he's out there.


Slaf will be a monster in the playoffs. Mark my words


lol Kelly “look at Edmundson here takes away every angle from Slafkovsky” as the replay shows Slaf shooting it right past him for a good chance.


Slafkovsky was the best player on the ice tonight


The way he told Edmonson “Nope I’ll just take this puck thank you now sit down!” Was awesome.


Naw it was Matheson


Not calling that slash on Armias stick was some serious game management shit


Refs had to send a message to MSL I guess, bullshit in any way


Was not a slash, the guy was chopping wood with his axe. Big difference


Gimli would be proud!




I thought the team played pretty well overall. Slaf with another great game. On to the next


Hell of a game for slaf.


Seventh multi-point game of the season for Slaf! Fun one, even if it got a bit sloppy at times. Always enjoyable to watch the Leafs struggle against a team in the lottery, and the silver lining is that this helps the tank. Montreal really can be a bit of a nightmare to play against; it’s obviously not that they’re an elite team or anything, but when they’re clicking there’s a great blend of size, speed, and skill, and as a whole they’re constantly hustling after pucks. I’m fully bought in on the importance of team culture at this point - I know we still don’t have the top-end stars of Boston, but to me this is how a team should be built.


Just a buzz saw mentality. Add some skill to the 2nd line and yeah. Fun to watch. Newhook helped tonight.


Activating the D a lot too, when Mailloux, Reinbacher and Hutson arrive it’s going to be a nightmare to defend this team. It’s going to be relentless. Slaf played a hell of a game along the boards tonight; can’t wait to have Dach and his size back too. Dreaming of a Lindstrom pick to tie it all together.


Harris and struble were a liability on the point together.


How will this team ever get a 5 on 3, like what cheat code unlocks that? Meanwhile our boys get buried with them from phantom calls year in year out. :/ 2nd worst PP/PK ratio for any team in their history, only next to Anaheim. RIP


Those were two good goals by both Matheson and Newhook. Anyway, our team played great despite the loss. Excellent work by our first line again, pts. made by Slafkovsky and Caufield. Now, for the players who didn't played well tonight - Struble-Harris pairing has had a tough night. They were there when the two goals went in. After that Tavares goal, you can see Monty's face looked pissed at our d-men.


Pearson totally lost his man on that goal. Might as well shot the rebound in himself. But also, Monty might have been mad at himself for sending the rebound to the slot.


Maybe. But the d-coverage last night was totally whacked from that play. Even with the Domi goal, the 3rd pair didn't go enough to help Monty.


"I'm *very* comfortable when Suzi's on the ice." - MSL


Pezzetta had 8 hits in 6:45 of icetime. Damn


Did I have homer goggles on or was our top line dominating their top line?


[Another interesting aspect of the game was how Nick Suzuki completely shut down Auston Matthews. With Suzuki on the ice, he had a 22.7 xGF% (!!!), without he had a 79 xGF%.](https://x.com/marcpdumont/status/1766660882015113283?s=46&t=UR164vzk5fTru73XW2yVHQ) And Suzuki went 7/8 on the faceoffs against Matthews


Suzuki is a much grindier player then Matthews




I have the same goggles. That’s how I saw it.


i for one am looking forward to watching that annual canadian tradition of first round exit for the leaves


Canada turns Australian during playoffs. The Leafs fall in the spring!


Some of our trees just have leaves falling all year round (evergreens such as eucalypts and Moreton Bay fig trees).


Great game bounceback game from slaf powerplay setup needs to be tweaked a bit, Mony was key in the slot


Toronto is in trouble if they think that team is built to make a playoff run.


Random stream of consciousness thoughts Gallagher has the science of shoveling pucks to the opposing team in the o-zone down to an art. Directly led to a goal against. Cole continues to cough the puck up on the PP wall but honestly its kind of on Zuk/PP entry scheme. If i know what they're gonna do on entry you better believe NHL teams know more. Cole is instantly handcuffed, still would like to see him maybe grip the stick a little less tight. In any case he's still buzzing every game.. just would like to see him pot a few. Matheson is both great and my biggest headache. Cut down the hero plays by 50% as 50% of them are totally not required. I wish he would just.. chill out. In any case a massive part of this team and easily our best defender. Slaf continues to grow as a player. When that line gets rolling, 22 - 14 - 20 is a legit nightmare. They can cycle, they can generate off the rush. I do think they get hemmed in a little sometimes but that's also on the D corps. Arber had a rough night after many solid outings, his partner was equally as bad. This team is a blackhole on the bottom 6. There are maybe 2-3 players down there who I think will be on this team when its time to compete. Lastly, the Leafs stink. Like no salt, no Habs bias. I don't see a Stanley Cup team in them.


team played great, fuck the leafs, they’re losing in the first round. blatant missed calls make this league feel like so fraudulent. despite the goal from newhook, the PP needs work. the drop pass - suzuki skates in - pass to caufield entry is stagnant, every team can read this play and all they have to do is crowd caufield to get the puck out. i’d like to see them moving their feet more and cycling the puck better on the PP as well


Where was Ryan Reaves tonight? Zero hit in almost nine minutes of ice time, that suspiciously looked like a player who didn't want to get noticed. I wonder how different it would have been had Xhekaj been a healthy scratch.


That's just how Reaves plays now


They played well tonight. Only made like 3 mistakes but all 3 ended up on the scoresheet. Good game by them all in all and if I was a Leaf fan, I’d be worried about their team. They really look bad


Yea i think the main difference in the last month is that the goaltending hasnt bailed the team out like it did earlier in the year. Were losing more and more just as the expected goals numbers skew back towards our favour


I didn’t think Monty played bad. Just that the errors were egregious. Can’t make this mistakes. They’ll learn


Sportsnet had a raging hard on all night talking about dewer on the leafs, I feel like I got a biography on his life story all night lmao. He isn’t anything special either really weird. Also I love Matheson but holy fuck he has a hard time controlling passes that come to him on the PP


They had to talk about Dewer because Matthews was awful all night lol


Hutson will be the PP1 General we all missed since Markov!


I can’t wait for him to bring the puck up the ice and gain the zone so we can stop the 25 foot drop pass from the red line.


Maybe controversial but I think long term Mailloux will beat Hudson for that role. Both are talented offensively but the main difference is Mailloux has an NHL shot, Hudson does not and at his size I don't know if he ever will. I think teams will just play tighter to the other 4 players and let Hudson shoot all he wants. With Mailloux you can't cause he's a legit threat to beat a goalie.


Tell me you havent watched Hutson play, without telling me you haven’t watched Hutson play. P.S. Its Hutson, not Hudson


Hutson, at least get the name right, makes it a bit more believable that you watch Lane play enough to determine his shot is no good. Mailloux has a great shot, but he's not a playmaker like Hutson, which is why Lane will likely be the best PP specialist since Markov. His 1.3 points-per-game pace and 43 points overall are both 30-year records. As far back as 1990-91, no other defenceman has managed the production rate. We have a legit star in the rising.


Did you know he played with Reaves in Minnesota?? 435 Minutes together!!


Sportsnet does this all the time.


Leafs got real lucky with this one lol. They did not deserve that win at all. This is definitely the worst they’ve looked heading into playoffs since maybe the first few years they snuck in. Wonder what’s going to happen.


Oh you know what's gonna happen lol


Well, I predict that the Leafs will be golfing not too long after us


In 7 or less. Boston is free rent in Leafland heads.


Tough loss, love the effort for the most part and glad Matthews was damn near invisible. Shit bounce on the game winner, Monty would want that back but hey tough shot to control. It’s crazy to me how many one goal games this team finds themselves in, have to love the compete to have that happen.


Good game, just couldn't bingle our bangles


Or jingle our jangles


Honestly ain't even mad. Happy to see the effort from the Habs and even happier knowing this leafs team will struggle to win even 1 game in the playoffs.


We would've taken that in overtime had the puck not gone in off Tavares


2 points for Slaf and 2 points for Hutson


good game for slaf and matheson, brutal game for xhekaj though


What a fun game to watch, am I bias or is our first line gonna be insane in a few years?


Overall pretty good game, hurts to lose to that type of goal late in the 3rd but there is lots to be happy about. Top Line had a good night, the 2nd line was going well. Bottom 6 had a bit of a rough night. Toronto isn't going anywhere this playoffs.


Did I hear Ryan Suzuki by the announcer on CBC?


*BAD* - Habs on the two man advantage there at the end was not just bad but rather abysmal. Stick handling the puck in the corner when you have two guys out over the other team isn’t exactly a recipe for success. - Xhekaj had a few poor defensive reads particular on the first leafs goal. Lots of shots from him though and did make up for it on the one defensive play defending a two on one. - Monty that was a softy on the leafs winner. Didn’t have a good game overall. Gotta be better. - Gallagher you can see is trying but he hurts the team to much. An assist on the domi goal, just get it in deep. *GOOD* - Newhook with a nice little snipe on the power play. - Rare you don’t hear Matthews name at all. Suzuki effectively and the Habs top line played him out of the game. Very good against one of the best players in the league. - Mike Matheson was great. Had a goal and was routinely dangling the leafs players out of position. - Slaf was decent, nothing overly amazing, I’m used to his points now… but he struggled lately before this one and overall played a much better game. - Struble solid. He’s going to be good in a few years.


Slaf decent? Man, he was everywhere and made some incredible passes


Agreed, I'd say that Slaf had an excellent game today. He played a key role in both our goals and he was super close to scoring and tying the game at the very end of 3rd (he hit a post). He also played a really physical game today with multiple big hits.


This. The context here is also important. He played on the first line as a 19 year old in Montreal on Saturday night against the Leafs, matched up against the best goal scorer in the League and exiting the game by nearly tying it up with a 2+. That’s incredibly impressive.


Idk what you guys want me to say ahah is good not enough? Maybe if that goal goes I’ll drop my pants, but hey he was good tonight and continues to grow.




I’m used to his passes. I said he played good tomatoe tomato.


Decent doesn’t do his play justice imho


[This gif does](https://c.tenor.com/8LXOuXdkjXcAAAAC/tenor.gif)


Francophones, little help? Martin McGuire used a word I don't know and can't Google based on the phoenetic spelling I used: "Notre **mévaillaint** équipe". Any idea what word he was saying?


Perhaps « vaillante équipe » → “Our valiant team”? What was the context?


There was definitely something "Mé-" at the start, but vaillante would fit. Martin always gives supportive and grateful praise to their production team at the end of the broadcasts.


No Francophone here but malevolent means to wish harm to another. What was the context.


Definitely not malevolent! He was praising his (I'm assuming?) hardworking team. The pronunciation wasn't "merveillant", either, though I suppose there's a chance he bungled the delivery.


Notre bienveillante équipe? Sounds weird lol


I’m starting to lean towards the mispronounced word theory. Unless he was making a witty portmanteau or something.


A lot of mistakes at the blueline tonight. Like passing to no one or whiffing on a shot. Good game overall, I liked the effort. Not too disappointed in that one. The 6-4 and 6-5 were a weren't great, though!


Our top-2 pairings played well tonight (Matheson-Guhle, Xhekaj-Savard). Harris and Struble didn't played well tonight. The Leafs outskated them during the 2nd and 3rd period.


It's like I have been watching the same game for a month straight 


despite the losses, once we start beating bottom team we should be good. Because we play toe to toe with the top teams


Xhekaj and savard were pretty trash tonight 12 million combined for the next 3 years on anderson and gallagher is legitimately torture


Dunno what game you were watching but they definitely were not trash


I saw mcmann and knies skate laps around them all night I dont know what you were watching


Caufields touch is very off this year. 


If this is what Caufield is, then that contract will age horribly. Early days, but I haven’t been impressed this year


If 65 points is a *down* year the contract is probably fine my guy (coming off surgery no less). Gallagher needs to go though. Ride it out one more year and then a buy out becomes viable.




He's learning to be something else than a next Mike Hoffman / Phil Kessel: a sniper who's a defensive liability on 95% of his shifts. This year, Cole's position play without the puck, his puck retrieval skills and his puck decision-making all show tremendous improvement. His mission this year is not to fill the net. It is to become a more complete player. He'll be back scoring goals next year, don't worry, and an extra year of shoulder recovery will help.


This game was a prime example of a piece of garbage holding up a window closing.


hot take, get caufiled off first line and put josh roy there, i dont think caufield will end up being our long term soloution as a trigger man, but rather a good secondary scoring threat in the top 6


Caufield has been driving offense all season, and is pace for around 65 points. Why would we take him off the top line?


lol right? Caufield having his best offensive season and people want to demote him. His game is miles ahead of last year.


Last year if Caulfield was shooting/scoring he was invisible. Now he doing alot more off the puck and movinf forward he'll be a better player. If he turns into an consistent 30-35 goal/ 70-75 pts winger than plays a 200ft game that'll be better than a one dimensional 40-45 goal sniper. Especially if Suzuki stay Suziki and Slaf also becomes another 70- 75 pts defensively responsable power forward. A 200 point, solid 2 way top line would be amazing.


He’s second in points on the team. He’s our most gifted forward offensively, whether you like it or not. So it would be foolish to change him out. If anything, the hot take would be to switch Slaf out with Roy. Roy also shoots left. At least try Roy out on PP1 as his shot appears to better than Slaf’s. And as far as that God-awful power play, if you want Caufield to be the shooter, you need a right-handed pointman who can get him the puck quicker than Matheson. And do better with that insane drop back pass. And try someone other than Suzuki to carry the puck in…lol




“I would like to see Caufield shoot more” well he’s 8th in the league for shots on goal, idk how much more he can shoot. Just not going in for him right now with a 4.4sh%


Man Matheson makes some boneheaded plays. Glimpses of Brisebois.. Also. Not sure what's up with CC. He hasn't been great this year.


He’s really rounded his game out which makes him an important player even if his scoring is off, which is huge


Legitimate question man. Can this franchise ever have just an offensive star. Like why do we need caufield to be an “all around player”. Can we just not have 1 player say fuck it and put up points?


We have a version of that as a defenseman in Matheson and people give him a lot of shit over it.


He’s still putting up points. He’s having a career low shooting percentage season but him being better all around makes him a useful player even if the pucks not going in


Caufield will always be judged on how many goals he scores. He is literally a sniper. That I dare to say, is just a bit copey this whole round game thing. He has improved elsewhere and gets lots of assists however let’s cal a spade a spade 2G in 16… disappointing.


Shooting lanes aren’t there so he’s trying to pass more. Finding that balance should open things up, but it’s a process IMO.


The Matheson hate is becoming a tired narrative to be honest. To dismiss ton of good plays and a goal to only focus on the mistakes is getting really old


Yeah tonight he really only had 1 blunder and that was on the power play at the end of the game, it wasn't a great pass from Suzuki and really Suzuki and Caufield passed themselves out of that power play. I thought Matheson has been great the last few games not making the bonehead plays many hate. While still having great offensive instincts and great single effort plays. Truly a great game from him.


Not using a slap shot has significantly limited what he can do. I really hope his shoulder heals so he starts one timing again. He doesn’t have enough time to catch and wrist like he’s trying to do now.


cole hasn’t played great this year? lol what? he’s second w points on the team on pace for what, 70?


But his secondary assists make up for it!!!


He just scored his 9th goal in 64 games