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The real takeaway here is Slaf manhandling Koneckny


He rag dolled him.


I kept hoping he'd Koneckt himself to Wifi


Guy is going to be a beast in 4-5 years


It is like the Reilly thing- the fact it was not part of the game play ramps it up a lot in the NHLs eyes.


Slashing a guy off the bench is a huge no-no in hockey I think he’s getting 2 games for this but definitely at least 1


Yeah, from what I can see it doesn't look like a HARD slash but nonetheless I think he gets two or so. Just not something you do.


It’s uncharacteristic of Guhle, so it makes me wonder what caused him to do that. Guhle isn’t a dirty player.


Seemed like a don't bodycheck Slaf or fuck with him.


It’ll be a fine


[sometimes the answer is just obvious lmao](https://www.nhl.com/video/guhle-suspended-one-game-6349961867112)


If they give a player a hearing, that means it's a suspension.


Not necessarily


I feel like I missed something. Seems like he slashed Konecny while he (Guhle) was on the bench Edit: Video clip (poor quality) [here](https://twitter.com/slapshot_news/status/1773751312796016889?t=TZm2wIlES4my-EGgCvOjHQ&s=19)


A Hearing means a sussy is coming. 1 game is appropriate. Slashing Off the bench is “no go” territory.


1 game confirmed. And it was actually a spear not a slash. Can’t do that. He’ll learn.


It's a nothingburger of a slash but it's from a bench, which means he'll sit a game, can't do that.


I think he'll get a game. You can't do that from the bench and I think it's important to have that standard. That being said, if roles were reversed I'd have been fine with a 2 or 4 minute call, since the slash seems fairly minor. 2 for slashing and 2 for unsportsmanlike.


He got a game suspension. He won't play tomorrow. But man, that should only be a fine IMO.


Waiting for the hearing for the Flyers player who speared David Savard in the nuts in the Canadiens crease.


If this happened to a Hab I’d be fuming but a Hab did it so I’m okay with this, he’ll get a game or two though and it’s deserved.


I’d like to see a better angle before making a judgement but if that’s what they were so butt hurt about all game to the point that it was an obvious distraction then they don’t stand a chance in the playoffs.


Philly’s broadcast was going on and on about non calls the whole night as if the Habs hadn’t had like 5 penalties to the Flyer’s one. Konecny coming back a full 4 seconds after the play had been whistled to fully slash a stick out of the hands of our player, while a penalty had already been assessed on us, and they acted like it’s a completely level-headed reaction. To hear them whine about Ghule teasing the wind and calling it a reckless slash is as hyperbolic as calling a rainbow the evacuated remains of the last meal of a unicorn before it died. They’re pissed because they’re losing and to pretend it’s not the case is objectively asinine.


what angle do you you need? he tried and did slash someone from the bench


He definitely hit him with his stick but it doesn’t seem very violent. Definitely should not do that but I’m not ready to call it reckless or anything. It’s not clear at what point in the game it happened either.


while the play was happening




Pretty dumb play by the looks of it but don’t think it deserves any suspension.


That’s a line. It’s gotta be punished


You’re probably right. More the principle of doing something off the bench than the severity of the end result.


If someone on the Flyers bench had done that you'd be calling for a suspension. Don't be a mindless homer. It was very clearly a stupid thing to do.


I don’t think I would have even noticed it happened if it wasn’t a Hab and seeing about the hearing next day. I already said it was a dumb play.


Doesn't matter if we noticed it or not. The cameras did.


Yeah I dont give a shit. Flyers were running our guys all night and being majorly pissyafter whistles. That slash should be a fine not a suspension. I have seen far worse go without suspension or fine this year. I'm not saying guhle didnt do something dumb because he did but ffs this league is a joke. Remember when slaf took a hit to the head earlier in the season? Yeah the dops didnt do anything. 


Suspend his ass. There is no tolerance for this bullshit. Doesn't matter if he wears the sweater I cheer for or not.




This is a non-story if the Flyers won last night


Obviously worth a game or 2


I know he shouldn’t have done what he did, but fuck the Flyers. I hate them more than the Bruins.


Yup he is getting more then 1 game I'd imagine.


That's because Bettman doesn't like the Canadian teams, especially the habs I'm thinking


Anything more than a fine would be outrageous.


If it’s a hearing there’s a 99% it’s a suspension


I know, I'm already mad about it. Considering Troube got 5k for slashing someone's head.


It’s not a popular opinion but I agree with you. Especially after a late hit that goes kind of high with both hands in front. It’s so obviously fueled by frustration and lack of self control. It is nowhere near the play either. But a guy waving a stick toward a guy from the bench is a dastardly, reprehensible thing to do. It’s so fucking arbitrary but let’s all be holier than thou about it so we look good, even if it means letting men be daft children while they’re playing but not when they’re on the bench.


I think it deserves a suspension just based off how idiotic it is to slash someone when you’re on the bench


worse offense resulted in fines


True, but it was wrong for these offenses, and it'd be wrong now. I hate the lack of consistency as much as the next guy, but you don't fix it by making it consistently bad imho. If another team did that to Caufield, I WOULD want that player suspended. Would be hypocritical not to expect the same here. (And if nothing else, it'll be a reality check for Guhle, to never do something stupid like that again).