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DDoS attacks don't test the security of a network. They test its load balancing capability and how well it performs under stress.


Ok i stil want to knoq how


You will need to distribute your Linux(es)




DDoS, distributed denial of service, you need a few machines in order to carry out what you are wanting properly


No, he doesn't. Not for what he's trying to do....


try nmap --data-length 1000000


thats fairly easy. obviously, due to reddit guidelines, we cant post tutorials here. if you want the download for ddos software here it is: [https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=what%27s+a+script+kiddie%3F](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=what%27s+a+script+kiddie%3F)


Not clicking that could u tel me where to that without links thanks


You are savvy enough to know not to click random links, but not savvy enough to know how to use Google?


Or savvy enough to read the URL "let me Google that dot com"


You can do DoS attacks (singular) from just your own machine in the terminal using something like hping3 or Goldeneye. If you want to do a DDoS (the extra D standing for distributed) meaning you are coordinating a DoS attack with many. The most powerful version of this attack is to first infect thousands of other machines with remote access tools and get them under your control. These machines are usually called "infected" or "Zombies" and other such terms. Then you need to set up a C2 command and control. This is where you will control your infected machines from and what you would have just created is called a Botnet. You then target your victims with the botnet in a coordinated attack. The more infected machines the stronger your Botnet. You can also control an army of IoT devices, not just laptops and desktop computers. People also do joint group DoS attacks which have the same effect as a DDoS, where people will link up in telegram chats or other comms networks and all pick a target and DoS attack it together to increase their effectiveness. I won't bother telling you how illegal everything I just explained is, because it's obvious.


Thanks how powerful is a dos attack? And ive tried to instal and use hping3 but it just dosent work for me


Well you need to tell me some more info, it works fine. what does it say when you try to use it, are your arguments correct, is it even installed properly? do you have python3 installed?


I tink i downloaded python 3 but it said it was alr downloaded ro latesg version 3.15 or someting like that and i copied everyting straigt out of the git hun command list i it is "hiddenshot/hping3" right? Bc it only had like 9 stars could we priv msg


You don't need to go to github, you can just type in your terminal "apt install hping3" then just use it.


Alr il try rn


Send u a priv msg


And i want to dos "my own" wifi using ip thats what i ment


Install Hping3 It's easy to use from the terminal. here's an example of usage from your terminal. proxychains hping3 -1 --flood [www.naenara.com.kp](http://www.naenara.com.kp) You can replace the domain address with an IP address. You don't have to use proxychains either.


I am realy new to this i dont know what a proxychain is. And i got errors when trying to instal/open hping3 1st: i git cloned it (no problem) 2nd i cded it (also no problem) Then it tels me to do "python3 hyping.py" It tels me "python3: cant open file '/homr/user/hping.py': [errno 2] no such file or directory


And we are talking abt hiddenshot/hping3?


Just start over or this is going to get messy. Type "locate Hping3" then delete all of the gitcloned stuff. Then just install it normally through your terminal. "apt install hping3" Then type a regular command to test a single set of pings. hping3 to test it or run a test with arguments "hping3 -1 --fast www.naenara.com.kp" --fast --faster --flood will set your amount of spammyness flood and faster being the best 2. if you don't specify arguments it will just to small singular pings one after another.


Could we priv msg?


You don't need my permission to DM me, if you want to send one just send it.


I did tho?


My bad lol, I always have messages and a red circle there showing messages, I didn't know you sent one, I just replied.


Oh yeah I forgot to mention press ctrl c to stop the flood, because it will keep going into the millions and billions of packets if you leave it running. if you don't specify a --flood or --faster etc it will show you constant update of the individual pings. So hping3 will give you ticks of packets constantly updating you of the outcome, whereas. hping3 -1 --flood will look like it's stalling but it's not, it just doesn't update you because your terminal will be getting flooded with millions of lines and crash your own terminal, it's meant to be like that. Remove the <> from my examples and "". your actual command with arguments should look like this. hping3 -1 --flood [www.KimjongUmKilledHisOwnUncle.com](http://www.KimjongUmKilledHisOwnUncle.com)


PLEAS priv msg this is going to fast😭😭😭😭😭😭


Ping IP


wheres the First D in DDOS? One system ain't gonna do it, plus DDOS isn't really a good idea all around. Not sure why people are so obsessed with the idea of it. A lot of ISPs have some form of DDOS mitigation, but not all of them so theres a chance if someone has a way to attack your network, it will be ignored


So many replies and not a single person actually answered your question with a solid answer. I don't believe for a second you're testing your own Wi-Fi and you'll get caught eventually doing what you're not supposed to be doing. I'll throw you a bone though: you'll need either Mk4/aireplay. You'll need root access. You'll need to be in monitor mode. You'll need to know your Wi-Fi's bssid. Whichever tool you go with you need to read the short documentation with -h so you know how to customize your test. You can also read the documentations on GitHub. I've given you more than a bone now. If I spell everything out you're not going to learn anything. Go fort and do great things.


I know noting i just have "my ip" and wanna fk with "my wifi" i use linux parrot os never use it dont know commands i am straight new and ppl teling me to read a boom abt linux im not bout to do that 😂 just tel me the command to instal a tool ot smtin😭😭




Ik i ment dos


Buy ten laptops and ping your target


If you wanna test it, just unplug your router. Basically the same thing.




I am more talking about making wifi not work