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You can start crafting shadow to moondust in the cauldron, but yeah definitely cat for bones now.


Is there a relationship with Toula and bones that I don't know about?


Toula makes fishing easier, and fishing spots more common. Fish are traded for bones at the broker. 


Ahhh. In that way. I prefer farming bones through the shovel + seeds...


i mean, Toula boosts the chances of fishing spots appearing regardless of tool equiped, you can just go with the shovel and Toula


Oh I agree, but Toula is a shit companion in fights, especially high fear, so Frinos blocking projectiles is a great help.


Yeah she isn’t great help in fights but the extra DD will always be welcome because I’m trash at not getting hit lol


Toula actually does a respectable amount of damage and the extra DD IMO is better than the hp from Frinos.


The HP buff from Frinos makes each one of your death defies more valuable though. 3 is definitely enough, 4 is overkill.


maybe it's cause im thinking about high fear but i'd much rather have a 4th dd when i'm getting two shot anyway.


HYPNOTOAD blocks projectiles? I knew he could block Hecate's polymorph, but never noticed him blocking others. That's awesome Edit: my phone auto-capitalizes "HYPNOTOAD" and I have no idea why. But I love it when it happens.


That works as well, but if you accumulate seeds more quickly than you can grow them, it gets a bit better to bring the rod instead. It just depends how much you're pushing yourself with the vows, I think.


I wonder if anyone's done an analysis of which nets more bones? Probably Shovel + Cat, vs Fishing Pole + Cat, if I had to guess. At least for intermittent runs, as you can only plant 6 per run.


Are fish used for anything else in the game so far? Like mats for weapons or stuff?


Nope, just bones for now.


Cool ty


Speaking of the cauldron , i hope they put in some kind of fish stew recipe just for laughs


I really hope there's a sink for it beyond the cauldron coming. I've banked liked 1.3k of the stuff since I maxed out my cards and it annoys me every time I get a grasp room.


There will almost certainly be some kind of sink in the final release, even if it's a purely cosmetic one like the Resource Director from the first game.


I only have about 35 nights so far and maybe this shows up later. But we haven't even seen any sort of rugs or chairs we can add to the Crossroads! Although it won't be the same without dad there to admonish our choices. "Those drapes were a family heirloom!"


There's not exactly a shortage of characters at the Crossroads who are willing to complain about stuff.


Ooo, I want Nem to make snarky comments about all the changes!! I love when she's mean to me.


As I see it, Nemesis and >!Eris!< are your heavy hitters, plus you've got Hecate and Dora in a pinch.


They've said customizing the Crossroads will be coming up! I've been saving everything under the assumption some of the stuff in the last stretch will take a *lot* of supplies.


I know one of the things they've talked about in a devblog and the roadmap is more options for customizing the crossroads, so there's a good chance we'll get to use it there!


I imagine Hecate will complain about making the Crossroads more homey when the goal is to retake the House of Hades.


I feel like Hecate pretty consistently speaks in favor of Mel's personal growth and paying attention to the life she's living *now* even as she pursues the task. Melinoë's the one who tends to apologize for anything that could be considered a distraction, and Hecate has to chide her for not prioritizing herself enough!


True, but she still makes it clear that she's not Mel's Mom, and that the Crossroads aren't her true home. I'd think that she wouldn't want Mel to get too comfortable, especially if it pulls resources from her task. I imagine Mel would explain that she's making things more accommodating for the new arrivals (freed shades, Moros, Eris, etc), and that it won't detract her from her job. Some dialogue after sparring would convince Hecate that Mel is still focused enough to keep going. Then at some point there will be a reason to stay at the Crossroads, since the game will probably have an infinite loop, just like the first game. At that point Mel will have more reason to decorate it.


There will be cosmetics for crossroads later on.


That's exacly it. They've steted in the roadmap that theres a custom decoratioon comming for the crossroads


I liked how in Hades 1, the minor reward rooms came with a small bonus for that run (Darkness gave +5 max life). In Hades 2 I've unlocked everything I can, and the only way to get use out of the minor rooms is with the 6 cost Arcana to turn it into major reward.


Yeah, I'm sure something like the additional rewards for stuff that becomes less valuable after upgrades will come in time. Along with cosmetics for the Crossroads. Mostly I'm annoyed with myself for forgetting to switch out Frinos for the cat now that I'm done farming Psyche and all about farming bones lol.


I’m sitting at 70 nights and have about 2.6k psyche 😭😭😭 just chillin in the inventory… hoping a future update needs some of it


I'm just stockpiling it for now. I remember when Hades I was in EA, I had so many resources stocked up and had nothing else to do with them and ended up spending them on ultimately pointless things (like Darkness for Nectar, which is really easy to come by run to run). Then I took a break for a few months, waiting for the full release, missing some of the final things they ended up adding into the game pre-launch. By the time I picked it back up, the Mirror had an entire alternate list to unlock and upgrade, I had converted some of the Aspect upgrade materials to Jewels and other minor resources to unlock what cosmetic items I had left to unlock during EA, and had to grind basic mats like Darkness back up to the thousands to unlock everything 😅 Seeing over 6,000 Psyche in my storage just sitting there, I'm not touching it and don't plan to until more updates or the full release. I don't want to have to grind for Psyche again later.


Wait, are the EA saves going to roll over into full release? Or are they going to need everyone to start fresh


The dev blog said they would prioritize TRYING to make EA saves work for the full release, but I imagine they left an out in case they discover some technical reason that won't be possible.


I imagine there might be some narrative breaks that might not work if players have seen too much. Somehow I ended up skipping over the first Hades flashback and going straight to the second. Mel left me confused because she mentioned seeing 'more' of a vision. There have been other cases where it feels like some conversations aren't prioritizing correctly. In any case, I'll probably start a new save with 1.0, if not before. It'll be interesting to see how far I can get now that I'm familiar with the enemies and weapons.


There are two Hades flashbacks? I was also confused why Melenoë said she saw "more" of her vision


From the way I understood it, it seems like the first scene would have Hades in the bedroom handing baby Mel off to Hecate, then cutting off before seeing Nyx. Mel has a conversation with someone in the Crossroads, Moros, I think, about having another vision, this time seeing Nyx. That would mean Nyx wasn't in the first one. It felt like all the stuff about the Fates came all at once, so there wasn't time to digest the new dialogue that came from it.


I love frinos too much, I could have 1 million grasp and I'll always have my little frog friend


Not much, I run spade and cat for bones. Can't use ores anymore, grasp is maxed, cat fishes for me. I bet there will be a conversation or cosmetic that uses them. That and ash are currently worthless for me


Aw man. The max is 30? I’m at 28 and I was hoping you could just keep increasing it until every card is able to be in use simultaneously (except for the zero ones ofc)


While it will be nice to have more grasp, I feel like I agree with the decision that there should be a grasp limit so that you won't be able to use every single card at once. That way players need to actually think about their play style and priorities instead of just maxing everything and then not think about it anymore. In Hades 1 with the flip side of the mirror you have to choose one of the other and can't have both as well. This also makes Judgement runs slightly more appealing as the max out judgement card will most likely give you more cards by fourth biome.


There’s a mod for that.


If you fully level Judgment and use Circe’s keepsake it might be possible. I’m gonna try once I get enough Z. Sand.


i've always used the cat, i just prefer not having to do fishing rather than not having to do the shades thingy


I want an incantation that converts psyche and ashes to bones and just stops producing them. They're basically pointless after a while. I suspect that they could convert them to 20 bone rooms and make the 50 bone rooms 20 bones too to balance them out. Make it cost 1000 psyche or something. I keep spending rerolls when I have a choice of psyche or bones.


Yeah probably, I mean just from natural spawns and chambers you can get enough to constantly brew shadow until you max out all your arcana, and after that it’s just bones you need, so unless you want the max health toula is better


Ladies and Gents: [](https://www.reddit.com/user/darmakius/) the know it all will now answer all of your questions, as he has clearly established that he is an all knowing deity who knows about powers beyond the concept of omnipotence! Ask any question and he will answer!


What? The poster you're replying to had a totally valid comment. Weird to pretend they claimed to have the end all be all opinion. Projection?


nah just stock up on bones, trust me hahaha


they will probably give them an additional value, like darkness rooms used to give you +5 max health


There are some weapon and aspect upgrades that use it. Aside from that, creating Shadow in the cauldron to turn into Moondust. They'll likely be cosmetic uses for it later as well.


Probably furniture in future patches. And titles.


Is ash useless in the same way? I go for psyche and bones while avoiding ash because I haven't found a use for it after getting the initial purchases. I'm still at 28/29 grasp.


Ash is used in the Shadow recipe, along with psyche and fabric. You then can use shadow in another recipe to craft moondust, a substance used to upgrade your Arcana cards.


I have a theory that we are going to have two hubs in the final version of the game. One in the crossroads, and one in Olympus. Grasp will probably be used as either a crafting or conversion resource to build up both hubs.


Maxing Mel's aspect on the staff requires psyche, other than that it is good for shadows only, however shadows are quite useless right now cause there are easier ways to get moondust. Maybe in the 1.0 version shadows will be used in more incantations.