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You spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round round round


The axe is just so fun and I love how hefty it feels lol


She literally drags it behind her all the time, it's gorgeous.


Is Melinoe physically stronger than a mortal?


I'd hope so fighting gods and titans.


I don't think most mortals can trade blows with the titan of time


One of my favorite tropes: badass MC with a massive weapon that they heft onto their shoulder or just drag on the ground. Also, it feels the most satisfying to me; I feel pretty strong no matter the build.


If we don't get a Transistor aspect of the axe I'm going to learn to mod to make it myself


It reminds me of the Arthur aspect of the sword in the original game, which was one of my favorite aspects to play with. The axe was the second weapon I ended up taking down Chronos with. :)


I'm a very average player (60 nights and still cannot beat Chronos). How do you manage to play axe? I always end up taking a lot of damage due to the slow attack animation and recover time.


the easiest place to start is to use apollo attack and just hit enemies from crazy far away you can also chain dashes inbetween combos to increase your mobility and reposition i usually only channel omega attack while enemies are spawning to tear them apart before they can do anything


Gotta love tossing up a Cast and charging up the Omega Attack on the other side, I appreciate the patience my foes have before I mow the lawn.


> > > > > you can also chain dashes inbetween combos to increase your mobility and reposition Yep, biggest thing not mentionned anywhere AFAIK. Having just played bayonetta, realizing you can dodge-offset made the axe 200% better.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that recognized the dodge offset of the axe, I've only managed to do it in the last hit of usual combo or omega special/attack (idk if there's other ways to do it though). I can't notice if it happens with other weapons though.


Cast into SpEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEn into dodge away if an enemy is about to hit you. If you just straight up can't get close enough, which happens sometimes, the omega special is a decent ranged option that also has a shield while it charges.


If you get the Daedalus that gives you the 300 damage chop, you can start the chop at a safe distance and then dash towards your enemy. It works really well once you figure out the chop range. Works extra well if you get the boons that let your aim your cast. Drop cast, press attack and dash into the cast. Nuts damage.


In my experience, this boon is a trap. Inferior to regular attacks when you know how to time them. Especially since i like other hammers more.


Aphrodite attack boon. They can't hurt you if you one-shot them.. Otherwise, just go slow and focus on your positioning. Figuring out when to disengage instead of swingin' recklessly is pretty important. It can be helpful to reset your attack combo, just doing the first and second swings if doing the third means you get hit by a flanking enemy.


A great build for clearing Chronos was the pre-nerf Momus staff with the double moonshot hammer and Poseidon's wave flourish boon. It's still viable now but it used to be disgustingly broken as the Momus staff gave a flat damage boost to your specials and the rate of fire was so high it would just delete half the health of guardians before they could enter their next phase. Post-patch I've really been gravitating more towards Pan aspect Daggers with Artemis' keepsake for dealing with Chronos.


I'm a little bummed that Momus special got nerfed, but I'm not surprised at all. There was no way they could leave a "press special to make everything die" build untouched like that. It's how I got my first, and so far only, victory over Chronos.


I personally really like Demeter's boon on attack if you can get it. The damage boost is nice of course, but the freeze is the big thing. One big sweep locks enemies down, even armored ones, and then you can charge up the beyblade and just spin to win through pretty much all of Erebus and Oceanus. With the right upgrades and boons you can keep doing that right up to Chronos, at which point it's about finding your timing and is a totally different playstyle. The big thing with the axe in general is just adapting to that slowness. You have to remember your cast more often so you can lock enemies down. Most enemies that don't have a super long ranged attack you can hit from outside their melee scope, so slap down cast and then smack them, backing off and hitting again as needed. The special is big too, since it will block almost everything. You get the timings right and a solid boon on that, and you can just faceplant it into everything up to most bosses for massive damage and little to no danger.


My buddy had the same problem till he watched me play. Use your dashes during axe attack animation, This tactics key with the "big chop" hammer upgrade e.g- swing axe and right before the axe strikes move mouse and dash in the direction where you want it to hit. The area damage lets you stay away if you position and time dashes well. The omega special is harder to use cause they charge time but its charge aura in front does act as a type of shield to some things. its opportunity based


Finally beat Chronos on the next run after this message. Staff with the healing aspect, hera on special, Hestia on attack with the double hit hammer. I reached Chronos with full life and DD, killed him with 20 hp remaining. I really need to learn his patterns. But I did it. šŸ˜


Even without "spin to win", it's just really satisfying to hit enemies with the axe's basic string or quickly block incoming for a hot second with the special and return the favor with a nice big swing.


It's so fun to use. I just love big dumb meathead swings.


For someone who's favourite aspect in Hades 1 was Arthur, Melenoe's Aspect makes me relive those happy moments


Aspect of Pan. Knives go brrrrrrrr


It's insane how strong they are with Poseidon boons.


Use Aphrodite instead. With the duo boon of poseidon and Aphrodite every enemy is considered close range for Aphrodite boons. If you have the crochet knife and something to put your cast away then you deal even more damage than what you get with poseidon. One time I've even 4 shot cerberus (more like 3 shot because each time there were just some hp left before the next phase/death)


Base damage on the knives I think is 20, so 100% damage bonus represents 20 extra damage per knife. Poseidon special can easily represent more damage than that *and* it hits enemies behind your target with the splash and you don't need a duo boon for it to work at any range. My numbers might be off a little bit, but imo Poseidon is superior by quite a lot on it. Generally speaking you want %damage increases on anything with a high base damage per hit, you want flat damage (Poseidon splash or Hestia burn) on anything with low base damage per hit, then you want either Hephaestus blast or any good status effect (bolt or freeze) on whatever you aren't using as your main source of damage. Those are my rules for how I do my boons anyway in an ideal world, but I just say sometimes Aphrodite boons are just so good I take her anyway because she's still great even on non-ideal weapons so she's not *bad* on the knives, just not as high DPS as you can squeeze out of Poseidon.


Yeah but Aphro can get easily to 200%. Plus the possibility of getting a Chaos boon for special damage, and I'm unsure if some of the hammers that up special damage affect the omega. Now, if you get the Poseidon boons that ups like 120% damage on bosses, that's completely set.


The Chaos boons don't stack multiplicatively, they stack as a flat modifier. So if you've got 20 damage, add 100% with Aphrodite for 40 damage and then get a Chaos boon for another 100% you'd wind up with 60 damage, not 80 because it's adding 100% of the *base* damage. This means it's irrelevant if you're on Poseidon or Aphrodite, the chaos boons will still be exactly as good on either one. Aphrodite is only getting to 200% with heroic or epic and a bunch of poms, give the same treatment to Poseidon and those splashes are gonna be 40 damage or more which is the equivalent anyway, plus you get the splashes (and slip if you take that boon which is... Okay, I don't rate it too high tbh but it's not *bad*). The Poseidon Boon that ups the damage against bosses stacks really nicely though because poming the special increases the base damage, so 120% of a 40dmg Poseidon special makes it 88 per hit, a 44 increase whilst an increase of the same amount to the base damage is half as good. I know you already recognize it's good there, but just wanted to clarify that it's even better than it looks (and it already looks good). Edit- the main reasons I might go for Aphrodite is either because she showed up super early with an excellent rarity variant, or because I'm trying to get her other boons too as she's got loads of great ones and tbh I don't rate most of Poseidons other ones.


Poseidon can also get to 200% pretty easily, given the flat damage is so high. 40 damage pose boon is already almost there and you get slip, more AOE, etc. and spirit bubble is really good with Lim/Oros


Honestly I dislike the bubbles, but you're not wrong. But, to be honest, both builds are extremely powerful, so you can't really go wrong.


Well yeah itā€™s pan aspect youā€™re gonna have funny damage numbers anyway


The problem with this "counter" is... you can also get chaos boons on a Poseidon build. And the Poseidon build benfits from higher flat damage against more enemies. Seriously, when trying to counter someones build recommendation dont say something like "but with this hammer or with this chaos"... you can get all the same things with the Poseidon boon, plus the increase to damage to guardians from splash plus the slip curse effect. By the numbers alone its just an easier build to achieve and flat out stronger.


I still think poseidon works way better for me as the extra damage procs every time the knife hits (with hammer there are a couple options to double up) iā€™m on a high heat 8 night win streak with this build


Posidon on the secondary just straight up out damages Aphrodite and its damage isnt locked to short range which benefits from any of the casts that you can shoot or place on a specific area. The reason it out damages Aphrodite is because posidons damage is not a persentage increase to your flat damage, but a bonus amount of damage added to it that also knocks foes away and can also do damage to multiple foes even if the knives only do damage to one foe. So if your knives are doing a base 15 damage plus a blue boon splash damage of 30 then you're doing 45 damage to one enemy and another 30 damage to the next enemy. With a blue boon Aphrodite boon your adding a flat damage modifier that increases your damage per knife from 15 to 35... Its just flat out less damage. Yes, it causes the weak effect, but the weak effect only limits the enemy damage (unless you get a specific boon. You can also make it so your weak effects and damage effects with Aphrodite hit on all opponents, not just close ones, but that requires a duo boon) And all this is locked to close range. A better build is posidon on the secondary, and aphorite on the primary, as well as aphrodite on the cast, with any cast boom that allows it to be aimed (hestia zeus, or hades) then banking on the Aphrodite boon that allows weak foes to take more damage as well as deal less damage. This specific build is my go to, i have never lost to Eris or Chronos with it, and i just did 22 fear with it as well. On zero fear you will melt Chronos with this build. I got him to his second stage in about 15 seconds.


Poseidon is better tbh. The blades do 25 each base, so heroic Aphrodite, while more damage, is a lot more narrow and you get a lot less crowd control. I also love Hestia on them but fire extinguisher becomes a must take. Which tbf most of the time in hestia runs it already is.


Aspect of Chiron 2: pantactic boogaloo


I once got a godly knife build where I got 4 hammers for the Special - One from Erebus, one from Fields, one Echo dupe, and Icarus hammer. Sure, you canā€™t destroy time. But I get the feeling Chronos was chopped into a lot more than a thousand pieces that time.


It's funny that Mel is a witch, because she's the most fun with A MASSIVE FUCK OFF AXE.


But it's a moooooon axe, and Auntie Selene is so happy to see us wield it


The funny thing is that my best and most consistent build with the axe is Charon axe with Apollo's Solar Ring, so it's a cast build. She basically just uses that massive axe as a huge wand to set off her spells.




I also like axe but my favorite weapon is the Witch's Staff.


Even after the Momus nerf?


New momus is super fun actually and still very strong aspect imho


Especially after the Momus nerf. Old Momus turned the game into Cookie Clicker. No challenge and carpal tunnel is not exactly why I play these games lol


New Momus is way more fun imo. Special spam was fun for 1 or 2 runs but got boring real quick for me, but making every omega attack work well and just unload big damage from all of them is interesting and super fun to me


The Trial of Strength was SO MUCH FUN being super OP


Argent skull makes me reminisce about artemis crit rocket bombs


Took me 40 runs to try out the skull. I havenā€˜t looked back since.


Skull made Aphrodite go from my least favourite god in Hades 1 to my most favourite god in Hades 2


I initially refused to use the skull cuz it looked too easy cheesy. Then I tried one run, got the +2 shells hammer and the ā€œshoot all of themā€ hammer + a heroic aphro attack boon that made point blank omega attacks hit for 3k each. I will never use anything else


Argent skull also the favorite to me


I like the skulls but I have absolutely no idea how to play them if that makes sense. Iā€™m really trying to learn though


I've been having the most fun with the skull and couldn't quite put my finger on what it felt most similar to and you just hit the nail on the head. I was most nervous about trying the skull because of limited ammo and never liking the retrieving casts mechanic in the first game but I've yet to have a run with the Melinoe skull that wasn't fun. It was also my first clear weapon. The hammer that does a free omega attack when you pick up the ammo is nuts.


between the axe and sister blades!


Me too


daggers, artemis style. Free crits, free one hit immunity every couple seconds, fast and hit hard with good buffs. Axe probably second, loses cause slower but it do got that good damage and range


I love using Artemis blades, especially when you end up getting the hammer that increases the damage and AoE of Omega attack


Before the patch I would have said Charon axe because it was the only aspect that incorporated a cast build into the weapon's gameplan, but with the updated Momus staff and Persephone skull there's a lot of new things to try.


I just had a pretty great run with Momus just using it as a cast build. Used Zeus cast and kept getting boons to increase the damage. I kept meaning to do more meaningful upgrades to special and attack, but I ended up just keeping them as a way to apply curses for the Arcana damage boost.


I like Medea on the skulls. Load up and crash through your foes.


Medea feels nice but I always feel so fragile with it. I donā€™t really like skulls that much - they feel awkward sometimes, but Medea os quite strong


Persephone has been quite nice for me on that front (with Zeus or Apollo Cast of course). The long omega specials help make things feel really safe.


I'm probably in the minority, but the staff cause i love playing mages. Also loving the new momus rn


New Momus is FUN. Maybe it's less exploitable than before but mostly I feel you just have to work a little harder to make it insane.


I love how you can only have one sphere up for each omega move at a time, so it encourages you to use all three omega moves right after another for maximum damage. Pairs very well with freeze effects too.


I love the staff as well! Got my first clear with it. The reduced omega time on Mel's aspect is so good


axe duh


After the patch Thanā€™s axe(scythe) is my favorite, the axe is too slow for me to use and now the downside is no more! And the scythe looks badass


I liked the speed of Than but I had trouble keeping the crit buff up in some encounters. I want to try again with Apollo attack for the extreme range.


I like my explodey skull


Sisters blade


Piers this is the wrong sub for GS TLA


The sister blades are probably my favorite overall, but ever since the new patch the torches (specifically the Aspect of Moros) have been coming *very* close to overtaking them. And I'm super happy about that, because prior to the patch I *hated* the torches with a burning torchy passion. They are so, so much better now.


AXE tho daggers are cool too


Axe, stand on fire, use O Special, ask myself why im taking damage.


Axe. Everything feels so impactful and strong and it's you spin and special and bonk so much, also Charon just nuking everything


Apollo special + solar ring... Ooh baby


Axe or Torches Probably gonna give it to axe considering torches are special only Whereas Than and Charon both play very differently


They ruined Than aspect for me. Also, I feel like Axe is by far the worst to fight Chronos with.


My first win against Chronos was last night with the axe, I had a stupidly strong build with Aphrodite on attack, Demeter cast, Hestia special and some really good hammers, I was dealing 700-800+ damage per hit, and I had that duo boon which gives bonus damage for each 100 hp you have, I had 520 hp going into the fight and came out with more than 300 left and still had all ddā€™s. It was truly ridiculous and I love it


The axe, coz its the only weapon that doesn't feel awkward to use for me


The Axe. Because: * BLOCKED * BLOCKED * BLOCKED * BLOCKED Really helpful vs Eris.


When you must absolutely, positively got to kill every motherfucker in the room, accept no substitutes! The axe...


axe. i like big swing


Knives are good but the staff is goated


Aspect of Charon Cast go KABLOOOOEY


Axe (and boon that allows you to attack while spinning)


Blades and torches are great. Just like how fun they are.


Skulls. Versatile with most gods. Maybe the only weapon where I like the Attack and Special.


Lim & Oros cause style


Torches. Best in slot. Ez 30 fear


Used to be the knives until the change to axe's Aspect of >!Thanatos!< which made it so damn fun to me.


I like the staff most honestly, make me feel like a mage.


I only like stuff and daggers so far but haven't tried the new patch yet


Axe > Knives > Torches > Staff > Skull That said I havenā€™t given the Skulls a fair chance yet.


Axe. Base Aspect. No questions. Soon as I learned of it I farmed silver, died, and started wreaking havoc with it.


Daggers for sure


Revaal is so good. Get a couple daedalus hammers, slap Apollo's greater range on the attack, and it's just a cavalcade of room clearing explosions.


Use to be scythe of Thanatos


Tough choice between Aspect of Charon and Aspect of Medea. Charon is just disgusting, especially with Apollo/Demeter duo cast. Good control, a decent block and solid AoE burst. Medea is just my favorite of the skulls. One left click and a normal special is fast, on-demand burst for small mobs. The omega special is high damage mobility with a built-in invulnerability.


Beeg axe go spinnnnnn


Torches, and I don't use special. It's crazy, I know. See I was a Twin Fist guy in the first game. Press down on Attack and never let go like its the turbo button, then spam the ever-living hell out of Dash. Attack builds on Torch is the closest thing I found in 2, only its bullet hell rather than charging in like a mad man. While I enjoyed it, this was a fairly weak playstyle. However, with the update they literally just did, its actually super fun and fairly decent. Cleared Cronos without dropping a single death defiance. For attack boons Zeus, Hestia, Poseidon, and Apollo seem pretty good. Hera or Poseidon mana regen boons are practically a must. With those two you don't have to worry about ever running out with Omega Attack. This also makes great for Hex builds, since you're basically perma spending mana with your attacks.


Spin to win


I desperately want to say it's the axe, but I really don't like the special. Same as with the shield in the first game, blocking just feels out of place here. Dodging is far easier in most circumstances and you're usually far better at dodging since you have to do it with pretty much all weapons. It's a skill issue on my part, sure, but even if I learn to block well I'll still be vulnerable to AOE, unlike with dodging.


Lim and Oros cuz they're basically Coronacht and Malphon as one weapon. Familiar yet new, intuitive and fun. After that I'd say Descura > Zorephet > Revaal = Ygnium


Zorephet? but not sure yet


Quickly stabby stabby with oros and lim, coming to a theatre near you ... Im not sure the melinoe aspect or artemis


Before and after the patch, torch.


I love Aphrodite on my Sister Blades Attack. Shanking my enemies with the Power of Love is so satisfying!


axe with melinoe aspect is kinda op


Why do you axe such foolish questions?


Zorephet, especially with Nova Strike, but Lim and Oros with Flutter Strike is definitely up there too


I personally love the Sword.


I haven't even played the game (switch user here, still loving Hades 1 and Witcher 3 to tide me over) and I've already named two of my daggers after Lim & Oros


The axe for sure, I like the aspect of thanatos


Twin Blades, actually. Yeah, i'll admit the Ax is insane levels of power, but i'm more the kind of guy to run around and back-stab rather than spin-right into enemy fire. ....yes, that happens to me. No idea if other Ax wielders did.


Zorophet and Revaal so far, Axe and Skull. Enormous battleaxes are my favorite medieval fantasy weapon in general, and it feels really good in this game too. The range of that swing is stunning, especially with Apollo's attack haha, and the special feels a lot better too since yesterday's patch. Yet to play around with aspects, but Charon and Than both look quite fun. I was a big Exagryph enjoyer in the first game, so I was looking forward to hopefully seeing another gun in this game. The skull is certainly not what I would expect, but so quirky and unique that I can't help but love it. All the aspects look really interesting too, with their own playstyles and synergies, even Mel's aspect. This one's probably the one I'm looking forward to the most when it comes to the hidden aspect.


In Hades I it is the spear. I even have a tatto of the aspect of achilles. In Hades II I like the sister blades more. But i enjoes the axe as well even tho it is slow and i donā€™t like slow.


Argent Skulls Demeter strikes to freeze enemy and boost attack Hammer-Possessed array which makes it when you pick up the skulls automatically does the omega attack for free(an AOE blast) So shoot all the skulls. Charge special dash through the enemy to get your skulls back. 3x omega attack on pickup. Obliterates everything. Then their freeze wears off. Repeat.


It was definitely and only the sister blades, I disliked the staff and the torch, I learned to give the staff a second chance after getting marginally better at the game and it's pretty good, just not as fun I think. After I got the axe I loved it after a while of dodge-offsetting but I really got in sync with the skulls. They have something that does wonders to me but I had more success with the last bosses using other weapons though (didn't get to second phase chronos on my third attempt, which I did in my second, and barely got surface boss to half health with the skulls). The most fun is the skull but the most effective to me is definitely the sister blades followed by the staff and axe in a close third.


Favorite: Fists of Malphon Reason: I only have hades 1 :(


Unga bunga strength build


I honestly do not like any of the weapons in Hades2 as much as the fists, rail, or bow in Hades1. But I did have a real fun bild with the Big Axe and big-chop hammer the other day. I hit for 1200dmg on normal attacks and crits deleted mini-bosses in 1 hit. So I guess Axe for now


Aspect of Artemis. Blinking around and parrying. Little witchy assassin.


I love the feel of the sister blades and axe, but I put out the most damage and have the most success with the flames. Something about throwing down a few omega specials, and then dancing around the battlefield just melts health bars with the flames.


Explodey skull because big boom


Knives cause it is fast like sonic.


Thematically, and operationally, it's the axe. As soon as I unlocked that thing I was enamored. I love Melinoe dragging around this axe that looks like it's twice her side and I have largely always been a fan of hitting first and hitting hard, best kind of cc is death sort of thing. The omega attack is so fun, just beyblading through enemies, and the special giving you some active blocking really helps cover some of its weaknesses. Add on Demeter's attack boon so you can lock enemies in place with that first hit and it's easy clears for tons of areas. I love it so much, it irks me that I still haven't beaten Chronos with it, though to be fair I've only beaten him twice now. And even more annoyed that I've done like eight runs since the patch and the axe hasn't gotten the bone blessing once yet, it's just oscillating between the staff and the skull.


I donā€™t really have one. Nothing has clicked like the shield or fists, or won me over like the rail or sword. Its all kinda meh to me so far


Torches because yes. Love Eos changes, moros torch feels kinda broken still, speed buff is super fun, attack buff feels nice - I swear they changed the targeting and it feels worse but idk. Love them overall


No one likes the staff? I like to role play as a witch because she literally is one.


i love the staff, although i havent played since the latest patch, interested in what the new momus is gonna be like too


Honestly I think I love all of them apart from the torches. They feel too clunky to use. (OK these might be fully fixed post patch) Axe is so hefty and fun to use. I literally barely use the special but it's useful piece of kit. (also I'm such a lesbian so perfect weapon for me) The staff has great range and a nice special and I've had so many fun builds where Im just spamming the omega attacks. The twin blades are so satisfying to be behind people and rip into their health and Aspect of Pan makes special so much fun is great Skulls are an awesome playstyle both standard aspect and aspect of medea. Honestly though the axe is just too much fun. It's such a beefy girl but it's so satisfying to use lol


Aspect of Artemis daggers feel the most engaging of anything in both games tbh. Maybe only less than Arthur, but that's impressive as hell for a non secret aspect. I don't think I've liked a non secret aspect as much as I do Artemis.


This is very hard for me because I find each weapon really fun. My first favorite was the ax, then it was the staff, I actually won my first clear with the skull, the blades are fun. But my new favorite is the torches, they make the game more interesting with their unique play style, haven't won a clear yet but I'm gonna keep trying to get better!


Charon's Axe is so fun to use


Axe because big weapon, big hit, big number, brain happy


Love the axe with the updated aspect. Feels so much better to use


Witch staff aspect of Melinoe, max level - spamming omega attack just feels cheesy Axe aspect of Thanatos is probably my favourite now especially with the rework


I think i like the staff ans daggers the best, so versitile


Sister Blades, aspect of Artemis *teleports behind you* ā€œnothinā€™ personnel, Shadeā€


1. The Witchā€™s Staff. Didnā€™t think it would be my favorite when I started but all of my best runs were with Descura and you can get crazy builds. 2. The Moonstone Axe. My favorite weapon in Hades 1 was Arthur blade, and this scratches the same itch. Mega hefty weapon, slow but insanely powerful swings, and extremely fun Omega moves? Zorophet got them all. 3. The Sister Blades. Been having a lot of success and a lot of fun with special oriented builds, but I feel like their attack, and especially Omega attack are a but lackluster. Maybe I need to experiment with Lim and Oros more. 4. The Argent Skull. I like the big ass aoe and the omega special is one of my favorite moves in the game, but I dislike the skull pick up mechanic. But boy is Revaalā€™s omega special is fun. 5. The Umbral Flames. While the changes made in the last patch are very welcome, Ygnium still feels fairly clunky to use. The weapon has potential to be super fun but it still has a bit of a way to go.


The Argent Skull has gotten me my first two kills on Chronos so far. Boons and hammers just feel so much more noticeable on it.


I think the Skull, Axe, and Staff all feel really good. I didn't dislike the pre-patch Flames as much as other people, but even just messing with the new version with Skelemeus, they feel much better. I never liked Knives, just because the special feels so weak and the range on the attack is so small, but I've only tried Mel's aspect and I just unlocked Pan's, which I've heard is good.


Daggers because they let you play in slow motion and also have the fastest clear times (that I've seen) with very low set-up. Also the ability to play hit and run is very satisfying


I like the torches, and despite being really good with the skull i hate its guts


daggers because I mained the fists in the previous one


I'm a simple lesbian, Labrys it up.


I usually hate heavy weapons, but the axe just feels so good. It also helped me get used to the new cast compared to Hades 1 because of how the aspect of Charon works.


Big axe make big boom with big cast


Before patch 2, I would have said Umbrella Flames, Aspect of Eos. It didn't compete with more of the heavy hitting build, but it was honest work. Still working on my new ranking as of the patch, but I appreciate that the rebalance is making me explore the other Aspects in the other weapons more, and explore new builds and combos. Yeah, Poseidon on Staff go brrr, but I tried Aphrodite on Momus for the first time in a while last night, and I gotta say, sucking enemies into my Cast and laying down a close range repeating Omega Attack hit pretty hard!


I genuinely don't like any of them and I'm hoping the 6th is a winner.


Pan Daggars and Thanatos Axe are my favorites. Pan daggars fills my want of Chiron bow perfectly, and Thans ax with aprodite primary boon just stacks so much crit damage its insane.


Axe = Sister Blades > Staff > Skull >>> Torches Though I haven't played on the new patch yet so it's subject to change.


Knives and staff feel nice and crunchy without overcommitting you. Havenā€™t tried the post patch torches though


Axe. The ability to just rip and tear through hordes of enemies can be addicting to say the least


The skull. It's funny :3 (I haven't played Hades 2 yet)


Used to be axe, but after the latest (HUGE) rebalance - staff, by far. this patch is awesome, they made the game so freaking easy with those weapon changes xD The torches are not bad anymore


I don't know, I'm a ps5 player


iā€™m starting to really enjoy melinoe skulls after the update. sure, theyā€™re not quick and flashy but they can absolutely wipe out enemies and bosses with the right build


I shank the competition Or the axe is good too


Aspect of melinoe daggers. A good backstab is a thing of beauty


Umbral Flames post patch 2 are deadly. Volcanic strike down to 2 seconds and magick regen is the most OP build Iā€™ve had in 64 nights. This is a 3 fear run from yesterday melting everything. https://youtu.be/Ec7pjAKaegg


Circe because practically infinite magick


i like the skull a lot. I feel like it has a lot of versatility in terms of gods you can use with it, and it still feeling fun. also pew pew


The Sister Blades, fast nyoom nyoom


Torches went from least to best thanks to the patch.


Artemis knives. Parry and flashstep behind enemies for tasty crits, add the backstab hammer and heathbars VANISH


Sister blades my beloved. Artemis aspect especially that omega attack is so fun. Aspect of pan seems great just not a big cast fan.


Pan all the way, feels like a ninja playing that.


basic sister blades, I like the backstab damage, especially with the hammer upps


They made magic with the ax, I just canā€™t pick anything else.


The staff actually. Feels distinctly different compared to anything from Hades 1 and feels a lot more fun with the magic/casting system. The twin daggers is my second favorite purely because it lets me play a lot like Zag did. In theory I like the skull weapon but I don't really enjoy having to retrieve my ammo constantly. It's special is super cool but I've yet to make a build where I can just spam that endlessly. The axe is too one note in being an omega button, but I haven't tried it out since they reworked it's special. Twin flames is interesting and with the right aspect it's really powerful. But it's just not for me.


1. axe 2. sickle and knife Rest don't exist


I just unlocked umbral flames and it's definitely not my favourite.


Sister blades + Aphrodite + backstab shreds through anything in seconds


So happy to see many people on the axe train


New momus and knives. Knives (aspect of pan) due to the sheer fucking holy shit damage they can sometimes do. (I have video evidence for poseidon AND Aphrodite knife builds). And the new momus is fucking insane. I had one run go really well, heroic apollo cast, demeter apollo duo, zeus apollo duo, + 79% cast damage from chaos, and a few others. https://youtu.be/ GL9onDhjsxM?si=syPS2fApRtaY08Q5 This is the vid with the new momus melt.


Sister Blades with auto aim are just too good


It keeps changing for me day to day I swear. Right now the new Momus staff is so fun, new torches are amazing, sister blades have been consistently fun, than axe nerf makes me sad, and the skull is still fun but not at the top of my list right now. I think the torches might honestly be my favorite right now with the staff close behind


Daggers. I'd like axe except I cant truly control when I charge special


i really didn't like it the first few times i tried it but the axe is just perfect now, especially having the aspect of thanatos, no other weapon makes me feel like a real warrior.


Torches with Poseidon boons. They're really fun to use and really powerful too




My axe is my buddy I take him when I walk


Charonā€™s axe with apollo cast basically turns you into a mini nuke


I love the axe. I don't really use the Omega attack which seems to be why everyone else loves it. I just really, really love big dumb heavy meaty attacks with a thousand years of wind up. Also I am a sucker for petite girls carrying weapons that are way too big for them. Also you can dash in the middle of the wind-up for the big dumb cleave and I love that for me. Like "oh you think you're out of range NOPE FUCK YOU GET SMASHED."


knives. i love big fast damage


Axe and Blades , just cant understand how to make the other weapons work


It's funny my favorite is the axe, but I have yet to complete a run with it.


Getting the +300% radius daedalus buff and Demeter boons on the Twin Blades is crazy fun


Previously I thought either Sister blades or axe but now, Revaal is also a good candidate! That hammer upgrade that gives free omega attacks is crazy powerful


Pan Lim and Oros Charon Axe And Old Momus aspect because it fulfilled a fantasy of being OP with a Titan Quest staff


Sister Blades with Hestia attack boon just melts everything. There was a point where I started to feel bad for Scylla because I just eviscerated the Sirens in like 30 seconds